Skylar's Guardians (24 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Skylar's Guardians
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“Fascinating. And that rubbing? Is it to soothe or cause more pain?” Leeza asked, observing as Skylar again began to cry with Tralec’s hand cupping her inflamed posterior.

“Soothe. I suspect she cries out of humiliation as well as discomfort. We used the punishment cone that Leannz developed for Troy.”

“Poor, poor child. Would you like Leannz to join us here or go down to the labs for its removal?”

“I think Skylar would prefer the process to take place here. Wouldn’t you?” Tralec asked.

“Whatever you want, Daddy,” Skylar cried, feeling the cramping increase along with the burning to her bottom hole.

“Let me have her,” Troy said suddenly, not waiting for Tralec’s response as he snatched her off his pod-mate’s lap and lifted her into his arms to hold her like a toddler. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and blubbered into his neck, allowing him to gently bounce her as though she were an infant in need of comforting. Well, she certainly felt like one.

Leannz presented several minutes later. Troy handed the girl into her arms, where Skylar sobbed out another apology and asked for help from the miserable rolling sensation inside her body. Leannz kissed her temple and carried her upstairs to her cleansing room, placed her gently on the floor on the tub unit, and unbuckled the harness.

“Will you trust me to help you this time, Skylar?” the older woman asked softly.

Skylar clutched her stomach, nodding as she cried. Leannz muttered something she could not understand as she looked closely at Skylar’s purple bottom.

“This will be uncomfortable for a few minutes, but it will remove the substance from inside of you. I hope I will not be called upon to synthesize another one of these in the future,” Leannz said crisply as she positioned Skylar on her hands and knees.

“No, ma’am. I won’t ever act that bad again. I promise. Oh…” Skylar moaned as she felt Leannz inserting a heavy hose inside her overstretched and increasingly tender rectum.

“You must stay still now. This is designed for flushing toxins from my people, so it is a little large and might produce more pressure than is comfortable for you.”

“Holy… Oh, God!” Skylar groaned loudly as she felt water rushing into her bowels, adding to the discomfort caused by the partially melted suppository and all the wax-like remnants coating her intestines.

“Hang on, Skylar,” Troy’s voice urged.

“It will be over soon,” Tralec added.

Skylar did not need to hear her voice to know that Leeza also joined them to observe her procedure. Once again, humiliation caused the blood to pool in her face as her abdomen swelled with hot water. Leannz kept the hose deeply inserted as she lifted Skylar out of the tub and placed her upon the elimination platform.

“Please, could you all leave the room?” Skylar begged as she realized her audience was paying no regard to her privacy. Her request was promptly ignored as Leannz reached between her legs and removed the hose.

Skylar completely forgot about her onlookers as the water and wax exploded from her. She clutched her abdomen, rocking back and forth and crying with the discomfort in her abdomen and from sitting upon a very hard, cold surface. She lifted her face when Leannz placed a glass to her mouth.

“Drink this. Every drop. Do not make faces either.”

Skylar obeyed, swallowing the noxious liquid. Surprisingly enough, her stomach stopped cramping by the third sip. She finished the contents of the glass as Leannz set the spray to clean her and then directed the air dryer upon her.

“I wish to examine you,” Leannz said firmly, lifting the girl into her arms and walking into her room, followed by the other three.

Skylar was too tired and sore to resist. She closed her eyes as Leannz’s hands touched every inch of her body, including the irritated flesh of her anus and the delicate tissue of her pussy. Skylar gasped as she felt a gloved finger enter her, exploring her insides with curiosity and intrigue. Her breasts were touched as well, with comments made regarding the hardening of her nipples.

Despite the humiliation of being intimately poked and probed before an interested audience, Skylar found herself becoming aroused. Leannz promptly pointed out the increase of fluid from her pussy and the change of color and texture of her nipples.

“This is a source of pleasure for her?” Leannz asked, touching the little clit that started to peek out from under its hood.

“Very much so. We have a glenach that uses that button to bring her sensation.”

“What type of response do you achieve?” Leeza asked, her interest piqued.

“I will show you,” Troy said, dropping to his knees and pulling Skylar’s legs over his shoulders.

“Not in front of people, Papa!”

“How many times must I tell you to hush? Isn’t your bottom sore enough that you are inclined to cooperate?” Troy asked firmly, resting his chin on the inside of her thigh as he looked up at her.

“Allow me to assist. I know how to silence her,” Tralec said, climbing onto the bed and placing his mouth over Skylar’s in a deep and unexpected kiss. Troy grinned at the sudden silence and wrapped his own lips around the nub of her pussy.

Skylar forgot about her pain and her audience as Troy licked and teased while Tralec sucked and fondled her breasts and the sides of her neck. She arched her pelvis to receive Troy’s tongue and his fingers as they dove inside her wanting cavern. Her purrs increased in volume as he grew more insistent, tasting every drop of dew that moistened her womanhood. Skylar’s back lifted off the mattress as a loud scream of pleasure exploded from her lips. Slowly, the men drew back as she found her way back down from the precipice, panting and covered with a fine layer of perspiration.

“That was amazing,” Leeza whispered. “Did it cause pain or pleasure, child? I was unable to tell.”

“Both,” Skylar panted. “It hurts so good that I can’t explain. You don’t come?”

“The men flush and can ejaculate sensual fluids,” Leannz stated, touching Skylar’s pussy with gentle curiosity. “Women will flush somewhat with penetration only, but most of us do not have this wonderful little device.”

“You don’t know what you’re missing. Ow…” Skylar said as she started to sit up, choosing to roll to her stomach instead.

“We do not have this design to our bodies either,” Leeza said, patting Skylar’s swollen behind.

“Consider yourself lucky. The last thing you need is to introduce your men to spanking and then give them something to spank. It’s not fun.”

“You don’t always think that, little one,” Troy grinned, elbowing Tralec.

“This is true. This design is easily stimulated for pleasure as well, and she likes to be spanked in play which is less intense than that used for punishment,” Tralec confirmed.

“You are embarrassing me again,” Skylar insisted.

“According to the manuals, the response to that is—you will get over it. Am I correct?” Tralec asked, kissing her forehead.

Skylar grunted. It was not like she had much of a choice! 

Chapter Sixteen



Skylar hummed to herself as she dressed in the white one-piece jumpsuit that Troy had synthesized for her for her first day of ‘school.’ Leeza had offered to take her to the academy while the men left for their jobs, initiating her instruction in the ways of the Calipians. After begging and several minutes of ‘leaking,’ she had convinced Tralec that it made more sense to dress like the other podlings she would meet. She was already different, she reasoned; why open the door for more ridicule from the immature clones? Troy rapidly produced a uniform from the wards and synthesized it to her specifications, complete with the soft boots. She elected to keep her ‘Miss Barbie’ type underwear, much to Troy’s delight and Tralec’s annoyance. She, like Troy, truly enjoyed the rare opportunity to annoy Tralec. He made it so easy at times!

“How was your meal this morning?” Tralec asked as he entered her bedroom.

“I am getting tired of runny eggs and half-cooked bacon. That robot can’t get it right. How does this work?” she asked, fumbling with the front of the jumpsuit.

“Front over back over side,” he chuckled, adjusting the material.

“How am I going to get this thing on and off to pee?”

“Auntie Leeza will help you. Look how cute you are,” Tralec praised, touching her cheek.

Skylar climbed into his arms and kissed him soundly on the mouth. “I’m gonna miss you. This is the first time in a month that I won’t have both of you with me.”

“I will miss you too, little Skylar. You will be fine with the pod. Just watch your temper. Some of them are newly hatched and are learning the language and the basics. They have no social skills developed, so do not teach them any bad habits.”

“Who? Me?”

“Yes, you.”

“Tralec! Leeza is here!” Troy hollered from downstairs.

Tralec winced. “Ever since we brought you home, that man has broken every rule of quiet. What other things have you taught him?”

“He talks dirty during sex now,” Skylar giggled.

“We will have a family discussion about that tonight. You,” Tralec pointed to Troy, “are in big trouble.”

“What did I do?” Troy feigned innocence, his arm wrapped around Leeza’s shoulders. “Skylar? Did you snitch on me?”

“Don’t know what you’re talking about, Papa. What would I tattle about?”

“Yes, Troy,” Leeza elbowed him, “what would she tattle about? Come to Auntie, love.”

Skylar hugged Leeza, the grin not leaving her face as the older woman ruffled her hair. “You have been practicing! I can’t believe that you learned my language so fast and don’t even have an accent!”

“I told you that she was brilliant.” Troy kissed Leeza’s temple. “You are going to take good care of my baby today, right?”

“Don’t worry, Papa bear,” Leeza grinned, her endearment making Skylar giggle again. “I might have to chew on her a little bit, but she will be returned to you in good condition.”

“You won’t have to chew on me, Auntie Leeza. I intend to behave like an angel.”


* * *


Skylar sat on the chair next to Leeza’s office after getting into a fight with one of the podlings. Her grandmother used to say, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” It was not as though they were like children from her planet, she reasoned. The ones she had been paired with were past the initial six months of adaption when they grew rapidly from an infant state to that of about a seven-year-old. This group was the next phase—their education equivalent to the human second grade, with seven-month-old clones that already stood at least six feet tall.

It started with being stared at, and then poked. The supervising mentor in the room corrected the young Calipian and had Skylar deliver a formal reprimand in their language. Skylar mimicked the words as best as she could, embarrassed by her mispronunciation. The female responded as instructed, but Skylar could see clearly that there was neither shame nor repentance behind the words. They glared at each other as the mentor turned her back, and that was when Skylar knew she had to find a way to win their respect. For Calipians, respect started with exercising good manners and showing forgiveness. Since she was the eldest and more mature than the rest of the podlings present, she decided to show them what she could do.

Skylar smiled sweetly as she walked by the young female, and then found herself face down on the floor after being tripped. The room was silent as Skylar picked herself up and turned toward the female. In the back of her mind, Skylar knew that the right thing to do would be to state a formal reprimand, but hell, this female had no regrets. Instead, she stupidly lunged for the girl’s chest and knocked her on the floor.

The supervising mentor came running in upon hearing the girl’s pod-mate call out and separated the two. Skylar looked worse for wear, her size and delicacy of flesh a major disadvantage as the podling held her down on the floor and sat on her.

“Get this bitch off me!” Skylar screamed. “Her fat ass is breaking my fucking back!”

Leeza heard every syllable loud and clear. She entered the room, the authority of her station radiating from her like a spotlight. The podlings stood while the supervising mentor nodded her head in greeting, then words were exchanged between Leeza and the offender. Skylar looked on as the female flushed dull blue at Leeza’s reprimand and went to sit alone on the other side of the room. The older woman then looked down at Skylar.

“I wish you to sit outside of my office until I call for you, Skylar.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Skylar muttered, sensing that she had trouble coming her way when the boys heard about this. She was not sure about Troy’s response, but felt certain that her bottom would be feeling Tralec’s discipline for days.

Leeza shook her head, her expression filled with disappointment. She then said something to the pod and left the room.

Skylar bit her lip as she went to follow. She stopped before the young female and touched her arm. She was still flushing dull blue.

“Please don’t cry,” Skylar said softly. “I’m sorry.”

The female looked at her quizzically, and then her eyes widened with understanding. “I’m sorry, too,” she repeated in Calipish.

So, here I am
, Skylar thought, swinging her legs without touching the floor.
Man, does this bring back memories!
She thought back about the last time she had been sent to the principal’s office. She had been in ninth grade and was caught smoking. It had earned her a two-day suspension, time which she spent playing in the creek near her grandmother’s house.

“Skylar? Please come in,” Leeza called quietly. Skylar entered and began to climb up on a chair. “No, dear. A formal reprimand is always performed standing.”

“Auntie Leeza, am I allowed to tell you what happened?”

“The results are my concern, not the cause. There is no excuse for violent behavior among our people.”

“But she tripped me!”

“After which you attacked her physically. What would have been the proper thing to do?”

“Formally reprimand her in front of the pod. But the language…”

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