Somewhere in My Heart (3 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Scott

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Somewhere in My Heart
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Billie vowed, “I still have no clue as to what you are saying.” 


He related, “Chris told me last night that my wife was at the pool.  But, guess who I found there instead?”


Billie was shocked, “I can’t believe he would do something like... I know why.  How could he do it, especially to me?  I figured he would try and get back at you, but why did I have to be a part of it?” 


Bobby asked, “Why is he mad at me?  Is it possible he knows about our affair, or the week that you spent with me at my house?” 


She appealed, “You mean to tell me you don’t have the slightest idea? He knows about your affair with Lana and I think he has caught on about us as well.” 


He pleaded, “I admit to our affair, but I have never touched his wife.  She was never attracted to me.  I was a little, but I only had eyes for my wife.  Since when did he start saying stuff like that about me?” 


Billie assumed, “Maybe he wanted to make me turn against you or admit the truth.  He never did understand our friendship. It didn’t work out the way he planned.  So, he had to resort to those sleazy tactics.  I am so upset with him right now, I could just scream!” 


Bobby acknowledged, “He didn’t defend you that much yesterday.  One comment he made shocked me.  And then he turns around and practically solicits you, just for my viewing pleasure.” 


She admitted, “Chris' behavior never fails to overwhelm me.  Just when you almost have someone figured out.” Bobby told her what Chris said.  It didn’t bother her too much.  She was more worried about what Bobby thought.  She feared, “I guess his song is right, 'without her, you’d see a different man.’  He changes more than the weather.  I’ve tried to forgive him time and time again, but it only seems to be getting worse.  I don’t want to break up with him.  He has lost so much.” 


Bobby insisted, “You’d better get out while you still can.  In his condition, he could end up hurting you much more than mentally.”  She decided she would end it after the concert, the next night.


So many people dressed up in so many different costumes.  Billie wanted to forget about her problems, if only for a few hours.  She hoped no one would figure out who she was in her costume.  It was only obvious maybe to those who knew her best.  Billie noticed who was standing next to her at the punch bowl.  It was someone dressed as Sylvester, the cat.  Billie then knew that Chris had figured out her costume in advance.  She was Cat
oman.  Chris walked up to her and said, “Remember when you told me I had eight lives left?” 


Billie objected, “More like five.” 


Chris petitioned, “Why is that?” 


She argued, “Let’s not discuss it.  We are here to have a good time, at least I am.”  She mingled and tried to keep her mind off of Chris' wandering one.  She danced with a pirate, which she found out later, was Andy.  She saw Bobby dancing with his wife.  She went to talk to them.  Maria showed up dressed as Dorothy, from the Wizard of Oz.  It was fitting, since she was from Kansas.  It was only right that her husband was dressed as the scarecrow.  Maria asked Billie where Chris was and she said she’d explain it all to her later.  Then, Billie thought she was seeing things.  She saw someone come in dressed as a hound dog.  Automatically, one person came to mind, Ricky Todd. He had a love for those breeds. She had to find out if it was him.  She went over to ask him to dance and he accepted.  They danced through a slow song and he finally took off his mask. 


He joked, “Now there’s something you don’t see every day, a cat dancing with a dog.”  It was Vance Tipton, not who she originally thought.  He was a big Elvis fan, obviously his motivation for the costume. 


The party ended on a good note.  Andy sung a few songs and let his daughters sing with him.  It was cute.  Billie talked to him for a while, once he was alone.  They talked about his greatest accomplishments, including his family.  He showed her all of his awards and honors he had received.  A few in particular caught Billie’s eye.  It was awards he won for the songs he wrote with Ricky Todd.  Andy asked, “Are you a big fan of Ricky’s?” 


She contended, “The biggest, I guess you could say.  He is my inspiration for being in Nashville in the first place, and I am also from his home state.” 


Andy insisted, “I’ll have to invite you over the next time he is here, or when we go visit him.” 


She smiled, “Please do, anytime you can!” 


After Billie left Andy, she ran in to Chris.  He questioned, “How did your conversation go with Bobby?” 


She ordered, “I think you need to ask him that.  There’s something you need to know.” She took him next door to Bobby’s room. 


He let them in and Chris yelled, “Why did you drag me in here?  This is so childish.” 


Billie cried, “Well, stop behaving like one.  Bobby has something to tell you.” 


Bobby declared, “I did not sleep with your wife.  Call Lana and ask her yourself.”


Chris snapped, “Like she would tell me.  And, how convenient for you.  Lana would lie her way out of it, just like you are doing…and just like she did when we were married.  Why should I believe you, you’re the expert with affairs.  A real man wouldn’t cheat on his wife, and I'm not talking about Lana this time.” 


Bobby lectured, “Well, a real man wouldn’t turn to alcohol because his wife left him.” 


Chris then said to Billie, “I can’t believe you told him about my personal problems.  It’s none of his business.” 


Bobby ruled, “Personal isn’t the word for it.  You are delusional.” 


Chris thought, “What you said before, does that mean you are admitting to the affair with Billie?  Maybe Kelly should know about this.” 


“I already know,” said Kelly, as she entered the room.  Billie froze for a moment, awaiting Kelly to slap her.  Kelly admitted, “Bobby told me about his mistake.  It was as much my fault as his.  I’d forgiven him a long time ago for it.  I also know that Billie helped him, too.  She was responsible for getting us back together.  She wasn’t trying to win him for herself. Which, she could have very easily done.  There really are no hard feelings.”  Billie was bewildered, while Chris was the one with egg on his face.


A few minutes later, they heard a commotion downstairs.  Billie was still reeling from the recent confession, and why Bobby didn’t let her know that Kelly knew the truth. They all went down to see what had happened.  Louise was saying, “I can’t believe it.  She was doing fine the last time we saw her.  It’s too soon.  She had so much left to do.” 


Billie asked, “Who are you talking about?” 


Andy said, “Ricky’s wi
fe, Lydia, passed away today.


It was a
tragic announcement, after one so completely shocking, and both out of the blue. What would this mean for Ricky Todd? Only time would tell.

Chapter 1



The news of Lydia Todd’s death had not quite sunk in yet. Not much was said for a while.  There wasn’t anything comforting.  Billie was probably the most uncomfortable.  She had kept her love for Ricky Todd and her mild dislike for Lydia, a secret.  But now, she almost regretted having that feeling. Chris didn’t say anything to her. But, that was mostly because he was upset with her.  After what had happened, Billie wanted to make peace with him, if she could.  He wouldn’t budge.  So, she decided to let him be alone.


Bobby finally spoke to Billie.  He noted, “Kelly and I are going to send flowers.  Is there something you’d like to do?” 


Yes, there was something, be there to comfort Ricky. But, instead she said, “I wonder if anyone here will go to the funeral?” 


He informed, “It’ll probably be a private ceremony, only for family and close friends.” 


She added, “Louise and Andy were close to them.” 


He agreed, “They haven’t mentioned it yet.  Maybe they will.” 


She continued to ask, “Bobby, how long has Kelly known that big secret we were supposed to keep?  Why didn’t you tell me earlier that she knew?  It makes me feel uneasy around her now.” 


He reassured her, “No need to feel guilty about something that was going to happen eventually, and that Kelly has forgiven us for. That is the main reason I didn’t tell you.  I figured you would clam up and never speak to her again.  You’re not going to do that, are you?  Regardless of it all, she still wants to be friends.”


Billie admitted, “I can understand why you love her so much now.” 


He approved, “Yes, I do.  I’m just glad everything worked out.  I’m thankful for what I have.  Lydia’s death has also made me realize that.”


The next day was hectic.  Entertainers were out and about, preparing for their extravaganza.  Billie really only had one major chore.  It was her report for Mr. Reid.


It was the least she could do for him, especially after what he had let her get away with for months.  She sat down at a desk with her laptop.  When she turned it on, she noticed a different disc.  She entered a key and words appeared on the screen.  It looked very much like a love letter. It wasn’t long before she figured out it was Chris'.  But, it wasn’t for her.  It read:


To my estranged.  Since you left everybody says I’m not the guy they’ve known.  I am half a man with half a mind.  After our divorce was finalized, I saw a side of you that I knew was there all along. I knew someday that I would say goodbye to you.  I only wish you didn’t make me hope.  We were on borrowed time.  One right still made two wrongs.  We were as different as day and night.  I turned to the bottle again to fill the void. But, you were the first thing that I thought about when I thought I had drank you off of my mind. If I had done the things I should've done while we were together, you still would not be mine.  I’m still lost in yesterday.  You may have thought I’d be a happy man when you left.  There is an end to all of my sorrow.  You were the perfect truth, wrapped in little white lies.


Then it ended.  There was more, a page two of the letter. But, it was not on the computer. Billie debated on whether or not she should ask Chris about it.  Someone knocked on her door.  She heard their voice and quickly opened it.  “Did you forget all about me now that you are a country music groupie?” asked her old reporter friend, Jenna.


Billie vocalized, “It’s good to see you again.  So much has happened since we last saw each other.”


Jenna boasted, “I’ve noticed! You are best pals with Bobby Douglas and Maria Dawson.  You’ve been to numerous celebrity functions and are now dating the one and only Chris Brady!” 


Billie articulated, “How did you figure that out? Never mind.  The way that you make it sound, actually makes my life look interesting. I wish I could tell you it was the best relationship I've ever had, but…” 


Jenna ruled, “It’s Lana, isn’t it?” 


Billie agreed, “Absolutely.” 


Jenna responded, “I have been a reporter for so long, it doesn’t take long to pick up on things, human nature as well. So, are you going to leave him, or are you only seeing him for an image?” 


Billie commented, “Why do I enjoy your company so much when you are such a pain?” 


Jenna smiled, “Because I’m so incredibly talented and it is impossible not to like me.”  They laughed and then

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