Somewhere in My Heart (9 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Scott

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Somewhere in My Heart
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He continued, “Why do you think I came here all the way from Hawaii?  I came here to ask you a question. If you say yes, we’ll go from there.  But, I’m not prepared for you to say no.” 


Billie had been kept in suspense long enough.  She replied, “What do I have to answer yes to?” 


He got down on one knee and said, “Billie, be my bride.  Marry me, I promise you won’t regret it.  We’ll erase the past together.” 


Billie was feverish.  She thought for sure she was dreaming, or imagining things.  He couldn’t possibly want to marry her after what she had done.


He admitted, “Okay, I know what you’re thinking.  What am I doing, right?  I realized that I was in love with you, when you left Hawaii.  I just waited for you and I waited too long to tell you how I felt.  Even after what Dennis told me, it didn’t matter to me.  You were all that mattered.  So, will you marry me?  Don’t make me beg!” 


She giggled, “Of course, I’ll marry you. No doubt about it.  I’d be foolish not to marry you.”  Billie was getting her wish and a dream come true simultaneously. 


She had so much to prepare for the wedding.  She had to call her family and her friends. She had to talk over her plans with Ricky.  She told him where she wanted to get married. He said it was up to her.  She could plan it all.  He just wanted to plan the honeymoon. That was a great deal.


First, she called her family.  They were astonished.  She wanted to say, “I told you so.”  They wanted to help with the arrangements.  She told her former boss, of course.  He felt somewhat responsible, as if he were the matchmaker.  Next, she had to call Maria Dawson.  She was so happy for her.  She was even more excited when she asked her to be the maid of honor.  She accepted and then agreed to help get the dresses and everything picked out with her.  Billie called mostly everyone that would be coming to the wedding, and also sent out invitations.  She called Bobby to tell him before he heard it from someone else.  She wanted Bobby's son to be the ring bearer.  She asked Bobby to give her away, since her father was deceased.  He granted her that wish. 


He then asked, “Are you going to invite Chris?” 


Billie admitted, “I’ve been trying to avoid that issue.  It’s not that I’m afraid he’ll crash the wedding.  It’s just that I don’t know how he’ll handle it.  You’re not aware of how he was acting the last time that he and I spoke.” 


Bobby thought, “I’m surprised, especially since that interview he did where he supposedly was asking for your forgiveness.  Do you think he’ll call you to tell you his news?  I just found out today from Kelly.  She was talking to Joy and found out that she is seeing someone we both know well.” 


Billie mumbled, “You mean Joy Edwards dumped her fiancée for Chris?” 


He agreed, “Bingo.”


Billie was more than amazed.  She was flipping out.  Bobby had to tell her twice because she still couldn’t believe it.  She wondered if Joy knew what she was getting herself in to now. 


Billie had a chat with Maria.  She told her to invite Joy and Chris.  Maria asked her if that was such a good idea.  She ruled, “I have to start somewhere.”


The wedding was in North Carolina, Ricky’s home state, and also her family's.  They were having an outdoor wedding, with horses and all.  It was a huge event in a small town.  Billie’s family was there, and so was Ricky’s.  Since he was not one to hold a grudge, Dennis was his best man.  It wasn’t too hard for Dennis because he had gotten over Billie after the incident in Hawaii.  He accepted her marriage for Ricky’s sake. 
Billie’s colors for her wedding were yellow, blue, and green.  The men were wearing sunflowers in their lapels. The bouquets were also made of sunflowers and daisies.  Billie had mainly famous bridesmaids: Rose Madison, Kelly Douglas, and Louise Johnston.  As Billie was listening to her wedding songs, the ones she had picked out, she wanted to cry.  She saw all of her close friends she had the chance to get to know in the last year, or so.  Andy, Bobby, and then there was Chris, joined by Joy. 


She had to brace herself for after the wedding, when Chris and Joy would most likely come up to her to congratulate the bride.  Maria was thinking about Billie having an anxiety attack at the reception.  She had told Billie not to worry about Chris, that Joy assured her that he was doing fine.  Joy knew all about Chris' wrong doings.  He only wanted to be forgiven and to let people know that he had finally found a heart like his.  All it took was old fashioned love.  He discovered that when he was recording their song together.  Which Billie believed it started long before that, like at Andy’s place.  Joy had been at the cabin, and Billie remembered seeing Chris talk to her every once in awhile. 


Billie informed, “I guess I can forgive him.  He did do a lot of good things, too.  It’s my wedding day and I am too happy.  I am getting what I have always wanted and now hopefully so will Chris.”


Bobby sang a song at her wedding.  Andy Johnston was going to sing at the reception, along with every other country singer that happened to be there.  But, her soon to be husband was her favorite performer there.  He sang a song to her and then it was time for their wedding vows.  Billie’s vows were traditional and romantic.  His were:


I found love in a heart once broken far beyond repair, and you restored a soul that had forgotten how to care.  When things were at their darkest, I could hold you next to me.  And I knew all would be okay, for you were strong when I was weak. So, given every chance for me to start my life a new, there would be no question.  I’d do it all again with you.


Her favorite part was almost here.  They had exchanged rings.  Ricky spoke to Billie in a Hawaiian language.


He uttered, “Aloha Au Ia Oe,” which meant, “I love you.” 


Then, his father, the preacher, said, “You may kiss the bride.”  Maria almost had to get a pair of pliers to separate them.  They did all of the usual wedding traditions, then went to the reception. They had entertainment, the bouquet was thrown, which Joy Edwards caught.  The garter was thrown and coincidentally, Chris caught it as well. 


This was the opportunity for Billie to talk to him. 


He remarked, “Don’t you feel strange?  It’s like an uncontrollable silence.” 


She agreed, “Yes, I know what you mean.  This is so uncanny.”


He estimated, “I wonder if that’s how Ricky feels.” 


She stated, “No.  He doesn’t hate you.  He is very forgiving.  So am I.”  Chris was so glad that Billie had forgiven him.  For him, it was like unresolved business.  Now that they could move on, he wanted to plan a get together for all of them after their honeymoon.  Billie wished Joy and Chris the best.  Then, they gathered around as Billie and Ricky opened their gifts.


Bobby and Kelly Douglas' gift couldn’t be wrapped.  It was a pool table. Chris got Billie a new state of the art camera and Ricky some workout equipment.  Andy and Louise got them jet skis.  Maria and Jason got them cruise tickets. 


Ricky laughed, “Too bad I didn’t know about this before I reserved the place for our honeymoon.” 


Billie grilled, “Where are we going, by the way?” 


He assured, “I’ll give you a clue, it’s in North America.  You know I won’t tell you, you’ll know when we arrive.” 


Before they left, Maria wished them well and told them to come by and see them when they got back.  Billie looked forward to visiting everyone upon their return as Mr. & Mrs. Todd. They had their bags packed and ready for their trip and were on their way to the airport. 


Billie quized, “You still won’t tell me where we are going?” 


Ricky bargained, “I will only give you another clue. It’s a small world.”  Billie figured it out when she heard the word Florida mentioned at the terminal gate.  This would be her fourth time going to Disneyworld.  They both had been to the one in California, Disneyland.  Billie knew she would have a much better time now; she had always wanted to go there for her honeymoon. 


They finished up their honeymoon by going to all of the other local theme parks and attractions. They had been on their honeymoon for almost two weeks, even though all of it was not spent at Disneyworld.  Once they returned, they had been asked to be on The Brook and Shane show. They were big news and the media loved the idea of one of 'them' marrying a famous person that they had been paid to photograph.  It was also a ‘Cinderella' story.  The same night that Ricky and Billie were on the show, so was Andy Johnston.  He was asked to describe the Todd wedding.  He commented on the event as well as the location.  During the interview with Billie and Ricky, they talked about their trip to Florida. 


Ricky expressed, “We’re sorry we didn’t bring back a souvenir for you, but I could only afford one for Billie.” 


Lori asked, “Well, what did he give you, Billie? Tell us!” 


Billie announced, “It’s something we both want and will both enjoy.  I won’t really get the souvenir for nine months.  I’m going to have a baby!  You are getting the scoop, because we like you the best.” 


The show was live, so the world now knew.  They asked Andy what he had to say about the news.  He summed it up in two of his favorite words, “Yee Haw!”


Billie and Ricky had a lot of adjusting to do.  They had to determine where they wanted to live.  They were keeping the place in Hawaii.  Billie just wanted to return to her job in Nashville, which meant Ricky had to decide what to do about a new manager.  He decided to be his own manager.  He also agreed that they should stay at his ranch in Nashville.  He was actually excited about it because he was getting tired of the isolation of the islands.  He joked that now he could finally drive and drive, without running in to the ocean.  Plus, so Billie could be closer to her friends.


Ricky was looking forward to the birth of his and Billie’s first child.  Billie had a best friend that had experience giving birth and raising children, Maria. Plus, she just gave birth to her fourth child.  Billie thought about their kids going to school together.  She and Ricky started thinking of names for a boy or a girl.  Billie wanted to name their boy Ricky, Jr.  She hadn’t decided on a girl’s name.  But, it would probably be a name from one of her favorite soap operas.


After Ricky was through touring for the year, they decided to take the cruise that they had received as a wedding gift.  They tried to plan it around a time when some of their friends could come along, too.  It worked out to be just before Thanksgiving.  Maria and her family wanted to be together for the holidays, so they had to get back in time. The cruise was to the Caribbean Islands.  Ricky and Billie weren’t totally sick of the sand and the sea.  It would be different if they were still staying in Hawaii.  Maria and Jason were overdue for a getaway.  They left their girls with Maria’s parents.  Ricky was worried about the trip affecting Billie’s pregnancy.  Since Maria understood the situation, she told him not to worry.  Billie was only a month pregnant, but wanted to be sure the trip was safe. 


Maria expressed, “Trust me, being on a boat or getting a tan on a beach will not hurt the baby.  I toured up until three weeks before my first child was born.  Billie’s biggest problems may be morning sickness, or sea sickness, or the inevitable sunburn.”  Ricky did get the point.  Billie was going to take care of herself.  She didn’t want anything to happen to the baby either.  She was just happy that he cared so much.  She wasn't used to being pampered.  But, she figured if her own husband didn’t care for her, who would?

Chapter 7



They packed the bare essentials for their trip, which Ricky couldn’t be bare enough for Billie. She had to take advantage of the situation while she still could, before the battle of the bulge.  She was glad that the majority of her pregnancy would be in the winter.  Bobby and Kelly couldn’t go with everyone, so Billie asked Chris and Joy.  They had a lot of details to straighten out, pertaining to their own wedding.  They had been thinking of going to the Cayman Islands for their honeymoon, though.  Billie suggested they just change their plans a bit. 

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