Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3) (12 page)

BOOK: Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3)
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Aleco watched the tea
rs fall from her eyes. “I’m sorry my appointment disturbs you so deeply.”

Accacia looked away from him. S
he didn’t know what to say.

Zyle cleared his throat. “Perhaps, we should reconvene tomorrow when the
ambassadors are present. It will also give us time to—calm down. We will be better prepared for tomorrow. Accacia and I are exhausted from our voyage.”

Aleco lo
oked at Accacia. “Perhaps that’s best.”

Zyle rose to his feet and waited for Accacia to stand.

“I will make your accommodations in Asylinth Cottage,” Aleco offered.

“How dare you!” Accacia looked like she had been slapped.
She knew Aleco had made the reference on purpose and the cruel intention made her heart explode. Aleco was lashing out against her, wanting her to feel as bad as he did. “How can you say that to

Aleco looked away.

Zyle was confused by her words. He didn’t understand the significance. “Thank you for the offer,” Zyle said quickly, wanting to dissolve the obvious tension. “Accacia and I will remain on the sailboat. We are comfortable there.”

Zyle walked to the door and
stopped when he reached the entranceway. He realized Accacia wasn’t following him and he turned to her.

“I’ll see you at the ship, Zyle.”
Accacia didn’t look at him. She stared at Aleco, but Aleco avoided her gaze.

Zyle stared at her
for a moment. His gaze shifted to Aleco and back to her. “I’ll see you soon.” He closed the door behind him and left Asylinth House. Accacia felt the fire from the nearby hearth warm her frozen limbs. She sat in silence, staring at Aleco, trying to understand how he could be so mean. She understood his anger and pain, but his overwhelming reaction of fury disturbed her. Accacia hated herself for causing him so much pain.

Aleco wanted to look at her but he wouldn’t let himself. He thought about her in w
ays he was no longer allowed. He thought of Accacia as his property and he couldn’t shake his hold on her. He couldn’t believe she belonged to someone else—she loved someone else. Accacia approached the desk and Aleco flinched at her advance.

“You should
n’t be here, Accacia,” he said. He covered his mouth with his hand. His crystal blue eyes were fixed to the wall. “I don’t want you here. Go back to where you belong—with your beloved husband.”

Accacia leaned against the desk and crossed her arms over her chest. “You told me to move on
, Aleco. I never would have done so if you hadn’t left me that memory.”

“Well, you know me better than
, Accacia.” He reached for his bottle but Accacia pushed it from his reach. He glared at her. “I didn’t mean a word I said and you know it.”

“Then why did you say it?”

“I thought I would never see you again. I didn’t think I would have to deal with this.”

“Then you can’t hold my actions against me.”

Aleco slammed his fist on the desk. “I didn’t expect you to actually do it, Accacia! And if you did, it wouldn’t be for years. I never anticipated you to move on so soon.” Accacia didn’t react to his violent gesture. She wasn’t surprised. She opened her mouth to speak, but Aleco spoke first. “Nor did I expect you to return to the Continent and bring along the man you’re bogging. I can’t believe you forgot about me—I’ve never forgotten about you.”

Accacia ran her hands through her hair and Aleco recognized her distress. “I haven’t forgotten about you nor have I moved on.”

“It’s pretty clear that you have.”

“Let me explain, Aleco.”

He held up his hand. “There is nothing to explain. Now get out.”

Accacia didn’t move. She placed her hand over
his and he pulled it away. “I’m not married to Zyle. I am his life partner. Society is different on the Continent.”

the difference?” he spat.

“I didn’t have a choice—it just happened. S
ociety determined us suitable for each other and we were recognized as being committed to one another.”

“I don’t understand why
that matters. You still had a choice, Accacia. You could have said no.” Aleco rose from the seat and moved to the other side of the desk, putting distance between them. “All you had to do was say

Accacia rose from the desk and stood straight. “It isn’t that simple, Aleco. It is my
destiny to be with Zyle. I can’t escape my fate—I am destined for him. How can I fight that?”

shook his head. “Horseshit—it’s your destiny! We all have freewill. Everyone tries to pity themselves by blaming their ill-advised choices on something greater than themselves. We make our own fate, Accacia. Your words justify nothing.”

“Aleco, I love you. That hasn’t cha
nged.” She stepped closer to him and he backed away. “I’ve been miserable without you, thinking of you constantly, and I’ve hated being apart from you.”

“Well, it seems like you did just fine.”

“Zyle knows how I feel about you.”

“Good for him.” Aleco leaned against the wall. “What a better way to please your husband—by telling him you love someon
e else. He obviously knows you’re lying. Say whatever you want to make yourself feel better, Accacia. You betrayed me.”

re still in my heart—I’ve never betrayed you.”

“Yes, but you’
re in Zyle’s bed.” Aleco forced back the bile in his throat. “He’s the man you make love to, Accacia, not me. I think that says a lot more.”

Accacia looked away. She didn’t know what to say.

“I haven’t been with anyone, Accacia, if you were wondering.” Accacia looked at him and their eyes met. She saw the depth of his despair and the agony within his soul. “I haven’t looked at anyone or thought of anyone besides you. I pleased myself with thoughts of you alone because I would never betray your memory. I feel like a complete
now. I was devoting myself to you while you were making love to someone else.” Accacia felt the tear slide down her face. She had never cried so much and she hated the feeling. Her stomach clenched in agony, making her feel nauseous with depression. Aleco watched the tears drip from her chin. “I feel no pity for you. Whatever pain you think you feel is nothing compared to mine.” Aleco’s eyes brightened in anger. His words were truthful and that hurt Accacia even more. “You should leave.”


“There is nothing for you here—not anymore.”

“You are everything to me, Aleco.”

Aleco shook his head. He recalled the first time she had said those words and he clenched his fists. “Get out.”

Accacia didn’t move.

“Do you have any children I should know about?”

“No.” She shook her head. If she had that would mean she became pregnant as soon as she left. His lack of faith in her devotion crippled her.

Aleco walked to the door and opened it, waiting for her to walk through and leave his presence. He wanted nothing to do with her. Aleco didn’t want to look at her or hear the sound of her voice.

Accacia advanced to the doorway and stopped before him. She wiped her tears away before she spoke. “Do you still love me, Aleco?”

Aleco met her gaze but said nothing. He wanted to say that he didn’t but he couldn’t speak a lie. He met her gaze in silence. Accacia reached out and placed her palm on his chest. Aleco didn’t react outwardly but his heart quickened at her touch. He missed her terribly but the pain of her betrayal had numbed his heart, turning it blacker than it had ever been. “I wish I didn’t,” he whispered.

Accacia closed her eyes at his words, squeezing the tears from her eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him, feeling
his strong chest against her own body, and felt the thud of his heart through her thin dress. Aleco didn’t move away but he didn’t return her embrace either. Accacia placed her head against his and closed her eyes. Aleco abandoned his anger and pain and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to him, and let himself smell the scent of her hair and feel the smoothness of her skin. He looked into her green eyes and recognized the emotions blazing in the emerald inferno. He recognized his own feelings. He grabbed her face and kissed her and she returned his touch with passion.

Aleco slammed the door behind her and pushed her up against it, letting his hands roam over the body he desired. He felt the curves of her waist and the large dip in her back, one of his favorite features, and the
n explored her long legs under her green dress. Aleco thought she looked gorgeous in the emerald dress and it matched her eyes perfectly, making her appear alluring and exotic. He picked her up and held her against the door and Accacia wrapped her legs around his waist, holding him against her. She whispered his name as he kissed her neck and trailed his lips to her breasts. He carried her to the desk and laid her across the wood.

“I’ve missed you so much,” she whispered as she
ran her hands through his blond hair. “I love you, Aleco.” She grabbed his shirt and pulled it free from his body and tore his trousers off. “I love you.”

“I love you, Accacia,” Aleco whispered to her.
“I need you.”

They both undressed each other with lightning speed, unable to wait a moment longer to be together. Aleco stared at her naked b
ody and felt his heart beat in his chest. He was about to make love to a married woman and he felt a pain of shame, but his desire for his love was too strong and overcame his moment of hesitation. Aleco grabbed her hips and pulled her to him, longing to be inside of her; the place he belonged. When he was with her all the pain of his life ebbed away, making him feel lifted and elated. Aleco needed to be with her and reconnect his essence with hers and be where he belonged; with Accacia. She grabbed his shoulders and trailed her nails down his back, unable to hide her intense desire for him. He could feel her body shake under him. She wanted this as much as he did.

Aleco leaned over her and kissed
her like it was the last time he would ever get the chance. She grabbed his face and pulled him to her and he leaned farther over her. He was about to insert himself within her when Accacia thought about Zyle, her life partner, and how much pain she would cause him if she went through with it. He would already be heartbroken as it was. She grabbed his hips and steadied him, overcoming her strong desire to make love to Aleco, and pushed him away.

“Stop,” she commanded him. Aleco held back and didn’t move inside of her. He knew if he did she wouldn’t sto
p him and would return his lovemaking with equal intensity. Accacia’s logical thought process would be shattered and she would moan with him inside her. He knew it. But Aleco couldn’t do that. She had been abused beyond tolerance and he couldn’t disrespect her, no matter how much he wanted her. A part of him wondered if they made love would her husband leave her, making her available to him alone, but Aleco pushed the idea away. He would only want Accacia if she chose him willingly, not because her other alternative bowed out. “I can’t do this,” she whispered. “I’m sorry—I can’t do this to him.” Aleco leaned away from her and stared at her. He had been alone so long, not having intercourse with anyone since she left, and he wanted this interaction desperately, but he knew she didn’t feel the same way. Ashamed, she looked away. “He doesn’t deserve this.” Aleco’s eyes dimmed and his eyes were no longer the color blue. He grabbed his clothes from the ground and covered himself, not looking at her while he recovered his pride. Accacia grabbed her dress from the floor and dressed her naked body.

“You should leave, Accacia.” Aleco sat in the chair by the fire. He still didn’t look at her. “Don’t speak to me unless you must. I want to see you as seldom as possible. Our relationship is over—I accept that. Now leave me alone.”

Accacia sat in his lap but he didn’t push her away. “I love you, Aleco.” She cupped his face with her hand. “I hope you believe me. I know I do.”

“Your words mean nothing to me, Accacia. It is your actions that matter.” Aleco pushed her from his lap. “And I understand your feelings quite clearly. Now get away from me. Don’t touch me, don’t speak to me, don’t even look at me, Accacia.
I will be civil to you during meetings, but when this war is over I never want to see you again—ever.”


“—get out.”

Accacia didn’t move.

voice changed and became full of menace.  He faced the wall behind his desk, not gracing her with his sight. She stared at his back. He didn’t raise his voice but she shook at the anger in his words. “
Get out
. You don’t belong here, Accacia—you never did.”

Accacia wiped her tears away and walked to the secret entrance in the study. She opened the door and closed it behind her, withou
t looking back. Aleco was right. All she did was hurt him—over and over.

Harbor of Orgoom Forest




Accacia walked through the woods and back to the sailboat docked in the harbor. Her bare feet walked across the grounds of the forest and
Accacia realized she needed to start wearing shoes on the Continent—she wasn’t home anymore. Darkness had fallen since her conversation with Aleco but the heat of the day still lingered in the air, warming the cold skin of her arms and legs. She felt the heat between her legs and felt ashamed of her actions. She loved Zyle. She didn’t want to tell him what she had done.

The harbor came into sight as she passed the trees. All thirty sailboats were tied to the dock. Most of the Asquithians had returned to their quarters on their ships since they hadn’t been accommodated living areas on the Continent. They would discuss that tomorrow.

She thought about Aleco the further she came to the ship. Aleco hated her. She was certain he did. Accacia knew how difficult this day was going to be but it was a lot worse than she expected. Now Aleco wanted nothing to do with her. She wished she had never watched Aleco’s memory in the Soul Catcher, the one that granted her permission to move on, but then her heart squeezed in guilt. It would have happened anyway.

Accacia loved Zyle. T
here was no doubt of her love for him. But she loved Aleco the same, if not more. She didn’t realize how difficult this was going to be until she saw his face. Aleco was overjoyed at the sight of her and she had crushed his heart. She hated herself for what she had done. She loved Aleco—she never wanted to cause him pain.

The q
ueen climbed the ramp to
The Canu
and headed toward her quarters. Her palms were sweating and she wiped the perspiration on her dress before she opened the door to their bedchamber. She had no idea how Zyle would react. Accacia hoped he wouldn’t march into the forest in search of Aleco, planning to sever his head from shoulders, but then the thought vanished. She knew Zyle would never do that. She still didn’t know how we would react, nonetheless. One thing was for certain; he would be heartbroken. Zyle was convinced of her love for him, that she would never betray him, but she had proved him wrong already. They hadn’t even been on the Continent for a day. Aleco was right—she was a whore.

Accacia grabbed the door hand
le and turned it with an effort. Her palms were moist from the sweat of her anxiety. She entered the bedroom and saw Zyle lying in bed under the covers, reading a book by candlelight. Zyle put down the book and looked at her. His features were undecipherable. She couldn’t read his mood. He had the adept ability of hiding his feelings. Zyle sensed her heightened emotions. They were blaring loud in volume in his ears and he could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

“You’re frightened,” he said. Zyle continued to stare at her, saying nothing more
. She didn’t react to his words. She didn’t need to. It was a statement, not a question. Accacia walked over to the bed and sat on top of the covers. She didn’t strip her clothes or crawl into bed like she normally did. Accacia expected to be dismissed from their quarters after she told him, forced to find her own living accommodations after he threw her out. Zyle rose from the bed and sat next to her. He was naked, as he always was in their room. It was rule he had procured; neither of them were allowed to be dressed when they were alone.

Accacia didn’t look at him or touch him; she felt like she had given up that right after her unforgivable actions. She wanted to kiss him once more, but she knew she didn’t deserve his affection. Accacia didn’t deserve him at all. Zyle grabbed her hand and kissed it, but waited patiently for her to speak. “I have something to tell you.”

Zyle sighed and closed his eyes. He suspected he knew her following words and his heart fell from his chest. He lied in bed, hoping that the only thing his wife and Aleco were exchanging were words. He had trusted her but he had been wrong to do so. “Please don’t tell me, Accacia.”

Accacia looked at him. The emerald color of her eyes had faded and their si
gnature blaze was absent. Zyle knew her news would break him by the sight alone. “

“I don’t want to know,” he said. He grabbed her hand and held it within his own. Zyle brought her hand to his lips and
kissed it again, treasuring her touch. “I would rather not know.”

Accacia shook her head, stunned by his request. “Zyle—I have to tell you. You have the right to know.”

Zyle cupped her face and kissed her gently. He loved her more than anything. Zyle would forgive any transgression she had made, vindicate her for any sins as long as he got to keep her. Yes, the thought of her with Aleco made him sick with illness, but in his heart he had expected this to happen. He pulled away and stared at her. “Just don’t let it happen again.”

“You already know.” Accacia stared at him with new eyes. She couldn’t believe she was being forgiven so easily. The situation was novel to her. Aleco had just told her he never wanted to see her again, even though he had told her to move on, and made it clear he would never forgive Accacia for betraying him.
Accacia knew the two situations weren’t comparable. Zyle wasn’t always understanding about her love for Aleco. It used to drive him insane with jealousy. He never expressed it verbally but she could see it in his eyes. But at least Zyle had adjusted to the idea of seeing the man she used to love. Aleco had been caught off guard. “I won’t, Zyle.”

Zyle squeezed her hand to his chest. “I
know you won’t.” He caressed her fingers with his own while he looked at her. Zyle admired the beautiful locks of brown hair that were pulled loose from her hairband. Her eyes had lit up again, the fire dancing in admiration for his forgiveness. The light reflected off her pale cheek, highlighting the strong curve of her face and the slender neck that still held the necklace she always wore, the one who held Aleco’s Soul Catcher. “Please don’t hurt me again.”

Accacia felt a tear fall from her face. She hated what she had done to him. She hated herself even more for being forgiven for it. It was obvious how much he loved her. Zyle wiped it away and smiled at her, trying to
chase away her gloom with the sight of his features. “I love you, Zyle.”

Zyle tucked
the strands of hair behind her ears. “I know you do.” He pulled her to him and held her in his arms, elated that she still belonged to him.  He tightened his hold around her.

Accacia leaned her head on his shoulder. “I want you to know something, Zyle.” Zyle felt his heart stop at her words. He feared she
would continue to conversation. He never wanted to think about it again—ever. Zyle held his breath while he waited for her to continue. “I didn’t make love to him.”

Zyle let the air of his lungs
out and took a new breath. That was what Zyle had feared—that Accacia let Aleco make love to her, let him inside her body and soul, taking what was rightfully and exclusively his. He could deal with anything besides that. “Thank you for telling me that. You have no idea how relieved I am.”

Accacia kissed him. “
I could never do that to you, Zyle.”

Zyle pressed his forehead against her
s and sighed deeply. Her words were music to his ears. He pulled the dress from her body and laid her down on the mattress, wrapping her legs around his waist. He wanted to make love more than he ever had before. She was his and his alone. Accacia pressed her hands to his chest and steadied him. “We can’t do this, Zyle.” She looked at him with a saddened expression. “I’m sorry.”

He looked down at her. Her head was on the pillow and her strands of hair were completely loose from her band, and they covered the sheets, making him aroused at the sight. He didn’t think he could stop himself if she said no. “Why?”

Accacia looked uncomfortable. “Aleco is the Nature Priest here—and he knows about everything that happens in these woods—even that.” She looked away from Zyle, expecting him to be angry at her words. “I just don’t want to hurt him even more.”

Zyle sighed. “So we can’t make love the entire time we are here?”


Zyle felt himself get angry. He was being denied his greatest desire because Accacia didn’t want to hurt Aleco. The man obviously didn’t care about disrespecting Zyle when he fondled his wife. “Accacia, I will never force you
to do something against your will, but I don’t accept this. You will make love to me. I don’t just want it, but I need it, Accacia. I need to be with you.” Her eyes softened at his words. Zyle could see the conflict in her eyes. She didn’t know what to do. “He already knows we make love, so what does it matter if he knows when it happens?” His eyes narrowed at her. She knew he was frustrated. “You will not deny me this, Accacia.”

Accacia was torn. She knew the revelation of their lovemaking would torture Aleco, but she couldn’t expect her husband to withhol
d his desire for her. It was an unrealistic expectation. She would be furious if Zyle had said that to her, attempting to spare Roxian of the pain. Accacia grabbed his face and kissed him and Zyle melted at her touch. Zyle inserted himself within her and she gasped loudly, clutching his back as he thrust inside of her. She moaned at the feel of him within her.


Aleco walked down the dock in the darkness and he stopped when he felt the vibrations swirl around him. A couple was making love nearby and he knew Accacia was one of them. The Lorunien Tree had notified him. The Nature God had demanded Accacia’s presence at its roots but Aleco had ignored the request in light of recent events. He also feared the overwhelming need of the tree to see her. Aleco could feel her climax in his mind and he almost toppled over at the intensity of her feelings. He leaned over the rail and retched into the sea, feeling his heart spill out along with the bile. He could feel the heat of her desire for her husband and he vomited again. Finally the session was over but Aleco sat on the pier, trying to collect his bearings at the nightmare he just experienced. He knew it was extremely vivid because of his proximity to them on the boat. Now he pitied Father Giloth for feeling Aleco and Accacia make love like rabbits in spring. The recollection of their past made his eyes water but he blinked back the tears, forcing himself to forget about their memories together.

“Are you alright, si
r?” An Asquithian walked toward him down the dock. She had long blonde hair and it reached down to her waist. She had a long, green dress identical to Accacia’s. Her eyes were also the same color. She held out her hand and helped Aleco to his feet. “Are you unwell?” She hoisted him to a stand with little effort and he was surprised by her strength. She didn’t appear muscular. He gazed at her for a moment. This was the first Asquithian he had seen up close besides Zyle and Accacia. She had prominent cheekbones and thin lips. The light in her eyes danced in flames like Accacia’s.

Aleco cleared his throat, not wanting the pain of his soul to escape in his voice.
“I have a message for the king,” he said. “Will you give it to him?”

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