Subculture (8 page)

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Authors: Sarah Veitch

Tags: #chimera, #palmprint, #sarah veitch, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

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Michael nodded. ‘Last time she was here,' he confirmed, ‘I was only halfway through spanking her when she came.'

God, they were shameless. Lisa reached for the brandy bottle, then had second thoughts. ‘Can someone point me in the direction of the kitchen so that I can fetch myself a mineral water?' she asked hesitantly.

‘I'll get it,' Carmen said.

The cook returned with the green glass bottle and Dania returned clutching a matt grey leather zipped packet at exactly the same time.

‘Good girl. Now open the Pack and lay its contents on the carpet,' Michael Landers said softly. Lisa could see the young accountant's shoulders tensing as she squatted down and hastened to obey.

Slowly Dania pulled the various items out. There was a cassette tape, a phial labelled Sensuous Massage Oil, a raw silk thigh-length nightie, and a dildo-style vibrator.

‘Hand me the massage oil, then bend over your chair sideways, sweetheart, so that your bare bum's facing me,' Michael continued. ‘Come on, don't be shy.' Blushing, the twenty-four year old took hold of the phial, and handed it to him. Looked at the chair then looked back at him, eyes wide. ‘We've already seen your hot bottom squirming over Marie-Rose's lap. Don't have an attack of nerves at the prospect of me oiling your pussy,' the doctor continued evenly. He turned to Lisa. ‘Young Dania's been coming here for a week once every three years, yet she still goes all coy at the prospect of being publicly spanked.'

He poured a little of the oil over his middle fingers, then gazed sternly down at the still-crouching girl. ‘Dania, love, don't play hard to get. A few moments ago you were trying to prime your swollen clit by pushing your pretty legs together.'

The girl's face pinkened further. ‘Can't prove it,' she said defiantly. ‘I was just...'

‘Just get yourself over the side of the chair right this minute,' the doctor continued.

‘What are you going to do to my body?' she asked.

Michael Landers smiled and rubbed his oiled fingerpads insinuatingly together. ‘I'm going to fondle your little sex bud in front of the rest of the staff.'

God, was there no end to this? Lisa hastily drank her first glass of mineral water down. It failed to moisten her mouth or throat, did nothing to assuage the feeling of heat which burned inside her. In fact, she felt hot all over, and her thirty-four inch breasts felt rounder than they ever had before. Her nipples pushed against the jacket of her skirt suit. Her pubis felt self-consciously heavy and big.

She swallowed hard as Michael again ordered Dania to bend over the chair. The twenty-four year old slowly obeyed him. When her lemon dress fluttered down to cover her nakedness, she hastily lifted it again, then went sideways over the wooden arms.

‘Part your legs further, angel. And still further,' the doctor said.

‘Is this what you mean by a gynaecological exam?' Lisa muttered. Jamilla, Carmen and Marie-Rose all opened their mouths a little in obvious shock at the sarcasm, and stared at her then at the doctor. Bakar the stables boy grinned.

‘No, Lisa, I call this sexual release. Perhaps you should partake of it more often,' Michael Landers said, quirking the eyebrow above one dark brown eye.

‘I orgasm all the time,' Lisa muttered, realising that the brandy had made her words slur slightly together.

‘There's orgasm and there's orgasm,' Dr Landers said.

‘Meaning?' She was damned if she was going to let this despot away with anything.

‘Meaning there's the clitorally-centred orgasm you can achieve by giving yourself a quick rub.' He paused, then walked closer to Dania's now eagerly stretched apart thighs and dripping sex folds. ‘Or there's the kind of climax I'm going to give this little beauty eventually - the kind where she comes so hard that the electricity sweeps from her belly up to her breasts and downwards to curl her pretty little toes.' He ran an oil-drenched thumb over the girl's distended labia. ‘You come really loudly after a long spanking, don't you, love?'

Dania groaned. Then she nodded. Then she groaned some more. Her sandaled feet half lifted from the ground as her calves tightened in near-ecstasy.

‘Don't get too excited too quickly,' Michael warned. ‘Let's take it nice and slow.'

‘So close to...' the blonde girl muttered.

‘Then we'll just trace round the outside of those wet hot pussy lips rather than circling your clit too directly,' the doctor teased.

Lisa felt her own womanly tissues tingle at his words. The bastard knew how to increase arousal, how to taunt a girlish tip. She risked a quick glance at Bakar, Jamilla, Marie-Rose and Carmen, was reassured to see that they all had flushed expectant faces and slightly parted mouths. They too were excited by the scene before them, by the girl's spanked bare bottom and glistening folds.

‘Sweetheart, this oil is totally superfluous - you're lubricated from rim to cervix,' Michael Landers said. Lisa watched as he traced his fingers down the younger girl's sexual curve. Dania moaned and bore back against his slippery fingers. ‘Don't move without permission or I'll stop pleasuring you,' he added conversationally.

‘Please doctor,' the accountant whispered in a guttural undertone. ‘Oh doctor, please I beg you.'

‘Please keep me on the edge for an hour? Please teach me a lesson? Let's be more specific. What exactly are you pleading for, Dania, my dear?'

‘I need to come - need to come now. Can't take it.' Dania gasped, pushing her bare curves closer to him as she tried to take his fingers inside her.

‘Course you can.' The former surgeon slicked his fingerpads along her impassioned membranes. ‘Remember that time I tied you down on your tummy across my bed and played a feather across your pleading little sex bud? You had to take it for as long as I desired.'

‘I'll do anything,' the blonde girl moaned. Lisa looked at Michael, wondering what he'd ask for now.

‘I know you will, angel, and I may avail myself of that promise later in my room.'

The herbalist let out an inner sigh of relief - at least he wasn't going to have intercourse with poor Dania in front of them all. Not that Dania looked averse to the idea; her entire focus had obviously switched to the overwhelming need between her legs.

‘I wonder what'll happen if we play with this bit?' Michael added, running a lazy digit around the girl's enlarged clit. Dania cried out in answer. Michael repeated the rapturous stimulus and she cried out in mixed elation and anguish again.

‘Please, sir - take me to the limit,' she muttered brokenly, ‘I need...'

‘Tell you what, we'll do a deal,' the doctor said. ‘I'll keep my finger in place, and you rub against it really sweetly. If you appear to be taking too long, I'll pull my fingers away.' He stared as she started to move her hot pubes upon his middle digits. ‘That's it. Don't go too fast though. I'll get annoyed if I think you're being too greedy. I'll have to discipline you strictly all over again.' He kept his fingers motionless as the girl frisked her tender tissues against them and made little mewling sounds. ‘I wonder what I'll thrash those naughty cheeks with next time? What do you think, angel? Should we make you wriggle under the whip or the tawse or the cane?'

‘Aah,' Dania grunted. ‘Ah, ah, ah.'

Lisa recognised the subhuman groans that preceded orgasm. Any second now the girl would...

‘Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!' Dania cried. She kept bearing down, her thighs tensing in, her pink bottom puckering. Lisa knew that her eyes would be tight shut beneath the blanket of damp fair hair.

‘That's it, angel, let it all out. Oh, we should visit you between the annual accounts, or let you come here for a non-working break, shouldn't we, darling? It's not right that you go this long without such pleasure,' the doctor murmured, keeping his fingers in place.

‘Uh, uh, uh!' Dania snorted, obviously nudging the last of the pudenda-based rapture out. Then she gave a long sigh of complete contentment and flopped raggedly over the armchair, bringing her arms up to fold them under her face.

Michael leaned over and stroked her hair for a moment. ‘Let's get you up to your bed, love,' he murmured, helping the girl into a standing position, then scooping one hand beneath her legs to lift her into his arms. ‘There, there. It's all over.' He kissed her gently on the lips. Then he turned to Carmen. ‘I suspect we've all had enough alcohol for one evening. Maybe you could make coffee or tea?'

Michael left, carrying Dania. Carmen left, pushing the drinks trolley before her. Lisa stood up and forced herself to make eye contact with Bakar and Marie-Rose.

‘I'll skip the tea,' she said in a forcedly jovial tone. ‘I've got some work-related reading I have to do in my room.' Have to come right now against my fingers, she thought desperately, or I'll never be able to concentrate on anything ever again.

‘Don't work too hard,' the Receptionist said with a knowing look.

‘I... well, if I don't see you before I'll see you at dinner tomorrow,' Lisa finished numbly. She wondered if she'd be able to face any of them by then. But they'd watched these spankings and canings for months, for years perhaps. Watched and gone to their rooms then met up for dinner again and again.

Seen white bums turn red. Seen bare bottoms twitch. Heard the little cries and sighs of their writhing owners. Observed labial leaves gaping open, obviously pleading for further release. As she stumbled along the corridor, Lisa's own mound ached and pulsed. She couldn't bear it any longer. Taking the stairs three at a time, she quickly reached her room. Unlocked the door, raced in, unclipped her stockings and pulled down her saturated panties. Rolled onto her tummy and widely parted her legs.

She slid the middle fingers of her right hand down, opened her labia. Was stroking each sensation-crazed leaf when her glazing eyes focused on the cabinet drawer. Did it contain a lust-based Welcome Pack? If so, she could use... Quickly she reached over and yanked open the drawer, finding the reassuring grey leather bundle. Threw it onto the bed and unzipped it, then shook the contents onto the coverlet. God, she was going to love this. Lisa picked up and fondled the eight inch smooth creamy dildo, found the base switch and hastily turned it on low.

Closing her eyes, the herbalist moved the vibrating phallus along her full bra-held breasts and down her quivering belly. Ran it over her naked pubic patch until she moaned. Nirvana was nearing. Do it, do it, do it, she told herself wildly. Pretend that you're being soundly thrust into by a man. She slid the mock phallus right up her drenched hot den and groaned with desire. Then she groaned again as someone knocked sharply on her door.

Chapter Six


Lisa froze into position, the dildo against her cervical tip. The knock sounded again. Most of the staff knew she'd gone to her room to read - she had to answer. Maybe Carmen wanted to find out what she'd like for dinner tomorrow night. Hastily, Lisa pulled the arousal-smeared dildo out of her glistening interior, and shoved it under the grey leather Welcome Pack. ‘Coming,' she called, then winced at the irony. She needed to come so bad...

Kicking her discarded pants and stockings under the bed and smoothing down her skirt, she hurried to the door. Reluctantly she opened it a little way. Michael stood there.

‘Sorry to disturb,' he said, smiling. ‘This'll just take a minute. I wanted to talk to you about sexual release.'

‘I bet you do,' Lisa muttered, genuine sarcasm entering her voice. Dania had probably fallen asleep on him, and now he was looking for a conveniently oiled vagina to penetrate. He could go to Hell.

‘I wanted to talk to you professionally about sexual release,' the doctor interjected. She watched the slight narrowing of his dark brown eyes. ‘It's very important. We have to broach the subject with our patients, even though it's not the British or Maltese way.'

‘You mean ask them if they're having intercourse?' Lisa strove to keep her voice and hands as calm as she could. The thought of a thrusting thick cock was making her hungry core even more hungry. ‘Surely that depends on what they've come to see me about?'

‘A person's sex life is always relevant,' Dr Landers said, shifting the pile of forms he was carrying from hand to hand.

‘But if a woman presents with migraine...'

‘It may be partially caused by tension due to a lack of orgasm,' the doctor replied.

Lisa swallowed before she spoke. ‘I suppose, but... well, it's such a delicate subject.'

The doctor's voice contained a sarcastic half laugh. ‘Isn't it better to broach the subject than to let headaches mar the rest of her life?'

Put like that, it was hard to disagree. But was he trying to sexualise this conversation for his own agenda? He was still an unknown quantity.

‘Some priests and nuns don't orgasm,' she muttered, determined not to let him have the final word.

‘They may not masturbate or have sex, but they come in their sleep like teenage schoolboys,' the former surgeon said.

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