Take it Deep (Take 2) (28 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Take it Deep (Take 2)
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Chapter 26


Jessie and I had fun later getting ready for our night out.  We both had chaperones this evening with Jerry picking Jessie up and Jake collecting me.  We were both buzzing at the thought of having dates for the evening and it clearly showed.  Jessie looked stunning in a sleeveless purple gown and black high heels.  The compliments were flying all over, making us giggle.  My happy hormones were back again.

The door promptly knocked at 7:30pm and I knew it was Jake.  He was always punctual like that.  When I answered the door his face looked speechless.

“Ana, you look—”

I asked.

“Beautiful,” he replied.

We stood in the doorway a few seconds; our eyes are locked smiling at one another. 

I took a few more moments to check out the suit he was wearing.  He reminded me of James Bond in his black suit and bow tie.
  A flash of my dream came to me and I nearly gasped.  God am I in trouble this evening.

“Do you see something you
, like Miss Sinclair?”  He practically purred the words.

“Maybe,” I answered grinning.

“Wow, Jake, you look great.”

“Thank you
, Jessie.  You’re looking rather stunning yourself.  Do you have a chaperone this evening, or would you like to have a ride with us?”

“No, that’s fine. 
I have Jerry picking me up at any moment.  You two go ahead.”

I ki
ss her on the cheek goodbye and Jake and I make our way out.  The cold instantly hits me.  Jake notices and offers me his jacket.

“No, that’s fine thank you. 
Maybe afterwards when it gets really cold.”

We don’t say a lot to each other in the car.  My mind wanders thinking about how we got to where we are now.  The whole business with Stella really put a number on us.  It makes me think about how strange
a relationship—or lack thereof—that Jake and Stella had.  How on earth did that work out all those months?  The thought was niggling away in my head the whole journey.  It wasn’t until we reached the door of the hall that I turned to him.

were you able to make Stella stay so long?”

His face frowns, “Excuse me?”

“Stella.  How were you able to get her to stay in the house without any kind of relationship with you?”

, Ana.  You want to ask me this here, now?”

“Yes, answer me?”  He dropped his hand from the door and faced me.

“I threw money at her.”

I gasped, “What?”

“I think you know
Stella, more than I do.  You knew she liked the finer things in life.  I used that to my advantage.  If she got grumpy, I’d give her money and then she would be happy for a while after that.”

I was mortified and it showed.  “Jake, that’s disgusting, how could you?”  I stormed into the hal
l and made my way to the lady handing out everyone’s name cards.

“Ana, you don’t understand, let me explain.”

I was mad as hell and didn’t want an explanation.  “Jake, leave it.  I don’t want to speak to you right now.”

We got our cards and made our way into the big glittery room.
It was full of fancy tables with people wearing their best attire.  It looked great.  I was certain that the evening would be a success.

We found our table, both of us not speaking to one another.  I made a show of not wanting to be sat next to him.  Joe was there with his wife
, Sally, both looking fantastic.  Michael was with Lisa, looking every bit like they were in their honeymoon period still.  I was very happy for both of them.  Luckily Tom was there also, so I made him sit with Jake.  It was a good enough advantage point to scowl across the table at him.  And boy did I scowl.

“Ana, you look fantastic in that
dress.  Where did you get it?” Lisa asked.

I smile sweetly and answered.  “A caveman bought it for me.” 

Jake spat his water back in his glass and glared at me.

“Sorry, did you just say caveman?”

I nodded, “Oh yes.  He likes to control everyone.  I believe he’s well known around here.”

Tom beams and Michael looks across at me
, then at Jake.  He can tell there’s tension in the air, they all could.  My hormones didn’t give a rat’s ass.

Ana, shall I get you a drink?” Joe asked.

“Yes please
, Joe.  Can I have some orange juice?”

“Orange juice,” Jake bl
urted, “Why not some champagne?  I can get you some?”

He’s grinning again and I pucker my lips up in anger.  “I don’t want champagne, I want juice.”

“Why not?  You always like your drink, especially champagne.  She gets very saucy when’s she’s had a few glasses, not that she needs much encouragement on that front of course.”

Tom bellows and I sit there pissed as hell.  I can’t believe he just said that to everyone.

“Come on, why not have some?”

“Because I don’t want any,” I seethe.  I fold my arms like a child and slink back in my seat.  I’m angry and also a little frightened as to why he’s questioning me over the drink.  A smile forms on his face and I just want to wipe it off.  I really hated him at this point.

Joe quickly retreats handing me a drink on his return.  I thanked him graciously and took a few sips.  I was determined not to look in Jake’s direction.


The charity event went really well and there were lots of bids flying for different items.  An opportunity arose to win a five day cruise for two around the Caribbean, so I decided to bid on it.  The only problem was that Jake decided to bid against me, so a war ensued.  Soon, it was only between him and I when it started getting past the $3,000 mark, but I was determined not to back down.  People were looking across in shock at Jake and I.  I didn’t blame them, we were behaving like children. 

It eventually got to $5
,000 when Jake decided to shake his head in defeat.  I smiled and took a bow when everyone clapped.  I didn’t mind spending that kind of money.  It was for charity and worth every penny to beat Jake at his own game.  I was on fire.

Shortly after it was all finished Jessie came skipping over to me, trying to tug at my arm. 

“Come with me to the ladies, Missy.”

She yanks me out of my seat and pulls me into the toilets.

“What the hell was that out there?”  She stands there arms crossed, waiting for my explanation.

been an arsehole Jessie, a little prick.  I just want to gauge his eyes out.”

“And fuck him?”

“Yes!” I shout, giggling.

“So, what has he done?”
She asks smiling.

I tell her about what I asked and w
hat he said.  Jessie just shook her head.  “What?” I ask.

“You’re not going to at
least listen to what he has to say?”

“No, he’s an asshat,” I say as a way of explanation.  “That’s what Michael said
not so long ago and I’m sticking with it.”

“You are the most adorably frustrati
ng friend I’ve ever encountered,” she laughed.  “I’m using the restroom.”

We both prep ourselves for heading back to our tables, making sure everything is in order.  I’m a bit disappointed that Jessie wasn’t sitting with me, but
I wasn’t supposed to be coming.  I can’t really grumble about it now.

I get back to my chair and see Jake still grinning.  I so hated him, it burned.  I wanted to rip at his hair and fuck his brains out
all at the same time.  I felt like a ferocious animal, I couldn’t help it. 

I sit back
down in my chair just at the point Michael is laughing and saying, “I told him he could keep his fucking money and left.”

Everyone laughed and Lisa playfully hit him on the arm.  “He
y, watch your language you,” she giggles.

I look over at Jake and I raise an eyebrow.  He still has that silly grin
, and I now know just how I can wipe it off that smug face of his.

“I think the word ‘fuck’ is underrated

Tom spits his drink out
and Jake’s smile quickly vanishes.  Just like I had planned.  He’s now sitting glaring at me. 

“I think saying fuck really emphasizes what you need to say when you need to say it.  For instance, if I was to say ‘you’re a piece of shit,’ it wouldn’t have the same impact as saying, ‘you’re a fucking piece of shit, now would it?”

“Good point, Ana,” Tom says smirking.

I smile at him and he nods.  I think everyone is starting to get a bit drunk now
.  It looks as though they would just about laugh at anything.

“Ana, I think you’ve said enough,” Jake spat.

“Oh, but Jake, I think it’s a very important factor to raise.  It helps a lot in many a situation.”

“But I think you’ve made your point.”

“Jake, I’m trying to have a very enlightening; intellectual conversation about the word ‘fuck’ and you butting in isn’t helping.”  I smile sweetly at him and he looks ready to pop.  This is so much fun.

I look toward everyone at the table and ask them, “Do you know what the best swear
word in the whole wide world is?”

Most of them just shake their heads
ready for my answer, Tom still has a silly drunk grin on his face and Michael’s just looking across to Jake, awaiting the almighty explosion.

” I shout, grinning from ear to ear.  Everyone laughs apart from Jake who’s sat rigid in his chair.

“I just love the way it sounds when you say it.  Bollocks.  Sometimes you can really emphasize the ‘B’ just so, that it comes out perfectly. 
Bol-locks.  See?”

Tom’s about having a heart attack by now.
Michael’s smirking, but still looking at Jake, and Joe is just mesmerized by it all.  I look at Jake’s piercing green eyes and decide to put one final nail in the coffin.  I raise my hand to my mouth, slowly tracing my finger back and forth at the bottom of my lip.  I can tell his leg is shaking underneath the table, he’s so mad.

I get up from my chair excusing myself and head for the ladies room
, knowing full well that Jake will follow.  I’m about to head in there when a hand grabs my arm and pulls me toward the fire exit.

Once outside, I’
m pulled towards the wall of the alleyway.  A very angry lion of a male is hovering over me.  He grabs both of my wrists and presses himself into me—so much so, I can’t move.

“You don’t w
ant to listen do you?  I try to explain and you just run off at the deep end.”

“I hate you
, Jake Bennett!” I scream.

“Well, I fucking love you
, Ana Sinclair and it’s about time you dealt with that because it’s the truth.  You want to know why I threw money at Stella?  It was to make sure I kept you.  You don’t understand, I would have given her all my money if it meant I had you in my life.  Have you not realized this by now?”

The tears start to sting my eyes
.  I suddenly felt awful for being so shitty back there.

“Jake, I’m—

I was about to
apologize when he stopped me with his lips.  I felt the warmth of his tongue slide on mine and it made the heat rise through me.  All the tears gone, are now replaced with a heated desire to have him. 

I wrap my arms around his
torso, pulling him in deeper.  He breaks away and goes for my neck, hitching my skirt up.

“I don’t want to do this here, but I feel you’re not going to take no for an answer.  Anyone could come out and find us.”

A sudden rush of adrenaline ran through me as I cried out, “Jake please.” 

No matter what the circumstances he always renders me into submission.  Always manages to make me beg.

“Fuck, you feel so good through this dress.  I knew it would have me weak at the knees for you.  You’re as sexy as fuck; do you know that, Ana?”

He slides his hand under
my dress and reaches into my panties, placing a finger inside me.

so dripping wet for me, it’s like my own version of heaven.  You like it when I do it just like that.  Don’t you?”

I nod my head and cry out, “Y
es,” as he places his beautiful thumb on my clit.  I cry out again, “Jake!”

Shh, I got you baby.  I’ve always got you.  I know we’re not in a theatre, but I can make your dream come true.  I want nothing more than to make all your dreams come true.”

His words were like music to my ears.  He knows just what to say to make me love him all the more, if that
was even possible.

“Jake, please
take me.  I want you inside of me.”  I fumble with his belt and zipper as he releases his finger from inside me.  We’re both in a frenzy.  It was almost as if we hadn’t had sex for a long time. 

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