Tapestries 05 - Embroidered Fantasies (16 page)

Read Tapestries 05 - Embroidered Fantasies Online

Authors: N. J. Walters

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #General, #Contemporary, #Fiction

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He decided to begin at her shoulders. Laying his hands on the curve of her neck, he slid them up and down before following the slope of her shoulders. Roxanne closed her eyes and moaned as his fingers worked the stiffness out of her muscles. He was very careful to control the pressure, not wanting to do anything to cause her discomfort.

Her lips parted on a sigh as he soaped her upper arms. Her arms were slender, yet muscled. She was no stranger to hard work. He rubbed and kneaded all the way down one arm to her hand. He held it between his larger one, stroking and gently pulling on her fingers.

“That feels wonderful,” she breathed.

Radnor stroked between her fingers in a sensual caress. Roxanne shifted restlessly in the tub and the water sloshed gently to the rim. He caught his brother’s eye and nodded.

Moving to the top of the tub, Radnor leaned over and cupped her breasts with his soapy hands. He rubbed until they were covered in a froth of white. Sednar was busy between Roxanne’s thighs, coaxing them apart and slipping his wet, soapy fingers into her molten core.

Roxanne moaned and arched her hips out of the water. Her skin was gleaming wet, trails of soap streaming over her stomach. Radnor captured her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, tugging and pulling gently.

This time when she parted her lips on a whimper, he leaned down and captured her mouth with his. She opened for him as easily as if she’d been doing it forever, offering him whatever he wanted.

All the blood rushed to his cock, leaving him lightheaded as he kissed her. She reached behind her and grabbed a hunk of his hair, tugging him closer to her. He savored the slight sting of his scalp and the knowledge that she wanted his kiss, wanted him.

Radnor kept kissing Roxanne as he glanced down at Sednar. His brother was busy, thrusting his fingers in and out of her slick pussy. Thick fingers disappeared into her tight channel over and over.

A cry was ripped from her throat and she pulled away from his kiss. She cried again, her body jerking as she came. Water sloshed over the edges of the tub, splashing his pants, but doing little to cool his ardor.

He anchored her with his hands on her breasts, kneading and stroking until her orgasm was done. He changed his touch then, making it more soothing and relaxing.


Her eyelids fluttered open and she smiled at him, then at Sednar. “That was amazing.”

“Now you will eat.” Radnor scooped her up and set her on her feet in the tub, supporting her when she swayed.

Sednar lifted a bucket of warm water and rinsed the soap from her skin. When she was clean, he set the bucket aside and grabbed the towel he’d set out earlier. Wrapping it around her, he lifted her out of the tub.

Radnor turned and left the room to check on the food. It would also give Sednar time alone with Roxanne. His heart clenched and his gut burned as he entered his bedroom. He wanted to be with her, wanted to spend every second he could with her, but he also wanted her to stay for good.

That most likely meant her marrying Sednar. He’d have to get used to it. His brother might share leadership with him, but there was no denying Sednar was lord here. His line in the birth order preordained it. His braids and the ceremonial torque he wore on special occasions proclaimed it to the world. Sednar was also a much easier man to understand and live with, not burdened by as many demons as Radnor. Why wouldn’t she choose him?

He glanced at the bed and rubbed a hand over his chest. He’d never be able to see his bed again without picturing Roxanne curled up in it, sleeping soundly. Then there were the more erotic pictures of Roxanne naked and sucking his cock with great enthusiasm.

He turned away from the bed and focused his attention to the food on the table, choosing the best of it for Roxanne.

Sednar briskly ran the drying cloth over Roxanne’s body, frowning at the slight bruises on her arms and legs. He wasn’t sure if she’d had them when she’d arrived or if they were new from the vigorous activity of today.

“What are you frowning over?” she asked.

He traced an older bruise, the edges of which were yellow and fading. “You have too many bruises.”

Roxanne tugged the cloth from his hands and wrapped it around herself. “It’s nothing.”

She made to move away from him, but he stopped her. His hands rested lightly on her shoulders. He didn’t want to make her feel trapped or afraid. “It is not nothing, Roxanne. It matters that you are hurt. I hope I did not add to your collection of bruises today in the stairwell.”

A delectable shade of pink flowed up her chest and bloomed on her cheeks. She stared at a point beyond his shoulder. “Umm, I don’t think so.” She shrugged, tightening her grip on the towel when it slipped. “Even if you did, I didn’t feel them at the time.” She shot him a cheeky grin. “I was otherwise occupied.” 87

Sednar smiled. He couldn’t help himself. Something about Roxanne lightened the burdens on his soul. “Stay,” he blurted. “Don’t go when the tapestry comes for you.

Stay here and marry one of us.”

She took a step away from him. He let his hands fall down to his sides. His fingers curled into fists as he forced himself not to reach for her. Her gaze flicked down to his hands and she took another step away. Her face paled.

She was afraid of him.

Darkness descended on Sednar. Was he no better than his dead brothers, forcing a woman to his bidding? He bowed his head and relaxed his hands until they were no longer fisted. “Forgive me.”

Roxanne blinked and gave him a nervous smile. “That’s okay. It’s just that I don’t belong here. I have a life.”

His heart sank and despair threatened to swamp him. “I understand. But think about this. There is no one back where you come from who will care for you and protect you like we will. Our world may seem strange to you, but you can make a place for yourself here. Other women have done it. The tapestry would not have brought you here if you couldn’t do the same thing.”

She offered her hand to him, her gaze beseeching him to understand. “I need to go home. I have too much unfinished business there.

” She lowered her hand self-consciously to her side when he didn’t take it. He couldn’t. If he did, he’d drag her into his arms and make love to her until she was too dazed to even consider leaving.

“You and Radnor are both so strong and self-assured. You have a place here. You don’t need me.”

Sednar stalked to the outer door of the bathing chamber, unable to remain in the room another moment. His control was precarious at best. He yanked open the door and turned to face Roxanne. “You’re wrong. We need you more than you know.” With that, he closed the door behind him and strode down the hallway, a black mood enclosing him. Radnor would see that she ate. Would see to her comfort. He paused and almost turned around and went back to Roxanne. If she was set on leaving, her time here was limited. He didn’t want to miss a moment of it.

Then again, he never wanted to see fear on her face again, especially not when he was the one who put it there. Best to get control of himself and his mood before he returned.

He continued to his room, closing the door solidly behind him. His sword was resting against the hearth. He’d placed it there before going to Roxanne. He lifted it with his right hand, feeling the familiar weight. He twisted his wrist, sending the blade into a series of complex arcs and swirls.

Sword practice had always centered him. He only prayed it would work this time.


Chapter Eleven

Roxanne stared at the closed door in dismay. She’d driven Sednar away. One minute he’d been toweling her off from her bath—and how strange was that—and the next he was angry, and if she wasn’t mistaken, hurt.

Sednar was wrong. They didn’t need her. Not really. She was a novelty, nothing more. Women were scarce here. They needed one and she just happened to fit the bill.

Which made her wonder if there was anything special about her or if any woman would do.

She couldn’t give up the only life she’d ever known on three days’ notice. Of course she couldn’t. She noticed with some surprise the idea wasn’t as unappealing as it had been when she first arrived.

What did she really have back home in California? An ex-husband who wanted to kill her, a job as a waitress at a diner and no real friends. What would she have if she stayed? Two men who made her feel special. What would she do here? She had no idea and that was part of the problem. Everything ran like clockwork in the keep. She supposed she could find something to do in the kitchen.

Her temples throbbed and she shivered. Now that the heat of the bath had dissipated, her skin was chilled. She looked around, not wanting to put on the skirt and tunic again. She spied a robe hung on a peg by the door. She padded over to it and lifted it down. It was much too large for her, but she didn’t care.

She dropped the towel and slid the garment on. It was huge and it smelled of Radnor—musky and slightly spicy. She wrapped the robe around herself and belted it tight. Shoving back the sleeves, she lifted the hem and headed to the bedroom.

Radnor rose from his seat at the table when she entered. “Where is Sednar?” His sharp gaze went to the door behind her.

“He left. Took the other exit.” She gestured back to the bathing chamber.

Radnor’s eyes narrowed. “What happened?” His muscles flexed and his hand went to the hilt of his sword, which was propped next to the table beside him.

Roxanne shrugged, not wanting to get into the whole thing. She didn’t know how she felt about what had happened. She’d been frightened when Sednar’s hands had fisted at his sides. She’d lived with an angry man for too long to mistake the signs.

Sednar had been angry. But he’d noticed her fear immediately and his entire demeanor had changed. He’d distanced himself from her, leaving her feeling slightly bereft, which didn’t make any sense at all. She was so confused. “We had a slight disagreement about something.”


That was another reason she didn’t dare stay. She’d had sex with both these men, but did she truly know them? She’d thought she’d known Michael before she married him, but he’d been putting on an act. If she stayed here and her opportunity to return home was lost, there was no way she could save herself. Here in this world, their word was law.

And she couldn’t discount the warning and the mutterings she’d heard today from the people who lived here. As much as she wanted to, they played on her mind and her fears.

But you slept with them, a voice in the back of her head reminded her. She trusted them on some deep level to have done that. There was no denying the connection she felt to both men. That in itself was confusing enough.

Radnor tugged out the chair next to him, pulling her from her musings. “No matter.

He will be back. Sit and eat.”

Keeping a grip on the hem of the robe, she sat. “I hope you don’t mind I borrowed your robe.”

He took his seat and shook his head. His golden eyes twinkled as they grazed the deep vee where the sides of the robe had parted slightly, showing a glimpse of cleavage. “It looks much better on you than it ever did on me. Feel free to borrow it anytime.”

Anytime. The word seemed to imply that she would be here to borrow it. But she was going home. Late tomorrow night if they were to be believed.

Her stomach growled, pulling her back to the here and now. Her plate was piled high with succulent fruit, thick wheat bread and slabs of delicate cheese. Radnor had been busy. “Thank you.” She motioned to the plate and began to eat.

“My pleasure,” he rumbled. He touched her arm gently before turning to his own plate.

Roxanne tried not to think about Sednar, about what he’d said, but it was impossible to put it out of her mind. Radnor was silent as they both ate their fill. When she couldn’t eat another bite, she shoved back her plate. “I’m done.” He sat back and nodded. “You did better than I’d hoped.” She laughed. “I’m glad you didn’t expect me to eat all of it.”

“I expect nothing of you, Roxanne, other than what you wish to give me.” His tone was serious and her smile faded. He was talking about much more than just food and they both knew it.

He stood and held out his hand. “Come. It is time for bed.” Radnor had no idea where Sednar had gone. He assumed their disagreement was over her staying or going. His brother lacked patience sometimes but in this case, Radnor understood. This was too important to them, to their future, not to try to advance their cause.


Talking obviously hadn’t worked and he wasn’t much of a diplomat in any case. He left that chore to his brother. He was a man of action. It was time to pull the ties between them even tighter. He’d do that in the only way he knew how—in bed.

Women might be scarce in Javara but all young men were taught the best ways to pleasure one. It was something every father took pride on teaching his sons. Even his own father, as cruel and violent as he’d been, had taught all of them. After all, the goal was to get a wife in order to get heirs for the land. That might have been his father’s goal. All Radnor wanted was Roxanne.

Roxanne took his hand, the sleeve of his robe bunching around their fingers. She was so much smaller than he, but there was a strength in her that drew him. She might not see herself that way, but he knew that in order to not only survive the abuse she had, but also to escape, she had to be strong.

He wanted to sweep her into his arms and carry her down onto the mattress. He didn’t. He walked slowly, allowing her to set the pace. It wasn’t easy. His body, indeed his soul, was crying out for him to claim her in the most basic way possible. To put his mark on her so that she would never forget him.

He closed his eyes and sucked in a breath. The thought of never seeing her again was almost too much to bear. How would he survive being cast back into the darkness after tasting such heaven?

Her fingers slid along his palm. She might as well have stroked them over his cock.

He was hard as steel and more than ready. But she wasn’t. She deserved to be wooed.

He wasn’t a gentle lover but, for her, he would try.

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