The Anxiety of Kalix the Werewolf (77 page)

BOOK: The Anxiety of Kalix the Werewolf
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“This is a very unusual piece of sorcery,” said Ms. Leclair. “It's different to anything I've encountered before. I think it might penetrate even the walls of this building.”

“Ridiculous,” said Mr. Hofmann.

“Not ridiculous,” said Mr. Carmichael. “This is exactly the sort of thing I was expecting. Gentlemen, this is the point of attack. The MacRinnalch werewolves are going to walk into this foyer.”

“When?” said Mr. Hofmann.

“I don't know. At night presumably, when they're strongest. It will be soon, we can be sure of that. Maybe tonight.”

Mr. Carmichael noticed the expressions of dismay on his fellow board members' faces.

“I don't see why you're all looking so worried. This is perfect. We already knew the werewolves were going to attack, and now we know exactly where they're going to attack. We'll be ready for them.”

Mr. Carmichael eased the flower back under the carpet.

“From now on, no one leaves the building. All other business is cancelled. Mr. Hofmann, maintain security here, while I organize the rest of the Guild members and make sure we're ready.”


After the assassins' attack, Sarapen walked around openly, refusing to hide. Though the Empress shunned him, and everyone in the palace avoided him, knowing he was marked for death, Sarapen refused to show fear. If the Empress wanted him dead, he wasn't going to end his days skulking in the shadows.

He walked to the palace kitchens and picked up food from the serving trolleys. Kitchen staff lowered their eyes, and moved to avoid him. Sarapen regarded them with scorn, and filled his plate with no sign of
discomfort. There was whispering all around but he ignored that too. He put the silver plate on one of the fine palace trays made from thinly sliced black volcanic rock, and strode back through the palace toward the chamber he'd inhabited since his arrival. The corridor was lined with the distinctive black and red marble that the Hainusta used for their grandest buildings, and the light from the torches on the walls reflected brightly from the polished surface. The Empress's palace was far brighter than Castle MacRinnalch. Sarapen had no difficulty in spotting the three elementals who waited for him outside his chamber. All three were fully armored. Soldiers, rather than assassins, thought Sarapen. Experienced fighters from the looks of them. Each carried a sword and a
, the slingshot favored by the Empress's troops. They were loaded with still-burning lava from the Eternal Volcano, sometimes mixed with other deadly substances. Silver, in this case, Sarapen felt certain.

Sarapen changed into his werewolf shape and charged. One of the soldiers swung his
, and a ball of white fire the size of a fist hurtled toward him. Sarapen leaped to avoid the attack and the ball of fire exploded violently on the wall behind him, shearing off a great slab of marble, which crashed to the floor. Sarapen felt an intense heat as another flaming sphere flew over his shoulder. Then he crashed into his attackers, biting and slashing with his claws, pulling all three of them to the ground. There was a furious struggle and when Sarapen sprang to his feet, only one of the soldiers did likewise. Two lay still on the floor, badly wounded or dead.

Sarapen snarled savagely, and laughed. “You're no match for me!” He leaped forward, striking the solider and snatching his
from him. At that moment the corridor erupted in flames and he was thrown off his feet as a huge explosion engulfed them. Sarapen found himself flat on his back staring up at the sky. The explosion had blown a hole in the palace wall, flinging Sarapen out into space. He twisted in the air as he fell. Fortunately for the werewolf, the corridor had been only one floor up, and it was not far to the courtyard below. He landed on four legs like a cat, then sprinted into the darkness of a recess in the wall. Behind him there was shouting as the soldiers came after him in pursuit.

Sarapen found himself facing a small wooden door. He kicked it open and ran into another courtyard, one he'd never seen before.

“Sarapen MacRinnalch?”

He was shocked to find himself addressed. He whirled to face the person who'd spoken. It was a young woman, a Hainusta wearing the garb of a palace servant.

“What—” he began.

“Don't speak. No time. Queen Malveria sends you this jeweled mirror of travel, at the request of Dominil MacRinnalch. When the last ray of sunlight touches the top of the volcano, you can use it to bridge the dimensions.”

The Hainusta woman thrust a small oblong mirror into Sarapen's hand. Without another word, she turned and hurried out of the courtyard. Sarapen stared at the mirror. Behind him the shouting was growing louder as the soldiers poured out of the palace. No longer so keen to sell his life dearly, having a means of escape, Sarapen fled from the courtyard, disappearing into a maze of small passageways that ran through the servants' quarters.

When the last ray of sunlight touches the top of the volcano. How long was that?
Sarapen wasn't sure. He hurried on through the servants' corridors, looking for somewhere he could hide from his pursuers, preferably a place where he could observe the Eternal Volcano, and then take his chance at freedom.


In the early hours of the morning, a fairy rose from Colburn Woods. She had unusually pale skin, very dark wings, and she was partially hidden by a shadow that enveloped her tiny form. She drifted on the breeze for a little while, enjoying the feeling of the cold air on her wings. When the wind pushed her toward the west, in the direction of Castle MacRinnalch, she lifted up her head and laughed.

“Werewolves. I've never cared for them much.”

Teinn, bringer of ill health, flew toward the castle. It was further away than human eyes could see, but Teinn's vision was sharper than any human. It was sharper than an eagle's; she could already see a few werewolves entering the castle through the postern gate, MacRinnalchs who'd been hunting at night, returning before the sun rose.

Teinn flew rapidly, still chuckling to herself. It was rare that Teinn was allowed to come here. Normally the Fairy Queen kept her well away from Castle MacRinnalch, knowing the harm she might do. Even now, Teinn's mission was strictly limited. She was permitted to make Markus sick, and
that was all. Queen Dithean had explicitly forbidden her to do anything else. Teinn smiled. She'd been to Castle MacRinnalch more often than the Fairy Queen knew, and seen things there that the Fairy Queen didn't know about. She was sure she could find something else to do.

She skimmed over the rough, heather-covered moor, thinking back to the time she'd observed a great fight in front of the gates. She'd watched from high above as Markus MacRinnalch heroically struggled against the huge Wallace MacGregor. Teinn remembered the MacRinnalchs on the battlements, cheering Markus as he emerged victorious. She laughed again. Her dark wings beat faster as she approached the castle and she rose in the air before swooping down over the high wall. She hovered above the central courtyard, invisible in the gloom. A few werewolves moved quietly around below her.

Teinn scanned the dark stone internal walls of the castle. She sensed Markus's presence in the east wing. She flew quickly to the window outside and landed on the stone ledge. The fairy peered inside. The glass was old and cloudy but Teinn's vision was such that she could see inside the room quite clearly. Markus was asleep in a great wooden bed. Teinn was surprised to see two women, one on each side of him. The fairy laughed, very amused. That was a sight she hadn't expected.

Teinn put her lips to the window and breathed on it. The lock clicked and she pulled the window open a few inches, enough to let her tiny frame squeeze through. The early dawn light outside had not yet penetrated the stone chamber but Teinn could make out every detail of Markus and his two lovers, entwined together in sleep. Her dark wings flapped as she flew down to perch on Markus's forehead. Markus didn't react, but when the fairy bent over his face and placed her lips on his mouth to kiss him, he moaned quietly, as if troubled in his sleep.

Am fiabhras-clèibhe
,” whispered the fairy, which was Gaelic for “pneumonia.”

She fluttered to the top of the headboard, pleased with herself. “You won't be going anywhere for a while, Thane Markus. But you'll survive the illness, probably.”

The fairy looked at Markus's partners. Silly werewolves, she thought. I'd make you sick as well if the Queen allowed me.

She flew back down onto the bed, landing next to Heather MacAllister. She put her lips close to Heather's ear, and whispered, “When Markus MacRinnalch defeated Wallace MacGregor, his mother had secretly poisoned Wallace before the fight.”

Teinn hopped over to the other side of the bed and whispered the same
into Beatrice MacRinnalch's ear. She smiled with satisfaction, then flew out of the window, not bothering to close it behind her. Next to the great gates of the castle there was a guardroom, and beside that a small barrack room for the guards. Teinn paused as she flew above, then flew into the guardroom where three werewolves were sleeping. She whispered the same thing in the ears of each of them: “When Markus MacRinnalch defeated Wallace MacGregor, his mother had secretly poisoned Wallace before the fight.”

Satisfied with her actions, Teinn rose high above the castle. The sun was now rising, sending shafts of light onto the battlements. Teinn looked back across the moors toward the Colburn Woods. She wondered about staying at the castle to do more mischief, but decided against it. The sun would soon be up, and Teinn was not as keen on daylight as the rest of the fairies in the wood. She headed home, pleased with her work. It had been an enjoyable visit to Castle MacRinnalch for the fairy who brought ill health and misfortune, and was always covered in shadow.


On the evening before the attack, Kalix was alone in her room, making herself ready. It didn't take long. She made sure she had some money, her phone and a small plastic container of laudanum secreted in an inside pocket. She put on her coat.

“I'm ready to go.”

She had the feeling that perhaps there was something else she should have done. For such a momentous enterprise, it felt like there should be longer preparations. Kalix shrugged. There was nothing else to do. With the battle approaching, she was feeling unusually calm. She sat on her bed and looked around her room. Kalix didn't really expect that she'd be coming back.

It's been good living here

Kalix had a moment of clarity in which she saw her life before she'd met Daniel and Moonglow, and her life after. Moving into their flat had been a great improvement. Not just in comfort; she'd made friends, which she'd never expected to do.

Daniel and Moonglow have been nice to me, Kalix thought, smiling to herself. So has Vex.

The young werewolf frowned. She had been planning on slipping out of the house without telling anyone where she was going. Now she wondered if that was a bad thing to do.

If I don't come back, they'll think I didn't like them enough to say goodbye

The thought troubled Kalix. She didn't want to appear ungrateful. She remembered when she'd first moved in, and she'd kept being sick, and violent, and hostile.

I wonder why they even put up with me

Kalix felt more and more uncomfortable at the thought of leaving without saying anything. But if I tell them it will be worse, she reasoned. What am I going to say? I'm off to attack the Guild, I probably won't be back? Then they'll be even more upset. They'll try and stop me going.

Kalix didn't think she could face the unpleasant scene. She tried not to think about it. There were still some hours left till she was due to leave. All the other werewolves would be at Thrix's flat by now but Kalix wasn't meeting them there. She planned to sit in a pub near Gloucester Place, then arrive at the hotel just before the attack began. That way it would be too late for any of the others to object to her presence.

Kalix picked up Vex's crayons again. She'd been trying to copy one of Manny's pictures from memory but it hadn't worked out well. She abandoned it and picked up another sheet of paper. She remembered the night that Daniel, Vex and Moonglow had appeared in her room to cheer her up. They'd all perched on the bed together, watching anime. Kalix smiled. That had been good. She tried to draw a picture of the four of them, sitting on the bed. She applied herself to the task, just to pass the time. Once more, without really noticing that she was doing it, Kalix slipped between her human form and her werewolf form as she worked, drawing fine details with her hands and vigorous blocks of background shading with her werewolf paws.

Eventually she heard noises downstairs. Her flatmates were all home.

I should have bought them a present, she thought suddenly. Like a going-away present.

Kalix felt bad. They had all given her presents in the past. She wished she'd thought of it earlier. It was too late now; it would soon be time for her to leave. Quite abruptly, she came to a decision.

I shouldn't go off without telling anyone. If it causes a big scene, I'll just have to cope with it. It won't matter in a few hours anyway

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