The Honeymoon Period (The Austin Series) (46 page)

BOOK: The Honeymoon Period (The Austin Series)
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‘God, I
love you. You look so beautiful you make my chest hurt.’ He said it with such
sincerity I had to bit my lip.

‘Stop, you’ll
make my cry,’ I pleaded. He straightened up and ran one hand through his hair
and exhaled sharply before releasing his grip on my wrists.

‘Our car’s
here,’ he said with a flick of his head. I turned to see he’d booked a limo and
looked back at him stunned, he just grinned at me as the door was opened. I
held onto the edge of my dress slit as he helped me in and I slid across the
back seat, my heart pounding, wondering if he was going to fuck me on the way
to dinner. He knew it was one of my fantasies to have sex in a Limo
was already dressed up in another fantasy. He got in next to me and the driver
shut the door and I took a deep breath and looked around to see him watching

‘No,’ he

‘I haven’t
said anything.’

‘I know
what you’re thinking, Mia.’

‘Please, you’ve
no idea how badly I want you right now, this is all my fantasies rolled into
one,’ I moaned as I reached out to run my hand up his thigh, but he grabbed it.

‘I do baby,
I feel it too,’ he lifted my hand up and gently kissed each of my fingers.

‘And you’re
still saying no to me?’ I gasped.

‘Yes,’ he
nodded as his eyes held mine. I snatched my hand away and glared at him and he
started laughing.

‘It’s not
funny, Gabe. You’ve done this to me a few times now. How would you feel if I
said no to you?’

wouldn’t, you don’t have enough will power now that I’m better and you know you
can’t hurt my shoulder.’

‘I was
right that first week I met you, you
cocky and arrogant.’

‘But also
right baby.’ He reached out to tuck a stand of hair behind my ear and I batted
his hand away and scowled at him. ‘Wow, you’re so hot when you’re mad with me.’
He smiled with a lascivious twinkle in his eye.

‘You really
think you’ve more willpower to resist me than I do you?’

‘Yes, I’ve
done it many times.’

‘When I’ve
been drunk, or in pain because you didn’t want to take advantage or hurt me.’

‘I resisted
the night you broke Adam’s nose. I could have fucked you in that booth and I

‘You still
went down on me and it’s more private in here.’

tonight we’re going to try proper delayed gratification Mia, and you’ll thank
me for it later. Give me your hand to hold,’ he ordered. I scowled at him
again, he thought he could resist me? Well I loved a challenge.

‘No.’ I
smiled sweetly at him.


apparently we can’t always get what we want can we?’ I lifted myself up and
swung around to sit diagonally opposite him on the long sideways seat. I crossed
my right leg over my left, letting my dress fall apart exposing my calf and
thigh all the way up to my hip. I looked at him through my lashes and smiled again
when I saw his eyes flit down and travel back up my leg. He shifted in his seat
and his hand brushed over his erection.

‘Mia, get
back over here and hold my hand,’ he ordered.

‘No. Why
should I?’

‘Because I
asked you to,’ he said flatly as he looked at me, as if confused that I was
questioning his request. I took in a sharp gasp.

‘So I have
to do what
ask, but you can ignore
requests? Is that how
you see our relationship?’ I gave him my best scowl, he was treading on thin
ice if that was what he was implying.

‘I’d like
you to do everything I ask you Mia, but there’s no chance in hell of that ever
happening is there?’ he scowled back.

‘No there’s
not, Gabe. I’m not a compliant little puppy that you can train to bark or
rollover whenever you want it to. I have free will and if you won’t do what I
ask, why should I reciprocate?’

you know I like control and it pleases me when you do,’ he answered too

you … you … domineering …
,’ I hissed. I was on the verge of throwing
myself at him and ripping off his bowtie and fucking him and showing him how
little control he had as he came inside me, but I clenched my fists at my side.
That would be playing right into his hands, letting him know he was in charge.
Fine, he wanted a battle to see who had more control? He was going to lose.

he asked, his eyes wide with astonishment.

Arsehole. Fine keep your bloody control and I’ll keep mine and we’ll see who
breaks first.’ I could feel the air in the limo heating up and the steam coming
off us both, sparring always got me hot for him and him for me if the tent in
his trousers was anything to go by, as well as the amber flecks of fire in his
eyes. He glared back at me and quickly looked away to stare out of the window. We
sat in silence for about ten minutes and I could feel myself getting hotter and
hotter with each heaving breath I took. Every time I looked over I caught him
looking at me and he’d quickly turn his head to stare back out of the window. ‘Wow,
it’s hot in here. Is it hot in here or is it just me?’ I asked as I ran my hand
up and down my exposed thigh. I saw him biting his bottom lip as he watched me in
the reflection of the window.

I glanced
at his crotch, he was still incredibly hard, I just had to provoke him a bit
more. I trailed my fingers up from my naked belly bar, between my breasts and
back down again as I lightly licked my lips. He could see me in the reflection
and put his elbow on the door and covered his mouth, running his index finger across
his lips. I could tell he was trying to distract himself. I smiled to myself as
I uncrossed my legs, moving the material of my dress to one side, and ran my
fingers up and down my thighs to the apex, my mound just covered and out of
sight and I heard him catch a breath. I parted my legs slightly and ran my
fingers higher and made a slight moan and he squirmed in his seat and reached
up, tugging his collar and bowtie from his throat, his tongue darting out over
his lips as he took a big gulp. When I parted my thighs further and let my
fingers graze my bareness, I heard him grunt softly.

‘God Gabe,
I knew it, I really should’ve worn some knickers. Seeing you in that tux has
got me
so wet
baby,’ I sighed. He turned instantly, glowering at me and
in a second was on his knees in front of me and yanked my hand away and sucked
my finger hard making me groan, before pulling me forward on the seat onto his
mouth and fucking me furiously with his tongue. I climaxed quickly, my hands
tearing at his hair, one leg draped over his shoulder and as my shuddering
ceased he pulled back and wiped his mouth panting as I let my leg drop from his

‘Damn it
Mia, you don’t fight fair,’ he snapped, glaring at me as he started to unzip
himself. ‘Spread your legs wider, I need to fuck you. Now.’

‘It’s not
my fault you’ve got no willpower,’ I smiled, pleased I’d won as well as getting
an incredible orgasm out of it. I felt like I was floating, still on a high
from my climax and giggled when I felt the limo pull to stop.

‘You’ve got
to be
kidding me,’ Gabe cursed under his breath as he looked out
of the window and quickly zipped himself back up before pulling my dress over
me as we heard the driver’s door shut.

‘What’s the
matter, Gabe,’ I asked as I struggled upright and adjusted my dress. ‘I thought
you were into delayed gratification? If so, you’re in for one
night,’ I smiled all innocently as he got back into his seat, steam coming from
his ears. I grabbed my compact and checked myself in the mirror, my cheeks were
flushed and my eyes sparkled,. orgasms definitely suited me, so did beating him
in one of his power struggles.

The limo
door opened and Gabe climbed out doing up his jacket and said something to the
driver as he waited for me to shuffle across to the seat next to the door. He
stood in front of it to protect my modesty as I climbed out and stood next to
him. I smoothed my dress down and took his outstretched hand, which he squeezed
a little tighter than was necessary, as he marched to the main restaurant door
which was opened for us. I flashed a smile at the doorman and followed Gabe
into a very historic looking hall and we were shown through to a small oak
panelled bar with a roaring log fire, for which I was grateful. There were a
few other people in there, equally well dressed, if not a little more covered
than me. Gabe tucked in behind me at the bar as he ordered our favourite drinks
again. My recent orgasm hadn’t lessened my desire for him and to feel his
erection in my backside, his hand on my hip and the heat of his breath on the
back of my neck, made me lean back against him, desperate for more body
contact. He gently kissed the side of my neck.

very naughty,’ he whispered with a low growl. ‘I’m so

‘Not my
fault, if you’d done as I asked in the first place you’d be feeling very
different right now,’ I replied and smiled as the bartender passed our drinks
over. I turned to face Gabe and let out a sigh as I looked up at his vivid blue
eyes staring back at mine.

‘You know you’re
even more beautiful like this, with less make up,’ he said softly as he cupped
my chin and kissed me.

‘Only you
think that,’ I replied as I took a sip of my drink.

‘And I
should be the only one whose opinion matters, Mia.’

‘You’re so very
possessive, you know that right?’ I asked as I gazed at him.

‘As well as
a domineering arsehole?’ he asked, one eyebrow raised in amusement and I nodded
and giggled. ‘Yes, I am, especially when it comes to things that belong to me,’
he replied, as he ran his fingers down my cheek.

I’m just a
now?’ I teased.

‘O no, you’re
so much more to me Mia, but you already know that. You knew even before I told
you that I was in love with you, didn’t you?’ he asked as he held my look and let
me see how much he did.

‘Yes,’ I nodded.
I’d felt it when he carried me out of Fazeleys that first Friday night, but I’d
shoved it to the back of my mind, not wanting to scare myself off him before
I’d let him take my virginity. His desire for me had scared me so much back
then, but not now, now I craved it. I shivered at the thought of him ever
stopping feeling that way about me.

‘Are you
cold?’ he asked concerned as he rubbed my back.

‘No, I just
can’t bear the thought of you never looking at me like that again,’ I muttered
as I broke away from the intenseness of his stare.

‘Like what?’

‘Like I’m
your everything, like you couldn’t love me more if you tried,’ I replied as I
put my hand on his chest, over his heart.

‘You are
baby, I love you more every day and that’s never going to change. Feel my heart
pumping under there?’ he asked and I nodded. ‘You’re the beat of that heart Mia,
if I lost you, it would stop. You flow through my veins, control my thoughts
and movements. I could never stop loving you. You seriously think that I could
ever change that?’

‘I hope not
Gabe, but things fall apart sometimes you know, and people
fall out
of love,’ I whispered as I stared at my fingers splayed on his jacket. He
lifted up my chin again and frowned at me.

‘Not this
this and never me. What’s wrong? Have I done something to
upset you? Was it earlier when I said no and got annoyed that you ignored my

‘No,’ I
smiled with a shake of the head. ‘That’s just you being …
and I’m
starting to accept that bossy side of you, even if it rubs me up the wrong way
sometimes. I’m just not used to being this happy. You make me so happy it
scares me how I’d manage if I didn’t have you anymore.’

‘Well, you
never have to imagine that Mia, I’m not going anywhere.’ He looked behind him
and walked me over to the only empty wing backed chair by the fire and sat down,
pulling me onto his lap much to my horror and the amusement of the other people
in the small room.

‘Gabe,’ I
protested going crimson.

‘What? I don’t
care what anyone thinks.’ He kissed my shoulder and held out his hand to take
the menu’s being offered to us. ‘You look, you know I’ll have whatever you’re
having. Just order plenty as I’m starving.’

I was as
well. Our long walk around the zoo in the cold and our frantic session when
we’d got in had left me with a mammoth appetite for food, as well as a repeat
performance in bed too. I ordered lobster bisque with croutons and gruyere,
smoked salmon wrapped scallops in a date and honey glaze and a beef wellington
for two to share with pomme puree, french beans and grilled portobello
mushrooms. The kiss on my shoulder from Gabe, along with the rub of my back,
told me I’d earned his seal of approval, again.

requested a bottle of the Bollinger Rose, that we’d enjoyed so much in our
suite, to go with the first two courses and a Chateauneuf-du-Pape to go with
the beef and asked for that to be put on the table, uncorked immediately. I
asked him to explain why he chose the wines and champagnes he did each time and
listened, fascinated, as he talked, playing with the fingers of his right hand.
I could listen to him talk all day, his voice was so deep and sultry, I swear
he could make me come just by talking to me.

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