The Icarian Legacy Collected Edition: Brave Souls - First Strike (Volume 3) (112 page)

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But there was a lot of difference between that man and the creature he followed now. He felt respect for him in the past, but as he followed him through his journeys that respect evaporated. If there was any doubt before, it was almost gone now. He tried to speak to the former Jedi Master once, to persuade him to stop his quest. He still remembered that meeting on Onderon.

He still hoped then. But hope was something that was also gone now.

He felt that he made a mistake by not informing the council of his doubts. But there was no turning back now.

Far ahead of him and Phanius another figure watched.

Yuthaara Van watched as the two Jedi moved towards the Valley of the Dark Lords. He could feel other creatures too. 

Korriban was home to several vicious species most notable among them the tuk'ata. The dangerous hounds were the guardians of the valley. They hunted in packs and even now they trailed the two figures.

He knew they could feel him too. They were semi sentient and could communicate in the ancient sith language.

And then there were the Shyracks and the Hssiss. If the hounds were the outside guardians the other two were the guardians inside the crypts.

He focused on the two Jedi in the distance.

He could feel the force flowing through them.

One was in pain inflicted by the world itself. But the other was something else.

Yuthaara didn’t know his name but he could feel the power emanating from him. It was power he never felt before in any of the surviving Sith Lords. While the other Jedi was shielding himself from the dark force the first one was embracing it, he was welcoming it. He could feel his power growing.

As he probed he knew he sensed a Sith Lord in the birth.

Times were changing.

He could feel the change in the force. He knew he felt it the first time he saw the human on Ziost.

Only this time the feeling was stronger.

Whatever lay in the future he knew that it will start here.

He slowly withdrew and moved to his speeder.

He would wait for them inside the Valley.

He knew that nothing will happen until they get there.


It took them two more days.

He watched as Phanius slowly moved by the tombs looking for something.

The other Jedi was hidden.

Phanius stopped before a crypt of an ancient Sith Lord. Yuthaara didn’t know his name but it wasn’t important. The fallen Jedi obviously found what he wanted.

He picked up the can and drank water. As he did he noticed the Jedi turning and looking straight at him.

He felt naked at that stare.

A moment later the umbaran turned and disappeared inside the tomb.


Phanius moved slowly inside the tomb. He knew what he was looking for. It was a holocron. It belonged to an unnamed Sith Lord that was buried here before the last war. He sensed the hounds behind him and the other creatures in front.

He opened himself to the force, to passion and to the anger. He could feel the dark power flowing in him feeding him making him stronger every second.

He sensed the attack long before it happened. He used a force push to throw two of the hounds to the far wall and then used his light saber to decapitate the other two. A moment later he killed the two Hssiss. The two lizards were waiting in ambush but never managed to strike.

As the other two hounds stood up he reached to them with the force.

They sensed the dark power inside him and a moment later retreated under his command.

It took him almost a whole day to reach the final resting place of the ancient Sith.

As he did he felt a strange presence close by.

He turned activating his light saber and was confronted with a force ghost. The ancient sith was human, probably one of the fallen Jedi that came to this world.

“You will find only death here Phanius.”

Phanius smiled and looked defiantly at the ghost confronting him. He could feel the dark power of the force trying to choke him down.

“I will find rebirth the true me.”

The answer seemed to surprise the Sith Lord.

Phanius opened himself to the force. He could feel the ancient Sith trying to kill him and it angered him. He felt his anger rising and giving him strength.

He draw on it letting the energy build up and when he was ready he let the power go.

Lightning exploded from his arm and hit the ghost. At first it seemed to pass through it but then the ghost shrieked.

“You will bow to me. You know what I came here for.”

The ancient Sith looked at him.

“From the ruins of the old a new Sith order will be born. From the ashes a new empire will rise.”

As he finished the sentence a small hidden draw opened up. Inside it he found what he was looking for.

He sat down on the ground and opened himself to the force and touched the holocron with it. He moved slowly, methodically.


The holocron glowed and then it opened his knowledge.

As he started studying he lost track of time.

He absorbed the knowledge, learning the ancient forgotten secrets of the Sith Lords.

When the final lesson was transferred the ancient Sith bowed.

“There is nothing more I can teach you. My knowledge and the knowledge of all who came before me belong to you now.”

Then the image faded away. As it did the holocron stopped glowing.

He tried to touch it with the force but felt nothing. He knew the holocron was dead. He absorbed its essence. He stood up and staggered. He felt week.

He tried to guess how long he was down here but he found nothing to tell him.

For a moment he closed his eyes and drew on the force.

As he did he felt a presence.

He turned and looked at the drawer.

Something was inside it.

He took out the small box and opened it. A red Crystal shined from within. He took it out and smiled. His smile echoed through the tomb.

He slowly took out the blue crystal from his light saber and placed the new crystal inside. As he activated the blade it threw a crimson red light around him.

He deactivated it and headed for the exit. As he came close he felt the presence. The two hounds were still here. But now they were bound to his will. And outside he could feel two more, a Jedi and someone else.

He knew who it was and in that moment he knew what his final test is. He could feel that the transformation was not yet complete and now he knew that this was his final test. A predatory smile appeared on his face.

It was a price he would gladly pay.

He threw back the cape and came out.

“I hope you didn’t wait long Lenir.”

He then turned towards the other side.

“You too Yuthaara, come now there is no need to hide.”

The young Jedi smiled as the Twi’lek came out and descended from the hill.

“I wondered when you will come down from there.”

Yuthaara carried his light saber in his hand. He moved slow constantly watching both of them.

“I told you on Onderon that you should turn back Lenir.”

The knight looked at him.

“And I told you I can’t Master Phanius.”

Phanius watched the Jedi. From the corner of the eye he also watched the Sith Lord. He could feel that he was ready to attack. It was something he couldn’t allow. If Lenir died he would die by his hand. The Twi’lek was strong, but not nearly strong enough to challenge him.

Lenir saw the Sith lunge.

He activated his light saber and prepared for the attack but it never came.

The Sith lord suddenly stopped, and he could see the pain on his face as some unseen force struck him. He spasmed and then flew back.

As he hit the wall the hounds came out and flanked him.

He could see the fear in his eyes.

He turned to Phanius.

The former Jedi Master looked with sadistic pleasure as he gave the command and the hounds tore in to the helpless Twi’lek. He screamed as they tore in to his flesh.

“Phanius stop this madness.”

Phanius looked at Lenir. As he did on some unspoken command the two hounds left the bleeding twi’lek and returned to the cave.

Lenir saw that he was badly hurt but still alive.

Phanius came forward and passed by him. He looked at the Valley and the tombs of ancient sith lords.

“There is so much power here Lenir, power waiting to be unleashed, looking for a new master.”

Lenir warily moved beside him.

He could feel the darkness inside the former Jedi but he knew he had to try.

“It’s wrong Master. It’s the lure of the dark side. It is the same darkness that you fought to destroy in the past. You are a Jedi. Protector of …”

Phanius smiled.

“You wanted to say the light young knight.”

He turned and looked at Lenir. As he did Lenir noticed the reddish glow of his eyes.

“There is no light or dark Lenir. There is only the force. And I’m its messenger.”

“Then come with me before the council and tell them your message.”

Phanius turned.

“You have one chance Lenir. Join me. Let me help you see the truth.”

Lenir stepped back.

“You know I can’t do what you ask of me Phanius.”

Phanius exhaled.

“You stand no chance young knight. Don’t make this choice.”

“There is nothing to choose Phanius.”

Phanius smiled.

“You are right Lenir. There is no choice…there is just my will.”

He pointed with his hand.

“You followed me to Yavin 4, to Ziost and here. All are worlds filled with power.”

“The power of darkness, forbidden knowledge and malice…they filled you with dark passion and evil conviction…”

Phanius smiled.

He turned and looked at Lenir.

“You’re wrong Jedi. They are filled with power, there is no passion, no purpose, and there is no knowledge, not anymore. There is nothing but ruins, nothing but power and ruins, and Me.”

At the last word Phanius lunged.

It was almost a perfect strike. But Lenir expected it. He was a master of Soresu the third form and the perfect defense as well as Djem So. But there was no way he could use the offense. Not against this attack.

He knew Phanius was a master of all seven forms. He just hopped that he would last long enough to anger the fallen Jedi and force him to make a mistake.

He blocked a strike to his legs and then jumped clear using the force to hurl one of the unsuspecting hounds at the newly risen Sith Lord.

The Hound shrieked as it flew. Phanius was surprised for just a second before slicing it with his light saber neatly in half. Lenir used the distraction to force push him to the wall. As Phanius fell he attacked at once using all he had.

Phanius was stunned by the onslaught and tried to retreat but struck the wall behind him. The green blade made a small cut to his left arm.

Anger filled him from the humiliation. He focused it and lightning exploded from his hand. The Jedi jumped back deflecting it with his light saber.

Both opponents stopped for a moment to take a breath and to study each other.

Lenir saw the crimson red blade and knew that Phanius was lost.

“You were a member of the council Phanius!!!”

“Phanius is gone Lenir.”

A sarcastic smile appeared on Lenir’s face.

“Who are you then…that you have so soon forgotten that name.”

Phanius smiled.

“What do you see young Jedi. What did you see on every world you followed me to?”


The Sith smiled.

“That is my name Jedi Knight. I’m Darth Ruin Lord of the Sith and what you saw is what I will bring to all who oppose me.”

Ruin lunged. He feinted a strike to his abdomen but Lenir read the strike and blocked the one that was directed to his chest. A furry of strikes followed each aiming at a death blow. He could feel his strength weakening. It was not just the power of the former Jedi master but also the power of this world. Its dark energy drained his life force.

He could feel it slipping away.

He immersed himself in the force calling for its help. He felt it reviving him, giving him strength.

He blocked another strike to his head and launched a counter attack that forced Ruin back. He was about to strike another blow when he felt something coming from behind. It saved his life as he jumped aside and the second hound missed him by millimeters. He struck with the light saber and decapitated it. But that attack proved to be his undoing as lightning struck him. He spasmed as the energy washed over him burning every part of his body. He was lifted in the air and flew backwards in to the stony wall. He felt ribs crack as he struck.

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