The Icarian Legacy Collected Edition: Brave Souls - First Strike (Volume 3) (65 page)

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As he moved he recalled the investigation of the base that Aria suggested. They tried to investigate it but couldn’t get close enough to enter inside it at least the deep parts. The Dacarian base was placed around it and actually inside of it. It was the second largest base on the planet and it was by far the strongest. It was more than obvious that the Dacarians knew its purpose and function. The team tried several times and he planned to have another go before the fleet arrived with more men. There were no fatalities in any of the teams in the past months although there were several injuries. They managed to avoid any contact with the enemy so far and they stayed under the radar always moving, using the communications gear rarely and only in short intervals so that it wouldn’t be detected. The Dacarians had regular patrols both around the bases and in to the deeper jungle and shuttles flew regularly in the deeper jungle Rivers wanted to investigate. Several of them were noticed returning with obvious damage so it was obvious that someone was fighting a guerrilla war against them. Rivers hopped that they would be able to find them and use them. He planned a whole variety of surprises in that case for the Dacarians. From their movements it was obvious that they were the undisputed masters of this world and knowing the situation there was no reason for them to worry. The world was deep in what was Dacarian territory. It could be called a border world but there was no power to challenge them close by and it was obvious that it was under their control for a long time.

They reached the rendezvous point before Anderson and his team arrived. Rivers check his watch. They still had fifteen minutes to kill. Doc laid their dinner on the ground and disappeared in to the jungle.

“It seems we are early today.”

Kelly’s sharp voice boomed behind Rivers. As Rivers turned, the big man flashed him a toothy smile. Kelly was big at least a head taller than Rivers. He was five years younger than him. The stealthy uniform hid a well-muscled body. He shouldered his gun, a modified enhanced version of the M4A1 carbine capable of firing the new armor piercing ammunition. The M4A1 was the favorite weapon of every Navy Seal, as it was ideal for fighting in all environments. He also carried a shotgun and several pistols and knives. He pulled one of them now and started cleaning the skin from the “rabbits”.

“Well at least you’ll have time to get dinner ready. Be careful with the fire.”

Kelly raised his head and winked. Rivers surveyed their surroundings making sure there was no one there except Doc and then sat down. He pulled out the pictures and the map he carried that he had from the readings Aria gave him and studied it. All the locations they had already checked and surveyed were marked red with X showing the military bases and SC the slave camps.

He noticed the marked traces of the former Ksand cities. Most of them were now covered by the Dacarian cities but at least one was placed deep in the jungle exactly in the region where he planned to go. Lieutenant Ellis and his men were already headed that way and he was planning to meet them there. If there were any insurgents and guerillas they were probably there in the densest jungle where they could hide from the sensors and from the Dacarians.

As he studied the images he heard Doc’s whistle signaling that the second team was approaching. Moments later they appeared. Anderson nodded to Rivers and then smiled when he saw Kelly preparing the food. As he did Jenkins showed their catch. It was the Arcadian version of wild boar.

“It was Doc’s catch not mine. But I bet he got it easier then you.”

Jenkins smirked and threw the carcass on the ground. “Maybe he did but mine is bigger…and tastier.”

“You got that right it has a piece of your ass in it.”

Jenkins turned as he heard Doc’s voice. His partner never left his guard post up on the tree.

“Just laugh big daddy, but that branch you just stepp…” Before he could finish his sentence they heard Doc’s curse and the snapping of the branch. The sniper managed to hold on but not before banging on the branch below him.” …ed on is a little thin.”

The rest of the team burst laughing at Doc’s “accident”.

“Now how did you know he would be right there…” The question came from Kelly.

“I knew because it is the only place on this spot that gives a clear view of the area around us, and gives you a perfect cover.”

“And he asked me to help him set the trap for our prankster this morning.” Rob Singer announced his presence.

“Yo big daddy how‘s your but doing.” A branch suddenly flew right in to Singer’s face.

The seal yelped as the branch knocked him on the ground.

“The same as your face is Sing.”

“You can’t joke the joker and not get burned boys. Jenkins, take a covering position and watch our back. You and Doc have the watch.”

The sniper nodded and smiling again towards Doc moved towards his own position vanishing from sight.

Rivers turned to his XO.

“What did you see?”

Anderson sat down before answering.

“We couldn’t get close enough. Several transport ships descended when we approached so we had to watch from the distance. I think that they were bringing in new slaves. We should have a go again tonight.”

“Any chance we can go inside without detection?”

“There might be but it will be hard and double that for going out. There are lots of guards and towers guarding the prisoners.”

He constructed model on the ground using several stones and small branches depicting the defenses of the camp.

“We can try and sneak in from the south. It is the part of the camp that enters in to the jungle. The trees are cut down but the grass is high and we can hide in it. We can also light it and try to use that as a diversion.”

Rivers looked at the small makeshift model of the camp. Anderson continued.

“The camp is walled almost all around except at that spot. There are several gun nests covering the clearing and the grass but I think that this is their hunting ground. Most of that side is open, just a wire fence. There are two doors”- he showed on the model-“here and here. They have guard towers that are constantly manned.”

“What about the wire? Can we…?”

Before he could finish Anderson drew out a piece of wire and threw it on the ground. It was thin and sharp.

“Already tested…It was Jenkins actually and that was where he got the boar. The cocky bastard used his knives for the job and the wire for the kill. It is thin, strong and remarkably sharp. We can go in but we have to be careful.”

Rivers thought for a moment. The plan was risky but they needed information about the slave camps. They could do only so much by just observing and it was time for a more daring approach.

“We’ll do it. We will rest in the next three hours and start moving before nightfall.”

Anderson nodded and stood up to inform the rest of the team. Doc and Jenkins were out on guard duty; Kelly was preparing to cook their dinner, the other four members of the team were cleaning their weapons and discussing about the events of the day. As Anderson informed them about their mission the conversation turned towards the best way to completing it with success.

He returned to Rivers and started discussing the best way to infiltrate the camp.


City of Grang

Arcadia Star system


Kobark listened to the reports from the centurions about the new arrived prisoners with interest.

The prisoners were coming from the Lacarian sector, a system of stars that were eight hundred light years distant, but under the command of this sectors headquarters. The Alliance had been a great deal of trouble to the Dacarians at the start of the war after the Sicarian refugees fled into Alliance territory. It was a war the Empire was not yet ready to fight, not so soon after the war with the Sicarians, a war that was hard and long and swallowed a lot of resources, a war that brought bitter memories for the old legate. He was one of the heroes of that conflict, one of the chosen ones that fought the last battles in the Sicarian home system.

He scratched his left shoulder remembering the old wound that he received in the final battle on Sicaria, a wound that nearly cost him his life. He remembered that day vividly and he still remembered the face of his opponent, the youngest son of one of the Sicarian Dean’s. The Great Deans of Sicaria were members of the Sicarian noble class, the true rulers of the now almost destroyed race. They were capable military leaders, and great opponents. The Sicarians were allies of the Akadians, the powerful race that had fought the empire for a long time. When the Akadians were finally destroyed the Sicarians continued to fight but in the end the legions of the empire burned through their lines and destroyed their worlds. The war was brutal and deadly, the reason for that brutality lay in ancient times, in the times of the Alterans. Both the Akadians and the Sicarians were old races, some members of their races having been taken by the Icarians long ago just as were the Ksand. They had a reason to fight and as he listened to the reports concerning the recaptured humans, a terrible debt to pay. While the rest of the great clans of the empire chose to forget, he and his clan knew the truth. The Al Mach clan remembered the betrayal that those races together with many others did against the Alterans, that strategic masterful diplomatic move in ancient times that allowed for the empire to grow. Yes the empire had great opponents but none were dangerous as the Alterans, the humans, as they called themselves now. They stopped the Farsian fleets, destroyed them and allowed for the Dacarians to throw away the yoke of slavery and then they nearly destroyed the young empire as is tried to expand in their sector.

He knew of the plan that several clans had about conquering the human home world. He and his clan didn’t approve but they followed the more powerful clans. He knew that if his brother knew about it he would have reported it to the ruling court and the emperor. But he didn’t tell him, not because of his approval but because in the mission he saw a chance for his clan to regain its former glory.

“The reports from the fleet master say that the battle was won and that he continues to the core of the Alliance. We have fourteen thousand prisoners, captured in the engagements in the last cycle.”

He turned towards the speaker. It was a young centurion called Heox.

“What are the numbers of humans among the prisoners?”

“Just twenty six humans were captured alive, but we have a solid group of Sicarians. More than four hundred were captured in one of the damaged ships.”

“What is the condition of the human prisoners?”

“Most of them have wounds received before the capture. Five have serious injuries, but none is lethal according to the ships doctors.”

Kobark thought for a second.

“Bring the humans to the city. They will fight in the arena. We can’t allow them to get among the rest of the human population in the slave camps. Make sure that the injured ones are placed in isolation while in the camp. Disperse the rest among the camps.”

As he finished he stood up. As he did the centurions rose as well and bowed their heads as a sign of respect.

He started leaving the room. He stopped at the exit and turned towards Heox.

“Are there any important prisoners among the Sicarians?”

“None reported sir. Most of them are just soldiers.”

The legate just nodded and turned. He was moving slowly but strongly, his powerful body not showing his advanced age. He wasn’t tall for a Dacarian with just six and half feet he was among the smallest members of his race. But what he lacked in height he made up in speed, agility, masterful fighting and a masterful mind. He moved slow not just because of his age but also because of the many wounds that littered his body. He wasn’t wearing any armor, instead wearing just a long dark toga that covered his entire body. He wasn’t fearful of an assassination attempt not from the Dacarians that followed him and certainly not from the many weak slaves that were present in the palace and in the city. They were slaves coming from races that were defeated a long time ago and by now they were serving his race almost willingly their spirits crushed by the strong rule of his race in the eons since they managed to capture their home worlds. Hundreds of races were serving the empire now, many working in slave camps and asteroid mines, slowly dying and hundreds more were destroyed. Only ten races were granted semi autonomy and most of them were races that just as the Dacarians were under the Farsian boot in the distant past. They served the empire willingly, fighting as auxiliary units with the legions often fighting the hardest battles, and he knew that they did that for only one reason. To prove their value to the empire and keep their hard won freedom.

As he moved he called one of the legionaries that were standing guard.

“Inform my son that I want him to sit beside me for today’s fight in the arena. Tell him that we will have humans fighting.”

The legionary bowed and left.

The old legate then continued slowly to his quarters.


Camp designation “Delta”

Arcadia Star system


Anderson moved slowly throw the tall grass that was concealing him from the towers that were guarding this side of the camp. The cloudy sky that concealed the stars and made the night even darker helped their concealment as well. The entire team was moving slowly through the grass all except the two snipers. Doc and Jenkins were hidden watching and covering them ready to open fire on anything that would threaten the team.

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