The Icarian Legacy Collected Edition: Brave Souls - First Strike (Volume 3) (77 page)

BOOK: The Icarian Legacy Collected Edition: Brave Souls - First Strike (Volume 3)
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“Do you think we should risk it Lt?”

“I don’t think we have a choice. If I’m right what we have here is a major operation that has a goal to wipe the resistance once and for all. Right now most of our teams are right in the middle of the fighting.”

Ellis looked at Kelley and scratched his unshaved face.

“You’re right. We have to make a plan how to extract ourselves from this mess.”

They both rose and then noticed the Illians watching them.

“And try to figure out a way that saves them as well. It will be good to have allies on the ground.”

That was a good point. No matter what the parameters of their mission were they had a lot of options and were men who were trained to infiltrate enemy territory and train insurgents that would cause a lot of trouble. What they had here was a gold mine that opened a lot of opportunities if it was handled right. He knew that it would mean using the Illians and the other rebels and that, many, maybe all of them would die in the process. But right now their chances of survival were small anyway. So in a way it was a moot point. And Earth and humanity would always come first.

“Inform the others that we move out. We have a meeting to attend and we only have three more hours to reach the meeting place so we have to hurry.”

Ellis just nodded and gave the signal to move out.

Kelley called the Illians to him.

As they came closer he looked at the leader.

“We have a camp not far from here. We have some supplies there that we would need. We go there first.”

Arnes watched the human as he spoke. It was obvious that he struggled with the language. It was a language he wasn’t used to speaking and that made him wonder how different he was from the humans he knew, from the ones like Demetrios. But then he remembered the look on their faces as they saw that they couldn’t save their fellow human. He remembered the soldier he was facing now remaining with him till the end. That was noble and it proved to him that they were not that different even if they don’t speak the same language.

“We will go with you human. But after that we have to go before the council. They might have information you will be able to use.”

The human nodded and then turned.

Arnes looked at Miur and Hars and a second later they all followed.

After a few minutes they felt that two of the humans came behind them covering the rear. They moved fast and stealthy through the jungle. It was as if they melted in it. He and his companions had a hard training just as every rebel but it was hard to keep up. He wondered for a moment if even the dacarians could match this tempo. Then he smiled to himself. That was a silly thought. He knew how strong his people’s enemies were. And as he watched the humans he knew that they have no chance. He knew the legends but they spoke of creatures that wielded the same weapons that the dacarians had, powerful ships. He saw nothing of that technology here. The weapons were primitive projectile weapons. They were deadly, he saw that first hand as the humans dispatched the dacarians but he knew how easy they could stop them. All that was needed was a better armor and the dacarians had that for sure.

But even with all his doubts he still felt hope. And as he noticed the faces of Miur and Hars he could see the same thoughts went through their heads as well.

After centuries they finally saw someone fighting the dacarians and fighting them on their own ground. He knew that other races did it as well. The Zerg, the Sicarians and the Lacarian Alliance were the latest and most powerful examples from that but they all lost. And they were all powerful empires in their own right. Even his people were powerful and as he looked at the humans and their weapons he knew that they used more advanced weapons as well.

He raised his head and for a moment caught a glimpse of the dark sky above and remembered the stations orbiting above. He remembered the stories of awe about the reaction of his people as they caught the first sight of them. The stories of the havoc they wrought on the dacarian fleets attacking the system. And then he remembered that it was humans that designed them and built them. That it was the humans that every dacarian legionary respected the most in every battle, that when facing a human the legionaries showed fear.

No. It might be small hope but it was hope far stronger than any other. The others tried and ultimately failed because none had what the humans had. None had the will to fight against all odds, the willpower to stand at the edge of the abyss and not feel fear.

He remembered the stories the Sicarians and the Ksand told about the ancient wars.

“We were all powerful, strong but we all lost because we couldn’t do what the dacarians did. Not even the ancient Icarians could and they were far more powerful than any of us. Before the dacarians ruled they were slaves, slaves to a race that was far worse then them. The Farsians were ruthless, had no mercy, they exterminated entire races just for the pleasure in it they had a technology that outmatched even the one the Icarians used. And then they came on to the youngest race that the Icarians uplifted, they met the humans. They met an opponent that was just as good at war as they were. That even though hated it, simply excelled in fighting. The humans were far behind in technology but their ships could take a terrible punishment and then exact their vengeance. The humans destroyed the Farsians, and centuries later they stopped the dacarians cold not because of their technology but because of their will and their heart. They are the noblest race that we have ever met and we are proud that we once stood at their side when all turned against them.”

It was a story that was often spoken by the last remaining survivors of the race that once called this planet home. The Ksand were the race that embraced his own in the past, the race that shared all its knowledge with the Illians and chose them for its successors. And when they believed there was no reason for him not to.

There was a storm on the horizon and it was a storm that just might change the universe.

They walked for two hours when one of the humans raised his hand and signaled a stop. Before he could ask seven of the humans disappeared in to the night. The one that remained motioned them down. They did as he asked. A moment later they heard a strange animal sound. The sound was repeated several times. And moments later an answer came.

When it did the soldier stood up and stepped forward. From all around them a large group of humans stepped out form cover. He counted at least eight more men.

He noticed Kelley smiling as he greeted another man.

“It is good to see you Wolf.”

“The same to you Hawk.”

The call signs were used on the radio when they made contact.

Kelly looked at Atkins and his group.

“Are the others here?”

“Yes. It was tight but we all made it through. But we don’t have much time, there are groups of legionaries searching and hunting here. And there are large groups of refugees fleeing. Mixed groups even humans among them. And many that look just like the three you have with you.”

Kelley turned to the three Illians.

“We need to talk. They are no threat and they can help us.”

“Considering what we saw coming here I think you’re right. But only if they survive.”

They both nodded at his last comment.

“Let’s move.”

Kelly just nodded and the two teams, finally united after several months lead the three Illians to their secret base. The base was located in a cave several miles from their position well hidden from sight behind a waterfall. As they approached other soldiers greeted them.

Inside the cave they were met by Ford and Rhodes.

The fourth team leader smiled as they shook hands. They gathered around a small fire that warmed the cold cave. A strange creature was roasting above the fire. They didn’t know its name but they all knew the creature and its tasty meet.

“What is the situation on your side?”

Atkins, Ford and Rhodes exchanged glances.

“Not as bad as here. It seems that this is where the largest group of rebels is gathered. It seems that they love the deep jungle and this is the place where it is thickest. I don’t know why they started this offensive right now but it made a mess. We were almost caught several times and we had to make contact two times. No casualties on our side, total on the enemy. But I doubt our luck will last. There are large formations on all sides. They are moving towards this place, even the refugee groups. There are several villages up ahead and I doubt that they will survive what’s coming at them. There are at least two small rebel bases here and here- he pointed at two dots on the map- but they will need a lot more to stop the dacarians. My estimates are that at least twenty thousand dacarians will hit them. Add to that the heavy armor and air cover and they will just roll over them. I don’t know what the situation is inside the rebel territory but they will need a lot more to survive what is coming.”

“That is my assessment as well. This is a major push.”

They all nodded.

“What about the other teams?”

“The Brits are staying put.”

Before Kelley could say anything Ford raised his hand.

“I advised Davis to do that. There is no need to put all eggs in one basket.”

Kelley had to agree on that. The Brits were secure for the time being and he hoped it would stay like that.

Rhodes looked at him.

“And what about Alpha, do you have any news on them?”

Kelley pointed on a dot on the map.

“We were supposed to meet here when all shit hit the fan.”

“The last I know was that they were planning to take a look at a slave camp. What happened after that I have no idea…”

They all knew that there was always the chance that one of the teams might be discovered. That was a risk they all shared. But so far there were no signs that the dacarians were aware of them. That meant that they were staying low just like the Brits, or that they were safe. The other option was that they were dead but the enemy had no idea. He knew that Morison and Blake had no chance of coming here being on the other side of the planet. And he knew what kind of trouble Delta and Gamma had to go through to reach here. Hell, they had to pass an entire continent. Three seal teams were here, twenty four of the deadliest soldiers mankind had. And they were under his command until they made contact with Rivers.

As he watched Sheppard came in leading the three Illians.

He pointed to the free places around the fire and the Illians sat down. They looked strange but graceful even in their torn clothes and with the bandages on their wounds.

“Arnes, Miur and Hars these are my friends Atkins, Rhodes, Ford and Sheppard. You know Ellis.”

The aliens nodded.

Arnes watched the humans as he warmed his hands on the fire.

“You said we would talk later. Is this a good time?”

Kelley looked at the other officers. They all nodded. They all understood what the alien said. Since the first contact with the Dacarians several years ago and the knowledge that the aliens could speak and understand Latin it was a language that was a must know. The Seals spent considerable time learning it. And so did many others.

“Yes Arnes. We can now. We have time.”

The alien nodded. He exchanged looks and a few words in his language with his two companions and then returned his attention to the humans.

“You are obviously humans just like the ones we have on this world. But you are not from here. You were never slaves.”

“How do you know that?”

The Illian smiled.

“I’m not a warrior and neither are my friends but I know that no one uses those weapons here, or those uniforms you wear. And then there is the language.”

They all smiled at his words.

“You’re right. We are not from this world. Not even close. As for the language… no one spoke it for almost two thousand years before our mutual friends showed up.”

“There is an ancient legend among the humans in the slave camps, and the freed ones.”

As he said that he noticed the shocked expressions on their faces. It was obvious that they knew about the camps and the humans in them but it still came as a surprise.

He continued.

“A legend that ancient humans are still out there and that one day they will come back and destroy the empire.”

“And like all legends this one is partially true. We are the descendants at least some of us are of the humans that ran a long time ago. But we are not them Arnes. We are here because we were attacked and we wish to stop that from happening again. As for the empire we don’t know what we will do about that.”

Before the Illian could ask more he raised his hand.

“And don’t ask anymore about that. We can’t share that information with you.”

The Illian smiled.

“I understand more then you know human. But I know that there will be others like you coming. I don’t know if I will be there to see them but I know that this is a moment that will change a lot of things in the cycles to come. That is why I have to take you to my superiors. You have to talk to them and have all the information.”

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