The Icarian Legacy Collected Edition: Brave Souls - First Strike (Volume 3) (78 page)

BOOK: The Icarian Legacy Collected Edition: Brave Souls - First Strike (Volume 3)
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The humans looked at each other.

They talked for few moments and then Kelley looked at the Illian.

“We will come with you and meet with your superiors. We rest for two hours then we move out.”

The Illian nodded and then he and his companions stood up. They retreated to the corner of the cave and spread teen shits on which they laid down.

“You shouldn’t be so open with them Arnes. We don’t know them.”

“You might be right Hars but what choice do we have. And look at them. Do they look like they would betray us?”

“Like they said they are not from this world. They are not like the human slaves we know.”

“That is enough from both of you. If they wanted to betray us or kill us although on that I’m not sure, they could easily do it by now. They are soldiers and by what I could see far better than any we have and even better than many dacarian legionaries. They were sent from a world that the humans control. They have to be.”

“You’re right and we all saw how they reacted towards Demetrios. They hate the dacarians just as we do.”

“Take some rest we have a long journey ahead of us.”

They all lay down and moments alter they were sleeping.

Kelley looked at the marks on the map. Atkins and Rhodes were there with him. Ford, Ellis and Sheppard were outside probably doing the same thing. Back on Earth all of them were team leaders but here with the joined teams they served as the XO of the senior commanders. No one complained and they all did their jobs.

The marks showed the know locations of the villages, refugee groups and dacarian troops. Two small dacarian teams were trailing a small group of rebels. And if they headed on that direction they would cross their path.

One larger body of dacarians was following behind. And there were dacarians in the front along the pat they would have to take tomorrow.

“Can we go around them?”

“No. There are far larger units on both sides and you know the troops we have in our rear.”

“What numbers do we have in this group?”

“Thirty five, ten fighters the rest are women and children. Some of them are armed but…they are not fighters.”

What about the hostiles.

“Two groups trailing them, group Alpha has twelve, Beta fifteen legionaries. They are well armed but they won’t expect us.”

Kelley thought for a moment.

“OK. Rhodes you and your team will hit Alpha. We will take on Beta. We will randevy here about two clicks from our target.”

“They will slow us down sir.”

Kelley smiled.

“No they won’t. I have no intention of staying with them. I just want to give them a better chance. And rid ourselves from these two teams that might pick up our trail.”

Atkins and Rhodes smiled.

“Now take some rest. Like I said we move out in two hours.”



Atkins watched as Garret and Johnson dragged the surviving legionary towards him.

Kim, Mitchell and Rupert finished of the rest of the wounded. The legionary was in great pain from the wounds to his abdomen and chest but he was still conscious.

The ambush went even better than he expected. The legionaries were totally unprepared for it and most of them died without firing a shot.

He used two claymores that were placed at a 20 meter radius and caught the legionaries in crossfire while his team was safely away. The mines killed most of the legionaries and inflicted heavy wounds on the survivors. Seven legionaries died instantly literally torn to shreds from the explosion and the other four were dispatched with ease. The only survivor after just a minute was the legionary he was looking at now.

Okra watched the strangely dressed human. He felt his life draining away. His wounds were mortal and painful and as he watched the other humans dispatching his comrades he was expecting the same. He cursed Morgat for the stupidity of running blindly after the zgorts. They underestimated their enemies they forgot how dangerous they were in this jungle. And this was the price they paid. He only hoped that the rest of the unit that was about half a day back heard the explosions and would be ready.

“What is your name?”

Okra understood the question but didn’t answer. Instead he kept watching the human and took note of the strange looking weapons he carried. He served on this world for five cycles and had a chance to fight several times against escaped humans. He never remembered seeing them use projectile weapons. And what he was seeing was definitely that.

“What is your name and rank?” – The human repeated the question. This time it was followed by a stab with a knife in one of his wounds. He cried out form the pain and then coughed blood on the ground.

“He won’t talk. We should kill him and leave.”

Atkins looked at Ford. He knew his XO is right. They were wasting time. He decided to try one more time. He remembered the honorable death that the Macedonian soldier gave to two dacarian officers.

He drew the gladius of the scabbard and kneeled in front of the legionary. He noticed the spark in his eyes as he saw the sword.

“You are a warrior, a legionary. You deserve an honorable death.”

Okra raised his eyes and looked at the human.

“What… do you ..ah…know of honorable death human.”

Atkins placed the gladius on the ground and then returned his look.

“Your race and mine…we both know of honor. Of the way a warrior lives and the death he deserves. We both know…that there is honor among enemies too.”

Okra looked at the human with surprise. The pain made him cry out once more as he moved but he regained his balance and cleared his eyes. He knew of that saying, the ancient creed of his clan. He looked again at the human and the equipment that he was carrying. It was unlike any that the escaped slaves were using. And every human on this world was a slave that managed to escape the camps.   

“Who…who are you?”

The human looked at him with an amusing look.

“Answer my questions and you have my word that I will give you an honorable death.”

The dacarian looked angry as he watched them. He turned his head and looked at all of them measuring them.

“Who are you?”

“Oh for god sake boss just kill him and be done with it. He won’t speak.”

Atkins turned towards Mitchell. The seal lowered his gaze as their eyes met.

“You are dying and it will be painful. Answer my question and I will give you the honor you deserve.”

The dacarian raised his head and looked at the sky. It was hardly visible from the tall trees but it gave him peace.

He took of his helmet and lowered it to the ground next to the sword.

“Ask your question human.”

“How far are your main troops?”

As the dacarian looked at him Atkins smiled.

“We know of your other patrol as well. They are taken care of as well.”

The dacarian nodded with a look that showed approval.

“They are about half a day behind us.”

Atkins wanted to ask how many legionaries would be in that group but he knew that he won’t get the answer.

Instead he rose. He nodded to his men and they started moving away. He picked up the gladius and then put his hand on Okra’s shoulder.

Okra looked at the human with a look that showed gratitude. As the human moved behind him he said his prayer.

“I’m Gurkat Okra of the clan Al Mach.”

“I’m John Atkins. May the gods be with you Okra.”

As he said that Atkins pressed the sword downward. The sharp blade pierced the armor with ease and penetrated the body of the dacarian. The legionary twitched as the sword pierced his skin but he didn’t utter a sound. His body relaxed and as Atkins pulled the sword out it fell on the ground. Atkins turned him on his back. Then he placed the gladius in the scabbard and put it in his hands.

He saluted and then followed his men.

  Several miles forward Kelley watched as the rest of the members of his team checked the bodies of the dead dacarians. The ambush passed perfectly. It was obvious that the dacarians weren’t expecting any trouble here. It was a sign of weakness one he was sure he and his men will take advantage off. And he was sure the other teams will do the same. He hoped that they will be able to share their knowledge with the rebels. He saw the small group of Illians watching the dead bodies of the legionaries. He noticed the hatred in their eyes. It was something that gave him hope but it also made him tremble. He knew that the humans shared that hatred. There were to many casualties back on Earth and as he watched them he knew that that is what humans back on Earth would look like if they lose this war.

He picked up the signal from Atkins and knew that the other ambush passed without a glitch as well. Murphy was on their side for now.

He gave the signal for moving and in just a second the seals moved out. 

It took them an hour to reach the randevy. As they arrived there he saw that Atkins and his team are waiting for them.

Atkins smiled and nodded as he noticed Kelley. He returned the nod.

“How are they doing?”

“They are moving slow but with these two teams destroyed we gave them a breathing space, at least for several more hours.”

That last sentence gave him the hint.

“How far behind are the rest of the dacarian troops?”

Atkins pointed towards Rhodes and one of the snipers from his team.

Barkley stepped up. He scratched his bald head and then picked up his map.

He noted the marked positions of the escaping group of civilians and theirs. Then he pointed to the other two marks on the map. As Kelley noticed them he knew that the dacarians are gaining.

“How far and how much time do we have?”

“If we move alone we don’t have to worry. But the rebels will not escape them. I give them a day, day and a half before they catch them. And that is if they stop.”

“How strong are they?”

“I’d say we are talking a brigade strong at least. They are divided in several squads. The closest is a regiment that has about four hundred bodies. They move fast. I’d say we have about three hours before they reach the ambush sites.”

“They know that their teams were ambushed. They picked up their pace after we destroyed their advance parties. This squad moved forward. I’d say they are baiting us, while the others are spreading out and will act like a hammer once they catch us.”

Kelley rose and looked at the others. He considered his options. His logic told him that he should leave the Illians and the others to their fate. But as he noticed Arnes he knew that that wouldn’t be right. This was a situation in which he and his men were making a first contact and were finding allies. And that could be crucial in the long run. This was just the start of a war he knew humanity will fight for a long time. And they would need all the help they could get. These people were all coming from races that were enslaved but they were all races that were far ahead of humanity when they met the dacarians. They had a base of knowledge that humanity will need in the years to come.

“We have no choice. We have to help them.”

“That might endanger the mission.”

“I know that it is a risk but we need them. And if we do this right they will have a chance.”

He turned towards Rhodes.

“Anthony I want you to try and slow down the legionaries. The jungle is our turf not theirs. Use it against them.”

The ex Ranger smiled.

“We will slow them down. And will enjoy every moment of their misery as we do that.”

Kelley smiled and shook his hand. He looked at Arnes and indicated to him to come forward.

“There is a mixed group of your people ahead of us. We need you to contact them and then instruct them to follow our lead.”

The Illian looked at him with a questioning look. Before he could say anything Kelley continued.

“The dacarians we killed were just an advanced party. There is a large force behind us and they will reach them in the next day or so. Unless they follow us they will die.”

Arnes looked at the human as he finished. He knew that he was right. He noticed how fast the humans were moving in the time he and his friends spent with them. It was hard to walk step in step with them but he knew that speed was of the essence right now.

“I will give them your message human. And they will listen to you. You have my word on that.”

Kelley nodded and then gave the signal to Rhodes. As he did the eight men from his team disappeared in the jungle moving back towards the dacarian lines. Arnes watched them go. So did the other two Illians. The other humans started moving in the opposite direction.

“Where are they going?”

Atkins turned as he heard the question from the Illian.

“To buy some time for us and for your people…And to make the bastards sweat about what is out here in the jungle.”

After this he just turned and moved out. Arnes and his men followed him.

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