The Reluctant Alpha (17 page)

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Authors: A.K. Michaels

BOOK: The Reluctant Alpha
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The bellow of pain from the bull rang out into the night as it thrashed around, trying to gore them. He and the other two were far too experienced to allow that to happen and it wasn’t long before they downed the elk, its blood seeping into the ground in its death throws.

Cam’s Wolf circled around the bull, watching and waiting for the animal to die. He wouldn’t allow any of the Pack near until he was sure it was safe. Many a Wolf had been caught out and gored with a bull’s last breath. His beast prowled back and forth, its eyes taking in every last detail of the animal as it lay dying before him.

A last struggle, a final rattle of breath, a last spurt of life saving blood, and then it lay perfectly still in death. Cam took a moment to take in the magnificent beast before turning to look for Marie’s beast, spying her waiting off to his side. His Wolf padded over, nudging her with his head, giving her the honor to be the first to feed, as was tradition in his Clan.

She hesitated, looking around then back to him, her beast’s eyes showing her sorrow. Cam’s obsidian Wolf nudged her again and as she stepped forward, he led her to the bull. With a final nudge her beast lowered its head and ripped into the soft underbelly of the elk as Cam’s Wolf released a loud howl of victory. Jinx’s beast joined his and then Jacob’s, soon, every member of the Pack present joined them as they allowed Marie’s beast to devour as much of the elk as it could.

When she was finished, her beast howled long and hard up to the night sky, releasing her pain and sorrow. Her Packmates joined her for a moment before they attacked the remains of the bull, ripping and shredding the body until only a carcass remained.

Now they’d had a taste of blood, the Wolves wanted more, yipping and prancing as Cam prodded Jinx’s reddish brown beast. His action obviously letting his Beta know to take over. Jinx’s Wolf growled, snarled, and then took off with the others close behind. Cam wasn’t surprised to see that Jacob stayed behind.

He’d been right, his PI wanted to get back to camp.

As his beast sped off into the darkness back to camp, he could feel Jacob’s at his back. Cam had no idea why Jacob wanted to leave the hunt, and, truth be told, he didn’t care. All he cared about was getting back to check on Chastity.

Chapter 1


Jacob broke away from Cam at the edge of the Camp, heading towards the Club House cabin. His excitement growing at seeing Rebecca again, the thought of taking her in his arms and showing her what he could do with his lips. Just thinking about her lips causing his beast to quicken its pace.

He morphed at the stairs up to the cabin, striding up and in quickly. Jacob stopped, a little confused when the Witch wasn’t sitting on the sofa and even more confused when he used his abilities and realized she wasn’t in the cabin. His temper rose as his disappointment caused him to growl, his eyes noticing his suit lying over the back of the sofa.

So, she’d been back, but where the fuck was she now?

His inner beast was prowling around, discontented that the Witch was not here and he agreed with it wholeheartedly. Jacob snatched up his pants, pulling them on quickly and grabbing his shirt, not bothering to fasten it or put on shoes, he turned and stalked outside.

He had to force himself not to snarl as his senses sought her scent. His intention to seek her out and pursue the attraction between them. Jacob was certain she felt it too, it was obvious in the way she looked at him, the way she reacted to him. It was definitely not only on his part and he couldn’t wait to have her in his arms.

Jacob had only taken two steps when he saw her walking toward him. Placing his hands in his pockets, he waited until she was directly in front of him. “Where’ve you been?”

Rebecca raised an eyebrow at his question. “Angel invited me over to eat and we shared a bottle of wine. Why?”

Jacob smirked, “I thought you’d be waiting on me.”

Rebecca swerved around him, her aura clearly upset. “You think I would just sit around pining for the big, bad Wolf? If so, then you are sorely mistaken!”

He watched as she stormed inside, her ass snugly covered by her dress and calling to him to feel it. Damn, but the woman was hot. “I see you’re annoyed with me.”

Rebecca tried to slam the door in his face but he caught it easily and went inside, closing it quietly. She stopped in front of the fire, her eyes blazing, hands on hips. “Annoyed? Me? No, I’m not annoyed with you. I’m fucking furious! Who do you think you are to just assume I’ll be at your beck and call?”

Jacob stalked over toward her. “I didn’t say you were at my beck and call. However, I know you feel
between us and I just thought you were as interested as I to pursue it. Obviously I was wrong.”

He stopped right in front of her, invading her space but not touching. Her scent assaulting him and causing his cock to harden. “You’re rather bewitching, if you’ll pardon the pun, but I know you feel it, Becca.”

Again her eyes flashed with anger and she slowly stated, “My name is Rebecca.”

“I prefer Becca when it’s just the two of us.”

He could see her pupils dilate, scent her arousal, but still she fought him. Standing stiff as a rod and glowering up at him. Jacob reached over and took one of her hands in his, bringing it up to gently kiss her palm. His lips lingering for a moment before he pulled back. He heard her breathing quicken, a little gasp as she tugged her hand free.

“Who are you? You’re no ordinary Wolf, that’s for sure.” Rebecca frowned, her skin puckering at the top of her nose as she looked him square in the eye. “I don’t normally associate with Wolves, apart from Cam and Jinx, but here you are Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome, affecting me like I’ve never been affected before. To tell the truth, I’m not sure I like it.”

“Really?” Jacob grinned. “Tall, dark
handsome. Why thank you, beautiful lady. My ego’s just taken a boost.”

Rebecca finally smiled. “I don’t think you have any problems with your ego, Wolf.”

Jacob reached forward, placing a hand at her waist and gently tugged her forward. When she didn’t resist his touch he stepped into her body, holding her snug against him. “Sorry if I seemed a little
earlier. I was just a little disappointed when you weren’t here. I’d been looking forward to seeing you and getting you all to myself.”

“I’m not a She-Wolf, Jacob, I don’t do well with being told what to do or when to do it.”

Jacob nodded. “Noted,” he said as his head lowered and his lips brushed across hers, his beast howling as their tongues danced. Her taste lighting a fire inside him he’d not felt in a very long time.

He knew she felt it too, little gasps of pleasure from her throat causing his cock to harden until it strained to break free. Her hands now on his body, beneath his shirt, her fingers caressing his skin as he deepened the kiss further.

Rebecca’s body responded to his touch, to his kiss, and melted to his. Jacob forced their lips apart, “You want to stay here, or go somewhere more private?”

Her eyes hooded as she replied softly, “Oh I think we need to take this somewhere private. Don’t you?”

“I do indeed, Becca.” He saw her squint up at him but she didn’t protest at his use of the name.

“I think we’ll use my room.” She took his hand and led them upstairs.

His eyes glued to her ass as it swayed in front of him. “I can’t wait to see you. All of you,” he murmured while she laughed.

“I’ve seen what you’ve got to offer already, Wolf.”

“I’m glad it didn’t put you off.” Jacob chuckled stating, “Some women are intimidated by my size.”

As they reached the top of the stairs, Rebecca turned to look over her shoulder, “I’m not easily intimidated.”

Jacob laughed, moving to pick her up in his arms and carry her the rest of the way. “I’ll bet you aren’t.”

Her lips latched onto his throat as he pushed open her door, kicking it shut behind him before placing her on her feet. “Need a hand?” he asked, as he tore off his shirt.

“No, I’m perfectly capable of undressing myself.”

As his pants fell to the floor he kicked them off, reaching for Rebecca. “Please, let me,” he growled, his ardor rising by the second.

She stood still as his hands lowered the zipper on her dress, pushing it from her shoulders to let it pool at her feet. Jacob hissed through his teeth at the sight before him. Rebecca standing in matching purple lace bra and panties with sheer, hold up stockings, her feet still encased by her stiletto shoes.

“Goddess, but you are beautiful! I’m loving that look on you, my sexy Witch. Nothing quite like the sight of stockings to turn a man on.”

“You needed the stockings?” Rebecca’s smile was seductive as she batted her eyelashes at him. “I don’t think so. You were already turned on, Jacob, no denying it.”

“Yeah,” he grinned, “I was, but hey, this is a bonus.”

Picking her up, he carried her to the bed, “Let’s see how many times I can make you scream my name.” he joked as he placed her gently on the covers.

“Hmm,” Rebecca said and bit her lip, “I think I’ll take you up on that and raise ya! Let’s see how many times
to roar my name.”

“Done.” He agreed, pouncing to cover her body with his.



Chapter 1


Rory held Charlotte tight against him, their lovemaking tiring them both, but still he couldn’t sleep. His pull towards this She-Wolf was scaring him and he had no idea how to address it. Every time he was near her, his Wolf would prance about, urging him to mark her as his.

His reticence to do so causing him to worry he was going to muck this up. It wasn’t every day a Wolf found a mate but he had so many things to ponder. Did he want to stay here? Go back to Scotland? Would Charlie even want to leave here or would she expect him to stay, even if he didn’t want to?

Questions, questions, always running through his head, a tight band of tension taking hold. Closing his eyes he let out a long sigh, jumping when Charlie poked him in the ribs.

“You okay, Highlander? What’s up?”

He looked down into her twinkling eyes, seeing a slight frown on her face. His finger gently stroked the pucker. “Sorry, it’s just all these feelings running through me and my head is, as we say in Scotland, ‘full of mince.’”

Charlie laughed, “You’re kidding. Right? You don’t really say that, do you?”

Rory chuckled, “Yup, we do and right now there’s not a more apt saying for the way my brain is.”

“So, you’re feeling what I’m feeling?”

Pulling her tight against him he kissed her forehead. “If you feel like you’ve been sucker punched and your heart feels like it’s going to explode
your Wolf is giving you its very own headache. Then aye, I do.”

“That’s about right.” Charlie clung to him. “What do we do?”

“No feckin’ idea but I guess we need to discuss some things. Like whether I want to stay here in the US, or go back to the Highlands. If you
me to stay here or if you want to come with me to Scotland. Too much for tonight, Charlie. We’ll talk tomorrow, if that’s okay?”

“Tomorrow is good. We don’t need to decide right now, Rory.” She cuddled even closer, whispering, “Can I stay the night?”

“Aye, I don’t want you going anywhere, Charlie. So long as your father won’t come hunting for me in the morning?” Rory tickled her side, right at that little spot he’d found earlier. “Cam’s got enough on his plate without a challenge from a disgruntled father.”

“I told him ‘bout us. He said to do what my beast and heart tell me.”

“Really? He said that?” Rory wondered if her father was wiser than either of them were. Probably.

“Yeah,” Charlie snuggled into him, “he’s okay with me being here. Promise.”

“Good, now, let’s try and get some rest.”

Charlie yawned, “Okay, we’ll talk tomorrow.”

Rory nodded, closing his eyes and trying to sleep. As thoughts, words and feelings careened inside his brain, he realized it was going to be a long night.




Rebecca stared at the large Wolf in her bed, his rock hard body lying next to her, one of his arms across her waist. She’d never been attracted to a Wolf before, well, apart from Cam and that was only a friendship. Nothing ever happened between them in the bedroom department.

Her body appeared to react to this Wolf, Jacob, all on its own with no input from her at all and she fought against those feelings. Always in control at all times, she wasn’t happy at this lack of restraint on her part.
“What the hell is it about him?”
she thought over and over as she stared at his perfection.

Yeah, he was large (she’d always liked tall, muscular men), he was handsome (way more good looking than any man should be), he was passionate (boy, was that an understatement), he was a considerate lover (extremely considerate). She smiled, stifling a little laugh at all the ways he’d been
but he was also controlling, obstinate, and dominant. None of those appealing to her in even the slightest before she’d met him.

She was her own woman, a strong, independent Witch, who ran her business and life
way. The thought of someone else having a say in her life brought out a cold sweat in her that caused her to shiver involuntarily.

What was he going to say when she let him know that she was in no way going to let him impact on her life? She guessed he wasn’t going to take that well but, hell, she was in no doubt that Jacob was going to try his goddamn hardest to infiltrate her life.

She’d just have to be strong enough not to allow him that power.




Shelly pulled the cover tighter around her as she curled up in the corner of the sofa, re-reading one of her favorite books. Yes, she had all the new-fangled technical ways to read but sometimes, just sometimes, she liked the feel of a
book in her hands.

Rushing to turn the pages to see what happens, or, stalling to read a much-loved paragraph. As her best friend walked over she closed the book, “Marshmallows?” she asked with hope as Tina handed her a large, steaming mug of hot chocolate.

“Yup, of course.” Tina sat down in her armchair set right next to the fire.

Shelly sipped her drink, savoring the taste as she thought how lucky she was to have her friend staying with her. After her father “disappeared” she’d been alone, her mother killed in an accident when she was small. Tina hadn’t hesitated, moving in so Shelly wouldn’t be on her own.

“Tink,” Shelly used her friend’s nickname, “do you really think we’re safe now?”

Tina turned around, cream along her top lip, “I don’t know why, but I do. I think those guys are for real. I didn’t scent any deceit on them and they both appear to be open and up-front ‘bout things.”

“Good,” Shelly said and pointed to her own lip, Tina sticking her tongue out to lick hers clean. “I really hope so, this Pack needs to heal and grow strong again. Without fear, punishment, or death, forever in our minds.”

“I know, honey,” Tina said and cocked her head to the side, “plus, they’re kinda cute, ain’t they? Those accents are h.o.t!”

“Tink, that’s the last thing on my mind,” Shelly laughed, and she agreed but wasn’t going to let her friend know that. “Do you think we’ll ever be able to find out what happened to my dad?”

Tina’s expression changed, sadness and sympathy visible now. “I don’t know, babe, but if we can then we will. I’ll maybe go and talk to those two tomorrow. Give them a run-down of what’s been going on here and about all the so-called disappearances. Maybe they can help.”

“Do you think they will? Help that is.”

“I’m sure they will.” Tina looked thoughtful for a moment. “Shell, I think they’re good Wolves who’ll do what they can to help us. We can pray to the Goddess that they can find everyone who we’ve lost and then we can give them a proper burial. I know we’ve talked ‘bout it before, honey, we know they’re dead. That fucker Dupont or his men killed them but if we can lay them to rest that’ll be something.”

“Yes,” Shelly’s eyes filled with tears with her response, she turned away quickly so Tink couldn’t see. “I want to bury him next to mom. He would’ve wanted that.”

“I know, honey, I know.”

Shelly nodded, picking up her book with one hand and pretending to read it as she hoped and prayed they were indeed now safe. Her one wish to find her father and put him where he belonged; next to her mother.




Cam stared at Chastity’s prone body, her face pale against the sheets, so pale it almost matched the white linen she lay upon. His Wolf lay down, whining in his head. His need to stay close to this woman all-encompassing and causing his heart to ache.

What he wouldn’t do to see her open her eyes; nothing. There was nothing he wouldn’t do to bring her back into the living instead of this coma-like state she was now in. With all his wealth and contacts there’d never been a time when he couldn’t
something; until now.

His frustration growing by the hour as he sat at her side. Cam could hear Jinx wandering around in a nearby bedroom and hoped his friend didn’t attempt to make him go to bed. Cam had no intention of leaving Chastity’s side until he’d brought her back from the brink and anyone who tried to move him was in for an angry Alpha response, from his beast and from him.

For the first time in his life he prayed to the Goddess, urging her to bring the white Wolf back to life. “Chastity, wake up, you have to wake up,” he murmured over and over again, his heart sinking each time there was no response.




Chastity ran, weaving through the trees, her heart filled with dread. Something bad, something terrible, something terrifying, was chasing her and she ran on and on trying to escape.

She couldn’t see it, only felt it, as it followed her every move. Something dark and dangerous that wanted nothing more than to catch her and do unspeakable things, drag her somewhere she didn’t want to go.

Tears streaked her face as she ran, her feet not feeling the ground beneath her. “Am I dreaming?” she thought, as she raced onwards, fear lapping inside her belly as her heart felt as if it was going to explode from the exertion.

She hoped she was because this seemed never-ending. No matter how fast she ran she couldn’t escape whatever it was that was chasing her. She tried again and again to morph into her beast but nothing happened. Her beast howling in protest at being unable to protect her.

Chastity thought she could hear voices but when she tried to latch onto the sounds they drifted away in the breeze. “Please, please! Is there anyone there?” she screamed aloud, hoping someone would come to her aid.

Nobody did, the forest silent as her scream died away. So she did the only thing she could; she ran, faster and faster.

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