The Sex Education of M.E. (10 page)

BOOK: The Sex Education of M.E.
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“Don’t overthink,” Gia warned me.

“He’ll only go as far as you want,” she encouraged.

“This isn’t love,” she snorted. “This is lust.”

She was correct on all accounts. Even though I hardly knew him, I trusted Merek. This was Sex Ed 101. My body was out of control and I wanted the touch of a man. I could do this, I pep talked.

Finally stepping out of my car, Merek waited for me on the front steps outside the apartment building. In typical Chicago style, the two-flat looked like a house, raised several steps above ground level. There were two entrances as soon as you entered the front door. Merek’s place was on the second floor. A city home, the surrounding houses were similar in fashion. The cookie cutter line-up was slightly different from the neighborhood I lived in.

“I was beginning to wonder if you’d changed your mind,” he smiled slowly. The golden spark to his eyes made my heart race.

“If we’re going to stand on the stoop, I might,” I giggled. Sweat trickled under my arms and my hands shook. He reached for me and I stumbled as he tugged me forward, teasingly, to rush us inside. He slowed as we climbed the stairs to the second floor apartment. Stopping before the door, he spun to face me.

“We’ll only go as far as you want.” He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, “but I’m going to admit, I’m hoping it’s far. I like long drives.”

I laughed. His flirting shattered some of my nerves. Still holding my hand, we entered the apartment and he led me to the couch.

“Drink,” he offered. He crossed behind the couch and returned with two glasses of wine. Mine was pink; his was red.

“White zinfandel?” I questioned. “You remembered what I ordered?” His mouth curved slowly, rolling up on one side, then the other followed, like he had a secret he wanted to tell, but the smile hid it. He didn’t answer my question, just watched me over the rim of his glass.

“So how do we do this?” Nerves caught up to me again as he sat next to me on the couch.
How did one jump into sex?
It wasn’t like we’d been on a date first where I was plied with wine, laughter and the occasional compliment. My date with Rod certainly didn’t lead there.

“Slow down,” he smirked, placing the glass on the table beside him. His hand landed on my thigh as his body twisted toward me.

“Tell me about your date.” His husky voice was not the tone I’d expect for such a question. I swallowed hard.

“Why do you want to know about that?” I squeaked as his hand slid up and down my skirted thigh. The material slowly danced back and forth with each stroke.

“I’m curious about it.” His tone lowered, his words directed at the attention to my thigh. He stopped abruptly and reached for my hand instead. Turning it over, he rubbed his palm over mine, caressing my wrist, and then dragging the calloused pads of his fingertips back over my sensitive palm. One digit drew along the creased lines in my skin.

“Why?” My eyes followed the motion. He spread his fingers to slide between mine briefly, then returned to stroking each one.

“Tell me.” Clasping them together, he raised our hands and kissed my knuckles.

“Rod is an old friend,” I began. “I knew him as a teenager.”

“Rod?” he choked. “Like nimrod,” he muttered. Flipping our combined palms, his lips lingered and his mouth sucked tenderly on the flat of my hand.

“That’s not nice.” I stifled a laugh, distracted by his mouth.

“Sorry. So how well did you know Rod? Are you familiar with Rod’s rod?” His voice was still low, but not threatening.

“I’m not sure that’s any of your business.”

His mouth stopped. His eyes searched mine. His chin tipped.

“Did you get reacquainted with Rod’s rod?” His tone roughened. His fingers closed around mine again, and he twisted my arm to expose my wrist. His mouth met the tender skin. He sucked gently, his tongue darting forward and caressing the delicate veins. He lapped lightly and my breath hitched.

“Nothing happened the other night,” I breathed. “In fact, I went home early.” His eyes shot up to mine.

“That good, huh?” He chuckled. His lips continued to serenade my arm with kisses, dotting a path to my elbow.

“It was fine.” I exhaled slowly, trying to concentrate on the conversation but completely distracted by the movement of his mouth.

“That’s a word I never want you to use with me.” The playful edge disappeared from his tone. His tender attention stopped and I instantly missed it. His touch soothed, distracted, and if it’s possible to be turned on by fingers petting and unique kisses, I wasn’t going to make it past first base with this man. Moisture pooled between my legs and I didn’t dare rub my thighs as they already touched. The slightest movement would only increase my excitement.

“Okay.” My voice was so low I wasn’t certain any sound escaped my mouth. His lips brushed against my shoulder. My eyes closed under the weight of his kisses.

“I’m relieved you didn’t sleep with him,” Merek muttered against my skin.

“Who said I didn’t sleep with him?”

His lips stopped and I laughed. My hand covered my mouth.

“I’m sorry.” I laughed harder at the momentary expression on his face. Then he playfully narrowed his eyes and shifted his body to kneel before me.

“You’re going to pay for that.” The curve of his lips was pure seduction. Then those lips hit my knee. I jolted. His mouth opened and he sucked the skin above my kneecap. My head fell back and a shaky hand reached out for his hair. It was coarse, the salt mixing with the pepper of age, but slipping my fingers through it, rubbing over his scalp, made him moan. The vibration of his mouth tingled up my thigh, igniting the steady spark into a full-on inferno at the apex. With a will of their own, my legs parted, extending the invitation for him to continue higher.

“Will you take a payment plan?” I whispered toward the ceiling. His subtle laughter tickled my skin. The air sizzled and my nervous giggle turned serious. We were really doing this. He was really going there,
, and I wanted it like nothing I’d ever wanted before. My skirt rose and firm hands removed my underwear without missing a beat. Kisses continued uninterrupted. My knees opened farther as his broad body wedged between them. His mouth drew seductively closer to where I wanted it to go. His tongue dragged hesitantly along my inner thigh before he lapped through tender folds. I bucked, suppressing the chuckle of nerves threatening to escape. His tongue strengthened and the pressure increased to full-on devouring. I held his head between my thighs. The seduction of his tongue increased to part my lower lips and he sucked that nub of pleasure hard. I sighed as he guided one of my legs up to perch on the couch. I was completely exposed.

He tugged me closer to the edge of the cushion without missing a beat of his connection on my core. His mouth was on a mission. His fingers joined the adventure. One thick digit slipped into my wet channel, which sucked him deeper, while his tongue circled around me. My toes curled and my legs quivered as the fluttering crawled from my ankles, rapidly curled around my calves, and burst forth at the top of my thighs. I screamed. Or I think I screamed. The strangled sound coming out of me wasn’t a noise I recognized.

My body shuddered with aftershocks. My fingers tightened in his hair and I tugged gently to let him know I’d had enough. My thighs shook, but my insides felt languid. Replete for the moment, I stared at Merek as his head rose and he faced me with moisture enhancing his red lips. His mouth curved into that delicious smile and I longed to kiss him, regardless of his rule. I was tempted to ask about it but he asked me a question instead.

“Like that?” As confident as he came across, it seemed strange he would even ask such a question. Then he added: “If you say fine, I’m going to punish you again.”

“Fine, fine, fine,” was the mantra my mouth sang to tease him. He stood methodically, pulling me up by my hands as he went. Shaky legs quivered and his mouth landed below my ear.

“My turn,” he purred. I assumed what he meant; I just didn’t know if I could do that. Oral sex wasn’t my specialty. While I often felt guilty I rarely performed it on Nate, I also never felt I was any good at it. Being with Nate was also more often about getting the act done, than experiencing each other.

Merek surprised me by reaching around me and slipping his hands firmly under my behind. Lifting upward, my reaction was to wrap my legs around him. My skirt rose up, and the sensation of bare skin against the material instantly rekindled my excitement. The hard length of him on the edge of my entrance enhanced the experience and teased me with what was to come next.

“You can’t carry me,” I whimpered, clasping my arms around his neck as he adjusted me before turning us. “I’m too heavy,” I cried. He didn’t respond. If he struggled, I didn’t have the slightest notion as his nose traced my neck while he blindly guided us into another room. I was dropped on a bed and bounced with the connection.

“Oh my,” I laughed as I flopped against the mattress. Brushing back my hair, I looked up at Merek whose face appeared thoughtful.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have tossed you down like that.” His expression shifted; his eyebrows pinched in question. Fear rose inside me. Did he have his own doubts about what was going to happen next? Because the next step was going to be sex — pure, unadulterated sex, unless he changed his mind. He reached for the collar of his t-shirt and slipped it over his head. Guess I had my answer.

For a man in his forties, before me stood a god who rivaled a twenty-year old. In fact, the solidness of his chest and the thickness of his arms proved he was a man of age, not a youth newly out of puberty. His stomach rippled and my fingers twitched to travel the bumpy road before me. Forget it, my mouth watered to trace down the treasure trail that peeked out of his jeans. To top it off he had tattoos, and while I didn’t personally have any, I was so intrigued by them on others. The color, the images, the meaning behind the art always made me curious. I didn’t have long to ogle him, though, as his hands came to mine, tugging me upward so he could remove my skirt and t-shirt.

Here’s where it got tricky. My body did not compare in physique to his. I wasn’t solid, anywhere. A slight bulge typically peeked over my underwear and my thighs had grown together. Skin dangled under my arms and my stomach had the scars of childbirth. One arm rested around my stomach as if I could wrap myself up. My other arm instinctively crossed my chest. My breasts still stood large in a black bra, and my boy-cut shorts, which had been removed in the living room, were not chosen to flatter but rather a futile attempt to hold things together in the mid-section.

“Don’t do that.” His eyes were trained on my chest. Mine shifted away. His fingers gently circled my wrist, forcing it down to expose my breasts. My heart raced with inadequacy. A deep breath was necessary to calm my fears. I licked my lips. The aroma of my desire perfumed the air and I added another line to my list of insecurities before this man. He removed my other arm.

Holding my wrists at my sides, his eyes caressed over me. It was too much and I had to look away again. I couldn’t watch him inspect my body. My heart beat so wildly, I worried he’d see it through my skin. Instead, he nudged me to step back until I hit the bed. I sat on instinct, and then he asked me to scoot back. He followed me like I was his prey, but I wasn’t afraid. In fact, I longed for the attack. When I hit the pillows with my back I stopped and his mouth landed on the deep ridges of my stomach. My hand flew to cover where he had kissed. The barrier wasn’t strong enough and he instantly removed my weak attempts to prevent him from looking at the scars.

“Children?” he muttered as he continued to kiss up and over deep grooves that did not match the sharp ripples of his structured abs. Instead, it looked like a semi-truck rolled over my abdomen.

“I have two,” I mumbled. He continued his attention on marred skin before his hand spread over my stomach.

“It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful.”

“Right,” I snorted. Literally. His eyes shot upward.

“You created a miracle in there. Your body wears the proof of that, and it’s beautiful.” His tone turned rough as he spoke, as if the harshness would ingrain in me the seriousness of his words. I didn’t know how to respond. I didn’t need to; his hands slipped around my back and with only a minor fumble, unclasped my three hook support bra. He dragged it forward, and then flung it behind him. I laughed only long enough for his mouth to engulf one nipple. Then the sound became a strangled moan.

His warm lips sucked hard on a nipple sharp and peaked. A tingly letdown sensation filled both breasts and it shot like an arrow straight to another part of body. My body responded to Merek by wrapping a leg around his and letting my hands trail his hair again. He dragged his tongue down the hill of one breast, crossing the thin valley between them to climb the other and pay it equal homage. The prickling sensation struck again. The throbbing between my legs needed to get closer to him. My wet center pressed against his bare chest.

Reaching for his shorts, I wedged a hand between us to unbutton them, but he sat back to continue the rest. Standing before me, his length was firm and large underneath boxer briefs. Sight unseen, he was larger than another man. Nate flashed between us and I cursed myself for letting my mind wander. Before me stood a man, a god, of perfection. His dark treasure trail led to something golden, and I didn’t wish to compare him to anyone else. Merek shook his head.

“Only you and me in here, or this won’t work,” he said, twisting his lips.

“It’s only you and me,” I whispered, ridding my mind of any other thoughts. He removed his boxers and mesmerized me with the sight of him. He climbed my body again, but kept himself balanced over me. The weight of his length pressed upward against me, his solid head braced at my entrance. I needed him closer. My hips inched toward him, calling to him. His response was to drag his firm tip through sensitive folds. Nudging forward, the motion replicated what I wanted: him inside me. His nose trailed along my collar bone as he thrust forward one more time, but held back from slipping deep inside.

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