To Catch a Countess (11 page)

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Authors: Patricia Grasso

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

BOOK: To Catch a Countess
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“I believe you are correct,” he said, smiling. “I will instruct Prince Rudolf to release the funds to you.”

“True nobility is gracious in defeat,” Tinker said

“Would you care to speculate on whether I’ll get her to church?” Alexander challenged the man.

“I have a one-pound note that says you may get her to church but never to stay and pray,” Tinker said.

“I accept your challenge,” Alexander said, and then walked away.

*    *    *

The next morning, Alexander stood outside Victoria’s bedchamber door. Determined to outsmart her, he carried a tray containing a pot of tea and a hot, buttered scone. He stepped inside the chamber, closed the door, and smiled at the lump in the bed hidden by the coverlet.

Alexander set the tray on the bedside table. “Awaken, sweetheart.”

“Go away,” grumbled a muffled voice from beneath the coverlet.

This wasn’t going to be as easy as he had thought. Alexander sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the coverlet down. His breath caught in his throat at her near naked body. Sheerer than gossamer, her nightgown hid none of her charms—softly rounded breasts with pink-tipped peaks, tiny waist, curvaceous hips.

Without opening her eyes, Victoria reached to pull the coverlet up. When he stayed her hand, she opened her fabulously blue eyes.

“Alex,” Victoria breathed, his name on her lips like a sigh, “I was dreaming about you.”

“How is your headache?”

Victoria stared at him blankly for a long moment. He could see her mind clear of sleep and appreciated her quick recovery from her near blunder. “I have a stomach ache and won’t be able to—”

“Drinking tea will settle your stomach.” Alexander poured tea into the cup. “The fresh air on the ride to church will revive you.”

Victoria sat up, leaned against the headboard, and realized her state of undress. She blushed but made no move to cover herself.

Alexander passed her the teacup. Victoria took a sip and smiled, not bothering to argue about church services.

And then Alexander recalled the duchess’s words to him. “Victoria never actually refuses to do anything. She agrees to whatever you want and then does what she wants.”

“I’m leaving for my estate in Winchester directly after church,” Alexander said. “I’ll return by Thursday to escort you to the opera.”

“I’ll miss you,” Victoria told him.

“Will you?”

“As your betrothed, missing you is my duty.”

That made him smile. When she finished the tea and scone, Alexander lifted the tray off the bedside table. “I expect you dressed and downstairs in one hour.”

An hour later, Alexander stood in the foyer with the others. Victoria hadn’t made her appearance yet, and he was becoming irritated.

“She won’t come down,” the duke told him.

“I have never seen Tory at any church service,” Rudolf remarked.

Alexander looked toward the stairway as if he could will her to appear. “Victoria will attend today’s service even if I—here she is now.”

Victoria had dressed in a high-waisted white gown, embroidered with pink roses at the hem and neckline. She carried a pink parasol and a white bonnet with pink ribbons.

Alexander had never seen anything so lovely. She was the essence of innocence, yet there was an air of sensuality surrounding her.

Everyone walked outside, their coaches in a line in the front courtyard. With Victoria holding his arm, Alexander glanced at Tinker and said, “I told you so.”

“Many mishaps can happen between now and church services,” the majordomo reminded him.

*    *    *

Victoria was silent on the way to the village. She despised going to church but knew she was trapped. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe in God and certainly wanted to worship Him. Her inability to read the prayer book or hymns made her feel self-conscious and kept her away.

Reaching the village church, Alexander climbed out of the coach first and then helped Victoria down. The family was standing in front of the church and exchanging pleasantries with the vicar.

“Alex, I would like you to meet Vicar Small,” the duchess introduced them. “Lord Emerson is the Earl of Winchester and betrothed to my youngest niece, Victoria.”

The two men shook hands. Victoria curtseyed to the vicar.

“I didn’t realize there were three nieces,” Vicar Small said to the duchess, eliciting smothered chuckles from the prince and the marquess. “Has she been away?”

“Victoria is a sickly child,” the duchess explained.

“Well, miss, I am certainly glad you are feeling better today.”

“The will of God has made me better.”

Vicar Small turned to lead the way into church. Victoria smiled at Alexander and slipped her arm through his.

‘“God’s will had nothing to do with your presence,” Prince Rudolf whispered, leaning close to them. “Alex’s will prevailed.”

The Duke and Duchess of Inverary led the way and marched down the aisle to the front of the church. They nodded to the villagers, most of whom did business with the duke, and sat in the first pew.

Angelica and Robert, accompanied by six-year-old Colin, Robert’s nephew by his deceased brother, and six-year old Daisy, Robert’s and Angelica’s adopted daughter sat in the second pew. Their year-old twins were too young to attend services.

Samantha and Rudolf claimed the third pew. Eleven-year-old Grant and nine-year-old Drake, their adopted sons, as well as Princess Zara, Rudolf’s daughter by his first wife, sat with them. Their six-month-old twins were also too young to attend services.

Alexander and Victoria sat alone in the fourth pew. He passed her the prayer book as the vicar began the service. Opening to the first page, Victoria pretended to focus on the words.

Alexander lifted the upside-down book out of her hands. He turned it around and passed it back to her. “Behave yourself.”

“I forgot my spectacles,” she whispered.

Victoria began to panic. First comes the prayer book and then comes the hymn book. If she stayed here, Alexander would realize she couldn’t read. Would he cancel their wedding? More likely, he would hire a tutor, but if she was unable to learn, he would hold her in contempt for the rest of their lives. He would think she’d tricked him into marriage. She couldn’t bear him knowing how stupid she was.

Her panic level rose. Victoria knew she needed a distraction. If she told him she felt dizzy, Alexander would know she was lying, but if she actually—

Victoria dropped the prayer book and grabbed his arm. “Alex, help—” Relaxing every muscle in her body, Victoria fell into a swoon. She trusted him to catch her before she hit the floor.

Victoria heard the exclamations of alarm as she went down. She almost smiled as Alexander caught her and lifted her into his arms.

“I’ll help you,” Victoria heard Prince Rudolf say. A moment later, she was floating on air as Alexander carried her down the aisle. Victoria struggled against a bubble of laughter when she heard the vicar saying, “Let us pray for the quick recovery of His Grace’s niece.” And then she felt the fresh air as Alexander stepped outside the church.

Moaning softly, Victoria opened her eyes and gazed into hazel eyes filled with concern. “I can stand,” she said. “I’ll be fine.”

“I’m taking you home.” Alexander set her down but refused to release her. “I’ll climb inside,” he told the prince, “and you help her up to me.”

When he turned his back, Victoria winked at Rudolf and mouthed the words, “Do not laugh.”

“Help her up.” Alexander lifted her into the coach and settled her beside him.

“I wouldn’t worry,” Rudolf told the earl. “With the congregation’s prayers, Tory will soon recover.”

When they reached the mansion, Alexander climbed out first and then helped her down. Unexpectedly, he scooped her into his arms and carried her inside.

Tinker opened the door. “I told you so.”

Victoria feared he would realize her ploy. “Help me upstairs?”

Putting his arm around her, Alexander helped her to her chamber. He closed and locked the door. Victoria decided she couldn’t have planned this any better. The Lord did move in wondrous ways.

“Shall I bring you a pot of tea?” he asked.

“Will you help me undress first?”

Alexander inclined his head and sat beside her on the bed. He unfastened her gown, starting with the top button, slowly making his way from her neck to her waist. Parting the two sides, he ran one finger up her delicate backbone.

Victoria sucked in her breath. A delicious chill shook her body, but where he touched her burned. Pushing the gown off her shoulders, Alexander lifted the heavy mane of fire off her neck. He touched her nape with his warm lips and blew lightly on her sensitive skin.

“I like your lips on me,” she whispered.

Alexander rose from the bed and offered his hand. “Stand, please.”

Without hesitation, Victoria placed her hand in his and stood, her blue gaze never leaving his. She watched in fascination as he slid the gown down her body until it pooled at her feet.

“Sit down,” Alexander ordered, his voice husky. When she did, he lifted the gown off the floor and raised it to his face. “Your scent lingers on it.”

Alexander set the gown on a nearby chair and faced her. Victoria recognized the gleam in his eyes as he studied her from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. She wore only her chemise, garters, stockings, and shoes.

Holding her gaze captive, Alexander removed his jacket and placed it on top of her gown. Then he removed his waistcoat and cravat and unbuttoned the neck of his white shirt.

Victoria stared at him, her blue eyes enormous. She had the feeling she was about to get what she wanted. Only, the thought of it frightened her.

“Are you feeling better?” Alexander asked, placing his palm on her cheek.

Victoria answered by turning her face to kiss the palm of his hand. Then she rubbed her cheek against it like a young female cat claiming her territory.

Alexander knelt in front of her. He removed her right shoe, set it aside, and lifted her stockinged foot to kiss it.

Victoria felt a surging panic when he reached for her left foot. She closed her eyes against his seeing the mark on the bottom of the shoe but relaxed when he lifted her foot to his lips.

Opening her eyes, Victoria watched him slide his hands up her legs. Reaching the bottom edge of the chemise, he pushed the silk and lace garment up to reveal her thighs and then removed her lacy garter. He rolled her silk stocking down her leg slowly.

Her breathing became shallow when he removed the stocking and kissed her foot again. He drew each of her toes into his mouth to suck gently upon it.

Alexander slid his hands up her other leg. Without rushing, he rolled the silk stocking down and then sucked her toes.

Victoria felt her stomach tighten into a knot of desire. She knew he was seducing her. She had no idea what changed his mind. She wanted him, wanted to savor the feelings he was creating, wanted whatever he could give her.

Alexander sat beside her. “Do you want to lie down?”

“Only with you,” she whispered.

Alexander encircled her shoulders with his arm and drew her against his body. At the same time, he cupped her chin and ran his thumb across her lips. When she leaned into his stroking, he lowered his head, and his lips replaced his thumb.

Victoria sighed at this contact. She pressed against him, offering herself. She was passionate but untouched and unawakened to the power of her own sensuality.

Alexander groaned. He wanted what she offered—her body, her heart, her soul.

Deepening the kiss, Alexander dropped the hand caressing her shoulder to the small of her back. Victoria entwined her arms around his neck and pressed herself against him, surrendering to his kiss, willing to follow where he would lead, yearning for his possession.

Alexander moved a hand to the back of her head to hold her steady while he kissed her hungrily. Victoria met his kiss with equal hunger, melting into him. A primitive mating instinct pulsed through her awakening body, spurred her on, urged her to become one with him.

When he caressed the crease of her lips with his tongue, Victoria opened her mouth for him, letting him ravage her sweetness. Alexander pushed her back on the bed and lay on top of her.

For the first time in her young life, Victoria felt the weight of a man pressing her down. And she liked it. The world faded away, leaving only this man, her mate, the center of her universe.

Alexander slid his lips to her cheek, her eyelids, her temples. He tongued her ears, making her shiver with the sensations. His lips drifted to her throat.

Then Alexander knelt, his legs on either side of hers. Holding her gaze captive, he slid the straps of her chemise off her shoulders, down her arms, until the lacy edge of the delicate bodice perched on the edge of her nipples.

Victoria reached up and drew the chemise down, baring her breasts for him. Alexander groaned, and cupping her breasts, he buried his face in the crevice between them, inhaling her enticing vanilla scent.

“I love your nipples,” Alexander said, a hoarse edge to his voice.

With those words, Alexander sucked upon one pink-tipped peak and then the other. Victoria arched her back into his kiss, holding his head against her breast.

“Yes,” she moaned, the spot between her thighs throbbing, the folds of her flesh wet with desire.

Alexander drew back and knelt again. With both hands, he peeled the chemise down and tossed it aside, baring her body to his smoldering gaze.

“You’re sure?” he asked.

Victoria held her arms out in answer. She wanted him in her body, her heart, her soul.

Alexander stood to remove his shirt, his shoes, his trousers. He nearly laughed out loud when he noted his sweet betrothed kept her gaze above his waist. She suffered from a virgin’s fear of the unknown.

“Don’t be frightened,” Alexander said, lying beside her, pulling her into his arms.

“I’m worried, not frightened.”

“Don’t worry.” He kissed her lingeringly, rekindling the fire, stealing her breath.

Moving over her, Alexander used his legs to spread her thighs. He pressed his weight on top of her, accustoming her to spread her legs for him.

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