True Fate (10 page)

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Authors: Shayna Varadeaux

BOOK: True Fate
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Nia was a little freaked out when she got a closer
look at the girl. She first noticed the weapons surrounding her torso on her
belt and slung across her back.
'This is not good.’
Nia thought. “We’re
not going anywhere until you tell us who you are and what the heck is going
on!” Aaron bellowed out with as much force as he could muster.


"My name is Avery and you are in grave
danger, both of you. I will explain further when we are in your car, Nia."
Aaron and Nia looked at each other, eyes full of questions.


Avery didn’t wait but she picked up her pace when
she got to the stairs. Her eyes went wide as she glanced in to the distance
behind Nia and Aaron.


"Hurry!” Avery practically hollered, trying
not to get as annoyed as she truly was now.


Loud footsteps sounded from the direction Avery
had been looking. “We have to run now, please!” she hissed at them. The shadow
that was lumbering towards them had Nia making a quick decision to follow Avery.
They bolted up the few stairs and ran towards the parking garage at full speed.
Nia was thankful she was in such good shape or this may have turned out


"How do we know we can trust you?" Nia
asked following this stranger, she tugged on Aaron’s arm and they slowed. Avery
locked her jaw and spoke, clearly annoyed at their slowing, she turned and
locked eyes with Nia. "Lilly sent me.", both Aaron and Nia's eyes
went wide at the mention of her name.


"Not now, as soon as we're safe.” Nia was
quick to say. Aaron quickly nodded his agreement. They practically ran to keep
up with Avery who picked up the pace again.


Once above ground they went into the parking
garage. They turned down a row of cars and were quickly cut off by a huge guy
in almost the same black garb as Avery. He towered over all of them. "She
wants to see them, Avery. Don't go making this harder on yourself." the
mammoth of a man said.


Avery hissed, "Go!" at Nia and Aaron
drawing a blade from her side. Nia stood frozen as the silver blade extended to
a straight edged sword at least three feet long. Aaron tugged on her hand
desperate to get her to safety.


please! She obviously knows what she's doing. She wouldn't be armed otherwise,”
he pleaded as the man pulled a sword from over his back. They were snapped out
of their tug of war when Avery jumped at the man swinging her sword at his
neck, "I said go!" she bellowed landing nimbly behind the man who was
now turning towards her.


That was all it took for the pair to move. The
sound of clinking swords and grunts fading behind them as they got into the
elevator and pushed the button for level three. Nia leaned on the wall with her
hands on her knees. Aaron fidgeted waiting for the door to open.


"Are you okay?" He breathed looking her
over until their eyes met.


"About Lilly..." Nia said breathing heavily.


"Not now, get ready to run. Okay?” he
replied. Nia nodded her head and took a deep breath.


“Let’s go!” Aaron hissed grabbing Nia’s hand and
bolting from the elevator.


Nia fumbled in her pocket and smacked into the
side of her car with keys in hand. They got in quickly securing their seatbelts
and locking their doors. They sped on their way down to where they'd left Avery
fighting. She was far off still but they saw a bright orange flash and then it
was gone. They rounded the corner as Avery was shaking a black soot like
substance from her hair.


She was dusting off her clothes as they pulled up
beside her. Aaron got into the back seat and Avery got in on the passenger’s
side. "We have to go to see Lilly but I'm going to have to make a stop
first. If that's okay with you?" Nia met Aaron's eyes in the rearview and
he nodded to her.


She pursed her lips and then set them in a
straight line. "Fine. Where to?"




Chapter 5


They were idling in front of an old house in
Houston’s second ward. Avery had gone inside ordering them to lock all of the
doors but Nia wasn't scared here, she grew up close by. Crossing her arms in
frustration she waited almost coming undone.


She was so peeved they weren't getting squat out
of the tight lipped crazy woman in black.


Avery came out of the house carrying three duffle
bags, a large black purse and a messenger bag. Nia popped the trunk as she
neared and cracked her door.


"Need any help?" she asked a red faced


"No! Now close the freaking door!” was her loudly
whispered response before she went around and got in.


"Drive Nia. Now!” she did what Avery asked
but she was far from happy.


The silence was thick in the car as Avery was
checked all the mirrors nonstop.


Nia followed the directions on her GPS for the
address Avery had given her. They had stopped once for gas but continued on.


"I thought you were going to tell us
something! Anything, but you've been shushing us the whole ride!" Nia
said, clearly frustrated.


"Not yet!" Avery hissed.


This all had them both pretty freaked out but
Aaron rubbed Nia's shoulders as she drove. Once it was clear they were headed
for some abandoned warehouses Aaron started to wonder if they really were safe.
It’s not every day you willingly go to an abandoned warehouse in this part of
town willingly.


Through gritted teeth Avery turned in her seat,
"Look, I saved your lives back there and I would appreciate some trust
here. I mean did you not see the guy back there?" Avery said angrily
grinding her teeth.


Nia scoffed, "Look I'm thankful you were
there, I really am. But what the heck does that guy have to do with you not
telling us anything,
? And do you
mind telling me why we're not safe?” she added, getting pretty pissed herself.


Avery took a deep breath, "Okay well that
guy is a guard to someone high up and corrupt in my world and make no mistake
he is not dead. Although he could be quite deadly! I'm from the same place as
the person that I mentioned earlier, and do not say her name here! It is
dangerous to speak of her because he was there and that means they know about
the both of you.” she held up a hand indicating they should wait before asking
anything else.


"I am really sorry but that's all I can say
for now. I get that you're pretty pissed at me right now, I do. I assure you
this is all for your own good." Nia and Aaron exchanged uncomfortable
glances as Avery turned and looked out the window.


Aaron reached forward and brushed Nia's side by
the driver side door, she felt a calming warmth radiate from his touch and took
a deep breath. Reaching back, Nia grabbed his hand, gave it a squeeze then put
her hand back on the wheel. She wasn’t alone and that was a comfort even if it
was a small one.

They were finally pulling into their destination.


"Wait in here for me and lock the doors, I
mean it! I will be right back." Avery slipped out of the car and
disappeared into the shadows of the awning that looked unsafe attached to this
particular warehouse.


Nia turned to Aaron and asked, "So did you
have a... weird dream?”


Aaron thought for a moment then bit his lip and
answered, "Yes. What about you?"


Nia let out a sigh. "Yup and I got this.”
she said showing him the blue stoned bracelet.


He met her eyes and put his wrists between the
seats, "I woke up with these."


She grabbed his wrists and rubbed the beautiful
designs there. Nia laid her hand over each one noticing the peculiar hum the
gesture elicited.


"Aaron I think we just need to stick
together. Whatever this all is or whatever it means, you're the only thing I'm
certain of right now.” she explained as she nervously contemplated her next
statement. "I've known I was different nearly all my life and I have no
idea what it has to do with you. But I feel a lot safer with you here with me.”
she squeezed his hand and Aaron offered an assuring smile.


"I couldn't agree more about sticking
together and if we make it out of this mess in one piece, I promise to tell you
everything I know." he replied.


Avery came out of the shadows followed by a man
that was dressed similar to her. He had icy green eyes and brown hair that was
a little long for his military posture. He was tall from where she was seeing
him, he looked to be six two at least and he was broad and beefy.


"This is Darragh. He will take us to Lilly.
He's here to help too. Go ahead and pull the car inside.” Avery said closing
the door and stepping away while Darragh only nodded.


into the dark warehouse Nia parked her baby hoping it would be safe there.
Popping the trunk she went to look on as Avery pulled her things out and
Darragh helped. Then Nia and Aaron went to put their bags in. She and Aaron
checked their pockets for their phones. Aaron put his on silent and Nia
followed his lead. Pulling two knives out of his backpack he gave one to Nia
shrugging. They were concealed by the trunk while Avery and Darragh stood at
the front waiting.


Aaron hugged Nia to him, "Whatever happens I
promise to keep you safe.” he whispered in her ear.


"Thank you.” she replied then softly brushed
his ear with her lip.


This was all so crazy she can't be moving fast
with a guy she just met even though the zing that went through her said
otherwise. Nia would have to remember to put the brakes on if anything got out
of hand too quickly. The attraction she felt was so strong it scared her.


He shut the trunk and she locked up the car
setting the alarm then stuffed the keys deep into her pocket. They followed the
two black clad figures ahead of them. There was narrow beams of light shining
through the cracks of the run-down building. It was still daylight outside and
Nia was glad for it. All of this would have been a lot scarier in the dark.


They went into the back of the mildew smelling
interior where it was considerably darker.


Avery said, "Stop."


Nia looked around and was surprised. She couldn’t
help but wonder what they were really doing here. Why would they need chains on
the wall and a steel table? The chair with the straps was definitely the


Avery noticed where she was looking, but so did
Aaron and his jaw dropped.


"What the...”


He was cut
off by a tense Avery.


"Look I don't expect either of you to
understand but this place is necessary. I know you don't get it right now and I
promise we would never even dream of doing anything to harm either one of you.”
she said fiercely, she needed them to trust her in order to keep them safe.


Darragh spoke up then, "Someday soon you will
know why this is here. I assure you all is not as it seems.” he said waving at
their surroundings. "But Avery is right you are indeed safe with us.” he
added in as assuring a tone as he could manage.


Nia really didn't give a crap what anyone said at
this point. At the first sign of danger she would grab Aaron and they would
bolt! He was looking at her clearly trying to gage if she still was in her
right mind or seeing if she had her wits about her in her dazed state. Nia
walked closer to Aaron wanting to be right there beside him, just in case.


Darragh had his eyes closed as he turned to face
the back wall while Avery addressed Nia and Aaron.


"Look this is going to be weird for you two.
But you’ve each dreamt before and met
. This time we're going to have
you sleepwalk into a dreamscape and then make a transfer. You'll be guided by
Darragh and then Eric will transfer us to a safer place.” Avery said not really
knowing who this Eric was.


At the mention of his name Nia stiffened, ‘She
couldn’t be speaking about the same Eric that I named.’ At least she hoped it
wasn’t him, she hadn't even had a chance to explain it fully to Aaron. This
could definitely put a damper on things between them. Not that there was
anything really going on with them or anything. Eric was just a guy in a dream
world, bound to her.


Well there was the part that he happened to give
her his soul, no biggie. As for Aaron, he was more than that to her. She really
had no doubt, not that she'd admit it, at least not yet.


"I'll remain here to guard you on this
side." Avery finished.


With that Darragh stepped forward and spoke
turning to them, "Epifania and Aaron I will be your guide to the
dreamscape and Eric will be your Protector once we are inside."


"Call me Nia please.” she interrupted and
Darragh gave a curt nod.


"Of course, now, if at any point myself or
Eric say to '
wake now'
you must follow the instructions precisely. Do
you understand?” they nodded in unison.


Darragh continued nodded back, "We are going
into this room behind me where it is considerably darker. I need you to relax
and listen to my voice. After you are good and relaxed I will pull you into a
day dream and you will become half conscious. At that point I will take your
hand and walk you through the veil. We will go in through Aaron's subconscious,
so naturally he will go first. This is a rather unusual way to dreamscape at first
but it’s not safe to just open a realm right now." They both nodded once


spoke up then, "Look I know this is a lot for you guys to take in but I
swear on my life that you can trust us. We're the good guys here. Please try
and remember that.” she said clearly annoyed with the lack of trust she was

"Oh yes and keep your eye on Darragh's light
until he takes your hand. That is what he will guide you through the darkness
with. It will be okay.”


Aaron grabbed Nia's hand and they were both
breathing deep. "Aaron I have to tell you something." She whispered
leaning her head closer to him and then he leaned closer to her.


"Nia what's wrong?" They spoke in
whispers as they followed the spot of light.


"I dreamt of Lilly but someone else was there.
It was a guy and he said he's my protector at least in my dream realm. Lilly
disappeared before he appeared and he wouldn’t tell me his name so I gave him
one and it was Eric. I’m not certain but it may be the same guy. Anyways, I
thought it was shady of Lilith but I really have no clue about any of it or
what it means. This bracelet was a gift from him as a vow I guess to protect
me. The blue stone is important to him and I don't know much more than that.
That's all he could tell me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. We just didn't have
time to talk about it. And I barely know you and...” she quickly spouted.


Aaron stopped her with a finger to her lips. He
noticed the tears in her eyes and wondered what they were doing there. She
really had nothing to be sorry for.


Nia felt crushed by everything that was
happening. There's nothing that can prepare a person for the way her day was
going. How could she be so worried about what he thought or if it would hurt
him. This really was getting to be too much for her. She didn't want him to
think she was a liar but she didn't owe him anything either. What the heck was
fate thinking throwing all this crap at her at once?


Aaron felt jealousy rearing its ugly head and
quickly dismissed the thought. He wouldn't let ‘dream guy’ bother him. It's not
like Nia was his or anything, not really.


"It's okay. I promise it'll be okay.
Everything is happening crazy fast and there wasn't time." He said,
adding, "It's not like your mine or anything, right?"


Nia sighed, "Maybe not. But I know we were
supposed to meet and to me that counts for something."


honesty and reverence that Nia spoke with had Aaron smiling, "I appreciate
that Nia, I really do. I'm just terrified to over step my bounds and push you
away before we even get anywhere."


Nia laughed and Aaron looked puzzled. If he only
knew, she felt the same way.

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