TYCE 5 (7 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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“Fuck you bitch! I
shoulda nutted in your fuckin’ smart ass mouth!” Roman barked back.

I d
on’t know how other niggas feel, but I couldn’t stand when a man called a woman that I loved a bitch. My skin got hot when I heard those words fly out of his mouth.

“Peck, get behind the wheel.” I motioned toward my Range which was parked in front of Roman’s wide body with the park lights on.

Peck grinned at me devilishly as he walked toward the driver’s side door.

“Now, tell him what I want him to do baby.” I gave Dallas
a gentle pat on the back pocket of her jeans.

Dallas lowered her eyes. “
Pull your shorts down. I wanna see that dick.”

Roman slapped the brown dirt hard with his hand.

“Hell naw! Hell naw! Jus’ fuckin’ kill me ‘cuz!”

I grinned.
“You’re gonna wish for death when I’m done with you.”

I took a few steps toward him, aimed my gun and shot him in the left shoulder. Blood spurted from the wound and wet the dusty ground
beneath him. Roman gritted his teeth and tried not to scream, but the bitch in him leaked out in a feminine whimper sprinkled with fear. He held his shoulder as he rolled around in pain.

“Alright man alright! I’m sorry
cuz! I promise if you let me go I’m on the first thing smokin’ tonight! You ain’t never gotta see me again, I promise! On my kids cuz!”

I shook my head no. “It’s a
lil’ late for that…cuz.”

I motioned for Peck to pull forward. The front wheel rolled slowly until it was inches away from Roman’s head. I held my
hand up and Peck stopped the truck immediately.

Sway sucked his teeth and stared down at Roman. “Nigga I would not
wanna be you right about now. That’s what you get for being a bitch. Now pull your muthafuckin shorts down like Dallas said before I shoot you in your fuckin’ shin!” Sway aimed his huge Desert Eagle at Roman’s outstretched leg.

Roman slammed his head against the ground in agony. After his little tantrum, he started to push his gym shorts down with his good arm. He had to lift his ass up a few inches
, but slowly he worked his elastic waist band down around his thighs revealing a limp black dick. I waved my hand at Peck.

“Pull up a little.”

Peck released his foot off the brake and the thick tire tread mashed into Roman’s coarse hair and pressed into his forehead. The weight of the vehicle pinned his head down.

“Hold it!”
I put my hand up. I kneeled over his still bleeding shoulder. “You shoulda jus’ kept it movin’ after I whooped your ass in the barber shop and you wouldn’t even be in this shit. Niggas are smart enough not to fuck with me, but apparently you’re infected with a dumb as fuck disease.”

Tyce I swear man. I’m sorry! You ain’t gotta do this! I’m sorry Dallas for what I did! Ya’ll aint gotta do this shit!” He cocked a wild eye at me searching my stone cold face for any sign of hope.

I tapped his hairy chin with the
tip of my gun. “Naw nigga you ass backwards…you didn’t have to do this shit. But, I have lil’ deal for you. If you can tell me what I wanna know…I won’t kill you.”

Roman’s dark eyes lit up with hope. Following my inquisition, Roman started talking like a motivational speaker. He told me everything I wanted to know, and then some. After his confessional, I patted his
wooly head like a sheep dog and pulled a pair of large sharp pruning shears from my back pocket.

“Here you go baby, he’s all yours.”
I extended my hand toward my waiting girlfriend.

“Wait! Wait! I told you everything I know! You said you would let me go

I grinned. “I told a
lil’ black lie.”

Dallas took the shiny scissors from me with an evil grin on her face. The dark shadows of the night made her look sinister as she stood above Roman’s little soldier. He started to jerk and twitch as he tried to free himself from underneath the 22 inch chrome rim.

“Wait! Wait! Wait! Fuck, come on Dallas! Don’t do this shit!” Spit trotted down the corners of his mouth. “Please don’t do this shit!”

“Dallas don’t do favors for disrespectful niggas that nut on her and try to murder her man. Uh un, not this bitch.” She bent over his crotch and shifted her
weight from one foot to the other. “Oh, I’ve waitin’ for this shit.” The blades opened up with a sharp metal on metal sound. “Nobody nuts on me but Tyce and you aint him!”

Dallas positioned shears so each razor sharp blade
flanked Roman’s dick. He clinched his eyes tight and started to kick his legs. Sway quickly put a stop to that struggle by standing on his ankles right behind Dallas.

I looked up at her. “Go head girl
, do ya thing.”

Dallas licked her lips seductively. “I fuckin’ love you so much right now.”

I couldn’t help but smile at her sincere verbal expression.

“I love you too.”

As soon as I said that, the small muscles in Dallas’s arms flexed a bit right before she slammed the garden tool shut and chopped Roman’s dick completely in half.

and Sway jumped back as a fountain of blood shot in the air barely missing them.

“Damn!” Sways face was twisted
like he just sucked on a lemon.

“Bust a nut with that nigga!” Dallas’s face didn’t show a single ounce of sympathy
as the other half of his cock landed on his stomach.

Roman was in shock and unable to scream because he was hyperventilating. His chest was rising and falling rapidly and his eyes were rolling up in his head. He did manage muffled grunts and other inaudible sounds to escape
through his pursed lips and gritted teeth.

I stood up and walked toward my truck. Peck didn’t ask me any questions
, he just casually slid out of the driver’s seat allowing me to take his previous spot. No one said anything to me as I lined my gear shift up with the D. All three members of my crew stared at Roman as my foot eased off the brake. The trio’s mouths all opened as my front tire gradually ran over Roman’s head and crushed his skull.

I felt my front end rise up and gently fall back down as I crept over his dome like
a parking lot speed bump. Everybody looked at me with shock in their eyes. I just grinned at them as I rubbed the facial hair on my cheeks nonchalantly.


Peck was the first to speak up after Roman’s body stopped trembling and death took over.

jus’ have one question Tyce.”

Wasup?” I looked at him from the window.

“How come you and Sway get to do all the fun shit? You
shoulda let me run his ass over!”

~Pillow Talk


had just finished putting the kids to bed after fixing them some hot chocolate with whipped cream on top. Ameenah had her favorite Disney cartoon sound track playing softly in the back ground while she dozed off, and Malik was holding his favorite Iron Man stuffed action figure under his arm as he entered dream land. With her motherly duties now officially over, it was time to spend some one on one time with her sexy husband.

She found him watching a boxing match on HBO wit
h a large plate on his lap that supported a foot long hoagie sandwich. He sat the bottle of Sunkist on the night stand after taking a long sip and looked up at her as she sauntered into their bedroom.

gotta call Dr. Yates ‘cuz that boy grinds his teeth when he sleeps.” Ranae plopped down on the bed and snagged a potato chip from Sway’s plate.

“I know, I think he gets that from me. I used to do the same thing when I was his age.” Sway took a big bite of his thick sandwich.

As soon as round three ended, Sway paused the T.V., turned to his wife and gave her a look of concern. At dinner earlier this evening she seemed a little distant. And, tonight, he could tell it was more than Malik’s grinding back molars that were bothering her.

“You alright?” He tugged playfully at the hem of her short silk nightgown. “You seem like you’re trying to work a math problem out in your head.”

Ranae smiled to herself and sighed. “You noticed huh?”

“Yeah, it was
kinda hard not to. You forget I’ve known you for a long time. I can tell when somethin’ is on your mind. Is it somethin’ I did? I know I’ve been slackin’ in the romance department and I keep using your towel to dry off after I shower, but I’ll work on that.” He winked at her to lighten her sour mood.

“No babe it’s not that.” She shook her head.

“Then what is it?”

turned to face him in their king size bed. She put her elbow on the soft pillow and looked into her handsome husband’s deep brown eyes.

ummm, you’ve always been straight with me. I can truthfully say that you have kept no secrets from me. I may not like what you tell me all the time, but at least you tell me…good or bad. I like that open aspect of our relationship and I wanna keep that trust between us.”

Sway put down his sub sandwich and furrowed his eyebrows.

“You aint ‘bout to tell me that you’re cheatin’ on me are you? You saw what happened to Angelique when she got caught cheating. You tryna have me catch a case.”

slapped his thigh. “No babe, I would never cheat on you. Are you crazy? I have the best husband in the universe. You think I would mess that up over some random dick? That’s not me; I love you too much to disrespect you like that.”

“Then what is it? What do you have to tell me?”
Sway cocked his head to the side.

touched his hand. “If I tell you this you have to promise to keep it between us, ok?”

“Alright, of course.” He nodded his head.

Ranae took a deep breath and swallowed hard to clear her throat. She was about to violate the sacred girl code that she had promised to uphold. However, she hated keeping secrets from her husband who just happened to be best friends with Tyce. If it wasn’t for him, they would still be living pay check to pay check chasing away bill collectors with pepper spray and mailing off IOU’s. Tyce helped them climb out of a financial hole that was burying them alive. He treated her husband like he was his brother and she felt a certain allegiance to him, although her new friend swore her to secrecy. She was caught in the middle of a sticky situation and didn’t want Sway tangled in a web of lies either.

“It’s funny you should mention Angelique and the fact that she cheated.”
Ranae licked her lips.

“Why is that?” Sway looked confused.

“Because.” Ranae lowered her head. “She’s pregnant with Thad’s baby.”

Although Sway was super hungry, he put his snack down on the night stand and started to rub his chin.

“Does Tyce know?”

and you better not tell him either. Remember you promised.” Ranae pointed a finger at him. “He’s done with her right? He’s with Dallas now so why should he care?”

Sway sighed heavily. “
Damn, is she gonna keep the baby?”

“I don’t know, but when she found
out she wasn’t happy about it.”

Sway chuckled lightly. “It’s a good thing
Tyce didn’t kill that nigga, ‘cuz he might be her new baby daddy.”

Sway returned to watching the fight on television, however, his mind was now preoccupied. He was never one to gossip and h
e didn’t plan to start, but as he sat in his bed, he asked himself if Tyce knew Ranae was pregnant with another nigga’s baby would he tell him?

~Small Problem


Having a baby changes a man. I can’t explain it
, but I’m different now. I’m more careful, yet I’m willing to take more risks. It was weird, but feeling that way felt natural at the same time. It was a Saturday afternoon and I found myself just staring at Khari as she fed herself Cheerios while she sat in her high chair. It was my weekend to keep her and I was enjoying every minute of it. Dallas was also excited to have her over. She even insisted on changing every nasty diaper and reading her book after book before her afternoon naps.

It had been a few days since I killed Roman and I had one more thing left to do. I had to call Khalil and tell him the
good news. I really didn’t give a fuck what he thought about it, or else I would have called him before I did it. I just thought he should know that his right hand man was deceased. I was no fool though, I knew better than to admit to committing murder over an open telephone line. Before I could make the call, Bree rang my doorbell. She had called me 15 minutes earlier to ask if it was cool if she came by to talk to me about something. I considered her my little sister, so whatever she needed I was there to make it happen.

After letting her in, we sat on the back patio and she began to explain her reason for the unexpected visit.

“I’m sorry to jus’ pop up on you like this, but I kinda need your help with somethin’.”

I took a sip from my Heineken bottle. “It
aint no bother. You’re always welcomed here…wasup?”

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