Unexpected Places (7 page)

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Authors: V. K. Black

BOOK: Unexpected Places
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At university, when people had made sophisticated jokes about sex, she’d laughed dutifully along with everyone else. It seemed like she was the only virgin left on the planet. And now, here she was, alone, on a boat with the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen. Time to admit the shameful truth. She wanted sex, and she wanted it with Luke Donahue.

The boat’s motor stopped, and a few seconds later she heard the anchor chain being lowered. Her heart beat hard and she swallowed. Luke’s bare feet appeared at the top of the steps, quickly followed by the rest of him. Jeans, sheathing long, powerful legs, appeared. Then slim hips, flat stomach and broad muscled chest, all moulded by that black T-shirt. Finally, Luke’s handsome, tanned face arrived. Their eyes met. She leaned against the counter. She could feel her face burning up as he grinned.

He strolled toward her till their bodies almost met, his eyes hard, his smile brittle. ‘It’s nice to be appreciated, little Ari. Thank you. And let me tell you I appreciate you right back.’ His eyes roamed arrogantly over her body, pausing at her breasts and, even longer, at the apex of her thighs, with her torn shorts.

Then his eyes softened. ‘I’m sorry about calling you names before, Moonbeam. I’m not usually that rude.’

She shrugged.

‘For some reason, you bring out he worst in me. Maybe because I was pissed off about you slipping me that drug — was it Rohypnol?’

Ariana nodded, shamefaced. Then sighed, for that angry expression that made her nervous was back.

‘And where would a pretty, sweet little thing like you get your hands on that nasty drug?’

She didn’t like where this was going. ‘Mr…ah…Pu gave it to me.’

Seconds passed, as Luke patently struggled with his temper. ‘Ah well,’ he said finally, flexing his fingers. ‘I guess you were just following orders.’ Then he grinned, reached out and grabbed her chin, forcing her to meet his intent gaze, for she’d turned her head away as she’d told her lie. ‘So we’re back to our agreement, Moonbeam. You’ve been a naughty girl, and you’re going to pay me back with sex.’

He smiled down at her, teasing, gentle. Ariana felt herself relax. She could do this. His hand moved from her chin to a gentle caress of her cheek, then his fingertip skimmed down her throat to the exposed curved upper slopes of her breasts. She gulped.

He stared for long seconds into her eyes, then grinned. ‘That food smells fucking fantastic.’

Well, so much for her irresistible attractions. And again with the swearing. What was his problem? ‘Thank you for the compliment, I think, but if you could stop swearing, I’d feel a whole lot happier about what I’ve agreed to do with you. Okay?’

Luke laughed. ‘Sorry Princess. After we eat, I’ll take you on a tour of the boat, then we’ll end up in my cabin. And after we’ve done lots of other things, you’ll explain to me where the fuck —’ he grinned, ‘— oops, sorry, did it again. Where you learnt to speak the way you do.’

Lots of other things? Oh dear.

His expression teased and taunted. He moved so close to her he was easily able to grab her waist and haul her against him.

‘Fine,’ she said shortly, studying the shiny floorboards.


She raised her eyes, in answer to his commanding but soft tone.

‘Relax, sweetheart, I’m teasing you. Sort of.’ He kissed her. That zing once again went straight to her pelvis. He moved toward the pan on the stove and bent over, sniffing appreciatively. ‘I’m really hungry, Moonbeam. Let’s eat.’

* * *

After getting out the cutlery and swiping two bottles of beer from the refrigerator, Luke walked over to the table and sat down while Ariana shared out the chicken dish. ‘Thank you for cooking dinner, Ariana. Cheers.’

She fidgeted with her hands, and, although her head was bent, Luke could see her biting her lips. What was it with this whole nervous act? She took a huge breath, nodded briefly, and raised her eyes to his. As she lifted her beer to return his toast, she gave him a tentative smile. And then, he couldn’t help himself. He grinned. God, she was pretty. And sweet. Her plump, upturned lips stretched into a brilliant smile. She was back, that cheeky little lady he’d met in Sydney. The one he wanted with a desperation that was starting to worry him.

He took a forkful of chicken and noodles.

‘So tell me, Mr Donahue…’

The first delicious tastes and aromas hit. He closed his eyes, chewing slowly, savouring one of the best meals he’d eaten in a long time. Opening his eyes, he found Ariana staring at his lips. She licked her lips in turn and swallowed.

Right back at you, sweetheart.

‘This meal is fantastic, Ariana.’

‘Thank you,’ she breathed. She cleared her throat. ‘Why the heck are you chasing after lost treasures, Mr Donahue? Aren’t you a rich business guy? Suits, meetings, mergers, that sort of thing?’

Luke smiled, as he remembered crawling through stinking, sweltering hot jungles and scuba diving in the Caribbean, searching the bones of a pirate ship while keeping an eye out for sharks. ‘I let Bob, my partner, do most of the business suit thing. I do the fun stuff, and we share the spoils.’

Regret hit him as he spoke those words. As CEO, he couldn’t escape the business stuff all the time. A lot of the time, actually. All that pretence, the posturing. Dating girls he didn’t give a stuff about. Smarming up to fellow suits he itched to kick. All the while wanting to lie down on the floor and go to sleep. Sitting here on a boat off a primitive island in the Indian Ocean with a beer and a pretty girl he couldn’t trust, now that was him. He shrugged, resigned. It had to be.

As they ate the meal Ariana had seemed to prepare in about ten minutes, he stared at her, amazed all over again at how pretty she was. Long, blonde hair, still held by a simple band in that high swinging ponytail, sweet creamy face, and those full pink lips that he suddenly wanted to kiss. Badly.

Her eyes opened wider as the silence stretched. ‘Um…’

Putting down his fork, he reached across and grabbed her hand. ‘Let’s have the Grand Tour…’

* * *

Luke pulled Ariana upright before she knew what was happening. Still holding her with one hand, with the other he brushed her bottom lip with his thumb. ‘Don’t look so anxious, sweetheart. Nothing’s going to happen that you won’t like, I promise.’

‘I’m fine,’ she squeaked.

He laughed. ‘My mistake. I mistook terror for ‘fine’. Anyway, we
doing a tour of the boat. The below decks part. Have you found the nearest bathroom yet?’

She nodded.

The boat was incredibly luxurious. Walnut fittings, three bedrooms, each with its own bathroom.

‘And this,’ Luke said dramatically, ‘is the main cabin.’ Oh, okay. Cabin, not bedroom. He flung open the door and gestured for Ariana to precede him. Then he strode past her and threw himself onto the king-sized bed. Lying back against the pillows that had slips covered with black, white and red swirls, and with his hands behind his head, he looked like a relaxed tiger thinking about when to attack his prey. His eyes followed her as she walked around the room.

She welcomed the delicious coolness from the room’s air-conditioning. Her feet sank into the deep pile of the burgundy carpet. She peeked into the spacious bathroom. Goodness, it had a white gleaming spa bath and a huge shower with gold fittings.

Mary, mother of Jesus, the place was a floating palace.

Ariana turned to say something boring, like ‘very nice’, when their eyes met. Luke was staring at her with an expression even a virgin convent girl could understand.

‘Come here.’

Still caught in the electric current of his stare, she obeyed. Her gaze widened when he reached up and yanked his black T-shirt over his head. Goodness, there was that scar again.

‘Does it hurt?’ she blurted.

The intense lust she could see in his eyes, which was making her so frazzled, disappeared. He laughed, and began to remove his jeans. ‘My scar or sex?’

Well, both actually. ‘Um, your scar. Won’t it hurt you if we…you know…sort of rub against it?’ She could feel her face burning. As she lowered her eyes in embarrassment, unable to meet Luke’s, she saw the rest of him. His flat stomach, the large muscles in his arms as they pulled off his jeans.

Dear Lord, those black boxers weren’t hiding a whole lot. The massive length of him tented the silk. Skimming down his long, strong thighs, her eyes came to rest on what seemed to be the only safe part of him — his feet.

His hand grabbed her wrist and drew her closer. With easy strength, he pulled her onto the bed so that she was kneeling in front of him. Then he placed his hands around her shoulders, picked her up, and draped her across his wide, hard chest.

He grinned. ‘We’ll find out, won’t we, Moonbeam? It feels fine, so far.’

‘You know, Mr…I mean Luke, I prefer “Ariana”.’ A pointless protest right now, with what was about to happen.

He laughed again, but, as she nervously registered, his eyes were serious and intent. ‘I’ll call you anything you want. I want to fuck you, Ariana. Hard, and over and over again.’ His big hands skimmed her backside, and then he slid one hand between them, resting it against her stomach. His fingers crept up under her stretchy tank top until they stopped below her breasts.

‘It’s been a long time for me, Ariana,’ Luke continued, breathing heavily ‘and I’m so hard for you, I’m not sure how long I’m going to last.’ He pressed himself against her belly, which is when she realised he’d removed his boxers.

‘Oh my goodness. Um, you know, Luke, I’d like a shower. I’m sweaty and —’

‘You’re going to get even sweatier in a minute, little Ariana. We’ll have a bath afterwards and we can fuck in there too. You know, I think it’s this revenge sex. It’s kinky. The whole idea of you fucking me as payback is sexy.’

‘I don’t think it’s sexy at all, Luke,’ Ariana said before she could stop herself. ‘It’s making me scared.’

Seconds passed. He frowned and withdrew his fingers, lifted her gently and placed her on her back, next to him. Dipping his head, he kissed her, his lips soft. ‘I’m sorry, Ariana. I didn’t mean to scare you. I’d never hurt you, okay?’

She nodded.

‘Are you on the pill?’

This time, she shook her head. She was going to have to work on her conversational skills. Though, to be fair to herself, this was a conversation she’d never had before.

He grinned. ‘Then it’s lucky I have a year’s supply of condoms with me.’

His eyes grew serious. He took her hand. ‘Touch me, Ariana.’ He guided her hand down to his erect penis, and folded his fingers over hers to make her hold him. Despite her nerves, she had to admit she was intrigued. She’d had no idea how soft his skin would be there, nor how hard he would be inside that soft skin. Heck, she was twenty-one years old. She’d wondered about that sort of thing a lot.

As he guided her fingers from the base of his shaft and all the way up its long, thick length, she gasped, ‘You’re going to put all that inside me?’

Luke chuckled. ‘Still playing the virgin game, sweetheart? That’s fine with me. I’ll play along. Yes, little Ariana, every centimetre of my big, hard dick is going to pump deep and hard inside you. And you’re going to enjoy it. I’m going to make you scream.’

It sounded like a threat to her. She opened her mouth to question him about this, and to assure him she wasn’t playing any kind of virgin game. People did that? Pretended they were playing a part?

But suddenly the expression on Luke’s face changed from lust to acute pain and anger. ‘What the fuck!’ he roared, throwing her hand away and jumping off the bed. He ran into the shower. ‘What was on your hand, Ariana?’ he continued to bellow from the shower.

Her hand? What on earth was the matter with the man? What was he talking about?

She crept closer to the shower and took in the absorbing picture of Luke’s long, hard, masculine body leaning back against the clear partitions of the shower while a jet of cold water poured down onto his now drooping, but still impressively long and thick penis.

* * *

Luke glanced at Ariana, as she entered the room. Her big, green eyes were huge and her expression said it all. She didn’t have a clue what she’d done.

‘Your hand,’ he tried to explain through his gritted teeth. ‘My dick is burning from something you had on your hand.’

‘Could it have been the chillies I chopped up for dinner?’ she asked uncertainly.

Chillies. Of course it was the chillies. Jesus, this water wasn’t working.

‘Um, perhaps you need something dairy? It has a protein that acts like a detergent against the oil in chillies. I learnt about it in Chemistry at school —’

Shit. A chemistry lesson

‘Fine,’ he interrupted. ‘I did Chemistry too. Maybe my school wasn’t as practical as yours obviously bloody was. Just fucking get something, will you?’

‘There’s no need to swear at me. You can ask me politely, you know.’

‘Ariana, for the love of God, please get me something. I’m in pain here, can’t you see that?’

She vanished, but a short time later, reappeared with a tub of sour cream. ‘It was the first thing I saw,’ she explained as she handed it to him. While the water streamed down uselessly onto his poor burning dick, he ripped off the lid, tore the protective foil away, and shoved himself into the cream. And, dear, sweet Jesus, it seemed to make a difference.

Ariana was standing a couple of feet away, staring at him and his tub of sour cream, apparently anxious to make sure the old feller was okay. What is it with girls? Four days ago, Mai Ling cut his chest cut wide open. Now this one set his dick on fire. They’re cruel, he thought.

‘Thanks, your remedy seems to have worked.’ He handed her the tub and turned to wash off the cream. But as soon as it left its sanctuary, his dick burned again. He snatched the tub out of Ariana’s hands, shoved himself back in the cream, turned off the tap, grabbed a towel, and stalked, streaming water, to the bed. Throwing down the towel, he dropped down on top of it. At least, he’d stalked as well as he could, with a tub of sour cream cuddling his prick.

Ariana sat next to him, her hands twisting together. ‘Are you okay?’

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