Virgil [Marius Brothers 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) (16 page)

BOOK: Virgil [Marius Brothers 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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“That’s good. My best friend deserves that. What can I do to help?”

I smiled at Mareo. We could use Ferris’s help actually.

It’s truly funny the way a tight-knitted community works sometimes. King Rylan, Ferris’s mate, needed some things for the palace that we knew where to get. But it meant getting a portal open. While the Queen helped us with that, we also found her a few items she needed for some magic she’d been wanting to do and been putting on hold.

“Oh, this is ridiculous,” she growled in frustration finally when we came back to the palace. “You’re still going to be finding things for me anyways.”

“We are?” I asked, glancing at Mareo.

“I would be very disappointed if you were going to stop that role as my warriors,” she said carefully. I knew and respected the Queen. She wouldn’t order us but she would let us know it was pretty much
yes we would

“It’s not that we don’t want to, your highness,” Mareo hedged. “But with us being mated to a warrior here with duties of his own and—”

“That’s the point I was getting to,” she interrupted, waving off his concern. She chanted under her breath and suddenly there was a stone in her hand. “It’s like the activating stone but it’s a portal stone of your own. It uses your magic and my own so don’t do too many trips in a day or we’ll both be exhausted. You’re obviously not going to fly all around anymore being mated and a part of this coven and it’s of no help to me if I have to come with you.”

“Thank you,” I breathed, honored by such a gift. “How many is too many trips in a day?”

“A few dozen.” She shrugged. Oh, of course to her that was too many. To most it would probably be a few total. Man, she was powerful.

But in the end we had our own way of making a portal. She explained to us how to use it. Either we had to picture the place in our head exactly or we had to picture the exact coordinates of it. Awesome!

After that, everything else we had to do was a breeze. Mareo used the portal stone while I worked on something else for our home. The last being getting our mate out of his bed at the Marius estate and into his bed in our new home. He groaned as I carried him through the portal but didn’t wake up right away. He didn’t stir as we got him naked either.

awaken when Mareo used that chant and stretched him out. Virgil cried out our names and started stroking himself in his sleep before his eyes popped open.

“Nice that you even dream about us,” I purred.

“Always,” he said in a sleepy voice before glancing down at his hand. “Are my mates trying to tell me something?”

“Yes, we want to christen our home,” Mareo purred. Virgil sat up and glanced around the room.

“How did I get here? Oh please tell me you didn’t carry me here naked while the Queen opened a portal!”

“No,” I chuckled and then filled him in. He relaxed then and demanded payment for being kidnapped. “You are

“I am,” he agreed, giving me that delicious pout lip. Virgil glanced past me and blinked in shock as he rolled to his knees. “Where did you get that? It’s beautiful.”

“I made it,” I admitted. While Mareo had been gathering our stuff from storage and moving some of Virgil’s belongings into the house, I’d been drawing a few projects and finding frames for them. One of them being with Caven’s help. He searched mine, Mareo’s, and Elena’s minds for memories of what the three of us looked like as babies.

“It’s amazing, Foma,” Virgil whispered as he touched the glass. “It looks more real than a picture.” I had sketched a collage of images as if there had been cameras way back then for baby pictures.

“You should see over the headboard,” Mareo said proudly. Virgil turned around so fast I was surprised he didn’t fall on his ass.

“My god, it’s gorgeous,” he gasped. He glanced at me with a huge grin. “You are so talented!”

“You like it? I wanted to do something for our home since you had it built and decorated it but I didn’t want to intrude.”

“Foma, it’s wonderful!” Virgil exclaimed and got back on the bed, hugging me close as he straddled my lap. “It’s our home. Do as you wish, my love, my talented mate. I adore all of them.”

“I’m so glad.” I glanced at them, thinking both of the sketches had turned out pretty well. There was one of the three of us, holding each other after we’d obviously been making love though not showing anything inappropriate.

The other was something I caught from an image Caven had showed me from Elena’s mind. We had been outside and Virgil was in the middle, Mareo and I had an arm each around his shoulders, and we were both smiling at him with love while Virgil had his head tilted as if trying to see us both at once. It was perfect.

“There’s something I need to tell you and I don’t want to ruin the mood so I’m just going to say it quickly,” Mareo said as he moved my cock to Virgil’s prepared hole.

“Okay,” our mate moaned.

“Your parents—”

“Please don’t start any conversation off during sex with
my parents
,” Virgil bitched as his hard-on wilted against me. “Eww.”

“Sorry.” Mareo chuckled. “Your parents offered to move this house onto the estate if you wanted so we’d be protected with the security there but you’d still have your freedom and the space you need.”

“Wow. That’s really amazing,” he mumbled. I kissed along his neck as I started moving his body. He moaned and his cock filled right back up as Mareo pushed us back to the bed.

“I want to be inside you,” Mareo told me.

“You’re always welcome there,” I moaned, spreading wide for him. He did his magic trick and pushed into me, the three of us joined together, my legs over Mareo’s hips as his chest was plastered against Virgil’s back. “Oh gods. I want to always be in the middle. Tight hole squeezing my cock while full of cock. Oh gods!”

“Who knew you were so vocal in bed,” Virgil purred as he sat up and started riding me. I moaned when Mareo wrapped his arms around Virgil’s chest and they both stared down at me, moving together to please me.

“You should see him after several drinks. Two bottles of wine and he’s
to be fucked like a slut in front of people,” Mareo said in a husky voice, outing my deepest secret. “Foma’s a very kinky boy.”

“I’m seven seven. No one that tall can be a
,” I argued, panting as they moved faster.

boy when we say you are,” Virgil growled. My cock twitched inside of him and he gave me a fangy smile. Oh shit. Now he knew I liked being bossed around sometimes too. Nice! “And seven seven or not, soon we’re going to double stuff you. And then you and I are going to do it to Mareo. And then we’re going to do everything in between.”

“Yes, oh yes,” I whimpered as they moved faster. “I want everything with you both.”

“Right answer,” Virgil hissed. I tilted my head, baring my neck to him, and he growled loudly. It wasn’t so much that he needed the blood always, though I’m sure he did then because of the trying past few days, but it was more the connection that the bite gave us. Even if he just took a sip I was giving my mate what he needed and damn, I loved the feeling of his fangs in me.

He bit me hard, sending me over the edge. I screamed out his and Mareo’s names as I came. Virgil followed me right over, his warm seed covering my body. And then Mareo filled me with his. It was perfect. They fell on top of me as Virgil licked the bite closed. Then Mareo pulled out of me and fell to the side, hugging both of us while Virgil was still lying over me, my cock in his ass.

“I don’t feel we should move the house. I like it here, but I would offer another suggestion,” I said after my heart stopped racing and I could think again because the blood had returned to my brain.

“Sure, go ahead,” Virgil said as he kissed my neck. “Whatever you want, Foma.”

“I think we should live here during the week because we’ll be busy with work and then it would be nice to just come to our own home and do our own thing,” I hedged, glancing at Mareo who nodded. “And then live in your suite at the estate on the weekend. It’s like the best of both worlds. No one’s feelings get hurt, we get to have some freedom, and the flexibility to change our minds if we want to.”

“I think that’s a great idea,” Mareo agreed. “That way you can keep seeing Ayden with your family on weekends.”

“I’m glad you guys are so supportive of that,” Virgil said with a happy sigh. “I like the idea too. Especially if I get the instructor job at the shifter training center. I still have to talk to Rylan about that and Father to see how I would even get assigned there. But for now, no one’s going out on missions after demons anyways. It’s too dangerous with what we’ve learned. Everything’s changed and—”

“Hey, none of that today,” I said gently. “We’ll figure it all out and the good guys will win. Today is about us and our new house. So we’re agreed that we will live at the Marius estate on weekends and here during the week?”

“Yes.” Virgil gave me a big smile and a kiss.

“Yes,” Mareo chuckled and then growled. “Let’s fuck on it. I’m still hard and I love the idea of you taking me together.”

“Well, twist my arm why don’t you,” Virgil purred before attacking our mate. I was right there with him… As I would always be in everything.










Joyee dreams of one day living on enough land to have a few horses, and find a couple of cowboys or pool boys of her own. A lover of men, Joyee is all about them in any form in her books; vampire, werewolf, shape-shifter, military…It’s all good! She loves to get lost in fantasy that only books can bring. Her wide interest in reading is reflected in her writings, whether short stories, romance, or mystical. Currently Joyee lives with her dog, Marius, named after a vampire from Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire series.



For all titles by Joyee Flynn, please visit





Siren Publishing, Inc.

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