Working Man (8 page)

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Authors: Melanie Schuster

BOOK: Working Man
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“Boss, I think it's time you let this lady out of her coop for lunch. You two have been at it for two hours and she deserves a break,” Toni said firmly. “And so do you. Would you like to come to lunch with us?”

“Uhh, I'd love to but I have a conference call in—” he glanced at his watch. “Wow, it's right now as a matter of fact. Give me a rain check, will ya?”

Only Dakota noticed the slight reddening of the tops of his ears. Toni was utterly oblivious, but Dakota was sure that Zane was attracted to her new friend. Very attracted, as a matter of fact. But since Toni was engaged, there was nothing to be done. She sighed deeply as she neatly stacked the papers on her desk and opened her bottom drawer for her shoulder bag. Toni misinterpreted the reason for her sigh and raised an eager eyebrow.

“Umm-hmm. There's something on your mind and you need someone closemouthed to confide in,” she said with a serious look on her face. She smiled brightly, the corners of her beautiful eyes crinkling. “Luckily for you, I happen to be the perfect person. I say we blow this pop stand and go out for some serious girl talk.”

Dakota sighed. She and Toni had gone to lunch a few times and were well on the way to becoming good friends. It sounded like just the thing to her, but she had to beg off. “My sister is coming into town. My brother has her convinced that I'm living out of the back of my car and she won't rest until she sees with her own eyes that I'm not homeless,” she said apologetically. “She knows I'm staying at Nick's but she insists on coming. I'm glad, though. My sister is my best friend.”

“Well, that's sounds like a party! You got any wine?”

Dakota nodded her head and was about to say something when Toni held up one hand. “Forget trying to say no, I don't understand the meaning of that word. Ask my parents, they'll tell you I was never an obedient child. Just give me your address and I'll meet you there in an hour with everything else. We'll have a ball.”

Sure enough, Toni got to the apartment before Billie arrived and she carried with her two shopping bags that were filled with “everything else.” There was a cheese tray, an array of fresh vegetables with a yummy-looking dip and a fruit salad filled with chunks of ripe watermelon, blackberries, blueberries, pineapple and cantaloupe. The second bag held a crusty loaf of French bread, stone wheat crackers and smoked turkey. Dakota was touched that Toni had gone to so much trouble for her, but Toni blew off her thanks. They had arranged all the food on the hideous dining-room table while Cha-Cha made frantic noises of extreme hunger. Toni picked her up and tickled her under the chin.

“Consider this a welcome to the big city. I'm going to be trying to get all in your business, so I owe it to you to feed you well,” she said with a sly wink. “When is your sister getting in? Didn't you have to pick her up at the airport or something?”

“Billie? Honey, she knows Chicago like the back of her hand. And knowing Billie, some Chicago Bull or Bear or White Sox or Cub picked her up in his Hummer or sent a car for her. Or one of the other random millionaires who worship at her feet,” Dakota said fondly. “Wait until she gets here, you'll understand what I mean.”

With perfect timing the bell rang and Dakota's eyes glowed. “What timing! C'mon and meet my little sister. She's who I want to be when I grow up,” she laughed.

She ran to the foyer and flung the door open. There stood a thinner, taller version of Dakota with a uniformed chauffeur bearing her luggage and a shopping bag from a boutique in Milan. “Hey, big sister! You're looking fabulous,” Billie said as she threw her arms around Dakota.

They hugged long and hard and when they finally let go, Dakota shook her head. “
look fabulous, as always. I still can't believe we swam in the same gene pool,” she said with affection.

Toni was trying not to stare, but she gave up the pretense. “You didn't tell me your sister is

Wilhelmina was the name Billie used professionally. She was indeed a model, and a very successful one. Her picture regularly graced
Vogue, Elle, Essence
. And she had a magnificent contract with a major cosmetics firm as well as being sought after for all the runway shows. Toni was staring at her with admiration. “We just finished an article on the world of modeling and your name was mentioned several times. It's just as well I didn't know you were related or I'd have begged Dakota mercilessly for an interview with you. I didn't notice the resemblance before, but you two look just alike!”

“Except for the height and the hips,” Dakota mumbled. “Come on in here, girl, so this poor man can put down your stuff.”

Not surprisingly, the chauffeur didn't seem to be the least bit put out; on the contrary he was behaving as though it were his personal pleasure to tote and carry for the lovely Billie. Dakota recognized the glazed look in his eyes for what it was. Her beautiful younger sister had racked up yet another conquest. While the bags were put into the bedroom and the smitten driver was sent on his way after refusing the generous tip he was offered, Dakota looked Billie over. She was simply gorgeous; there was no other way to describe her. They shared the same caramel skin and the same abundant black hair, and their features were very similar, as Toni had noticed. But Billie was six feet tall and as slender as a reed. Hers was the body Dakota had always longed for. Even though she adored her baby sister with all her heart, she couldn't stop a twinge of jealousy when she looked at Billie's long, thin arms, her sculpted collarbones, her chic lack of bosom and her lean, boyish hips. What a contrast to Dakota's big butt, rounded hips and lush breasts.

Toni and Billie hit it off at once and were chattering away like two old friends. It turned out that they knew some of the same people due to Toni's connections in the world of fashion and beauty. And Toni had once modeled herself, which was really not a surprise, given her striking good looks.

“I just couldn't stay as thin as they wanted me to,” Toni said frankly. “When I was young the weight stayed off, but the older I got, the harder it got. When I looked at myself in the mirror one night after I had just made myself throw up, I said to hell with it. So I left the business. I did some plus-sized modeling for a while, but I used the money I'd saved to get my degree and I got out with my self-esteem intact. Modeling is a rough world for a young girl.”

They were sitting in the dining room sipping wine and picking over the remains of their feast. Billie was uncharacteristically quiet during Toni's remarks. She tossed back the rest of her drink and looked around the room. “This place isn't as bad as you said it was, Dakota. It's a little over the top, but he really has a good eye. In New York or Paris this place would be the bomb, girl.”

Toni agreed. “It's fresh, daring and in-your-face. Much like the man who decorated it, I assume?”

Dakota groaned and dropped her head. Toni and Billie started talking about her as though she weren't there, which ordinarily would have driven her mad. But today she just lacked the strength to deal with it and let them go at it.

“So have you met this man? He must be something because my big sister is not being herself, to put it mildly,” Billie said.

“Yes, I met him and he's a big ol' hunk of man. Very tall, with Smokey Robinson green eyes and a voice like Barry White. If I wasn't engaged, I might try to snag him myself,” Toni said candidly.

Billie had to examine Toni's big sparkly diamond engagement ring and while she was doing that, Dakota's cell phone buzzed and she picked it up impatiently. “Hello?”

She tried to hide her pleased expression but failed. “I'd love to, but I have company. My friend Toni is here and so is my sister…. Well, yes, but Billie just got here and I'm sure she doesn't feel like going out,” she demurred.

“Yes, I do,” Billie said loudly. “When have I ever not wanted to go somewhere, especially if there's food involved. Where we goin'?”

Dakota gave her sister a calculating stare. She spoke into the phone again with more assurance. “Okay, fine. Where shall we meet you?”

In a minute or so she'd disconnected the phone and sat back with a smug look. “That was Nick. He's coming to take us all out to dinner,” she announced in the same voice she would have used to say that a dead mouse was in the kitchen.

Toni and Billie lit up. “Well don't just sit there, girl, you've got to get dressed!” Billie told her.

Dakota looked down at her slacks and her silk blouse. “What's wrong with what I have on?”

Toni and Billie looked and each other and said in unison, “Everything!”

Chapter 6

akota allowed Toni and Billie to bully her into the shower while they laid out what they determined was more appropriate garb for a date. She took her time in the hot steamy water, trying to get her bearings. She had a plan, a dangerous one to be sure, but it was a plan nonetheless. She and Nick had spent quite a bit of time together in the past couple of weeks, and she was, despite her normal steely resolve, becoming quite interested in Nick. He was funny and engaging and told great stories. He had good manners and he also had good sense. And he actually did what he said he was going to do, she thought as she lathered her body in fragrant bubbles from the bath gel Billie had thrust in her hand. Most importantly, he seemed to genuinely like her. And he also seemed to be really attracted to her, every inch of her. That was the basis for her plan, which was actually more of a test.

She rubbed the scented gel over her breasts while she thought about what she was about to do. She was going to toss Billie at Nick and see what happened. No man was able to resist her little sister and she had no doubt that Nick would prove to be one of those men who melted like butter in a hot skillet when they got a look at her endless legs, dreamy eyes and slender, sexy body. The thought of him drooling all over Billie was daunting, and a pain pierced her heart as she realized how disappointed she'd be when she saw that dumbfounded look on his face. Her hands paused for a moment and she suddenly had to wipe her eyes, which were burning for some reason. The burning doubled when she got soap in her eyes and she had to let the water from the shower wash away the irritating suds. This was something she had to do, dammit. She was already having hot dreams about him every night; there was no point in letting her guard down any further unless she knew he was really sincere about her.
I have to do this. I have to know,
she thought fiercely.

In the meantime, Billie was showing Toni the present she'd brought for Dakota. “I saw this in Milan and I could just see her in it,” Billie said. “Isn't it perfect?”

It was a simple silk-and-cotton-blend dress that had a scoop neck and a deep back with criss-crossed straps. It fit close to the body through the bodice, and flared out into a full skirt that would end above the knee. It was sleeveless with deeply-cut armholes and it would show off Dakota's arms and her stupendous breasts perfectly. Toni agreed at once.

“It's beautiful, and that indigo color will look great with her skin tone. Now all she needs are some shoes to go with it,” Toni said.

Billie triumphantly pulled out a pair of Ferragamo sandals with a higher heel than Toni had ever seen her friend wear. “These match it perfectly and she's going to wear them or go barefoot,” Billie said firmly. “I'm sure she hasn't told you this, but her self-esteem took a beating last year thanks to this doofus she was dating. I hated him,” she said, her eyes glinting at his memory. “He wasn't man enough for her, anybody could see that, but for some reason she thought he was the stuff, you know? His name was Jonah, of all things, and he was this mealy-mouthed corporate tool, a lobbyist or something. D.C. is full of bottom-feeders.

“Anyway, I always thought he was with Dakota because of who she is. You know what I mean, her name, her fame, and her brains. He was riding on her coattails, as far I was concerned. He was a control freak, too. He had emotional abuse written all over him. He used to try to get her to lose weight, used to watch every mouthful she took and made little cracks about her needing to join a gym.”

Toni made a face. “Been there, done that. I know the kind. The ‘you-have-such-a-pretty-face' kind. They swear up and down they love you just for you, but every other minute they're trying to get you to go on a diet. I dated this one schmuck who told me we couldn't have sex again until I lost five pounds.”

“Ooohh, no he didn't! What did you tell him?”

“That the sex wasn't good enough for me to miss a meal and for him to lose my number. That's one of the reasons I love my man so much. He's from Albania and they love meat on the bones,” she giggled.

“Yeah, well, as much as that creep Jonah loved being on Dakota's arm because she knew everybody in Washington, he had the nerve to try and change her. This was after he'd proposed, mind you. Told her he didn't want people calling them Jonah and the whale, can you imagine? And then, just when Dakota was actually considering getting liposuction, he up and leaves her for this emaciated heifer with the IQ of a turnip.” Billie's face turned deep red with anger as she recalled how devastated her sister had been.

“She was better off without him, of course and she knows that. But it was still a blow to the heart she didn't deserve. That's part of the reason she's so skittish about getting involved with a man. She doesn't trust them at all,” Billie confided. “And that's too bad because this Nick sounds like—”

“Sounds like what?” Dakota had come out of the shower just in time to hear the end of Billie's speech.

“Sounds like a man who's going to be on time. You need to get stepping unless you plan to go out in that towel. Here's your dress, but where is your underwear?”

Dakota stared at the beautiful dress in dismay. It was lovely, just right for a summer-night date. But she couldn't wear something like that! “Billie it's beautiful, but I don't think…”

“I don't think you have time to argue,” Toni said pertly. “Put on your undies and sit down so we can put on your makeup and do your hair. I've been meaning to talk to you about your attire anyway. You and I need to do some power shopping. You don't dress to show off your figure at all,” she fussed.

Dakota did as she was bid and put on a pair of thong panties and the only strapless bra she owned. Luckily, it was like new since she'd only worn it twice. She slipped into a summer kimono and obediently took a seat on the bed where both Toni and Billie attacked her with highly-skilled gusto. When they were finished, she didn't recognize herself. Her skin glowed with its light application of foundation, a touch of blush and a soft juicy gloss the color of ripe cherries. Her eyes were huge and smoky with the application of dark charcoal shadow, indigo eyeliner that was smudged for a subtle seduction, and a ton of very expensive mascara. A bit of gold highlighter under her brows and on her cheekbones and she was finished. Her hair was a tousled mass of curls held up by some sparkly hair ornaments Billie had gotten at a flea market in Paris. When she put on the dress, which fit perfectly, Dakota didn't recognize herself. “Is that me? That's not me,” she murmured as she admired her reflection.

Nick ignored the doorbell and gave his customary loud knock. Billie held up her hand. “A lady never opens the door for a date if she can help it. Toni, you get the door while I find some earrings,” she instructed. Toni went to answer the door with Cha-Cha hot on her heels. The cat had ESP where her man was concerned and she knew his knock.

Toni let Nick in and greeted him. “Dakota will be right out. Would you like something to drink?” she asked sweetly. Before he could answer, Dakota entered the room and Nick's ability to speak seemed to desert him. He literally devoured her with his eyes, looking her up and down as though he couldn't get enough of the vision of loveliness that had come into his view.

When he regained speech, it was unlike his usual playful banter. With utter seriousness he said, “Damn. So this is what you've been hiding from me all this time, huh? You look beautiful, baby. You need to wear more dresses. You're made for a pretty dress and that dress is made for you. I almost don't want to take you out, you look so good,” he said reverently.

“Oh, but you have to,” a new voice said. “I believe I was promised a meal and I'm hungry,” Billie announced.

She stood there with her arms akimbo and her long legs shown off to their full extent by a micro-mini skirt made of black faille and a leopard-print halter top. She was wearing Christian Louboutin platform shoes and her hair was wild and loose. Dakota was aware that her body refused to take a breath as she waited for Nick's reaction to her sister. It was a while in coming, but he walked over and kissed Dakota on the cheekbone. “You smell good, baby. You look good, you smell good and I already know you taste good. I don't have an appetite for anything but you,” he said in a low, compelling voice. She stared into his eyes and saw nothing there but the green fire that heralded another one of his sizzling kisses and she suddenly felt the same way. She was about to melt into his arms when Billie interrupted the moment.

Jangling her heavy gold bracelets, she laughed at the two of them. “Y'all are pitiful. Feed me good and you're on your own for dessert. I have a feeling I know what it's going to be,” she said cheekily. “You must be Nick. I'm Billie and I'm
Can we get some barbecue?”

Toni, in the meantime, was waving goodbye. “My work here is done. I have to meet Ivan so I'm taking my leave of you good folks. Billie, take notes,” she said merrily as she closed the door behind her.

Nick finally seemed to realize there was someone else in the room and shook the hand Billie offered him. “All right ladies, let's go. I know a place that serves the best barbecue in Chicago, you'll love it.” He took Dakota's hand and glanced at Billie's lithe form. “They have real big portions, too.”


Billie looked around the restaurant Nick had chosen with avid interest. “Oh yeah, these folks can throw down with some barbecue,” she said as she sniffed the air with anticipation. It was a plain-looking place, nothing fancy. The floor was well-worn black-and-white linoleum and there were big booths around the edge of the room, with tables in the middle. All the tables had white paper tablecloths and there was a roll of paper towels on each table in lieu of napkins. It certainly wasn't trendy, but it was immaculately clean and there was some great music playing and everyone seemed to be enjoying their meals, even though the aromatic sauce involved the use of big bibs by the patrons to avoid the inevitable sauce stains. Billie rubbed her hands together gleefully. “I want some of everything and a big ol' slab of ribs. If they have lemonade, I want some of that, too, with extra ice. I'm going to wash my hands, I'll be right back,” she said as she slid out of the red vinyl booth.

Nick stood quickly as she left and watched her as she walked across the room drawing a lot of male attention. He sat down even closer to Dakota with a worried look on his face. “She's not going to stuff her face and then…” he made a gesture that indicated making herself sick. Dakota laughed at his concern.

“Honey, she's not bulimic! And she's obviously not anorexic, either. My sister eats like a horse, always has. She's just got the good genes in the family and never gains weight. Not an ounce,” she said, smoothing her dress over her thighs.

Nick turned all his attention to the woman at his side. “You look real good, baby. You always look pretty, but tonight you look the way you should. You should always wear something that shows off your legs. You have some beautiful legs, girl, why do you keep them covered up?”

Billie returned to the table in time to hear that remark. “That's a good question, babycakes. Why do you always wear pants? If I had legs like yours people would get tired of looking at them 'cause I'd have 'em on display every day.”

To Dakota's horror, Billie turned to Nick and began to regale him with tales of their youth. “When we were growing up, I was so jealous of my big sister I couldn't stand it! She was the smartest girl in school and not just our school, the whole city! She was known all over the state for her SAT scores and her awards,” Billie reported. “She was everything, you hear me? She was a cheerleader, she was Homecoming Queen, Prom Queen, Most Beautiful Teen, you name it, and she was it. And the boys, well, just forget it. When I was in high school I never brought a boy home, ever.”

Nick went along with it, smiling as Billie told her story. “And why was that?”

“Because they took one look at her and fell in love, that's why! She had all that pretty hair, that perfect skin and that Beyoncé body, and I was tall and skinny. I had no chance whatsoever,” Billie laughed. “Dakota was smart and popular and stacked, and I was taller than all the boys in my class. And skinny as a rail. My nickname in high school was Beanie, short for Stringbean.”

By now the food had come and Dakota was relieved to see the platters. Maybe now Billie would shut up. She tried to end the conversation by saying, “Obviously she's exaggerating. Eat before it gets cold, Billie.”

After holding hands with Nick and Dakota and saying grace, Billie dug in with good appetite, but she kept on talking. “All my teachers wanted to know why I wasn't as smart as Dakota and all the boys wanted to know why I didn't have boobies like Dakota. She was a hard act to follow, let me tell you!”

Dakota wanted to dive under the table, especially when she saw how much Nick was enjoying this. She had to resort to imitating the squinty look her mother always employed to get them to behave when they were in public, and Billie finally took the hint. But she wasn't through talking, not by a long shot. She simply turned her attention to Nick. “So tell me about yourself. Who are you and where do you come from? I think I hear a southern accent there.” She beamed at him as she licked a little sauce off her pinkie.

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