100 Days of Right Believing: Daily Readings from The Power of Right Believing

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y friend, I’ve got an invitation and a challenge for you that I believe will change your life! Over the next 100 days, I’d like for you to take the journey of a lifetime together with me and explore the amazing width and length and depth and height of our Father’s unconditional love for us. God wants us to live with joy overflowing, peace that surpasses understanding, and an unshakable confidence in what He has done for us, but the noise, chaos, clutter, and busyness of life so often overwhelm and obscure the truth. Too often we live life not conscious of His love, and end up trapped in a vicious cycle of wrong believing that results in defeat, guilt, fears, and addictions.

All I ask is that over the next 100 days you simply set aside 15 minutes a day and discover what God really sees when He looks at you as His beloved child. I know from personal experience and the many amazing testimonies from people across America and around the world that your life will never be the same again. Start your day with God by saying, “Father, I thank You that this is going to be a great day with You!” Then make yourself a nice warm mug of coffee and invite Jesus to an intimate chat as you pick up this book. I believe that within these precious moments your life can be transformed and renewed as you allow God’s Word to refresh and reshape your thinking, speaking, and decision making, and put unwavering hope in your heart. And when your mind is set to believe in God’s love for you, you will let go of the life of defeat and step into a life full of victory, security, and success.

My friend, the transformation and breakthroughs you want to see in your life all begin with
what you believe
. Right believing holds the secret to changing your life:
If you can change what you believe, you can change your life!
Can this really be true? Can it really be so simple? Yes, my friend, because right believing is really all about looking to the person of Jesus. When you
in Him—in His love for you, His grace toward you, and the power of His finished work in your life—
will transform you from the inside out. And we know that real change and breakthroughs can only come from the inside out.

Today, I invite you to journey with me to discover the powerful truths of God’s Word that will unlock doors and lead you into the fullness of life that is found in Jesus and His love. Your life will be touched and transformed when you encounter His presence and allow your mind to be renewed with right beliefs about your true identity in Him. You’ll find inspiration, hope, and encouragement to break free from all that is holding you back from the abundant life that God has planned for you. I am confident that you’ll find the freedom and power you need to live your life to the fullest!

100 Days of Right Believing
is based on my book,
The Power of Right Believing
. Each bite-sized inspirational reading includes:

Today’s Scripture
—A scripture that relates to the inspirational reading, giving it a biblical foundation and helping you to understand the truths presented. I encourage you to meditate on each scripture for the day. You’ll be surprised how much the Holy Spirit will open up God’s Word to you and refresh your heart!

Today’s Inspirational Excerpt
The Power of Right Believing
—A key truth or nugget that will renew your mind and help you develop positive habits for right believing. These truths cover what it means to believe in God’s love for you and receive His complete forgiveness. They also teach you how to win the battle for your mind and find rest in the Father’s love.

Today’s Prayer
—Don’t know what or how to pray for a breakthrough? These prayers will help you express all that’s in your heart to your heavenly Father. Feel free to adapt them to your own situation. Just speak from your heart. The effective, fervent prayer of a child of God avails much. Your Father is waiting and listening!

Today’s Reflection on Right Believing
—As you prayerfully read each day’s inspirational word, take time to journal the things that the Holy Spirit brings to your attention. Meditate on these things, as well as the person of Jesus and His love and grace toward you.

No matter where you are at or what challenges you face, for the next 100 days, I’m asking you to allow the Scriptures to speak to your heart. Be still and listen to what God is saying to you… let His words of grace saturate your spirit, soul, and mind. Day by day, the shackles of wrong believing will begin to loosen and fall off your life. Your thoughts and beliefs will begin to line up with the Lord’s precious thoughts and promises toward you, and
your bondages will fall off like dead leaves—all through the power of right believing!

My friend, I can’t wait for you to get started on your journey of right believing! When you start to believe right in God’s grace and goodness toward you, fears, guilt, and addictions will lose their hold on your life as His love, peace, and life begin to fill and flow through you.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

Grace always,

Joseph Prince

What You Believe Matters

Today’s Scripture

“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.”


ver the last two decades, I’ve had the privilege of ministering to precious people from all walks of life. I’ve had the honor of meeting people in my congregation and at conferences around the world and hearing their stories. For those whom I didn’t get to meet in person, their letters and emails to me told their stories.

Stories of liberation from years of anxiety and depression. Stories of being rescued from the prison of fear. Stories of breaking loose from destructive habits and addictions.

Yet, for every person who found their breakthrough, I also know of many who are still struggling today. They are bound by severe insecurities, trapped by all kinds of disorders, and gripped by constant fear. They’ve tried every solution they can think of, but are still desperately clawing to be freed from their emotional and physical prisons.

How did those who experienced victory break free? Why are others still trapped?

The answer is simple but powerful: their
. What you believe is critical.

You see, if you believe wrong, you will struggle with wrong thoughts. Wrong thoughts will produce unhealthy emotions that will lead to toxic feelings of guilt, shame, condemnation, and fear. And those wrong feelings will ultimately produce wrong behaviors, actions, and painful addictions.

Wrong believing starts you on a path of defeat. It is what keeps you trapped and drives you deeper and deeper into paralyzing captivity. Right believing, on the other hand, is the door out of this vicious cycle of defeat. When you believe right, you will live right. Right believing always produces right living.

Today, begin to believe right by choosing to know and believe in the powerful truths of God’s Word and in His love for you. In the days to come, set your heart to discover and meditate on the Savior you have in Christ and what He has already accomplished for you. Choose to renew your mind with God’s truths about who you really are in Christ and how precious you are to Him. I pray that as you begin to encounter the person of Jesus, you
begin to experience your breakthrough and lasting victory!

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