1,000 Questions of Who You Are and Your View on Life (4 page)

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Authors: Marcus Wilson

Tags: #Family & Relationships, #Family Relationships

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439. If you could have any bad thing happen to you, what would you definitely not want it to be and why?

440. What is something you think only you know?

441. What would something taken away from you be that would affect you the most emotionally in a negative way? Whatever it is, how would you say that thing profits in your life?

442. What would you say brings tears to your eyes?

443. If there is anything, what are seven things you would rather die for than to have happen?

444. On a scale from one to ten, how different would you say you are from the rest of the world?

445. If you did not exist, what would you say would be the world's loss?

446. What would you say you fear the least?

447. What things in the world would you say are unimportant? If any, what would you say makes them unimportant?

448. If you lived in the times when Jesus walked earth, and you saw him sitting in a field one day, what would you say to him?

449. If you were given a vision that everyone on earth, including yourself, were evil and selfish and that you would die within a year because of it and there's no way out, how would you feel and react?

450. Out of all the things you've seen throughout your life, what would you say has caught your attention the most?

451. Is there a presence that you remember from your past that you liked the feeling of more than anything? If so, when and where were you when you experienced it? And what would you say was so great about the experience?

452. What would you say brings life to the world?

453. If you were given the opportunity to become a Supreme Being that knew everything but couldnt do anything, would or wouldn't you? Why or why not would you say?

454. If you suddenly realized that everyone and everything that youve experienced was all just a figment of your imagination, and that everything that happens and has happened is what you have created, what would be your reaction?

455. If you were about to enter life (as a normal life on earth), but you had to first choose what kind of life you would live and the things you would accomplish, what would you choose?

456. What do you believe is the hardest thing for you to say?

457. Would you say that you're the best that you can be right now? If not, what would you say is keeping you from being all that you can be?

458. If you were to look at your picture from when you were an infant and were to look at yourself now, how different would you say you appear?

459. What things would you say you know but wish you had never known at all?

460. What would you say are the advantages and disadvantages of being you?

461. If you were given one thousand acres of land, what do you believe you would do with it?

462. If you could choose what happens after death, what would you choose and why?

463. If you were in the center of a hollow planet falling back and forth, forever, and you knew there was no way out, what do you think you would think about?

464. If you were given the power to bring three people back to life, who would they be?

465. If you could choose a person besides yourself to become Supreme Being of the Universe, who would you choose and why?

466. What would you say aggravates you more than anything and why?

467. For what reason would you say there exists or doesnt exist a Creator of the Universe?

468. If you were given a planet such that you could only invite three people to live with you, who would they be and why?

469. If you were given seven cameras to place anywhere in the world, where would you place them and why?

470. If the news suddenly said, "A great tornado is coming toward your house so strong that it can tear it down," what would you do?

471. Who would you say is your closest family member besides your brothers, sisters, and parents?

472. If you saw a shooting star, what would you wish?

473. If you can remember, what was your first birthday wish?

474. What are all your prayers and wishes you believe have come true in your life?

475. If you could give three people immortality, who would they be and why?

476. If you could play in any story that would be most frightening for you to play in, which story would it be and why?

477. What would you say the people around you like about you?

478. If anything, what things in life don't you have a problem with that others seem to have?

479. What is your deepest belief?

480. What do you find absolutely disgusting and why?

481. If you were walking in the woods late at night and saw a UFO crash into the ground, and you could see that no one was in it, what would you do and why?

482. What animal besides humans do you find the most beautiful?

483. If you got married with someone you truly loved and found out later that the person you married was the opposite gender of what you intended, what would be your reaction?

484. If you were walking down a pitch-black alleyway, and you suddenly saw an alien walking, but it didn't see you, what would be your reaction?

485. What do you believe to be absolutely impossible?

486. If three thousand people came up to you and said, "We're going to destroy all people on earth: join us, or die," what would be your reaction?

487. What is your most precious fairytale?

488. What would you say is the second best thing in the world to you?

489. If you could choose one place to be alone forever, what place would you choose and why?

490. If you could be a professional athlete, what sport would you choose to play and why?

491. How would you define a near death experience?

492. What do you believe gives your life meaning?

493. To what would you say your life is heading towards?

494. With whom would you say you have the most secrets?

495. What experiences in your life would you say appeared to be supernatural?

496. Which would you rather choose and why: to become a space traveler, a scuba diver, or a time traveler?

497. Would you ever die for your beliefs? If so, for what belief would you die for?

498. If you were placed in a room where you had to stay locked in for three years without anything but three objects of your choice, what would they be and why?

499. What would you say is an obstacle that is keeping you from being able to do all that you want to do?

500. How would you define and describe God?

501. If you were taken to another world where everything is new, what about this one would you miss most?

502. What is currently the best thing that you've learned?

503. What would you say determines one's success in life?

504. Who would you say is the nicest person you know?

505. If you had the opportunity to trade minds with someone, but not bodies, who would you choose and why?

506. If you had the ability to speak anything into existence, what would you say?

507. If anything, what would you say are your bad habits?

508. If any, which person would you say is exactly opposite of you?

509. How many times in your life would you say you've forgiven?

510. If you could own any mythical creature, what creature would it be and why?

511. What would you say is the most powerful tool a person can possess?

512. What would you say is the best thought in the world?

513. If an alien abducted you, and you were given knowledge that they were going to destroy the earth but would destroy you if you would tell, what would you do?

514. Who would you say you get along with easiest?

515. What would you say is the worst picture youve ever taken?

516. What would you say is the underlying cause of violence?

517. What would you say determines a healthy relationship?

518. What would you say are the main essentials of health?

519. What would you say is the best thing you've learned about yourself?

520. What would you say is your best quality?

521. What opportunities in your past would you say you missed out on because of your beliefs?

522. What would you say you worship more than anything?

523. What would you say is the biggest lie you've ever heard?

524. If any, how many people would you say you are holding a grudge on? If so, who would those people be?

525. In your entire lifetime, how many books would you say you've read? If any, what kind of books would you say you've read the most? And what book would you say has inspired you the most?

526. If you could name the Universe, what would you call it?

527. What would you say is the most important decision you have ever made?

528. What about yourself would you say you are most judged by both negatively and positively?

529. If anyone, whom would you say you couldnt live without?

530. If anyone, who would you say has hurt your feelings the most?

531. What kind of people interests you the most?

532. Why would you say you've chosen your mate?

533. What things in common would you say you have with your best friend?

534. Why would you say you've chosen your best friend?

535. What would you say were the major turning points in your life?

536. If anything, what is one opinion you would say everyone agrees with?

537. What do you believe happens after you die and why?

538. If you were to observe your entire life up until this moment, what percentage of it would you say is happy? And what percentage of it would you say is sad? And what percentage would you say is neither?

539. What would you say is your worst enemy?

540. If you were to die, how would you like to be remembered?

541. What things about yourself do you believe need improvement?

542. If someone were to decide to take over your life and body, what advice would you give the person?

543. What would you say doesnt scare you but scares everyone else?

544. Would you say you are more of a leader or a follower?

545. If anything, what things in your life would you say you are lacking that are preventing you from living your life to its fullest?

546. What would you say is a result of your way of thinking?

547. What is the strangest thought that has ever occurred to you?

548. If you could know anything, what would you most want to know?

549. If a Supreme Being came from outer space and were to decide to kill everyone, but the only choice to live was to give a valid reason as to why He should let you live, what would you say?

550. What do you believe is outside the ends of the Universe?

551. If you could design a dream for you to dream, what would you be doing, and what would it be like?

552. If you quickly were to just blurt out something to say to everyone you know, what do you think you would say?

553. What do you find hard to believe?

554. Why would you say life is precious?

555. How would you say you determine the things you believe to be right and wrong?

556. Who dont you understand and why?

557. Out of all the people in your life, whom would you say youve talked to the most?

558. If you had a choice to be reincarnated as anything, including human, what would you choose and why?

559. Where and with whom would you most likely want to spend a three-week vacation?

560. If you were to travel great distances, and you had to take a book with you to read, what book would you take and why?

561. If you could read to your children any story, what would you read to them and why?

562. What do you believe to be the greatest discovery in history?

563. On a scale from one to ten, how much would you say you complain about things?

564. What would you say is the best gift one can receive?

565. What is the most shocking thing youve ever experienced?

566. Whom do you find to be unbelievable?

567. If you had do research on something specific for the rest of your life, what would you choose and why?

568. Who would you say you are most communicative with?

569. If you were on your death bed, and all the people you know were to come and see you, whom would you want to see last?

570. How often would you say you cry?

571. If you could have any pet you want, what would you choose and why?

572. What about life do you find most mysterious?

573. If anything, what would you say is even more valuable to you than your life?

574. What are three things you can do that you know will improve your life?

575. If you could teach the world anything, what would you teach?

576. What things would you say arent reliable?

577. Which of these would you say is better: emotional feelings or profitable possessions?

578. If you could listen to any song forever, what song would you choose to listen to?

579. When you first awake, what is the first thing you normally think about?

580. In your life, what would you say is the most precious thing youve lost?

581. What would you say is the worst pain a person can experience?

582. What would you say is the main thing in life that you reject? If anything, for what reason would you say you reject it?

583. In whose presence do you find yourself laughing for no apparent reason?

584. How would you say your entire life style would be if you were free to do whatever you wish?

585. What things about yourself would you say you are ashamed of and why?

586. How many people would you say you know with the same difficulties as yourself?

587. What experience in your life would you say has strengthened you emotionally more than any other experience?

588. What would you say is the most powerful weapon to survive any given situation?

589. What is something from your past that youre not sure whether it was or wasnt a dream?

590. How would you define intelligence?

591. What percentage of the day would you say you spend time thinking? What percentage observing? What percentage moving?

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