2000 Kisses (42 page)

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Authors: Christina Skye

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

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T.J's lips curved. “Actually, she saved my life. I guess that means I owe you.”

The tall Treasury officer slanted a surprised glance at his sister. “She did? But how—”

“Later.” TJL gathered Tess into the curve of his arm. “Right now her shoulder needs attention.”

“It's fine.” She gave him a crooked grin. “I saw it, TJ. The ledge was right there where I imagined it was,” she said wonderingly.

“What ledge?” Andrew poked his head over TJ.'s shoulder. “What does she mean?”

“Never mind, O'Mara.” TJ. didn't look up, his gaze locked on Tess's dusty, scratched, and very beautiful face. “Why don't you and Grady go find that can of kerosene at the top of the steps before something unpleasant happens to it.”

Andrew O'Mara gave a flat sound of eonftision. “What kerosene? Will one of you
tell me what happened here?”

A figure moved out of the shadows at the far side of the ruins. Grady crouched instantly, his rifle leveled. “Hold it right there, mister.”

The man came to a halt and raised his arms slowly.

“That's Miguel.” Grady lowered his rifle. “Whaf s he been doing out there in the wash?”

T. J. watched the old man trot down the slope, his bag over his shoulder. “Keeping an eye on me, most likely. He took the first man down. Are you okay?” he called.

The old man nodded, and somewhere in the darkness beyond the gathered vehicles, a low howl split the night, echoed on three sides by answering calls.

“What the hell was
” Andrew demanded.

Ignoring Grady's curious stare, TJ. turned, sliding his hands into Tess's hair. He smiled as he locked his mouth against hers while Andrew sputtered behind them and the song of the coyotes rose to the high dark canopy of the sky.



The road stretched before them, unbroken in its darkness, and TJ. felt as if they were the last two people left on earth.

He didn't look at her. He didn't dare.

Had to keep his eyes on the road. Had to focus on the darkness or they'd never make it home. What he really wanted was to turn off the road pull her astride him, and claim her in the most primitive way a man could claim a woman.

They'd both been dazed, caught in the downswing of adrenaline, when they'd reached town. TJ. had kept his arms around her through an hour of questions from Andrew and two other government investigators who'd just flown in from DC. As they'd talked, Doc Felton had insisted on checking them both out, then tending to the shallow wounds on Tess's shoulder and cheek.

When Andrew's questions had turned personal, TJ. had pulled Tess away, still bundled in his battered leather jacket, ignoring her brother's sputters of protest.

Now he felt her turn, her fingers searching.

Don't think about touching her.

Don't think about having her.

“I've got one question. Well, more than one.” Her voice was husky. “What brought all those coyotes?”

“I think we were lucky. Maybe more than lucky.” TJ. watched a rabbit dart over the road, captured in the headlights. “I shouldn't have left you today,” he said grimly. “Not for anything.”

“Grady was with me. You couldn't know what those men had planned.”

He forced himself to take a deep breath, fighting down the thought of what might have happened to her. “I should have been prepared.” He felt her hand tighten on his thigh.

Desire exploded through him in a savage burst. He wanted her against him, wanted her hands urgent and hot on his back there in the darkness.

She slid closer, flowing into the hard line of his body. “You're still tense.”

“I'll survive. Why don't you get some sleep?”

“Can't. I'm too edgy.” Her fingers shifted, drawing his hand onto her thigh.

He felt her tremble, felt the warm yielding of her skin. “Dammit, Tess—”

She rose against him, nipping at his neck.

He muttered a curse.

They were at the main road now. Through the churning clouds he saw the luminous bow of the moon.

He envisioned bringing her home this way every night of his life. He imagined the husky laughter and the warm silences while their hands brushed in slow, aching seduction. The thought was almost more pleasure than he could bear.

He forced his gaze to the road ahead. “Funny how things worked out. It looks as if you'll be able to ride herd on that cruise outfit in New Orleans after all.”

“I'm sure Richard's desperate for me to putthings to right.”

He felt her breath at his neck, her hair on his shoulder.

Torment, he thought.

And the only thing worse wouldbe
feeling them.

They were at the end of the gravel drive. The moon darted between the clouds. He swung the Blazer around in front of the gate, got out, and then pulled open her door, wishing the moonlight wasn't his enemy, wishing her face wasn't so beautiful dusted with silver.

“You should sleep,” he said harshly.

“Sleep's not what I want” She raised her hands to his shoulders, her eyes glinting.

“Duchess, I can't swear I'll be gentle. Not wanting you the way I do.”

“Then don't be gentle. Not tonight.”

He made an angry sound. “I'll take, Tess. I'll take and take.” With a low oath he gathered her up into his arms and strode through the courtyard.

He didn't look at her.

Couldn't look at her as he pounded up the darkened steps where bougainvillea trailed low, leaving restless shadows in the moonlight.

“Look at me, T.J.,” she whispered, unbuttoning her blouse, baring silvered skin.

Something raw and restless growled to life inside him. His hands clenched as he slid her along his body and brought her down onto the top step, his hands gripping her hips.

Somewhere a bird cried.

And all he could see was the perfect curve of her cheeks, the tight, aroused outline of her breasts. All he knew was the blinding urge to claim and possess. “Dammit,
Tess, I warned you. I told you how much I wanted you. If I have you now, I'll have you a dozen times before morning. There will be no end to it.”

“Then … have me.” Her words made desire knife through him.


The jagged edge of anger.

, he thought dimly.


Both were simply memories with the restless heat of her mouth claimed beneath his.

He swept her into his arms and strode into the quiet house, at the edge of control. She was the only woman who'd ever touched him this way, shredding through all his restraint. Tonight he meant to return the favor.

As he moved inside, he saw Maria in the foyer, white-faced and uncertain. “Senor Grady called me. He said you—”

“We're fine, Maria. Just tired,” TJ. muttered, tugging Tess's blouse closed.

“But the
is hurt. I see the bandage at her arm. I will make her something hot to drink.”

TJ.'s hands tightened. “I'll give her everything she needs tonight, Maria. Go back to sleep.”

The woman's eyes narrowed, and then she nodded slowly.

In silence T.J. carried Tess to his bedroom, where moonlight spilled through the open windows, pooling over the crisp white sheets. “It starts here, Tess.”


“All the things I want to do to you. All the ways I mean to leave my marie on you tonight.” His voice was hoarse. “Do you trust me?”

She lifted her hand to his rigid jaw. “Always. From
that first day when I saw you in the shimmering heat and thought you were some amazing mirage.”

He set her down. “I wanted you like this then. You made me ache with all die ways I wanted to have you.”

Standing before him, she smiled tremulously, then brought her hand to her blouse.

“No,” T.J. said hoarsely, catching her fingers. “I'll do that.” His voice was very rough. “Tonight I'll do everything.”

Her breath caught at the hunger in his eyes. Her heart pitched at the pressure of his mouth sliding along her neck. “T.J. you don't have to—”

“Yes. This way. Every way. Until I've left a mark you can't forget.”

He pulled off her blouse and let it fall to die floor. Deftly he stripped away the rest of her clothing except for the white lace briefs. Then he lifted her hands to his shoulders as he worshipped her in die moonlight with callused fingers. Tess moaned with pleasure.

“T.J., your clothes,” she murmured.

“First I want to look at you. To touch you,” he said hoarsely. Something moved in his eyes, an emotion she couldn't find a word for.


Tess felt her heart pound as he feathered her lips with his mouth and then skimmed a path along her neck.

She shuddered when he gripped her hips, sensing the desire that he fought to hold in cheek. “TX, you don't need to—”

She felt his hot breath before the hard, stroking pull of his mouth at her breast. Already swollen, already needy, her nipples rose to dark buds, which he claimed with his hand and his tongue as pleasure drove her trembling against him.

“But I want you,” she said raggedly. “I need to feel you.”

“First like this.” He ran his fingers along the lace edge of her briefs, wringing a soft cry from her lips as he slid beneath the silk to explore her heat.

“Why don't you hurry?” she said huskily.

His laugh was low and dark. “Hurry something as sweet as this?” He stroked her slowly, making her breath come more heavily. When she thought she couldn't bear another second, he slowly found her tight, slick center.

And entered her.

She whimpered as he pushed his finger deeper, arousing her with unbearably slow circles that left her knees shaking and her whole body seared.

“I want you, Tess. I want to feel you just like this. Why should I hurry?”

He made a low, hard sound of triumph as she tightened against him, breathless in a wave of pleasure. He watched her face as he moved his hand, unleashing another jagged bolt of need. This time her back arched and she dug at his shoulders, his name a husky plea.

His eyes were narrowed and predatory as she stared up at him. Dimly she felt the ridge of his belt and the brush of his clothes. Even the slightest touch was unbearably arousing on her flushed, sensitized skin.

The wind danced through the open window, touching her face. Her heart raced and her mind didn't seem to work. All she knew was his touch and how much she wanted him.

Loved him.

Her breath caught as the full force of that truth struck her. “No more,” she ordered.


He moved again, finding her in a deep stroke that left her body twisting blindly against him.

The wedge of lace fell to the floor, lost in the white pool of moonlight. “Beautiful,” he whispered, his hands closing possessively over her hips.

She moved before he could claim her again.

Reckless, she pulled his shirt free and jerked the buttons aside, sighing when she touched his chest.

He plunged his hands into her hair and seized the lush curve of her mouth. Not gentle. Not careful now, but with the anger and desperation of a man who'd come close to losing all he held dear.

He trapped her, molded her to meet the rigid line of his erection, and there might have been a hint of tears on her cheeks as she flowed against him.



Driven by a desperation that was as great as his.

His belt whipped free. His pants hit the floor.

“Don't wait,” she whispered. “Let me feel you inside me.”

“How, Tess?” He was huge and hard against her. “Slow until you scream?” He gripped her soft hips, fitting her against his thighs.

“Hot,” she whispered. “Because I was so cold. Because I thought I'd lost you forever. And I think I'd die if—”

She didn't finish, the words lost in a cry of joy and shock as he tumbled her backward and pinned her to the bed for a swift, hard slide of friction that trapped her completely and brought him as deep as he could be.

And then he waited, his eyes unblinking, his hands circling her wrists where their pulses raced.

Her back arched. “Now,” she said wildly.


“I can't. I won't.” She tightened around him, muscles clenched, pulling and claiming until he made a ragged sound and closed his eyes. Every dark tremor smashed at his control. Every touch of her hands made him curse silently.

He took her then, hot and fast against the cool white sheets while the wind played over their fevered skin. With a curse he wrapped her legs around his waist and sank into her heat, then slowly pulled free.

He wanted all of her.

He wanted forever.

He meant to have both.

She twisted beneath him, raking his back, all control shredded as he claimed and withdrew, then claimed again with a need brought just to the edge of violence, trapping her.

Trapping them both.

Thunder rumbled, drowning out the beat of the rain, and somewhere in the night came the long, wild cry of the coyotes.

Only now the sound held an air of desperation.

He felt her shudder, heard her ragged moan as pleasure tore through her again. In the madness of his possession, he had a sudden sense that he'd taken her this way before, with stars blazing overhead and hot stone against their backs while drums beat in rhythm with their bodies.

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