2042: The Great Cataclysm (15 page)

Read 2042: The Great Cataclysm Online

Authors: Melisande Mason

Tags: #Sci-fi thriller, #Science Fiction

BOOK: 2042: The Great Cataclysm
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‘Roger Emu 711 is cleared into position runway 14, cleared for takeoff.  Wind from 220 degrees at 18 knots, gusting 24. Cleared to Honolulu by standard departure route.’

With one hand steering the nose-wheel and the other on the throttles, Graham manoeuvred the big jet on its final turn onto runway 14. Nick felt the vibration increasing as Graham opened up the throttles and released the brakes. Emu 711 accelerated rapidly along the runway whilst the co-pilot calmly called instrument readings and declared ‘V2+10 Emu rotated.’  Earth rushed giddily beneath the nose, replaced by trees and sky as she pulled off the ground with four engines screaming in unison.

‘Retract undercarriage.’ Graham instructed, and the wheels thumped into their wells in the fuselage as they climbed steeply into the clouds. Banking sharply to port she presented a view of the deep cobalt sea from Nick’s window, before levelling out and continuing her long slow climb.

The same sadness they had experienced leaving Jerry overwhelmed them again as they flew over Los Angeles. From the air they could see the vast flatness of the area stretching for hundreds of kilometres, surrounded on the east by the San Gabriel Mountains and the west by the Pacific Ocean.  A City of over thirty-six million souls, known as the City Of The Angels, all destined to become part of that great ocean. Graham glanced back at Nick who shook his head from side to side and grimaced.

Both pilots were busily engaged in the after-take-off check monitoring all the aircraft systems brought into use during these early stages of the climb. Nick realised he would never see Laura again, but experienced a warm feeling when he grasped the knowledge that he was really going home. His mind was becoming conditioned to accepting turmoil and he felt calmer. He watched the landscape dwindling behind the plane, reminding him of the last time he saw the Platypus in Alaska.  He must call Sam who would be wondering where Nick was, and he needed to make sure they were still on course. They were going to need her more than he ever dreamed.

Graham was struggling with his thoughts as well, the concentration required for takeoff taxing his mental capacity as he was still feeling shocked by Nick’s news. He did not really want to leave America as she had given him the opportunity to build his empire. Angela and he were divorced now after a tumultuous two-year marriage, but since he had wed his Texas Rose, he felt part American. There was a bigger pull now, his roots were in Australia, as was a big part of his business. If he was to have any business left after this catastrophe.

Air Traffic Control interrupted. ‘Emu 711 you are cleared to continue climb to flight level 250.  Here’s your Oceanic clearance. Are you ready to copy?’

The co-pilot nodded to Graham. ‘Los Angeles from Emu 711, leaving flight level 80, go ahead with Oceanic clearance.’ ATC offered them a route and height which they accepted.  The plane was on course now; autopilot engaged, no need for both of them in the cockpit.

‘I’ll take over.’ Graham told him. ‘You go check on the passengers.’

Nick held up his sat-phone phone and Graham nodded. He immediately placed a call to Josh, surprised when he was connected without delay. Josh had no idea where he was calling from, and Nick did not say.

‘I’ve got good news.’ Josh said. ‘I found out where Laura is, but they won’t let me talk to her. What’s that odd drumming noise in the background?’

‘Nothing mate. Er, factory noise. Is she okay? Where is she?’

‘She’s inside Mt Rockwell, but don’t try to get in there. It’s tighter than Fort Knox. Those Generals are something else. Cooper said he’d treat anybody who threatens the security of Star flight in the same manner, no questions asked! I’m guessing they grabbed her as an example of what can happen. Everybody here thinks she’s been sent out of town.’

Nick felt a little better. At least she’s safe and she’ll be so busy figuring how to get out of it, he thought, she won’t have time to panic.

‘Will you pick up Maxime and send her to Laura?  Nick asked. ‘I’ve left the key with the manager, he’s expecting you. I told him Laura had to leave town unexpectedly.’

Josh’s voice reflected suspicion. ‘Where are you? The boys in the Capitol are expecting you here today.’

‘I’m not going to be there.’

‘What? What’ll I tell them?’

‘I don’t care. Just say you don’t know where I am, you’ll be telling the truth. I’ll call you again soon.’  He disconnected the call before Josh had time to argue.

Nick’s next call was to the Platypus.

‘Nick!’ Sam boomed. ‘Where the hell are you! Wolf’s here. He just tole me the whole story.  Man, I had no idea it was goin’ to be this big.’

‘Sorry, Sam. I didn’t have time to tell you everything. Everything’s gone crazy.  What’s Wolf doing there? I thought he was staying at Unimak?’

Wolf’s voice butted in. ‘I had no place else to go. There was nothing more I could do at Unimak.’

‘I’m glad you’re there.’ Nick responded. ‘How’s it look?’

‘No change I’m afraid. Jeremy’s been down in the Bunyip’s several times. Readings are getting stronger if anything.’

‘Are the crew Okay? Sam was having some trouble with them when I left.’

‘Yah, they’re fine. Sam’s told them. Most of them want to stay on board, but he’s sent those with families home with the threat of death if they were to reveal anything. He said he wanted to stay on board. He called his mother in New York to send the family up to the mountains on the pretence of a family reunion with his brother up there for now.’

‘Good, we’ll need his level head. Put him back on.’

‘Yes, boss?’ Sam asked.

‘Keep her in International waters Sam. If anyone calls asking for me tell them you haven’t heard from me. Very important. You can refuel in Hawaii. I’m heading there now and I’ll organise more provisions to be ready at Pier 19 so you can get out of there quickly. Set your course for Brisbane Australia. We’ll keep in touch by sat-phone and Sam. Er, expect the worst. Good luck!’

‘Roger that, see y’ in Aussie, out!’

Nick felt better knowing all was well on board, now he could get on with the task ahead.  So much to do and he felt so helpless. He decided not to call his brother until he arrived on the Gold Coast. He did not wish Brian a similar fate as Laura’s. He hoped they could see the Prime Minister immediately.

As Nick was thinking, Graham was making his own plans. For the first time in his life he was glad he had no family. That was one of the reasons why Angela had divorced him. Like any normal woman she had wanted children and a father who would spend time with his family. He was not a family man, the airline was and always will be his life. He knew already what it was he had to do.


Back at Mt. Rockwell General Worth was setting up his plans to eliminate the President. He didn’t like the word assassinate. Military personnel did not assassinate, unless it was in one of the worn torn countries such as Bosnia, Palestine and the like. No, this plan need to be foolproof.

He decided he would not tell Douglas and Anderson, he didn’t trust them at all, even though he had enough evidence to bury the pair of them. He had a man on the street, one who owed him some favours and one who would not pose a threat after the event.

Once the inundation begins the President will be prepared to fly to Mt Rockwell in Marine One. He will not arrive. Peterson will be installed as President and will declare a state of emergency and military rule. He will also empower Worth with his three more stars putting him on equal footing with General Cooper. All of Peterson’s direction from then on will be controlled by Worth who will orchestrate the recovery program and become the hero he had always dreamed of being.

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eighteen

The tall verdant peak of Diamond Head on Oahu Island rising out of the bluest sea greeted Nick, it’s volcanic hewn crest pushing high into the sky; some partly obscured by low cloud. Graham cruised the big 797 over Pearl Harbour, the scene of that great disaster in 1941. Immortalised by the long gleaming white memorial straddling the Arizona battleship where she sank, the profile of her hull with the turrets of the ship still visible lay in the shallow waters of the harbour. The large Pacific Fleet naval base now boasted carrier groups, cruisers with Navilon hoods, escort destroyers and supply ships of every description. Tugs plied the waterway around Ford Island, busily assisting ships to anchor and depart. The jet glided gently down to the Honolulu International airport passing Hickam Air Force base where eight huge C530 U.S.A.F. cargo planes were lined up being tended by fuel tankers and service trolley trains. It had been a relatively short and comfortable flight and the big aircraft handled beautifully. As they taxied into the terminal Nick decided the five hour flight in this super jet to Australia wouldn’t be so bad after all.

Graham gave Nick the key to his apartment and left him at the airport, eager to put his plan into action. His first stop was to a business broker he knew well, whose mouth dropped open when Graham asked him to buy as many Vetos as he could find. The American branch of Aussair comprised four 777s, one executive Citation 111, two Lear 35’s and a Falcon 20.  The two fast 797s used on the Australian run were leased from Boeing, Emu 711 being the latest addition to the fleet.

‘It’s not every day someone walks in and wants to buy a number of Vetos.’ The broker remarked, it was all he could do to resist rubbing his hands together. His buyer commission could be enormous. ‘I have an office on the mainland, I can source some there, but I’m telling you buddy, it won’t be a simple matter, you’re talking big money here.’

‘Don’t worry about the money. Just do it.’

The broker smiled.

‘You can contact Jim Heynes at my office. He has my authority to negotiate any deals.’  Graham handed the broker a card and left him standing open-mouthed behind his desk.

His next stop was back to the airport to see Jim at the office and fill him in. He had known Jim since the beginning of his marriage to Angela.  A good friend and a sharp business manager, Graham had no qualms about leaving him in charge.  Jim had spent most of his life in the US Air Force and was now almost sixty with a sharp mind.  However, despite the age difference, they shared a camaraderie not easily achieved in the cut-throat airline industry.

Graham’s chest filled with a pang of pride and a lump lodged in his throat as he pushed his way through the big glass door engraved with the Aussair logo. Like most major airports around the world, Honolulu International was right on the waterfront at Keehi Lagoon, and the long earthen and concrete ramparts of Los Angeles had been duplicated here, but he knew they would not hold back the rising ocean. He fought back the emotions that threatened to spill from his eyes as his receptionist greeted him warmly. A colourful vase of orange and yellow frangipani on her desk sparkled with silver droplets of water.  A mandatory part of the office decor, they complimented the huge orange hibiscus she wore pinned against her great bush of black crinkly hair. A cool breath of air slightly scented by the frangipani caressed his nostrils as he flashed her one of his biggest smiles.

‘Morning wahine. Jim In?’ He said without stopping as he made directly to Jim’s office before she could answer.

He found Jim at his desk in the ultra modern office of glass and steel furniture. He was on the phone but immediately cut the call short when he looked up to see Graham, flushed-faced, standing at his door. Foregoing the usual greetings Graham announced abruptly, ‘I’m putting you in charge here Jim, I’m leaving for Australia in the morning and I won’t be back.’

Jim rose from his seat. ‘What?’

Graham waved him to sit.’Sit down mate, I’ve got something to tell you and you’re not going to like it.’ Graham went on to explain what Nick had told him adding that he had instructed his broker to buy Vetos.

Jim blinked several times while his brain processed Graham’s words. ‘How, who?’

Graham held up his hand. ‘I’ve got it straight from the horses mouth, Nick. I don’t know how we’re going to pull this together, once the press are told every Veto on earth will be requisitioned by the army. Can you contact my broker and arrange to take delivery urgently of any Veto he comes up with?’

Jim scratched his temples. ‘Whoa!  How am I going to pay for them?’

‘Write a cheque. You’ve got four days max. The bank will be okay.’

The reality sank into both their brains. Jim sighed. ‘What do you want me to tell everyone? What about the pilots?  How will I answer their questions? What will they be doing?’

‘For starters, you’ll need to find Veto pilots. Say nothing to our pilots yet.’

‘Wait on Graham, I can’t do that. What about their families? Are you crazy enough to think they’re going to come to work once this is announced, they’ll be fleeing to higher ground with everyone else.’

‘I know. The minute I leave this office I want you to get your family up into the hills and set up a Veto base somewhere. Carry on business as usual here while you can.  Except, in four days time I want you to get our Aussie pilots ready and schedule all our planes out for Australia. After that no international flights will be permitted. There’ll be no flights coming in from Australia. You don’t have to do this Jim. You could leave right now and fly somewhere safe and I wouldn’t blame you. I know I can rely on you, we’ve been through some rough times together.’

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