2SpiceRack_bundle (18 page)

Read 2SpiceRack_bundle Online

Authors: Karen Stivali and Karen Booth and Lily Harlem

BOOK: 2SpiceRack_bundle
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The cop moved backward. “Can you step out
of the car please?”

“What?” Nate said. “Listen, I’m sorry,
okay. I’ll get that wobble seen to as soon as it’s morning.” His voice held a
note of anger and disbelief.

“Do I have to repeat myself?” The officer
skimmed his fingers over his belt. It held a variety of mean-looking things,
including a gun.

Nate hesitated. He clenched and unclenched
his fists, something Kimberly knew he did when harnessing his temper. He then
stepped out of the car.

His door slammed and the next thing
Kimberly could see was her husband’s chest and abdomen. The officer had spun
him around and kicked his legs wide, forcing him against his door.

Kimberly pressed her fingers to her lips.
This was awful. Nate,
Nate, was being treated like a common

Quickly she got out of the car and scooted
around to the other side. “Please, Officer. It’s not what you think. Really, we
were just—”

“Kimberly.” Nate shot her a look of pure

“It’s my fault, honestly. Please, don’t
arrest my husband.” Panic coursed through her. The factory was always laying
off people, and if Nate lost his job there, a record wouldn’t exactly look good
when applying somewhere else. How would they survive then?

“What do you mean, ma’am?” The cop settled
his stare on Kimberly but kept one hand pressed between Nate’s shoulder blades.

“I was resting, with my head on his lap.”
She hesitated.

Nate gave a small shake of his head. He’d
squeezed his lips into a thin, worried slash.

“And I was talking to him,” Kimberly went
on, pointing at Nate, “telling him about a dream I’d had. Perhaps I’d been too
visual. Taken his attention from the road with my descriptions. I’m really
sorry, it’s all my fault, all of it.”

The officer stepped back from Nate and
moved toward her. “So you didn’t have your seat belt on, ma’am?”

“Er, no. I’m sorry.”

“And you.” The officer shot a look at Nate.
“And you were so busy
to your wife that you weren’t paying due
care and attention to the road.”

Nate shifted away from the car. A frown
furrowed across his brow. “I was paying attention just fine.”

“Don’t give me that, son. You veered from
the right-hand side of the road to the left on several occasions and then
narrowly missed a deer. I doubt you even know you just passed one.” He whistled
and shook his head. “A goddamn blind man could have navigated the last two miles
better than you.”

“Well, that’s not fair to say. There’s a
problem with the chassis, I’m sure of it. And I did see the deer, I just knew I
wasn’t going to hit it.”

The officer held up his palms. “Save it for
the judge. You two are under arrest.”

Kim felt as if her whole body had turned to
lead. Under arrest! This couldn’t be happening to them. They were a law-abiding
couple, always had been, always would be.

“Come on, you’re overreacting,” Nate said,
holding out his right hand, palm up and stepping forward. “We’ve done nothing

The officer once again reached for his
belt, though Kimberly couldn’t be sure exactly what he was going for. His
features were set in stone. His eyes narrowed so much his irises were hardly

“Don’t be a jerk,” Nate said, clenching his
fist and gritting his teeth. “No one around here is getting arrested tonight.
That just ain’t gonna happen.”

“You, sir, have just added resisting arrest
to the offense of reckless driving. You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a
right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed
for you. Do you understand?”

“No, we don’t understand this. How can he
be arrested?” Kimberly shouted, rushing up to the officer and gripping his
forearms as if to stop him reaching for his cuffs. “This can’t be legal. We
haven’t done anything wrong.”

broken the law.”
Despite her grip he snapped some cuffs from his belt and reached for Kimberly.
Before she knew it her wrists were fastened in front of her.

“Hey,” Nate said. “What the hell—?”

“You, ma’am, are under arrest for not
wearing a seat belt, a requirement by law in this state, and for obstruction of
justice. You have the right to remain silent—”

“I don’t
an attorney,” Kimberly
interrupted, and she could hear the fear in her voice. “I only slipped the belt
off for a moment. And I’ve certainly never been in trouble before with the
police. And as for obstructing…” Her voice petered out and she gulped down a

The officer pursed his lips, took hold of
Kimberly’s upper arm and steered her to the back of his van.

Nate followed in great stomping strides.
“Let go of my wife. I’ll see you in court for manhandling her this way.”

The officer opened the back door of the
van, where a steel-meshed gate led to a caged area with two bolted-down
benches. “Manhandling,” he said with a huff as he maneuvered Kimberly inside.
“I think the only one who has been doing
man handling
is your wife,

“How fucking dare you,” Nate said, rounding
on the officer.

Kimberly squealed and slapped her hands
over her mouth.

Nate had barely moved when cuffs were
clunked on his right wrist and then quickly harnessed to his left. The sight of
her husband shackled was considerably worse than being cuffed herself.

Surely this wasn’t happening. She’d wake up
in a minute and it would all be one of those silly dreams she’d been having
about the Spice Rack. She knew it would be. It had to be.

Chapter Three


The prisoner van tilted as Nate was half
pushed, half stepped in. He had to stoop to get through the gate section. “What
about my car?” he snapped at the officer.

“Are the keys in the ignition?”

“Yes, but—”

“I’ll radio for one of my colleagues to
collect it. They’re following, they’ll be here in less than two minutes.” He
paused. “You can retrieve it from the state pound tomorrow. For a fee of

“You think we’re made of money?” Nate said,
shaking his head and tightening his fists, which were trapped in front of him.

“Not my concern, sir.”

“I pay your goddamn wages,” Nate growled.

Kimberly could almost see the rage coming
off him. He was like a bull getting ready to charge, a shark preparing for
attack. Her normally placid husband was allowing his primal self to come to the

Unfortunately it wasn’t in quite the way
she’d intended.

The officer slammed the gate shut, flicked
a bolt and then a padlock. “You think I haven’t heard that old “wages” line
before?” he said with a sneer. “We’re half an hour from the station. Try and
control yourselves.” The outside door shut with a deafening thud that bounced
around the metal walls. The van fell to darkness except for a small, white
light in the center of the ceiling above the wire of the internal cage.

“Of all the rotten fucking bastard cops to
come across,” Nate said, kicking the bench.

“Don’t. You’ll get us in more trouble.”
Kimberly plonked down on the cold, hard seat and put her head in her hands. She
tried to push her hair from her face but her wrists were trapped together in
unyielding metal hoops.

“More trouble? Could we get into any
trouble? Fucking hell, Kimberly, what the Jesus Christ were you thinking?” He
stared down at her, his cheeks red, his hair wild.

Kimberly looked up. “What was
You didn’t exactly have to let me. You could have just said no. It takes two to
tango, remember.”

“I didn’t have much choice, did I? I was
driving along and you just undid my fly, shoved my dick into your mouth and
started sucking like a vacuum cleaner.”

Kimberly felt as though she’d been slapped
in the face. “A vacuum cleaner?” she whispered. Hurt poured through her veins.
Of all the mean things to say. How could he?

The engine of the van started and, with a
lurch and a bump, began its journey.

Nate stumbled to the other bench and sat
down. “Yes, I hardly stood a chance, did I? Hell, what guy would with you doing

“I was just trying to…” Kimberly paused as
a tightening in her chest warned of another sob.

“I know, I know, you were just trying to
put some excitement back into our life,” Nate continued for her. “Well, you
certainly managed that. Our parents will have heart attacks when they hear
about this.”

Kimberly let the sob erupt. The thought of
her mother and father having to come bail them out of the police station
because she’d been treating Nate to a blowjob while he was driving was too
mortifying to contemplate. “I thought you’d be able to concentrate on the road
while I did it. Did you even see that deer?”

“No, I fucking didn’t, so clearly you
thought wrong.” His frown was so pronounced a trench had formed between his
eyebrows, looking all the deeper because of the dim overhead lighting.

Kimberly blinked back a tear. “But how hard
can it be to drive in a straight line?”

“You should try it sometime, when
down there.” He nodded at her legs. “Giving
some tongue action.”

Kimberly sniffed and pressed her knees
together. It had been six months since he’d kissed her most intimate parts. She
knew that, because she missed it so much she ached for it. “The chance would be
a fine thing,” she mumbled, unable to hold the words in.

“What the hell does that mean?” Nate swayed
as the van went around a corner, his shoulder bumping against the wire mesh.

“April ninth. That was the last time you
did that to me.”

He dropped his mouth open. The line between
his eyes softened. “You know the date?”

Kimberly looked down at her cuffed hands
resting in her lap.

Suddenly he was on his knees in front of
her. “Oh baby, I’m so sorry. I’ve been a terrible husband, haven’t I?”

She shook her head and let the brimming
tears spill. “No, no not at all. Well, no more than I’ve been a terrible wife.”

He swiped a little awkwardly at the drips
streaking down her face. “You have always been a perfect wife, never think

“But it’s been so long…since…since I did
that to you too. You know, what we did just then.”

He hesitated. “Yes, it has, and truth be
told I missed it. I forgot how damn talented you were at it.”

“So I’m not a vacuum cleaner?”

“No, no, God, I’m so sorry.” He shook his
head and gripped her hands. “Just for the record, if there was an Olympic event
for giving head, you, baby, would be world champion. You’d have more gold
medals than you’d know what to do with.”

Kimberly giggled and then gasped as the van
bumped over a pothole.

“Don’t worry. This will get cleared up as
soon as we get to the station. I’m sure it will. We haven’t really done
anything wrong.”

“Nothing that can be proven anyway.”

Nate tipped his head and pressed a kiss to
Kimberly’s hands. She felt the heat of his body on her legs and realized as she
had on other occasions that if he was with her, as long as they were together,
then everything would always be okay.

When he raised his head, Kimberly drew in a
sharp breath. His black eyes had taken on a dark, smoky appearance and he was
skimming his joined hands up her legs, scooping up her skirt, bunching it at
his wrists.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“On the move,” he said. “Perhaps I can do
my part of the task and express my love to you while we’re on the move.” He
pressed a kiss to her right thigh and eased her legs apart so that he was
positioned between them.

A tremor of longing went through Kimberly.
Her pussy clenched, a quiver attacking the very base of her belly.

“Here?” She stared at the top of his head.
His hair was tousled, a lock falling in front of his face brushing her skin.
“What if he has a camera or something?”

Nate scanned the small, square cage they
were trapped in, his gaze darting to each corner. “Nah, it couldn’t be more
basic. There’s nothing hi-tech here.” He twitched his mouth, giving a lopsided
grin. “Time to lose these, baby.” He tugged at the elastic on her panties.
“Come on, he said we had a half-hour ride to the station. Let’s not waste this
perfect opportunity.”

Could they behave any worse tonight?
Kimberly didn’t think so but, unable to resist, she raised her hips and allowed
Nate to slip off her pink flowered panties. He was a little hindered by the
cuffs but not much.

When the scrap of underwear was removed,
Nate urged her to lie on the floor. It was hard but smooth. Uncomfortable,
really, especially as it jogged and shifted while the van rattled along on its

But Kimberly hardly noticed that, because
no sooner had she rested back than Nate was between her legs, kissing and
licking his way up her inner thigh.

She spread her legs wantonly, shutting her
eyes and letting her hands rest on her belly. She was hot and damp, her clit
swollen with expectancy. She couldn’t wait for him to discover that. Learn how
much she needed him, wanted him. Would always want him.

“Oh, oh Nate,” she gasped as he found her
pussy with his tongue. He wasted no time and laved up through her folds,
murmuring his approval as he did so. She reached down and rested her hands on
his head.

“You taste divine,” he said, his breath hot
on her flesh. “I should warn you, I’m going to be doing this a lot more often.”

“Suits me… Oh…”

He’d found her clit and was treating it to
luscious rotations with the tip of his tongue. Strong strokes that built the
pressure deep in her belly.

She arched her back, drew her legs wider
still and fisted his hair. “Oh Nate, please, inside me too.” That was one of
her most favorite sensations, his tongue on her clit, his fingers stretching
and filling her. It made her feel as if he were almost part of her.

Nate obliged. Apparently unimpeded by the
cuffs, he pushed two, maybe three fingers into her pussy, hooked forward and
rubbed her G-spot.

Kimberly groaned and shut her eyes. This
was a one-way ticket to heaven. She jolted her hips to meet him as he
finger-fucked her, grinding her pubis against his face and allowing herself to
be swept away on sensation.

It was building so fast. She almost forgot
that she was racing along a dark road in a police van, cuffed like a criminal.
She was getting ready for takeoff. A catapult to ecstasy was about to fling her
into the abyss.

Nate was working hard. Small, wet noises
filled the van, adding to her moans and gasps.

“Ah, oh Nate, I’m going to, I’m going to—”

He must have added another finger, because
the stretch in her pussy increased, the filling sensation intensifying. It
tipped her over the edge and, with a sudden sharp contraction of her abdominal
muscles, she crunched forward, spiraling into bliss.

She hooked her legs around his shoulders,
holding him close and pounding through the spasms in her pussy. More moisture
wept from her, its heat flooding her thighs and radiating to her fingers and

“Oh, oh, that’s incredible. Nate, please,”
she managed on panting breaths. She pulled at his hair, needing him to stop,
the sensations were so intense.

But he knew her well, understood how once
she’d come on his tongue she needed him to release the pressure immediately.

He looked up at her and grinned. His mouth
was wet and shiny, his hair hanging scruffily around his face. “Did that work
for you, baby?” He waggled his fingers inside her.

Kimberly groaned, releasing the tight hold
her legs had on his shoulders and relaxing her spine. “You can tell that it

“I sure can.” He withdrew his fingers and
sat back on his haunches. He faltered as the van switched up a gear, as though
overtaking another vehicle, and then he fumbled with his fly.

“What are you doing?” Kimberly asked,
watching his trapped hands working to free his cock.

“You were damn quick then, Kim. I reckon
we’ve got time to complete our task in spectacular style.”

“I think we’ve already done that.”

He shoved at his jeans and boxers, exposing
his erection.

Kimberly’s pussy gave another spasm. She
wasn’t sure if it was a remnant of her recent climax or the sight of her
husband’s meaty cock that created it. “What, really? Go all the way? Here?”

He loomed over her, settling his body
between her legs with his weight on his elbows and his cuffed hands positioned
a little awkwardly over her head. “Not all the way, Kim. We’re going to
like we used to. Hard and fast, only one aim.” He set a passionate kiss on her

“One aim?” she asked against his fragrant

“Yep, one aim.” He pushed the tip of his
cock into her wet entrance. “Satisfaction,” he groaned, seating himself fully.

Kimberly looped her arms over his head,
wrapped her legs around the tops of his thighs and surrendered to him claiming
her body. She was so hot and wet, her pussy so sensitive. Feeling him take
possession, fill her to capacity was exquisite.

“Oh yeah, you’re so ready for me,” he said,
sliding his face so that his mouth was at her ear.

His stubble scratched her cheek and she
pressed into the short, sharp hairs, loving the feeling of him against her.

He began to thrust. She butted up against
him, taking what he was giving her. Again she almost forgot where she was, the
jerks and jolts of the van barely noticeable with all the shoving and bucking
they were doing. Trying to get closer, meet harder, go deeper.

“Nate, that’s so good. Yes, fuck me, fuck
me harder,” she said harshly into his neck. “Fuck me like there’s no tomorrow.”

Her words seemed to flicpa switch in him.
He grunted and reared back, forcing her to slip her hands from his neck. He
grabbed them in a flash, flung them over her head and held them there, trapped
with both of his own.

“You want it hard?” he asked, a sheen of
sweat sitting on his brow and his weight falling heavy on her. “Really hard?”

“Yes.” Excitement thrummed through
Kimberly. He had her pinned down, helpless beneath him. It was just what she
had imagined—the handcuffs, the feral look of lust on her husband’s face, the
rest of the world fading into insignificance. “Yes, I want you to take me, take
everything you want from me as hard as you want it.”

He glanced down at her disheveled blouse,
her skirt like a thin, cotton belt around her waist and at their joined bodies.
“Get ready for it.”

Kimberly barely had time to brace for the
impact. Nate dropped down, his chest squeezing deliciously against her breasts
as he kissed her with fervor. His tongue plundered her mouth in time with the
shunting of his cock, the force of which slid her up and down on the smooth,
hard floor.

Her arms strained against his, but he was
too strong, too damn big. He was fucking her with more energy and enthusiasm
than she could ever remember.

Her pussy began to harness the pleasure,
her clit building up the pressure again. Each time he bashed against it she
climbed another rung on the ladder to satisfaction.

She kissed him back, feeling small and
helpless beneath him. Her heart pounded, her pulse drowning out the sound of
the van’s engine in her ears. Nate, her big, gorgeous husband, was nearing the
edge. She could tell. And seeing him so surrendered to his passion, his cock in
control and his desire blasting away all the little worries in their lives was
such a wonderful experience.

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