65 Proof (69 page)

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Authors: Jack Kilborn

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“One hundred and seventeen.”

“Did you get the one that flew behind the TV?”

“Yes I did.”

“Check to make sure.”

“I am sure.”

Debbi clenched her teeth. “Are you sassing back?”

Gnerlok checked behind the TV again.

“None of my progeny reside behind the TV,” he said.

progeny? Don’t you mean
progeny? I’m the one that did all the work.”

Debbi approached the bed and picked up one of the kids.
kids. It looked like a crawfish, complete with lobster claws and a tail. But its tiny face was almost human.

“They’re kind of cute. What do they eat?”

“They are supposed to feast on your rotting corpse until they are large enough to dominate —”

Debbi grabbed Gnerlok by the eye stalk once again, squeezing out a stream of tears.

“Let’s get one thing straight, Mr. Spaceman. All this talk of taking over the world, it ends right now. Got it?”

“But I’ve traveled for billions —”

Debbie yanked. Gnerlok screamed.

“Enough! You’re a father now. You have responsibilities. I hope you have a damn good job, because diapers alone are going to cost a fortune.”

“My job is to dominate —” Gnerlok cast his free eye, fearfully, at Debbi. “I mean — I currently have no means of employment.”

“But you’re rich, right? Where did you get that big roll of money?”

Gnerlok mumbled something.

“Speak up, Mr. Spaceman, or I’ll tie these eye things into a big bow on your ugly head.”

“A scratch-and-win lottery ticket.”

Debbi scowled. “So that’s how it is. You come up to me all slick, flashing your cash like you’re a real player. Then you knock me up, and you don’t even have a job. Do you at least have a place to live?”

“I arrived on this planet only two earth hours ago, and have not had a chance to establish a permanent residence.”

Debbi sighed.
Ugly, hung like a Chihuahua,
a homeless deadbeat.

“How about a car? No! Wait! A space ship! You’ve got a space ship, right?”

Gnerlok glanced, one-eyed, at the floor.

“When I landed, a group of three disaffected youths assaulted me and absconded with my interstellar vessel.”

Welcome to LA.

Debbi needed to think, and she mentioned as much.

“While you are thinking, could you please release my —”

“I got it! My brother-in-law works for a furniture place. I bet he can get you a job in upholstery. But first, we have to go to City Hall and get married.”

“Married? But I am not ready for marriage. I still require a few more years to play the field.”

“Should have thought of that before you started mating with earth women. This is your responsibility, Yoda. And you’re not weaseling out of it.”

Debbi released Gnerlok’s eye and turned her attention to the kids on the bed. A feeling of pure joy welled up in her chest, a place she hadn’t had much feeling since getting the implants.

“Hello, my darlings. I’m Mama.”

“Mama!” several of them cried.

“Yes. Mama. And this is your homeless deadbeat father. He’s going to do good by you, or else your Uncle Joey will break his knees. Say hello to your children, Hubbie.”

“Hello, children.” Gnerlok frowned and gave them a half-hearted wave.

“Tracy! Jerry! Don’t eat your brother! Daddy will get you some food.” Debbi jabbed a finger at Gnerlok’s chest. “There’s a pizza place down the street. Get an extra large with anchovies. I bet they’ll like anchovies.”

“Anchovies,” Gnerlok repeated.

“And I’m starving too. Get me a meatball sandwich. And move your alien butt, or I’m picking up the phone and calling the CIA. I’m sure they’d love to hear about your plans to dominate the world.”

“Yes, earth-woman.”

Gnerlok slunk out the door.

Debbi sat on the bed and tickled little Alphonse under the chin. He giggled.

So did Debbi.

She’d always put her faith in the stars. And for good reason, it turned out.

“You know what, kids?” Debbi’s eyes became moist. “I think we can make this work. We can be a big, happy family.”

And if it gets too weird,
Debbi decided
, I can always make a big pot of gumbo and eat the little buggers.

“Come to Mama, my delicious little babies. When your father gets home we’re going house hunting. We’re going to get a nice, big place in Beverly Hills.”

With an extra large stove,
Debbi decided.

Just in case.

A Practical Buyer's Guide to James Bond's Gadgets

Written for the essay collection James Bond in the 21
Century. I had a lot of fun with this, being a Bond fan for practically my whole life. Plus, it gave me the opportunity to simply string jokes together, rather than deal with a plot or characters.

f your first exposure to James Bond happened before the age of nine, you probably fell in love with the series for one reason: The Gadgets.

The women were hot, but you wouldn’t care about that for a few more years. James Bond was tough and could fight, but so could those short guys on UHF’s Samurai Saturday, and they had the added appeal of speaking without their lips matching their words. Global politics, espionage, and undercover infiltrations still aren’t interesting, years later.

No, the thing that made your pre-pubescent brain scream with unrestrained joy was all the cool stuff Bond picked up in Q Section. You wanted the grappling hook pistol, and the pen filled with acid, and the laser watch, and the hand-held suction cups for climbing walls, and the wrist dart gun, and the rappelling cummerbund—even though you had no idea what a cummerbund was.

But now that you’re all grown up, do the gadgets still have the same appeal? Do you still wish you could run to the nearest Wal-Mart and buy an electric razor that can deliver a close shave plus sweep your room for electronic listening devices?

This practical guide will look at some of best of Bond’s gadgets, and offer valuable buying advice to those interested in plunking down their hard earned dollars for spy gear.


False bottom briefcase which holds a magnetic mine, used by Bond in Octopussy.
Protecting and transporting papers, blowing things up.
Hidden compartments are always cool. So are mines.
These already exist, in a wide variety of colors and payloads.
Yes you do. Think about how memorable your next corporate meeting will be if you’re carrying one of these.
Don’t try to bring it through airport security.
Snorkel that looks like a seagull, used by Bond in Goldfinger.
Fool your friends at the pool, see other seagulls up close, collect change from the bottom of public fountains.
Uncool. The crocodile submarine in Octopussy has many more applications. In fact, so does simple SCUBA gear. Q Section was apparently hitting the NyQuil when they thought this up.
Possible to manufacture, but tough to market, depending on where you put your lips.
Not really, except to amuse yourself while drinking too much.
Boil the bird after every use.
Ski pole that fires a rocket, used in Octopussy.
Improve your slalom time, blow up your friends, roast a chicken really fast.
Very cool.
Single use wouldn’t be practical, it would be too heavy, and it might go off too soon (many men have this problem, and it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.)
Yes, but you should be careful—tucking high explosives under your arm while speeding 70mph downhill isn’t for anyone under the age of 14.
Practice on the bunny slope before you take it down that black diamond run.
Aston Martin DB5 sports car, used by Bond in Goldfinger and Thunderball.
The ultimate road rage machine/babe magnet. Oil slick sprayer, smoke screens, tire slashing blades, machine guns, and an ejector seat for when your blind date turns out to be a bore.
This is one pimped out ride.
You could probably pay to have this car custom made, but it would cost a lot of money, and you wouldn’t be allowed to drive it anywhere, except maybe in Texas.
Hell, yeah. Rush hour would never be the same.
At the dealer, don’t be afraid to haggle. And don’t get suckered into buying the undercarriage rust protection.
Stick-on third nipple, used by Bond in The Man With The Golden Gun.
For those many times in life when you just need a third nipple.
At first glance, not very cool. But once you consider the possibilities, the coolness factor rises, much more so than the fake fingerprints Bond used in Diamonds Are Forever.
Hollywood SPFX guys make these all the time, and you can too with some plaster for an impression cast, and some foam latex.
Shave your chest first.
Yes. Put them on sofas, on jewelry, on windows, on fruit, and all over yourself before that visit to the public pool.
Don’t use super glue.
Little Nellie portable gyrocopter with rocket launchers, machine guns, flamethrower, and heat seeking-missiles. Used by Bond in You Only Live Twice.
Fly around, impress the ladies, drop stuff on people.
Über-cool. Smaller than a helicopter. Not nearly as expensive to use as the Bell-Trexton rocket pack Bond used in Thunderball, but with a lot more firepower.
Available on Ebay for under 20k, but without the weaponry. (Weaponry is available separately on Ebay.)
Of course you want it. Just think about all the stuff you could drop on people.
From three hundred feet, a small honeydew melon can cripple a man.
Wrist watch with plastic explosive and detonator, used by Bond in Moonraker.
Blow stuff up, threaten to blow stuff up.
Cool. Blowing stuff up never gets old.
Possible, and cheap to make. But you’d have to buy refills all the time. They always get you on the refills.
Yes. Excuse me, what time is it? It’s time to blow stuff up! Let’s start with that stupid seagull snorkel.
Don’t play with all the dials until you’ve read the instructions.
Keys that open 90% of the world’s locks, used by Bond in The Living Daylights.
Unlimited. Steal cars. Rob banks. Take the change from parking meters. Shop after hours. And never pay for a vending machine again.
Opening stuff up: Cool. Walking around like a janitor with a big key ring: Uncool.
Master keys exist, and can be found on the Internet. So can lock picks. So can lawyers, which you’ll need after you get caught opening up other people’s locks.
No. You’d probably just lose them.
Don’t keep these in your back pocket while ice skating. Or your front pocket.
Surfboard with concealed explosives, combat knife, and mini computer, used by Bond in Die Another Day.
Hang ten, then kill seven.
Super cool. You can shred that gnarly barrel, and at the same time Google what the hell that means.
It’s possible to produce, but be careful you don’t wax your mini-computer.
Of course. But instead of weapons and electronics, you can fill your board with soda and snacks (that you got for free at the vending machine.)
Make sure the combat knife is properly secured before you hit the waves, or you’ll be hanging nine.

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