7 Minutes in Heaven (Are You Game?) (4 page)

BOOK: 7 Minutes in Heaven (Are You Game?)
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She watched Dan stride across the lawn to where everyone had gathered. Cassie knew he wasn’t happy about her plans to bring in more staff. They’d argued about waiting to see how successful this new arm of the business was, but she could already tell the adult party theme would prove to be popular. Besides, the children’s party line had more than doubled in bookings over the last six months, so she’d already been contemplating employing a manager for that area. It would be nice to have a weekend free for once too. Movement beside her caught her eye, and she turned to find Lucas standing a few feet away.

He’d kept his distance while she’d been talking to Dan, but he quickly closed the gap when their eyes connected. He didn’t say a word, just stared at her with that dark, penetrating gaze. It made her squirm, being under his scrutiny, and Cassie figured he’d spent years perfecting his silent treatment and using it to get his way. Good thing she wasn’t intimidated easily—also a good thing he had no clue as to how deeply he affected her. She had a feeling he wouldn’t think twice about using any weakness he found to get what he wanted, and that included her traitorous libido. Shame she didn’t have any idea what it was he was after.

A shiver stole down her spine as the summer breeze kicked up. At least she told herself it was the breeze that made her tremble. It wouldn’t do to admit the man before her had her nerves vibrating with anticipation. Breaking eye contact, Cassie turned towards the house and her final job of the night. She ignored the man at her heels. Ignored the heat emanating from his body. Ignored the tantalising scent surrounding her. And would definitely ignore the burn of desire his presence delivered to every inch of her. Heading through the front door, Cassie cleared her mind of all smutty thoughts and began her walkthrough.


Luc followed Cassie as she made her way through every room of the house. He was surprised at her thoroughness. Then again, after only a few hours he shouldn’t have been. She’d never do a half-arsed job on anything. Speaking of arses, the one in front of him was world class. She wasn’t one of those super-skinny chicks and she wasn’t what would be called full-figured either. Sleekly muscled, the firm globes of her arse see-sawed up and down as she walked. Each step drew his gaze and made his pulse pound until every inch of him throbbed with need. Her curves were just the right size to fit in his hands. The urge to feel her backside pressed up against his groin shuddered through him, and without thought, Luc stepped forward and crowded her into the small bathroom she was checking.


“Shh.” He pressed her against the vanity, but their height difference meant that perfect arse met his thighs. His rapidly hardening cock nudged her lower back and Luc ground his pelvis into her.

“Lucas.” His name slipped passed her lips on a sharp breath.

Cassie’s protest was weak. Especially when he could feel her push back against him, felt her wiggle her rear end as though trying to get closer. His gaze landed on the mirror in front of them and he focused on their reflection. Luc studied them. He towered above her, his body curled over hers, and he watched her face as he lowered his head and brushed his lips over the shell of her ear. Her eyes closed and her tongue darted out. The pink tip slicked across her bottom lip and left an enticing trail of moisture. A groan rumbled in his chest as the memory of kissing her swamped him. In a split second, he grabbed her hips, spun her around and lifted her to the counter top.

He didn’t give her a chance to protest. Not that she did when his mouth landed on hers. Luc forgot finesse, forgot gentle. With a savage thrust, he drove his tongue between her lips and took what he wanted. What he craved. She gave all she had. Her mouth ate at his with equal demand, and Luc could only think it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough. They had to get naked. Now.

So much for his plan of not taking her to bed this weekend. Tearing his mouth from hers, he struggled to pull oxygen into his starving lungs. “I want you,” he panted.

“Yes.” She tangled her fingers in his hair and tugged his mouth back to hers.

Luc let Cassie take control of the kiss. Let her take her fill while he worked out the best way to have her naked beneath him. A noise overhead startled him and the fog of lust clogging his mind cleared long enough that he remembered where they were. Whose house they were in.
He pulled away and stepped back. Cassie tipped forward and he reached out to steady her.

“What?” Confusion swirled in her dilated eyes.

“Not here.” Luc gripped her waist and lowered her to the floor.

He saw the second comprehension dawned. Her face flushed red and her gaze dropped from his, her shoulders hunching forward.

“Oh, God,” she whispered.

If he wasn’t watching her so closely, he wouldn’t have seen her mouth move, wouldn’t have caught the edge of embarrassment in her words. With the tip of his index finger he pushed her chin up and waited for her eyes to meet his.

“Don’t.” Luc moved his hand to cradle her jaw. “You weren’t the only one lost in here.”


He placed his thumb over her lips. “No buts. And don’t for one second think I was any less involved in this. I want you, Cass, more than I should I’m sure. But when I have you it won’t be in the bathroom of the man who signs my cheques.”

“Jesus. I can’t believe I forgot where we are.
” She smiled. “Thank you for not leaving me out on a limb on my own. I appreciate your honesty.”

Luc cupped her face in both hands and leaned forward until his lips brushed hers. “One thing you can count on from me is honesty. I’ll never lie to you. Now, let’s finish your walkthrough and get out of here.”

Cassie took a deep breath. “Um…maybe you should wait for me outside.”

He chuckled. “I think I can keep my hands off you long enough to make it through the last couple of rooms, but if you think you can’t…”

She grinned at him before she ducked under his arm and darted out of the bathroom. “Meet you by the front door,” she called over her shoulder as she disappeared into the library across the hall.

Figuring Cassie might be right and they could do with some distance, Luc took his time as he made his way to the front door. He still hadn’t told her she was his ride home. Not that he was going home. As soon as she finished here their deal would start. Luc sighed. That meant he shouldn’t take her to bed. There was no way he wanted her to think the bet they’d shaken on had anything to do with the two of them getting naked. Except he couldn’t seem to keep his hands off her, and once he got his hands on her…well, nothing but getting her naked mattered.

He’d never been so taken—so out of control—with a woman before, and he had to make sure she knew this wasn’t his usual behaviour. He didn’t ravish women within hours of meeting them. He leaned against the wall next to the door and waited for Cassie to finish. Luc didn’t have to wait long. She was walking towards him as he thumbed through a news feed on his phone when a grainy photo popped up on the screen and changed his plans for the rest of the night.

“Son-of-a-bitch!” he growled as he straightened off the wall.

“Lucas?” Cass stopped a few feet away. “Is everything all right?”

Damn. How to tell the woman he’d planned to bed that he had to take a rain check.


Cassie watched emotions flicker across Lucas’s face. It was the most expressive she’d seen him. Well, except for those few minutes in the bathroom. Watching his face in the mirror had been eye opening. The man was not the cold giant he’d first appeared. He was madly swiping his fingers across his phone and whatever it was he was seeing didn’t make him happy.

“I have to make a few calls, can you wait while I do?” he asked, not taking his eyes off his screen.

She shrugged. “Sure. But don’t you have Bluetooth in your car?”

His gaze snapped up. “I don’t have my car. Mr. Harris took it when he and Ms. McDermott left earlier.”

“Oh, so how were you… Oh.” Cassie wasn’t sure how she felt about him catching a ride with her. It made sense, what with their deal and all, but still. She’d be stuck with him. Anyone else wouldn’t cause her insides to churn. Or her breath to quicken. No. Only the thought of being trapped in her van with Lucas could make her knees shake and her heart pound. The man was far more dangerous than he looked, and to the average Joe he looked deadly.

He’d gone back to staring at his phone, his scowl becoming more menacing by the second. Sensing his need for privacy, Cassie moved towards the open door, but he stopped her with a hand on her arm.

“Just give me a minute.” He didn’t look at her, just tapped away at his screen.

Cassie didn’t know what to do. On the one hand, she wanted to leave and let him do whatever it was he needed to, and on the other, she wanted to go back to when she was his single focus instead of the piece of technology in his hand. She sighed. How selfish was that? He obviously had a problem, and all she could think about was she no longer had his attention.

“I’ll wait outside.”

His gaze met hers. The eyes she’d once thought cold probed hers for long moments. He nodded. “I’ll only be a few minutes.”

“Okay.” She made her escape and sucked in a lungful of cool morning air. Cassie wasn’t sure what would happen when he finally came outside. Whether they’d pick up where they left off in the bathroom or if they’d remain caught in the tension of moments ago. One thing she was certain of was that Lucas Wilhelm was the first man in months to kiss her and the only man to ever render her speechless doing so.

Cassie headed for the van. Disengaging the locks, she hopped up in the driver’s seat and shut the door. Only the confines of the cab were too small and she shoved the door open again. While warm, the night wasn’t stifling enough to warrant turning the engine on and cranking the AC. Mind you, if Lucas heard the motor turn over he might think she was leaving without him, and that was the last thing she planned to do. Jittery with nerves, she jumped from the van and paced to the rear and back again. By the time Lucas came out of the house and walked towards her, she’d almost worn a hole in the driveway and made what felt like life-altering decisions.

“All set. Ready to go?” Lucas asked as he reached her side.

“Definitely.” What scared Cassie was just how ready she was to take this man home with her.

Chapter Four

Cassie hadn’t said a word since they’d pulled away from the McDermott house, but Luc didn’t have time to worry whether it was a bad sign or not. He was too busy emailing and texting with his staff and the head of McDermott’s PR division. In the last thirty minutes, they’d managed to do nothing to stop the photos of Lachlan McDermott and Cameron Winters making out in a public park from hitting the news reels and every social media network on the planet. Luc would love to get his hands on Carl Holston for one minute. That’s all it would take him to teach the scumbag photographer a lesson.

When the van finally stopped, Luc looked up. He’d barely taken notice of where they were going while Cassie drove, and it pained him to admit that if he hadn’t known where Are You Game? was located he wouldn’t have a clue where in Sydney they were. So much for his highly tuned observation skills. He glanced around to discover they weren’t at Cassie’s work but in the driveway of a neat weatherboard house with well-maintained gardens. Turning to ask her where they were, he found she’d already left the vehicle and was halfway to the front door.

Luc scanned the street as he climbed out, noted the quiet residential area and vaguely recalled Cassie lived in Seaforth. Although she could have driven him anywhere and he wouldn’t have had a clue. Good thing she wasn’t out to do him harm. He chuckled at the thought of Cassandra Moreland being out to do anyone harm. She might be tough as nails and not take shit from anyone, but he knew enough to conclude she wouldn’t hurt one strand of hair on his head. Instinct told him he could trust her and that beneath her prickly shell lay a heart as soft as marshmallow.

He’d delved into her life on more than one occasion during the years he’d headed up McDermott Security, and while he hadn’t gone so far as to dig up any and all dirt, he did know she was financially secure and didn’t date all that much. Luc grinned. Cassie would be seriously pissed off if he revealed the extent of McDermott Security’s probing into her life. And while he liked riling her up, he wasn’t about to tell her he’d been poking around in her private affairs without her knowledge. He wasn’t a complete masochist. Lengthening his strides, he caught up to her just as she swung the front door open.

“Sorry about the mess. I haven’t had a chance to do more than breathe these past few weeks,” she apologised as they entered a small living room.

Luc doubted her place would be all that messy. She didn’t strike him as the type to be careless with her possessions. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure my place is worse.”

She turned and looked at him with one eyebrow arched. “I highly doubt that. You’re too in control to allow it.”

He paused. How she’d pegged him so well when they’d barely gotten acquainted was a mystery. “You’ve got me.” Luc held up his hands in surrender. “I’m a neat freak.”

Cassie laughed. “More like control freak,” she muttered as she headed farther into the house. “This way,” she called over her shoulder.

Luc followed, his gaze dropping to admire the sway of her hips as she walked in front of him. Not that he could see all that well. She hadn’t bothered with lights, and yet she made her way through the living room and down the narrow hall with ease. Too busy checking out her arse, he almost stumbled into her when she stopped and pushed a door open.

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