9781631052323ForeverKindofCowboySullivan (12 page)

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love you too, Dad.” The other three murmured in agreement to Jeremiah’s
statement. He knew his dad was having a hard time in this situation, but their
love was strong. They would make it through. “Let’s go before it gets too much
later. I have early duty.”

they walked into the main lodge three hours after they’d left, none of the
brothers had gone to bed. They wanted a full report which between him, Joey,
Jason, and Jackson, they got every bit of information the four of them had

going to bed, guys. I have to be up in like three hours,” Jeremiah said,
stifling a yawn with his hand.

think we should all go on to bed,” Jeff replied. “There isn’t anything else we
can do tonight. Dad will call me if Mom’s condition changes. We have a ranch to

All of the
boys agreed, finally filing off to their respective bedrooms and abodes leaving
Jeremiah to check the room one last time before he went to bed. When he finally
got to crawl under the sheets, he drifted off into dreamless sleep.

came early for Jeremiah as he rolled over with a groan and smacked his alarm to
silence the screech. If the guests wanted a cheerful, smiling cowboy this
morning they wouldn’t get one, he was afraid. He rolled over to his side and
wearily sat up.
When he climbed to his feet, his left leg
felt numb and tingling, like he’d sat on it and put it to sleep.
This is nuts.
He stumbled a few steps
before he regained his coordination and could head for the bathroom. He needed
a shower this morning more than he needed anything. He had to wake up somehow
and coffee alone wouldn’t do it. It was going to be a long day.

his shower, he walked across the room with a towel slung low over his hips to
retrieve some clean jeans and shirt.

A timid
knock sounded at his door.

a minute.”
He glanced out the window to find the woman he stood Callie up for, waiting on
his stoop. After he threw on his jeans, he didn’t bother with a shirt as she
knocked again. “Well hello, Brenda, isn’t it?”

stepped inside his cabin and shut the door.

“Can I
help you with something?”

I’m a horny guest. You need to take care of your guest.”

Brenda, I don’t think that is such a good idea.”

were going to the other night until you got that phone call and then dumped me
back at the ranch like yesterday’s garbage. I didn’t appreciate your treatment
of me, Jeremiah.”

sorry, but my mother has a strict policy against us messing with those staying
at the ranch. I was following her rules.”

“I call
bullshit. You had every intention of fucking me out there on our ride.”

“Can I
be truthful with you?”

walked him backward until his back hit the wall with a thud. Her hands found
his chest with both palms resting flat on his skin. “I wish you would.”

“I have
a girlfriend.”

that who called you?”


were going to cheat on your girlfriend?” She slapped him hard across the cheek.
“You lowlife scumbag!
I can’t believe you were going
to cheat on her without any regard to her feelings at all.”


mind what I was going to do. I didn’t realize you had a girlfriend.” She spun
on her heels and disappeared through the door with a hearty slam.


rubbed his cheek where she’d slapped him before grabbing a shirt, slipping it
on and then going to find his socks and boots. If that didn’t wake him up,
nothing would.

When he
went through the main lodge door several minutes later, he found most of the
people who were staying on the ranch already eating. His brothers had already
got their food so he went through the line to get his own plate and sit down
next to Jackson.
“Any word from Dad this morning?”

nothing or Jeff hasn’t mentioned anything so I would think he hasn’t heard
anything.” Jackson glanced over at him. “You look like shit, bro, and why do
you have a nice hand print on your cheek?”

paid me a visit this morning.”


guest I took out riding the other day. I think she planned on a morning romp. I
told her I had a girlfriend and she slapped me.”

don’t have a girlfriend.”

yet, but I hope to by the end of today. I want to have a nice talk with Callie
after all my chores are done.”

“I hope
you two get things straightened out.”

“Oh, I
plan to. Otherwise, I might have to kidnap her until she listens to me.” He
shoveled eggs into his mouth,
sipped the hot
coffee he’d retrieved before he’d sat down.

think we are all feeling the effects of our late night.”

but we had to be there for Dad and each other.”

always brings people together.”

“We are
family. It’s what we do.”

got it, bro.”

quietly finished his breakfast as he listened to the conversation going around
the family dining room table. The guests seemed subdued today even though he
didn’t think any of them knew what had happened the night before.

moment he was finished, he stood, took his plate to the wash bin and headed out
to the stable to take his first round of guests on the ride over the hills of
their home. The boys all traded off doing rides to give each other a break or
to do other things around the ranch, but today he could use the time to think.
He had plans to make to woo Callie and let her know she was the girl for him.

The sun
had begun to set in the sky when Jeremiah emerged from the barn. He’d done his
cowboy duty for the day, but now he needed to check on things with the ranch

walked out of the barn behind him, clapping him on the shoulder as they walked
toward the main lodge. “Thanks for the help with the mare.”

problem. I don’t get to do enough of this stuff working in an office most of
the time.”

know.” Joey laughed. “You need to spend more time in the sun.” He compared the
tan lines on their arms. “You’re
’ might pale
there, bro.”

shook his head as he smiled. It felt good to smile for a change with everything
going on in his life. He needed that. The break had done him good. “I know what
you mean.”

joined them at the door of the lodge. “I heard from Dad. The bleeding has
stopped and the pressure is reducing in Mom’s brain. They still have her on the
breathing machine as a precaution, but they plan to remove it tomorrow.”

some of the other brothers go into town today to see her?”

They been
going in shifts so they don’t overwhelm the poor nurses with our sheer numbers.”

a good idea.”

came out to ring the dinner bell. “Hey guys. How’s your mom?”

gave her a report as soon as she got the guests heading to the dining room for

Sounds like things are looking up.”

they are. We’re fortunate she wasn’t hurt worse. She is going to need some
physical therapy for her leg, but otherwise the doctors think everything else
is resolving well.”

awesome. She’s a nice lady,” Mandy replied, stepping behind the serving trays.

boys headed toward the family table to wait their turn while the guests filled
their plates high with food. Jeremiah smiled. Callie would fit in well with the
Whoa! I’m thinking long-term
He glanced outside and realized yeah, he was thinking long-term relationship
with Callie and it felt good. He hoped he could get her on board with the plan.




Chapter Eleven



sat on the couch in the front room flipping through channels on the television
without even seeing what might be on. Her mind dwelled on Jeremiah. She’d heard
about his mother’s accident the other night and wondered how she was doing. She
wanted to be there for him, but she didn’t know how to go about doing that.

gets around in a small town. It hadn’t taken long for everyone to know about
it. She felt bad. Nina was a great lady.

doorbell rang. “I’ll get it, Dad.”

climbed to her feet and walked toward the front door. Her life had been pretty
busy since her and Mandy’s body shots escapades at the bar. She’d been on
several dates, following Jeremiah’s demand to date other people, but none of
those guys were him. None came close to creating the electric impulses he
caused in her every time he touched her. Didn’t he know they were meant to be
Apparently he’s too damned
stubborn to realize it.

bell rang again. “I’m coming.”

pulled open the door and her jaw dropped open. Jeremiah stood on the stoop with
a dozen red roses in his hands, dressed to the nines in pressed jeans, brushed
clean boots, shiny belt buckle, white dress shirt, suit jacket and his dress
black Stetson on his head.



here to officially ask you on a date. Get dressed.”

jammed her hands on her hips as she frowned. “What the hell, Jeremiah? You
can’t just show up at my door, ordering me to get dressed up for you. This is
bullshit! I’m not at your beck and—”

leaned in to kiss her full on the mouth before his tongue swept along the seam
of her lips and she melted against his chest. When they parted she was
breathless and tingly all over.

here to wine and dine you. Please? Put something pretty on. I want to spend the
evening with you.”

breathless sigh escaped her. “Okay.”

grinned when she stepped back to do exactly what he told her.
I’m a terribly weak woman where he is

headed down the hall to her room to shower and change. He’d just have to wait
while she got ready since he’d shown up without calling first. She frowned now
that she had her wits about her. How does he get off showing up without
calling? What if she had a date with someone else?

anger exploded through her as she got into the shower, washed her hair and her
body and then grabbed a towel to dry off. Yes, she wanted him. She’d do about
anything to have him, but this ordering her around shit was for the birds.
I’ll show him!
She pulled out the slinky
red dress she’d worn before, high heeled shoes and silky stockings.
He’s going to know exactly what he’s missing
when I’m done with him tonight.

putting on makeup and blow drying her hair to a pretty upswept hairdo, she slid
into her shoes and pronounced herself ready to the reflection in mirror. “Eat
your heart out, Jeremiah.”

she walked back down the corridor to find him standing in front of the picture
window looking out over the front yard, she stopped to wonder if she was doing
the right thing. He was here to take her out. Maybe he’d already realized he
wanted to be with her and this was his way of showing her?


look on his face made it totally worth the trouble she’d taken to make herself
beautiful. His eyes widened as his jaw hung open in appreciation. “You look

you.” She glanced down at her dress, tugging on the hem just a little since it
only reached mid-thigh when she stood. “I didn’t know where we were going, but
since you are dressed pretty fancy, I figured I’d better too.”

taking you somewhere special. We need to have a serious conversation about us,
but this is going to be a beginning.”

clouded her thoughts.

but I won’t say more until we have some alone time.” He ran his fingers over
her bare shoulder. “You’ll need a wrap of some kind. It’s chilly out there.”

“Let me
grab something out of the closet.” When she turned around, she noticed he’d
found a vase somewhere in one of the cupboards to put the flowers in. “Thank
you for the flowers. They’re beautiful.”

don’t compare to you.”

being such a sweet-talker tonight. What’s up?”

is me. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at
all,” she said, grabbing a wrap from the closet and draping it over her
shoulders. “Will this be heavy enough? It’s wool.”

restaurant is indoors so it shouldn’t be too bad.” His gazed wandered down her
frame from head to toe. “Did I tell you how beautiful you are?”

but you can say it again. I don’t mind.”

about if I change it up a bit? You are gorgeous.” He leaned in to brush her
lips lightly with his own. “I can’t wait to get you alone.”

coated her panties at the look in his eyes.
Need. Even something she wasn’t sure she wanted to
reflected in his steely grey gaze.
Just maybe?

He held
out his hand for her to take and she slipped hers into his grasp. Her other
hand held a small clutch purse with her cell phone, keys and wallet. One always
had to be prepared for a night to go completely wrong when on a date. Not that
it would with Jeremiah, but one never knew when they might need to get a cab


swallowed, trying to wet her parched throat. She wasn’t sure what to expect
tonight and the thought scared the crap out of her.
I’m going out with Jeremiah. Don’t wait up.”

fun,” her father called from his bedroom.

As they
walked out to his truck, she got the feeling tonight was going to be a game
changer in their relationship. Something had changed his mind about her,
although she didn’t know what, she wanted to shout to the heavens in thanks.

opened her door for her before she stepped up to slide inside the cab. He shut
the door and then walked around the front of the vehicle to get into the other
side. Her appreciative sigh echoed in the silence surrounding her.
Boy, was he sharp all dressed up and looking

he slid inside and started the truck, she snuck a glance in his direction. The
jacket molded to his chest, the white shirt was open at the throat, and the
jeans were pressed to sharpness.
The ultimate cowboy.
“You look really nice tonight.”

I wanted to dress up for you.”

“Are we
going to talk now?”

Let’s wait until we are sitting at a nice table with a glass of wine or
whatever. I want your undivided attention.”

have it now.”

laughed. “Good, but I want to be able to look into your pretty blue eyes when
we talk.”



you at least—”

You’ll have to wait until we
get the restaurant.”

crossed her arms over her chest in a silent pout. She didn’t want to wait. It
would kill her! Okay, maybe not, but the little grin on Jeremiah’s face made
her wonder what the heck he might be up to.

they arrived at the restaurant forty-five minutes later, she realized it was
one of the swanky places on the riverfront in San Antonio. She’d never been to
this particular restaurant before either, but she knew it was expensive and you
had to have reservations to get in.

As they
approached the podium, Jeremiah’s warm hand rested at her back.
We had reservations for seven.”

yes, sir.
Just one moment.
Let me check to see if your
table is ready.”

As they
stood waiting, she leaned into Jeremiah’s body a little to absorb his warmth
and he surrounded her with his arms. It was a nice feeling.

A few
minutes later, the guy returned. “Right this way.”

escorted them to a dimly light corner of the restaurant completely situated off
. The table had rose petals sprinkled on it
with more on the chairs and even some on the floor. It was gorgeous.

did this?”


burned her eyes as she tried desperately not to cry. “It’s beautiful.” He held
her chair as she slid into her spot at the table before she spread a napkin on
her lap.

waiter arrived a moment later with a bottle of wine, showed it to Jeremiah,
then poured two glasses when Jeremiah gave him a nod of approval. The whole
scene was surreal to her. Why was he doing this she didn’t know, but she liked

took a sip of the wine and rolled it around on her tongue before she swallowed.
“Very tasty, although I’m not a wine connoisseur.”

am I, but it sounded
when I set this up.”

smiled and looked down at her hands folded on the tabletop. “Nice.”

reached over to take her hand in his. “Shall we talk now or wait until after we

would be good, but we might want to wait until after dinner. Depending on how
this goes, I might not have an appetite.”

think you’ll like how this goes, Callie.”


inhaled like he was trying to steady his nerves before taking a leap into a
very deep pool of water. “I think I’m in love with you.”

think?” she asked, tipping her head to the side.

since I’ve never been in love before, I’m not certain, but after talking to my
parents and brothers, I’m pretty sure, yeah, I’m in love with you.” He
intertwined their fingers,
rubbed the pad of his
finger over the knuckle on her thumb. “I’ve been miserable without you. After
we made love that one time, I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind. It’s
been driving me nuts.” He dropped his gaze to the table. “Believe me, I tried.
I didn’t want to fall in love right now, but alas, here I am. I want you in my
life. I need you in my bed and I think you feel the same way.”

I’ve been in love with you since ninth grade.” She smiled as his head snapped
up and her gaze met his.


“Yes. I
couldn’t figure out a way to get you to see me as a woman who might complete
you instead of Callie, your friend at the garage.”

always been my friend.”

know, but I wanted to be more.”

guess I was too blind to see you in a different light than what I’d seen you in
forever. After you started hanging out with other men in front of me, I didn’t
like how it made me feel. I wanted to tear you from their side and drag you
away like some caveman.”

laughed. “So that’s where the behavior came from.”

grinned. “You have to admit you
like that about

I guess I do.”

waiter arrived to take their order, but the moment he left, Jeremiah took her
hand again. “We need to decide on where we go from here.”

“I know
I want to be with you and only you so I think we should date exclusively.”

agree. I don’t want anyone else.” His gaze was intense as he said the words. He
meant everything, including
the I
love you. “I love
you, Callie.”

“I love
you too, Jeremiah.”

should get married.” His eyes brightened as a smile spread across his lips.

pulled her hand out of his grasp and held it up. “Whoa! Take a step back.
You’re going kind of fast for me.”

I thought when two people loved
each other, they got married.”

maybe eventually, but we just started this journey. Let’s date for a while
before we jump on the marriage bandwagon.”

tilted his head to the side. “Why are you so gun-shy now?”

not. I just think we should take this kind of slow.”

I’m with you then. We’ll date, go on picnics, go out for dinner, go to movies,
you know, all those couple things.”

changed your mind about me?”

grasped her hand again.
“My mom’s accident.
I talked
to them before it happened about you and me.”


She told me to stay away from

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