A Bad Day for Romance

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Authors: Sophie Littlefield

Tags: #Mystery: Cozy - Humor - Avenger - Missouri

BOOK: A Bad Day for Romance
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This book is for every grown-up lady who ever felt like life meant to pass her by:

Listen, sister, good things come to those who grab on hard and don’t let go!


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Excerpt from
Blood Bond


I would like to hug Barbara Poelle and Abby Zidle
and compliment them for knowing a good thing when they see one. Adam, I know you’re listening down the hall, so a big “hell yeah” to you, too. Parisa, thank you for the lovely help! And to every reader who ever gave Stella a chance—a kiss and a cold one.


gonna stick you where the sun don’t shine!” Stella Hardesty exclaimed around a mouthful of pins. She was kneeling on the floor of the Dogwood Suite, one of the nicest in the Ozark Shores resort, her mood dampened by the knowledge that she was missing out on the spectacular views of the lake featured in the resort’s brochure alongside photos of happy, attractive couples frolicking in the hot tub and toasting each other in the fancy restaurant. Stella had shown the brochure to BJ Brodersen a month ago when she invited him to be her date to Dotty Edwards’s hurry-up wedding to Kamran Rangarajan, and he’d readily accepted, but things had gone downhill since then.

“She means it, too,” Chrissy Shaw said from the king-size bed, where she was reclining on a pile of pillows and flipping through a thin book called
Cocktails for Every Occasion
. She had appointed herself bartender for the weekend and was taking the job seriously. “I’d do what she says.”

“I’m clenchin’ with everything I got, Stella.” Dotty gasped. “If I let out my breath now I’m liable to rip the seam clear through, and then where will we be?”

“Well, I guess you’ll be drinkin’ champagne cocktails at your lingerie shower while I stay up all night workin’ my fingers to the bone on this damn dress,” Stella said grumpily. “What you get for letting Marigene alter your gown.”

“She did mine when I got married,” Chrissy said. “Got the bodice so tight I was afraid my tits were gonna fly out and hit me in the face if I sneezed in the middle of the I dos. And then Roy Dean got so drunk at the reception he couldn’t work the zipper and I had to call down askin’ for extra blankets so I could get one a the housekeeping gals to come up and unzip me.”

“I only went to Marigene ’cause you been so darn busy lately, Stella,” Dotty said in a conciliatory tone. “Why, you’ve been busy with family and that boyfriend of yours all summer. Once I asked you to be my maid of honor, I didn’t think it would be right to ask you—ow!”

“Sorry.” Stella paused to wipe a few beads of perspiration from her brow with a tissue, holding on to an abundance of white satin skirt with her free hand. “He’s not my boyfriend, by the way.”

“Well, you sure been spending all your time with him.”

“Not true!” Stella protested. She
been busy, but that was due to an uptick in the side business she ran with Chrissy, which consisted of beating the crap out of men who abused, debased, or mistreated their ladies. Women found them through a word-of-mouth network of grateful past clients, but it was in everyone’s best interest to keep the details secret, since Stella’s methods took frequent departures from the strictly legal. Hence most people, even some of those closest to Stella, weren’t aware of her sideline, and she hoped to keep it that way.

There was also the matter of Big Johnson Brodersen, the man she had been seeing fairly regularly. A Gulf War veteran turned bartender, BJ was a gentle, sweet man with gold-flecked brown eyes and exceptional manners, and while Stella generally went out with him at least once a week, sometimes twice, she wasn’t entirely keen to put a label on their relationship.

“Besides, I don’t know how Marigene stays in business,” she said, in an effort to change the subject.

“Don’t mind Stella,” Chrissy said. “She’s been jealous ever since Marigene’s Bridal moved into that nice space in the new mall, and she’s still stuck sharing a parking lot with China Paradise.”

“That’s not true either,” Stella protested, even if it was, maybe, just a little. The business she inherited from her husband, Hardesty Sewing Machine Sales and Repair, squeezed out enough profit to keep her and Chrissy’s bills paid—barely. The extra money from their secret side business helped, but since Stella never turned away a client, and desperate women didn’t often show up pushing wheelbarrows of cash, it wasn’t exactly a dependable source of income. “But, honestly, what she did here, Dotty, I’m gonna have to let out a half inch on both sides up top but down here it’s like she was fitting the
Queen Mary
. I mean, this here skirt would a fit
ass back a few years ago.”

Stella was fishing for a compliment, which she felt she was owed, considering she was giving up her cocktail hour and probably a good chunk of the next day, when the ladies of the bridal party were scheduled to enjoy massages and facial treatments, to fix the damage Marigene had done to Dotty’s gown.

“Oh my, Stella, now it would just
on you,” Dotty said loyally. “Why, you’ve gotten positively
with all that running you’ve been doing.”

lost a few more pounds,” Stella said, mollified. She’d run her first half marathon earlier in the year; now she was working up to a triathlon in November, two months away. The rowing machine Stella had added to her routine had toned up a few stubborn pockets of fat, and her arms had lost nearly all their jiggle, which was why she’d purchased her first sleeveless dress in a decade for the rehearsal dinner. When BJ saw her in it, his eyeballs were liable to fall out of his head and into the roll basket. “Still, if you would have come to me in the first place, I would have gotten this thing fitted proper the first time, and we’d all be getting drunk by now.”

“Well, I don’t mind,” Dotty said. “It just gives us a little more time together before we have to go join the others.”

“So you really invited all of Kam’s sisters?
his mom?” Chrissy asked.

Stella shot her a warning look. Chrissy, whose first two marriages had been disappointing, to put it mildly, had a decidedly skeptical view of marriage and monogamy in general, despite the hot-and-heavy romance she had been conducting with Deputy Ian Sloat of the Prosper sheriff’s department.

“Well, it seemed like the polite thing to do. And I’m just trying everything I can think of to convince Mrs. Rangarajan that I’m going to take good care of her boy.”

“Yeah, but… I mean, are you sure they even
lingerie under their whaddayacallits?”

“Rashita and Soorat dress Western. His mom usually wears a sari or a salwar kameez, but I think she wears underwear under it just like anyone else,” Dotty said, blushing.

Stella smiled, proud of her friend for having adapted so easily to her whirlwind multicultural romance. Dotty, who Stella knew had only traveled as far as Arkansas in her first five decades, would be going to India right after the wedding to meet her new husband’s extended family. Dotty had met Kamran Rangarajan, a human resources manager at the company where she worked, at sensitivity training several months ago in Kansas City, and the pair had fallen so instantly and deeply in love that they could not stand to be separated any longer than absolutely necessary. Dotty would be moving up to the city as soon as she returned from the honeymoon.

“Won’t it be kind of strange… having your mother-in-law there?” Chrissy asked.

“Well, to tell you the truth, I asked Kam to have one of his aunts keep his mom busy. I don’t guess she needs to know what all her boy’s got waiting for him when he comes home at night,” Dotty said, her blush deepening. “Especially since she’s having a hard time with the idea of me being eight years older than him and not exactly a virgin. When he told her we were getting serious she made him swear we wouldn’t, uh, you know… until we got married.”

“No way!” Chrissy said, horrified. “You mean you two ain’t—”

“No, no, we just been
careful. We don’t ever sleep over ’cause his mom likes to pop by in the morning on her way to work, stuff like that. And she cleans his house, even though he’s asked her a thousand times not to, so I can’t even keep a toothbrush in his bathroom. I tell you what, I’ll be so relieved when I take over cleaning for that man.”

“Oh, Lord, bite your tongue,” Stella said. “Every time a woman cleans a man’s bathroom, a girl angel gets kicked to the back of the get-your-wings line.” Stella firmly believed that her own guardian angel had been tasked with not just keeping her out of scrapes but giving her a backbone.

“Oh, now, Stella, don’t be that way,” Dotty said, giving her friend a tolerant smile. “Kam’s the one who does most of the domestic stuff. You should see him in this apron I got him—it’s got this picture of a hot man torso in a gladiator costume with—”

“No need to share,” Stella said hastily as she placed the final pin in the skirt seam. “Okay, that oughta do it, let’s get you out of this thing and then I’ll just load up my Bernina with the fifty thousand yards of thread it’s gonna take for me to completely reconstruct your dress. Any chance I can talk you into that nice, simple A-line number we saw up in Independence? I can just have Chrissy run up there before lunch tomorrow and—”

“Stella, I’ve been waiting for this day since I was eight years old,” Dotty said, exhaling with great relief after Stella had carefully unzipped her. “Which you ought to remember since you were there.”

Stella figured she might as well keep her mouth shut for once. Dotty had had a few near misses through the years, boyfriends who stuck for six months or a year before getting disenchanted or disinterested or disentangled or otherwise gone, and no one was more thrilled than Stella that Cupid had finally delivered the man of Dotty’s dreams, in the form of a slightly pudgy, spiffy-dressing, show tune–loving, not-very-tall human resources coordinator from Kansas City by way of Bangalore.

“What happened when y’all were eight?” Chrissy demanded.

“Well, we were over at my house,” Dotty said. “We had all my Barbies out and we were having a wedding. Barbie was marrying Brad, and P.J. and Stacey were bridesmaids, and Ken was best man. There wasn’t a whole lot of variety back then, so we just took turns marrying them off to each other. Come to think of it, it was kind of like a swingers thing we had going.”

“I got to dress them all,” Stella remembered.

“You had all the best clothes! Your mama was so amazing.”

Stella nodded, her eyes getting that two-second misty thing that happened whenever she thought about Pat Collier, who she missed as much now as the day she passed away five years ago. Her mother not only sewed clothes for Stella and her little sister, Gracellen, she made matching outfits for all of their dolls.

Gracellen never took to the needle, but from a very early age Stella was her mama’s assistant, starting with putting pins back into the strawberry pincushion and working up to ripping seams and sewing on buttons, before she got her very own sewing kit for her seventh birthday.

“I made some of those clothes myself,” she remembered. “Didn’t I make the bridal gown?”

“And the veil, too,” Dotty said. “You used some net your mom cut out of a skirt she had. You weren’t all that good then, so it came out a little lumpy, and we had to cut the sleeves off when they wouldn’t fit over Barbie’s arms.”

“Oh, that’s right!”

“And remember what I said?”

“Dotty, half the time I don’t remember what
it is. How am I supposed to remember something you said forty-some years ago?”

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