A Boulder Creek Christmas (7 page)

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Authors: Mary Manners

Tags: #christian Fiction

BOOK: A Boulder Creek Christmas
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“I had reasons for my actions, and at the time they seemed valid.” He longed to kiss her now, but he wanted to be sure. He
to be sure. “I was only trying to protect you.”

“Protect me? From what?”

“Not what—who.” Ryan jabbed a finger into his chest. “And the answer is

“You?” Lani's voice reflected her confusion. “I don't understand.”

“You were so innocent, Lani, and I…wasn't.” He lowered his voice, ashamed to admit it now. “The heart I gave you…it symbolized that purity. When I was with you—when I
with you now—I feel like I'm the man God means for me to be. But, back then, I didn't have anything to offer you.”

“You had your heart, Ryan…that's all I needed.”

“But my heart wasn't right, and I didn't want to hurt you.”

“Well, that's exactly what you did.”

“I didn't mean to.” He lowered his hand, allowing it to skim her cheek as he sighed. “I was thinking…if Chloe could cover a shift at the salon this week I'd like to take you for a drive down Candy Cane Lane one evening soon, maybe grab some dinner afterwards. Would you consider going with me…would you like that?”

Candy Cane Lane was the section of Boulder Creek known for its magnificent Christmas light displays. He knew Lani had always loved driving through there with Grandma Cora when she was young, and then later on with him, when he turned old enough to drive. She'd told him so, the last time they were there together, just before the huge snowstorm moved it…and just before the single kiss changed everything.

Lani lifted her hand to his, stilling it along her cheek. “Yes, I'd like that.”

“Good. It's a date, then.” Ryan dipped his mouth to her forehead, planting a single, soft kiss above one brow. Her scent drew him in, and the soft murmur that escaped her lips…the tremble at his touch, nearly undid the resolve he'd worked so hard to bolster.

With a measure of reluctance that nearly hobbled him, Ryan sat back against the sofa-back, putting distance between him and Lani, because he feared a moment longer so close to her would have him acting in a way he'd surely, truly regret.

He swallowed hard and tried to refocus his thoughts as he reached for the slice of pie. “I wasn't sure I'd ever get to taste this. I thought—”

His cellphone chimed the tone set for emergency calls from the fire hall. Ryan delved a hand into his pocket to retrieve it and connect. “Connolly here.”

The message turned his blood to ice.

“Are you OK, Ryan?” Lani touched his shoulder, her eyes widened with worry as he slipped the phone back into his pocket. “You just went pale.”

“I'm sorry, Lani, but I have to go. It's an emergency.” He stood, placing the uneaten pie back on the table. “I have to go right now.”

“What is it?”

“Mrs. Wexell and Jill…the jewelry store.” He hurried toward the door and grabbed his coat from the hall tree. “It's in flames.”


Lani missed him…she realized with a start that she missed Ryan terribly. Although they'd talked on the phone, it had been four days since she'd last seen him the night they'd decorated a Christmas tree, the night he'd fled in a rush to battle the fire, and that stretch of time seemed like an eternity. What did it mean?

It means you're in love with him, silly. That's exactly what it means and you can no longer avoid the truth.

“Lani, you've swept that same pile of hair three times now.” Chloe strode over to remove the broom from her hands. “Are you OK?”

“I…no.” Holiday music spilled through the speakers, and they had only an hour left until the salon was slated to close early, at four, in honor of Christmas Eve. Lani planned to attend the candlelight service at Boulder Creek Community Church, even though a snowstorm was slated to white-out the festivities. Already the sky along the western horizon darkened with threat of the impending storm.

“What is it?” Chloe made quick work of gathering the hair into a pile once again. “You look like you've lost your best friend.”

“I miss Ryan. He's been busy this week helping Mrs. Wexell and Jill clean up after the fire, gathering members of his crew and spearheading a restoration project for their shop.”

“Oh, is that all? You had me worried there for a minute.”

“I'm serious, Chloe. When you phoned to tell me he got hurt that night and you didn't know how badly—if it was life-threatening—I thought—”

“I know what you thought, but it turned out to be just a bump on the head.” Chloe glanced up, her dark eyes twinkling with mischief. “And you know Ryan's head is harder than granite. It's a good thing, too.” Chloe brushed the hair toward the central vacuum and flipped the switch. The roar of the motor briefly drowned out the music as the hair disappeared.

“I'm as shocked as anyone with the way I feel.”

“It's about time you've come to your senses. My Christmas wish has been granted.”

“But what if he doesn't…what if Ryan doesn't feel the same?”

“Trust me, Lani…my brother is head over heels for you. He always has been. He was just too stubborn to acknowledge it. But God always finds a way…yes, He does. I'm surprised you're shocked by that.”

“I love him, Chloe, and I miss him.”

“Well, there's no need to pine over Ryan any longer, because we can fix that. As a matter of fact, you're in luck because here he comes.” Chloe nodded toward the door. “Now don't you think it's about time that you pour your heart out to him instead of me?”

Lani turned toward the door to find Ryan there, holding it wide to usher Mrs. Wexell.

“I've come to have my hair done,” she announced. “A bit late, but it's still Friday, isn't it?”

“Yes indeed,” Lani smiled. “And I see you have a handsome chauffeur again today.” The bruise above Ryan's right eye did little to detract from his good looks, yet the injury stole Lani's breath. Once again she considered God's grace that the injury proved minor. “I'll be right with you. But first I have a bit of personal business to attend to.”

“I'm sure you do.” Mrs. Wexell made her way to the drink station. “Don't let me get in the way. Come on, Chloe…come have a soda with me.”

Lani closed the distance to Ryan and wrapped her arms around his waist as the door slipped closed. She didn't mind the chill of wintry air that washed over her…Ryan's touch warmed her to the core. “I've missed you.”

“Ditto.” He smoothed hair from her cheek and leaned in to kiss the swell of her neck just below her left earlobe. The feather-light touch kindled desire that blossomed in the pit of her belly. Ryan's breath was a flame against her skin. “It's been an eternity…”

“I know.”

“Just give me one more minute.” Ryan eased back, keeping his fingers twined with hers. His gaze crossed the room to the drink station where Mrs. Wexell and Chloe lounged in side-by-side seats. “I'm sorry, Mrs. Wexell, but you're going to have to trust Chloe to style your hair today because Lani's mine for the evening.”

“Only the evening?” Mrs. Wexell uncapped grape soda and drew a sip. “Why, Ryan Connolly…surely you have a greater vision than that.”

“Time will tell.” He snatched Lani's coat from the wall hook and placed it over her shoulders. “Yes, time will tell…”


“You look beautiful,” Ryan said as he escorted her to the pick-up following the candlelight service.

“Thank you.” Lani gathered the buttons at the opening of her wool coat and bound them tightly. “The storm is bearing down. Feel that wind?”

“Yes.” It nipped at Ryan's cheeks and swirled beneath the collar of his jacket to chill his neck. “But we still have time.”

“For what?”

“To do what I promised you before I rushed from your house the night of the fire.” He winked as he opened the passenger door for her. “Get in. You'll see.”

The streets were blanketed in white as snow continued to fall like oversized pieces of confetti from the sky, but Ryan's four-wheel drive had little difficulty navigating the slippery pavement.

“It's lovely,” Lani whispered. “Look at the town square. It's hard to believe a garden will grow there within a few months…thanks to you.”

“Thanks to the town. It's teamwork that makes things happen. I'm glad you're on my team now—that we're on each other's team.”

“I'm ashamed to say that I wasn't much of a team player this year when it came to the Fighters for Hire auction, and I'm sorry for that.”

“It's OK. I understand. I've fallen behind on my chores at the house, but I plan to fix that starting the day after Christmas. While the rest of the world is shopping, I'll be up on the ladder, patching shingles on the roof.”

“That's not necessary, Ryan.”

“Oh, but it is.” He switched on the radio, and the melody of “Silent Night” filled the cab. “I have a confession…concerning the auction, that is.”

“I'm listening.”

“I know who made the anonymous bid in your name.” He slowed as they came to the jewelry store, still in the process of being repaired. The front window was boarded, and the brick held the black of soot. But, inside, the repairs were well underway. “It was Mrs. Wexell.”

“Mrs. Wexell?” Lani's slight gasp mirrored her surprise. “How do you know?”

“I found the receipt in the rubbish the day after the fire, when I went back to survey the damage.” The light of a streetlamp washed over the windshield, highlighting the copper strands that set Lani's hair aflame. “She doesn't know I know—that we both know now.”

“We should leave it that way, Ryan. She'd be…upset to be found out.”

“I agree. But I know a way we can thank her.”

“How's that?”

“In due time.” He motioned ahead, where the festive glow of twinkling Christmas lights beckoned. “There it is…Candy Cane Lane.”


Lani and Ryan took their time driving through, and the drifts of snow made the displays even more captivating than Lani remembered. She hadn't come back this way in ages…not since the last time she'd drunk it all in with Ryan.

“We should make this a holiday tradition,” he said, steering over to the curb as they came to the final display. An angel, tall as a tree and with bugle in hand, greeted them as lights strung along the house eaves pulsated in time to “Carol of the Bells.” “We could bring our kids.”

“We could.” Lani undid her seatbelt and slid closer to him as heat from the engine warmed the cab. “Wait, what did you say?”

“I said I love you, Lani O'Dwyer, and I want to marry you and have children together…a family.”

“That bump on the head—”

“Brought me to my senses, that's what it did.” Ryan reached into the console beneath the dash and drew out a small velvet box. “I've been saving this for a while now, Lani…just waiting for the right time.”

“Ryan…oh!” Lani's eyes filled with tears that spilled over as Ryan handed her the box. “It's not…”

“It is.” He covered her fingers with his. “Open it, sweetheart.”

The diamond twinkled beneath the lights in a setting Lani was sure Mrs. Wexell had claimed would be perfect. And it was; the wise older woman proved, as usual, full of time-honored wisdom.

“It's beautiful,” Lani gushed. “Perfect.”

Ryan took the ring from its case and slipped it onto Lani's finger. “Will you marry me, sweetheart, and grow old together?”

“And celebrate many, many Christmases to come?”

“That's the plan.” He leaned in, dipping his head to claim her lips. His touch unleashed every emotion harbored for so long inside of her.

When she could breathe again Lani murmured, “Thank God for Mrs. Wexell.”

“Yes, she truly is an angel on earth.” Ryan planted a flurry of kisses over Lani's brow and along the length her jaw. “But you haven't answered my question, sweetheart.”

“Of course I'll marry you, Ryan. We've come full circle, haven't we…back to the very place we were always meant to be. I love you with all my heart…forever. Merry Christmas, my love.”

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