A Commonwealth of Thieves (43 page)

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Authors: Thomas Keneally

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The return of stolen property: Tench, pp. 185, 186.

Bennelong's reluctance to go to Sydney: Tench, p. 187; Phillip in Hunter, p. 311.

Bennelong visits Sydney while hostages held: Tench, pp. 188, 189; Phillip in Hunter, as for previous note; Collins, vol. I, p. 313.

Further contact with Aboriginals: Tench, pp. 187, 188; Phillip in Hunter, pp. 319–23; Collins, vol. I, pp. 313, 317.

Bennelong's tin shield, hatchets, and house: Tench, p. 200; Collins, vol. I, pp. 113, 117; Phillip in Hunter, p. 320.

Chapter Twenty-two

Aboriginal women trading sex for goods: Collins, vol. I, p. 464.

Phillip's assessment of a native woman: Phillip in Hunter, p. 327.

Bennelong's domestic brutality: Collins, vol. I, pp. 463, 464; Tench, p. 188; Phillip in Hunter, pp. 319–21.

Bennelong's tenderness to Barangaroo: Phillip in Hunter, p. 316; Tench, p. 190; Collins, vol. I, pp. 492, 493.

Bennelong and Karubarabulu fighting: Tench, pp. 200–203; Phillip in Hunter, pp. 319–21.

Karubarabulu in hospital: Tench, p. 203; Phillip in Hunter, as for previous note.

Bennelong's repentance: Tench, as for previous note; Phillip in Hunter, p. 321.

Bennelong's fear of Surgeon White: Tench, p. 205.

Karubarabulu hides from Barangaroo at Government House: Tench, p. 203; Phillip in Hunter, pp. 321, 322.

John McEntire: Tench, pp. 49, 66, 105, 116; Phillip in Hunter, pp. 326, 327.

Pemulwuy: Collins, vol. I, p. 118; Tench (under Pimelwi), p. 206; Phillip in Hunter, pp. 327, 328.

Bennelong entertains Pemulwuy: Smith, p. 116.

Karubarabulu: Collins, vol. I, pp. 463, 464; Tench, p. 291; Phillip in Hunter, pp. 321–23.

A. P. Elkin,
Aboriginal Men of High Degree,
pp. 1–66; Collins, vol. I, pp. 453, 493, 494.

The wounding of McEntire: Tench, pp. 207, 209; Collins, pp. 107, 108; Phillip in Hunter, pp. 326–28.

Phillip's reaction: Tench, pp. 207–9; Phillip in Hunter, p. 328.

Bennelong as distinguished visitor: Phillip in Hunter, pp. 328, 332.

Tench's reaction: Tench, p. 209.

Preparation for the expedition: Tench, p. 209.

Dawes's resistance: HRA, Series 1, vol. I, p. 289; Hunter, p. 435n.

Patyegarang: Smith, pp. 98, 99.

Dawes's further resistance: HRA, Series I, vol. I, p. 292.

The first punitive expedition: Tench, pp. 209–11; Collins, vol. I, pp. 118, 119; Phillip in Hunter, pp. 328, 329.

McEntire at hospital: Phillip in Hunter, p. 327.

Colby's intervention: Tench (under Colbee), pp. 210, 211.

The second expedition: Tench, pp. 212–15; Collins, vol. I, pp. 118, 119.

Bennelong back in Sydney: Phillip in Hunter, p. 332.

Initiation details: Collins, vol. I, pp. 466–89.

Tench pp. 277, 289, 290; Collins, vol. I, p. 466; Hunter, p. 143; King in Hunter, p. 270; Phillip in Hunter, p. 317.

Bennelong and the two women together at Tubowgulle: Phillip in Hunter, p. 332.

Potato raid: Tench, p. 215; Collins, vol. I, pp. 121, 122; Phillip in Hunter, p. 332.

Aboriginal found dead: Tench, pp. 215, 216; Collins, vol. I, pp. 121, 122; Phillip in Hunter, p. 333.

Bennelong's angry response: Tench, p. 216; Phillip in Hunter, pp. 333, 334.

Port Jackson painter: Collins, p. 368.

Phillip's new rules about contact: Phillip in Hunter, p. 328.

Phillip refuses Bennelong entry to Government House: Phillip in Hunter, p. 327.

Collins on native dispossession: Collins, vol. I, p. 122.

Chapter Twenty-three

Hunter, p. 131; King in Hunter, p. 294; Collins, vol. I, pp. 113, 114.

Tench on Batavia: Tench, p. 217.

's cargo: Phillip in Hunter, pp. 329, 335; Collins, vol. I, pp. 119, 120.

Detmer Smith plays games: Tench, p. 218; Collins, vol. I, p. 123; Phillip in Hunter, pp. 335–36.

hired to return crew of
Collins, vol. I, pp. 124, 127, 128; Tench, p. 218; Phillip in Hunter, p. 338.

Phillip's request to return to England: 25 March 1791, Phillip to Grenville, HRA, Series I, vol. I, p. 377.

Phillip's wife and affairs: see Frost,

His declaration of ill health: HRA, as above.

Collins to his father: 23 March 1791, Correspondence, 1775–1810, MSS 700.

Nature of Phillip's illness: G. B. Barton,
History of New South Wales from the Records,
pp. 305, 306, 368.

The request by four officers: Cobley,
pp. 45, 46.

Phillip to Sir Joseph Banks: Cobley,
pp. 47, 28.

Surgeon White to Grenville: Cobley,
p. 50.

The journey of the
Tench, p. 218; Hunter, pp. 146–92.

Expedition to cross Hawkesbury River: Tench, pp. 224–34; Phillip in Hunter, pp. 340–48.

Encounters with local natives: as for previous note.

Phillip on difference between Hawkesbury language and that of coastal people: Phillip in Hunter, p. 347.

Colby and Ballooderry want to go back: Phillip in Hunter, pp. 347, 348; Tench, p. 234.

William Bryant's flogging: Collins, pp. 44, 45.

Surgeon White to the dealer in hams: White to Mr. Skill, 17 April 1790, Barton, vol. I, pp. 506–8.

John Terwood's attempted escape: Tench, pp. 181, 182; Collins, vol. I, pp. 113, 356, 357.

The Bryants' preparations: C. H. Currey,
The Transportation, Escape and Pardoning of Mary Bryant,
pp. 12–14; Collins, vol. I, pp. 126, 127.

Motivations: Tench, p.162.

Fellow escapees: Currey, p. 14; Collins, vol. I, pp. 129, 130.

Escape: Currey, pp. 19–25;
reproduced in Geoffrey Chapman Ingleton,
True Patriots All,
pp. 13–15.

Further ration reduction: Collins, vol. I, pp. 130, 131.

Bryant's impact on colonial society: Collins, p. 131.

David Collins's opinion: as for previous note.

Tench's admiration: Tench, p. 219.

Chapter Twenty-four

Bligh's interest: George Mackaness,
The Life of Vice-Admiral William Bligh RN, FRS,
pp. 298, 299.

Ingleton, pp. 13–15.

Journey to Koepang: Currey, pp. 26, 27;

And time there: Currey, pp. 27–31;

Third Fleet and contract: Byrne, Blackheath Connection, especially chap. 40.

Pursuit of Captain Trail: Flynn, pp. 54–64; Ritchie, pp. 43–44.

Nelson on Trail: Flynn, p. 74.

Bateson, p. 132; Flynn, pp. 60, 64, 73.

Voyage of Third Fleet proper: Bateson, pp. 131–39; Collins, vol. I, pp. 141, 143, 145, 149, 150.

Bateson, p. 131.

Mary Ann:
as for previous note; Byrne, Blackheath Connection.

Ships' agents and short weighting: Bateson, pp. 135, 136.

The Defenders: Atkinson, pp. 178, 250.

Arrival of
Mary Ann:
Collins, vol. I, pp. 140, 141; Phillip in Hunter, p. 354; Tench, p. 240.

No temptation offered to quit colony: Phillip in Hunter, p. 355.

National Children: John Molony,
The Native Born: The First White Australians,
pp. 23–25.

Bateson, pp. 134, 135; Collins, vol. I, p. 143; Phillip in Hunter, p. 356.

Bennelong in hospital: Phillip in Hunter, p. 360.

Phillip in Hunter, pp. 357, 358; Collins, vol. I, pp. 145, 152; Tench, p. 242.

Admiral Barrington:
Phillip in Hunter, p. 368; Collins, vol. I, pp. 151, 152.

Mrs. Parker: Mary Parker,
Voyage Round the World in the Gorgon,
pp. 73–92.

The Reverend Bain: Phillip in Hunter, p. 366; Collins, vol. I, pp. 148, 160, 161, 303, 334; Bonwick, pp. 114, 115.

The Reverend Johnson: as for Bonwick, previous note.

Activities of ships after delivery of convicts: Bateson, p. 139; Phillip in Hunter, pp. 368–71, 373, 375; Tench, pp. 298–300; Collins, vol. I, pp. 151, 152, 155, 156, 158, 159.

Chapter Twenty-five

's bounty: Phillip in Hunter, p. 366; Tench, pp. 245, 248.

King and his wife:
vol. II, alphabetical listing.

The Great Seal: Collins, vol. I, p. 149.

King returns to Norfolk Island: Ritchie, pp. 49, 50, 60–71; Phillip in Hunter, pp. 368, 382–84; Collins, vol. I, pp. 148, 152, 153, 159; Clark, pp. 221–238.

Wentworth on Norfolk Island: Ritchie, pp. 61–72.

Attitude towards his son: Ritchie, p. 68.

George Barrington:
vol. I, alphabetical listing; George Barrington,
George Barrington's Voyage to Botany Bay, Retelling a Convict's Travel Narrative of the 1790s
(not proven authentic, but credible and accurate on much of Barrington's personal history); Tench, pp. 242, 257, 258; Collins, vol. I, p. 205.

Grenville replies to Phillip: 19 February 1791, Cobley,
pp. 123–24.

Collins's bind: Collins to his father, 17 October 1791, Collins Papers, vol. I, p. 62, Dixon Library, State Library of New South Wales.

Attitude towards Major Ross: as for previous note.

Loyalty to Phillip: as for Collins Papers, above.

Extra provisions on Third Fleet ships: Collins, vol. I, p. 150.

The Bryants imprisoned on Koepang:
Currey, p. 31.

pp. 190–208; Currey, pp. 29–31.

Shipped to Batavia:
Currey, pp. 31, 32.

Chapter Twenty-six

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