A Convenient Arrangement (18 page)

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Authors: Maggie Marr

Tags: #FIC027020 FICTION / Romance / Contemporary; FIC044000 FICTION / Contemporary Women

BOOK: A Convenient Arrangement
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Her hand came to her mouth unconsciously, her fingertips to her lips.

“You okay?” Aubrey leaned forward, concern shadowed her face.

“Yeah, of course.” Gwen shook her head and summoned a small false smile. “I just remembered something, a conflict I need to take care of.”

“You look like it’s much worse than that.”

Gwen put a bit more effort into her smile as she typed the name of the person who’d given Aubrey the gorgeous pajamas with the bunny applique into her spreadsheet. Worse than that? It was and it wasn’t. The conflict definitely changed her feelings about what she and Leo were doing together. While she might mean more to him than a convenient arrangement, that didn’t mean he’d want to change his entire vision for his life, and she wouldn’t want him to. No. She’d witnessed how angry, how unhappy, just how bitter a man could be who was forced into being a father. She wouldn’t want that reality for her own children, no matter how much she thought that she might love Leo Travati.

“Are you bringing the boyfriend tomorrow?” Aubrey asked, a warm lilt in her voice.

The boyfriend. Wow, was Leo even that? She’d thought that they’d arrive together for Sunday dinner tomorrow, but now…now…why even have that moment? Why subject everyone to an uncomfortable scene, as it would be when the family found out who she’d been dating, when she already knew the relationship’s inevitable outcome? She was certain the affair with Leo would end. She wanted kids. A marriage. A home life that included PTA, and loud Saturday mornings and soccer and ballet class and messy sticky fingers and well…it would seem Leo didn’t. So why? Why go through the motions of being involved when really, she would just fall deeper and deeper and harder and harder and the pieces of her shattered heart would be that much more impossible to put back together when they finally faced the truth that the two of them wanted completely and utterly different lives.

“Not sure,” Gwen said, avoiding Aubrey’s gaze. “Something may have…he might not be able to come to dinner tomorrow.”

“Oh no.” Aubrey sipped her tea. “Is everything…is everything okay?”

“Just a hiccup, really. A bump. You know how new relationships are. We’ll see. You either work through those things or you don’t.”

“I do know.” Aubrey focused past Gwen, on the picture above the fireplace of her, Max, and Justin. “Well, if the hiccup works out, do bring him. I’m excited to meet him. Justin said that Leo’s bringing the woman he’s been dating. Can’t believe he’s actually bringing a woman to Sunday dinner. He must really care for her. So against type.” She rubbed her foot up and down her shin. “Next thing you know, he’ll be telling us he’s getting married and having kids.” Aubrey said the words as though that was nearly as far-fetched as the sun changing orbit and circling the moon. Gwen had to admit to herself that Aubrey had a point. Really, Leo wanting children, it would seem, would be just as impossible.




“You left early.” Gwen held her keys in her hand. She had arrived back at her walk-up apartment to find Leo standing outside the door, leaning against the wall, all male perfection and casual masculinity. She pasted a smile to her face. He could come and go as he wished. They weren’t tied at the hip; to be fair, no one even knew they were dating. A sliver of sadness sliced through her heart. No one might ever know, not after today, if Gwen was right about her guess as to what had made Leo flee Aubrey’s baby shower.

“I did. But I’ve arrived here bearing gifts.” From behind his back he flourished a bottle of Veuve Clicquot and a bag of Chinese takeout.

“What are we celebrating?” Gwen inserted the key into the lock and opened her front door. Leo followed her into the apartment.

“So many things.” He set the bag and bottle on the entryway table and removed Gwen’s coat. “First your success today. If all the oohs and aahs and all the estrogen oozing through the room were an indicator, the baby shower was a smashing success.”

“Aubrey was pleased.” Gwen hung her purse next to the door.

“Ah yes, well, as long as the mother-to-be was happy, then you did a good job.”

Yes, she’d done a good job, a better than good job. Melancholy drained the joy out of her triumph. “What else?”

“Looks like the numbers for the soft launch of the app are off the charts.”

“That is good news.” She’d had no doubt that Leo’s app would be a success. Anything he touched seemed to turn to gold.

“The best. I thought champagne, Chinese food, and a movie were in order.” He walked by her in the narrow hallway toward the kitchen, where he pulled down plates and took out silverware.

She wanted to be happy. She should be happy. The man she was falling for had been waiting at her front door with two things she loved. But heaviness still surrounded her heart. “Leo, I wanted to—”

He turned his head toward her and smiled. That smile, the devilish smile that carved dimples in his cheeks and put a flashing gleam in his eyes. His gaze focused on her with an intensity, a happiness, a…was that, maybe, a flicker of love? Her heart melted. Her resolve to have a real and honest conversation flitted away like a butterfly in a bright summer breeze. She couldn’t say the words, not now. All she wanted was to sit next to Leo, drink champagne, eat amazing food, and snuggle into his arms. He raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue.

“Let’s eat before our dinner gets cold.”


Chapter 15


“Are you ready for this?” Leo wrapped his arm around Gwen’s waist and pulled her close. Anxiety raced through her body. No, she really wasn’t ready to go to the Travati family Sunday dinner as Leo’s date. She’d gone nearly every Sunday since Aubrey and Justin got married, and she’d embraced the atmosphere of support and love that flowed from the family each week. It was like swimming in a warm sea, a feeling so different from her childhood, but today felt different. Instead of enjoying the welcoming feeling of coming home to be embraced by people she loved, truthfully, she felt a bit sick.

“I think so.”

“You’ll do great. I’m pretty certain the family will love you,” Leo teased.

Yes, the Travati family did love her. She just hoped that her best friend didn’t hate her after her arrival today on Leo’s arm, for not telling her the truth.

The elevator doors slid open into Aubrey and Justin’s home. Max walked by, carrying a tray of crudités, on his way to the living room, where Anthony and Justin yelled at the TV screen. Gwen guessed basketball, since football season was over.

“Hey, Uncle Leo. Going public, huh?” A smile crossed Max’s face. “I thought I saw a little something going on at New Year’s.”

Aubrey’s face flamed, and she pulled her coat tighter around her body.

“Funny, Max.” Leo punched him in the shoulder. “Where’s your mom?”

“She’s in the kitchen. The doctor said last week he’ll probably take her off bed rest when she goes in on Monday, so some sitting up now probably won’t hurt her. Said if she went into labor now, no worries.” Max leaned toward them and lowered his voice. “Gotta say, it’s pretty awesome. Except for yesterday with the party, she’s been really cranky. I’d love to lay around all day, but it seems to make Mom crazy.”

“Where’s the food?” Anthony bellowed from the living room.

“Coming,” Max yelled and rolled his eyes. “See you guys in a bit. Good luck.” Max vanished into the living room.

“That kid’s too smart for sixteen.” Leo took Gwen’s coat and put both his and hers in the closet. He threaded his fingers through Gwen’s, squeezed, smiled, and they walked hand in hand through the dining room and toward the kitchen. “Figured we should get this over with quickly.”

Gwen wished he’d chosen different words.
Over with quickly
. Jeez, she felt like she was marching to the guillotine, and all they were doing was telling her closest friend and Leo’s family that they were dating. She turned the corner into the kitchen. Aubrey sat on a stool at the stove, her back to them, and Nina chopped peppers at the counter. Shelly carried a cup of coffee and a plate of cookies to the kitchen table where her grandmother sat.

“Hey,” Nina said, her eyes lighting up. “Leo, so where’s the lucky lady? We’ve been taking bets on—” Her words halted as she saw Leo and Gwen’s clasped hands. To Nina’s credit, her smile froze onto her face, instead of twisting into a frown.

“Yes, where is she?” Aubrey turned on perch, her belly so very huge. She swept a loose curl from her forehead. She glanced from Leo to Gwen. “You didn’t bring her? Did you bump into Gwen in the elevator?”

“Ahhmm.” Nina cleared her throat and sidled over to Aubrey, dropping her gaze again pointedly to Gwen and Leo’s clasped hands.

“Ha, very funny,” Aubrey said, smiling. “What? The woman you’ve been dating bailed, so you made Gwen pretend?” Aubrey caught Gwen’s eyes and laughed. “What’d he offer you? Reduced rent on office space?”

Gwen couldn’t swallow. She couldn’t speak. Her heart hammered an erratic beat against her ribs. Oh no. This was going to be bad. Very bad.

“We’re not pretending.” Leo wrapped both arms around Gwen so she stood in front of him facing Aubrey and Nina. “Gwen is the woman I’ve been seeing.”

The smile slid from Aubrey’s face like melted ice cream dripping down a cone. She stared at Leo’s arms, holding Gwen close. Her expression glazed over, as though she couldn’t quite process what she saw or what she’d just heard.

“Hey Aubs, you got any more of that spinach artichoke dip?” Justin rounded the corner and pulled up short. “Hey Leo, did you bring the girl?”

“I did.” Leo turned, moving Gwen with him. Justin’s head jerked back and tilted to the side. “Uhhh…wow. Seriously?” His gaze flashed from Aubrey and back to Gwen.

Gwen fought the urge to cry. This wasn’t going as bad as she’d expected—oh no, this was worse, way worse. Nobody was even trying to hide their looks of utter shock. My goodness, how much did everyone not want her to date Leo?

“This is”—he walked toward Aubrey and put his arm around her—“this is a big surprise. Right?” He looked from Aubrey to Nina and over to Shelly. “I mean I’m not the only one who didn’t know, right? This is a surprise for everyone?”

“Not for me,” Mrs. Bello chimed in from the kitchen table. “I’ve suspected this for a while now. You people couldn’t see how these two have looked at each other for months now?”

“You’ve been dating Leo for months?” Aubrey put her hand to her chest.

“No, no, no, no. This is very new…I mean kind of new. We kissed on New Year’s—”

“Oh my God. Max told me he saw you kiss, but I didn’t believe him. I mean, you didn’t say anything about it, either of you. So Max was right?”

Gwen took a deep breath. “He was right that he saw us kiss, yes. But nothing started until—” She glanced at Leo.

“Middle of January,” Leo answered.

“Not very long,” Gwen offered. My God, she felt terrible, as though by hiding this relationship she’d broken her best friend’s heart.

“You lied since January?” Aubrey exclaimed.

“Kept a
,” Gwen offered up. “There’s a difference, right?”

Aubrey’s face clouded and she pressed her hand to her stomach. “I think…” Aubrey slowly stood and headed across the kitchen. “I think I need to lay down for a minute.” Justin reached out to her but she waved him away.

“Look,” Nina began once Aubrey had exited. “She’s an emotional wreck. This reaction has more to do with being eight months pregnant and on bed rest for the last two months than you two.” Nina turned to the counter and started chopping peppers again. “I mean, I think it’s great.” Her gaze lifted and she looked at Leo. “As long as you don’t fuck it up and break her heart.”

Leo expelled air and pulled Gwen in tighter. “Tough crowd.” He pressed his lips to her hair. “You okay?” he whispered.

Gwen nodded, but she wasn’t okay, not really. Her best friend, the woman who had supported her and believed in her and helped Gwen build her business, was upset and alone, and all because Gwen was dating Aubrey’s brother-in-law. Gwen knew deep down that Aubrey was only worried Leo would break her heart, but still, she’d hoped Aubrey might be happy when she saw the two of them together.

“I’m going to check on her.” Gwen slid from Leo’s arms. Justin gave her a solemn look as she passed him, but he didn’t try to stop her.

She walked toward the bedroom. “Aubrey?” Gwen pushed open the door. Aubrey sat on the bed, wiping her eyes with a tissue. “Aubrey, I’m sorry—”

“You don’t have to be sorry.” Gwen sat on the bed beside her. “I mean…you’re a grown woman and I…” The waterworks started again. “I’m sorry I’m crying like this. It has to be the hormones, because a part of me is so so so happy about this and excited because there’s no other woman I’d want as a sister.”

Gwen hesitated, and then asked. “And the other part?”

Aubrey took a deep breath. “And the other part is terrified and yes, a little bit angry. I mean Leo? Leo Travati? We all know what he’s like with women. Granted, there’s no other woman on the planet like you, Gwen. Okay? None. You’re without a doubt the most amazing woman I know—”

“Hey!” Nina stood in the open doorway, a smile on her face and her arms crossed over her chest.

Aubrey arched her brow. “Don’t interrupt, please. I was about to say,
from my very nosy sister, you are the most amazing woman I know. But this is
. And I…” Tears filled Aubrey’s eyes. “And I don’t want you to get hurt.” Aubrey licked her lips. “I want you to have all the things I know that you want. A family and children and a man who loves that life too and I just…” She dabbed at her eyes. “I just don’t see that happening with Leo. It’s not
, it’s simply who Leo is. He doesn’t want those things. He doesn’t want marriage and children and a permanent relationship. Unless”—Aubrey’s eyes widened with hope—“unless you know something I don’t know?”

Gwen swallowed. No. No she didn’t know anything different than the facts about Leo as Aubrey had recited them. Gwen did want all those things: children, a husband, a home, a family filled with love and laughter, and a lifetime of fond memories. She couldn’t give up that life’s dream for any man, not even Leo Travati.

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