A Darkness at Sethanon (30 page)

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Authors: Raymond Feist

Tags: #General, #Fantasy, #Fiction

BOOK: A Darkness at Sethanon
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“No one
knows who lived here,” said Guy. “There is another city,
far to the north, Sar-Sargoth. It is a city twin to this one, and
Murmandamus’s capital.”

Arutha said, “So
if we are to seek him out, there is where we’ll find him.”

“Seek him
out and he’ll see your heads on pikes,” snorted Amos.

Guy indicated
agreement. “We have other needs, Arutha. Last year he
marshalled an army in excess of twenty thousand. As much might as the
Armies of the East at full muster during peaceful times. We braced
ourselves for a full-scale onslaught, but nothing materialized. Now,
I expect your friend here” - he pointed to Baru - “killing
off Murmandamus’s favourite general might have aborted the
campaign. But this year he’s back and he’s even stronger.
We estimate he may have more than twenty-five thousand goblins and
Dark Brothers under his banner, with more arriving every day. I
expect upward of thirty thousand when he marches.”

Arutha looked at
Guy. “Why hasn’t he marched yet?”

Guy spread his
hands, inviting comment from anyone. “He’s waiting for
your death, remember?” instructed Jimmy. “It’s a
religious thing.”

Arutha said, “He
has word by now. That’s what he told that renegade Morgan

Guy’s one
good eye narrowed. “What’s this?”

Arutha told of
the renegade at the inn on the road to Tyr-Sog, and of the plan to
hire Segersen’s engineers.

what he was waiting for,” said Guy, slapping the table. “He
has his magic, but for some reason won’t use it against us.
Without Segersen’s engineers he can’t bring down our
walls.” When Arutha looked uncertain of Guy’s meaning,
Guy said, “If he could bring down Armengar’s walls he
wouldn’t be trying to hire Segersen. No one knows who built
those walls, Arutha, but whoever it was had some skills beyond any
other I’ve knowledge of. I’ve seen fortification of all
manner, but none like Armengar. Segersen’s engineers might not
be able to breach the walls, but they are the only ones I know of
with half a chance to do it.”

“So, with
Segersen not coming, you’re in good position to defend.”

“Yes, but
there are other matters coming to bear as well.” Guy stood.
“We’ve more to discuss, and can continue later; I’ve
a meeting with a city council now. For the present, you are free to
come and go within Armengar at will.” He took Arutha aside and
said, “I need to speak with you in private. Tonight, after the
evening meal.”

The meeting
broke up, with Briana, Armand, and Guy leaving. Dwyne and Amos
lingered behind. Amos approached Arutha and Martin while the Duke
watched the woman leave. “Who is she, Amos?” asked

“One of
the city’s better commanders, Martin. Gwynnath’s

“Now I
understand the look of grief,” said the Duke.

“She just
learned of her mother’s death this morning.” Amos pointed
toward the city. Her patrol was to the west, along the line of
steadings and kraals, and she just returned hours ago.”
Martin’s expression was quizzical. “The farm communities
are steadings and the cattle- and sheepherder communities are kraals.
No, she’s dealing with Gwynnath’s loss. It’s Guy
who has me worried.”

Arutha said, “He
hides his grief well.”

Arutha felt
conflicting emotions. The dislike for Bas-Tyra he had learned at his
father’s knee fought his sympathy at the man’s grief. He
had almost lost Anita, and he could feel that terror and pain echoing
as he considered Guy’s lot. Yet Guy had ordered Anita’s
father imprisoned, which had killed him. And Guy was a traitor.
Arutha pushed aside those feelings, for they troubled him. He walked
with Amos and Martin while Martin continued asking questions about

TEN - Accommodation

poked Locklear in the ribs.

They were
strolling through the market, attempting to see what little of
Armengar was worth seeing. Boys their own age were rare, and those
few who they did see were armed and armoured. What interested Jimmy
was the differences between this market and those in Krondor.

been here an hour or more, and I’ll swear I’ve not seen a
beggar or thief in the lot,” said Jimmy.

sense,” said Locklear. “From what Amos said, trust is
essential to the existence of this city. No thieves, “cause
they all have to hang together, and where would you hide anyway? I
don’t know much about cities and such, but it seems to me this
place is more a garrison than a city, despite its size.”

“You have
that right enough.”

“And there
are no beggars because they probably take care of everyone, like in
the army.”

“Mess and

agreed Locklear.

They wandered
past booths and Jimmy judged the worth of the items displayed.
“Notice any real luxuries?” Locklear indicated he had
not. The booths were devoted to foodstuffs, simple cloth and leather
goods, and weapons. All prices were low, and there seemed little if
any haggling.

After a short
time of walking, Jimmy sat on a door stoop at the edge of the market.
“This is boring.”

“I see
something that’s not boring.”

Jimmy said,

Locklear pointed. Two girls had emerged from the press of shoppers
and were examining goods at a booth near the edge of the market. They
appeared about the same age as the boys. Both were similarly attired,
leather boots, trousers, tunics, leather overvests, belt knives, and
swords. Each wore a rolled scarf to hold her shoulder-length dark
hair out of her eyes. The taller girl noticed Jimmy and Locklear
watching them and said something to her companion. The second girl
regarded the boys while the two whispered, heads together. The first
girl put back the items she had been holding, and she and her friend
walked over to Jimmy and Locklear.

said the taller, her blue eyes regarding them frankly.

Jimmy got to his
feet and was surprised to find the girl almost as tall as he was.
“Well what?” he responded in halting Armengarian.

“You were
staring at us.”

Jimmy glanced
down at Locklear, who stood. “Is there something wrong with
that?” asked the younger boy, who spoke the language better
than Jimmy.

The two girls
exchanged glances and laughed, little more than giggles. “It is

strangers,” ventured Locklear.

The two girls
laughed openly at that. “That is clear. We heard of you.
Everyone in Armengar has heard of you.”

blushed. It only took a moment’s thought to realize that he and
Jimmy were markedly different in appearance from everyone in sight.
The second girl studied Locklear with dark eyes and said, “Do
you stare at girls where you come from?”

With a sudden
grin, Locklear said, “Every chance I get.”

All four
laughed. The taller girl said, “I am Krinsta; this is Bronwynn.
We serve in the Tenth Company. We have liberty until tomorrow night.”

Jimmy didn’t
know the significance of the reference to company, but he said, “I’m
Squire James - Jimmy. This is Squire Locklear.”


Bronwynn said,
“You have the same name?”

Locklear said,”
“Squire” is a title. We are in service to the Prince.”

The girls
exchanged questioning looks. Krinsta said, “You speak of
outlandish things we do not understand.”

In a fluid
motion, Jimmy slipped his arm inside hers and said, “Well then,
why don’t you show us the city and we’ll explain our
outlandish ways.”

Locklear followed his friend’s example, but it wasn’t
clear who grabbed whose arm first, he or Bronwynn.

With girlish
laughter, Bronwynn and Krinsta took the boys in tow and they made
their way through the streets of the city.

Martin ate
quietly, studying Briana while he listened to the dinner
conversation. Arutha’s company, except for Jimmy and Locklear,
sat around a large table with Guy, Amos, and Briana. Another of Guy’s
commanders, Gareth, also dined with them. The boys’ absence was
no cause for alarm, Amos had assured them, for there was no trouble
in the city they could find without the Protector hearing about it at
once. And there was no way they could leave the city, even for one as
gifted as Jimmy. Arutha was not as sure of that as Amos, but forwent

Arutha knew he
and Guy would quickly have to come to an understanding, and he had
some sense of what it would be, but he deferred speculation until he
heard what Guy had to say in private. Arutha studied the Protector.
Guy had fallen into a black mood, which in a strange way reminded
Arutha of his father when in a similar frame of mind. Guy had eaten
little, but had been steadily drinking for an hour.

Arutha turned
his attention to his brother, who had been behaving in a most unusual
fashion since morning. Martin could be quiet for long periods of
time, a trait they both shared, but since meeting Briana he had
become almost mute. She had arrived with Amos in Arutha’s suite
for the noon meal, and since then Martin hadn’t uttered a dozen
words to anyone. But over this meal, as over that earlier one, his
eyes had spoken volumes, and if Arutha could judge such things,
Briana answered. At least, she seemed to spend more time observing
Martin than anyone else at the table.

Guy had said
little during the course of the evening. If Briana’s mother had
been anything like her, Arutha understood Guy’s loss, for in
the short hours he had observed her, he had come to count her a rare
woman. He also could understand Martin’s being attracted to
her. There was nothing pretty about her, but as different as she was
from his beloved Anita, there was a powerful appeal in her, a rough,
determined quality of competence that was magnetic. She seemed
without artifice, and in Arutha’s judgment there was something
in her manner that suggested her nature was a match for his
brother’s. Arutha’s attention had been focused for a long
time upon grave considerations, but he still had a moment for
amusement; he judged Martin was quickly sinking in deep waters.

The meal was
somewhat strange to Arutha and Martin, for there were no servants in
Guy’s hall, or in any part of Armengar. Soldiers brought food
to the Protector’s quarters as a courtesy, but he served
himself, as did his guests. Amos had remarked that most nights he and
Armand would lug the serving ware back down to the scullery and give
a hand washing it. Everyone in the city helped.

When the meal
was finished, Amos said, % Gareth and Armand are due to make rounds
of the walls. We’re spared the scullery this night so we might
act the proper hosts. Would you care to join us?” It was a
general invitation to all at the table. Roald, Laurie, and Baru asked
to join them, the Hadati especially wishing to see more of his
distant kin.

Martin rose and,
in what appeared a heroic effort for him, said to Briana, “Perhaps
the commander would show me the city?” He seemed equally
pleased and distressed when she agreed.

Arutha motioned
for him to go with the woman, indicating he would stay behind to
speak with Guy. Martin hurried out of the hall as Briana led the way.

In the long hall
that led to the lift, Martin paused to look at the city lights below.
A thousand glittering points shone in the sable darkness. “As
often as I pass this way,” said Briana, “I never tire of
the sight.” Martin nodded agreement. “Is your home like

Martin didn’t
look at her. “Crydee?” he thought aloud. “No. My
castle is tiny compared to this citadel, and the town of Crydee is
but a tenth the size of this city. We have no giant wall about it,
nor are all its people constantly under arms. It is a peaceful place,
or so it seems now. Before, I used to shun it as much as I could,
staying in the forests, to hunt and be alone with my thoughts. Or I
would go to the tallest tower of my castle and watch the sun set over
the ocean. That is the best time of day. In the summer the breeze
from off the water cools the heat of day while the sun plays colours
across the water. In the winter the towers are draped in white and it
seems a storied place. You can see mighty clouds rolling in from the
ocean. And even more magnificent are the lightning storms, with
flashes and booming thunder, as if the sky were alive.” He
looked down and saw her studying him. Suddenly he felt foolish, and
smiled slightly, his only sign of embarrassment. “I ramble.”

“Amos has
told me of oceans.” She tilted her head a little, as if
considering. “It seems a strange thing, all that water.”

Martin laughed a
little, feeling his nervousness diminish. “It is a strange
thing, strange and powerful. I’ve never liked ships, but I’ve
had to sail them, and after a while you appreciate how beautiful the
sea can be. It is like . . .” He halted, words not coming.
“Laurie should tell you, or Amos. Both have a flair for words I

She placed her
hand upon his arm. “I would rather hear them from you.”
She turned toward the window, her face sculptured by orange
torchlight, her hair a black crown in the half-light. She was silent
for a long moment and then looked at Martin. “Are you a good

Suddenly Martin
was grinning, feeling like a fool. “Yes, very good.” Both
knew there was no false boasting, just as there would be no false
modesty. “I am elven-taught and know only one man who may be a
fairer archer than I.”

“I enjoy
the hunt but rarely have time, now that I command. Perhaps we may
steal away some time and look for game. It is more dangerous here
than in your Kingdom, perhaps, for while we hunt, others may be
hunting us.”

Coolly Martin
said, “I have dealt with the moredhel before.”

She regarded him
frankly. “You are a strong man, Martin.” Placing her hand
upon his arm, she said, “And I think a good man, as well. I am
Briana, daughter of Gwynnath and Gurtman, of the line of Alwynne.”
These were formal words, yet there was something else in them, as if
somehow she was revealing herself to him, reaching out to him.

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