A Debt Paid (16 page)

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Authors: Joslyn Black

BOOK: A Debt Paid
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Chapter 29


Anya laid in wait for Calix’s answer.
Calix ran one hand through his hair.
“I was going to tell you, of course.”

Hearing his words, Anya
immediately thought of the worst,
He slept
with someone else already! Or tried to,
Her eyes started to shine with
the beginning of tears from her hurt and
anger. She jumped off him, sitting herself
up, scrambling to grab a sheet or part of the
blanket to cover her nakedness as she
fumblingly tried to get out of bed.

Calix sat up, reaching for her arm.
“Anya, no,” his voice was stern, “you don’t
understand; you didn’t let me finish.”

“No!” she yelled at him. “Let go of
me!” She was crying tears of anger now,
flailing her arms around, trying to free
herself from his grasp.

“No. Anya, no!” He used his full
strength, struggling with her and yanked
her down back onto the bed. Using his body
to pin her as she twisted and tried bucking
him off. He got hold of both her arms held
them down above her head with one of his.
“Anya, listen to me.”

She’d given up trying to get free. She
was crying, which only pissed her off more,
so she lay there, squeezing her eyes shut
with her head turned away from him.

“Damn it, Anya, listen to me.” With
his free hand, he roughly grabbed her chin
and forced her to face him, though she still
had her eyes shut, and her lips were
quivering as she tried to hold in her tears
and pain.

He rested his forehead on hers.
“Anya, I love you, only you, and I have
never loved anyone before, you need to
understand that. After we talked last night,
I felt lost, I felt hopeless, and I’m not used
to feeling that way. I needed to talk; I
needed someone to comfort me that has
never happened to me before. It was too
late to call my mother. I have no real close
friends. Business contacts, associates, but
no one I trust with my personal life. So, I
called my uncle. He was in the middle of
business and said we’d talk later.”

He took in a deep breath and

“I started drinking, a lot. I’m not
sure when or how many drinks I’d had by
then, but someone knocked on the door
without being announced. Which, as you
know, means it’s someone from the
approved family list.”

He released her chin, and she turned
her head to the side once more. He saw the
tears still streaming from her closed eyes
and leaned down to kiss them away. She
jumped at the contact, and her breathing

“Anya,” he whispered, “please.”

But her only change was that she
stiffened, as though telling him with her
body that she was indifferent to what he
was saying and that he may be holding her
down, but the minute he wasn’t, she was
gone. He took in another breath before he

“I went to open the door; it was
Natalia. I was surprised, because she’s not
on the list. She said she was with my uncle
when I called, and he asked her to come
over because I needed someone to talk to.
We went to the couch. We were actually
talking about you, and I was still drinking. I
don’t remember how we got there, but, all
of a sudden, she was going down on me,
but I didn’t want her. I, uh, I couldn’t get
hard. Then I started thinking about you,
about our last night together when you did
that for me, how hesitant you were, how
good you felt, and I hardened. I was so
drunk and wanted you so much, I got lost
in my fantasy of you, forgetting who was
actually touching me; I was even calling out
your name. I was about to come, but I
wanted you pregnant, and I didn’t want to
come in your mouth, so I pulled you off,
flipped you over, and was about to push
into you. But, I always loved watching how
your eyes roll back when I first enter you. I
looked down, and your blue eyes weren’t
looking back at me. I jumped back and off
her, realizing what I was about to do. I
cussed and threw her out.”

Anya turned her head back to face
him and slowly opened her eyes. His eyes
locked with hers. He leaned down and
again rested his forehead on hers.

“I went to take a cold shower. I was
so pissed at myself, at my uncle for sending
her, at her for actually coming. I–I even
prayed in the shower. I was in such need of
you the cold shower didn’t help.”

He gulped, slowly raising his head to
look into her wide shocked eyes.

“This is embarrassing, but I sprayed
your perfume on your pillow, took one of
your nighties from your drawer, and closed
my eyes pictured you and wrapped my dick
with your nightie, and stroked myself till I
came. Then I went to sleep.”

He waited for her to say something,
but all she did was turn her head to the
other side, as though she was trying to see
the nightgown on the floor.

“You didn’t sleep with her?”
“No, love, I only want you.”
“But, but you let her…” She didn’t
finish but closed her eyes again.

Calix released her arms and placed
his forearms on each side of her head and
caressed her cheek. In a sad sorrowful and
regretful voice, he answered her unfinished

“Yes. I was drunk and trying to force
myself to not want you. My uncle had been
telling me for days to give up on you. To
move on, that you wouldn’t forgive me, but
I couldn’t. Anya, I couldn’t get hard without
thinking of you. I couldn’t finish. Please,
forgive me, nothing like that will happen
again. I thought we were done, that there
was no hope; it’s not an excuse, I know, but
I want you to understand the reason.
Please, please, Anya, love, forgive me. I love
you. I want to marry. I want to have as
many children as I can fill you with. Only

She stared at him. “You’re always
doing something I have to forgive.”

“I’ve only done two things, big
things, yes, but you know I will never do
anything like that again, I love you.”

He was hard again, just talking
about the future he wanted for them. She
could feel him against the top of her sex.
She lay there silent, and Calix started to
plant soft kisses all over her. “Forgive me,”
he said after every kiss.

Anya stopped his kisses. “I need you
to understand something, Calix. I love you,
but love only goes so far. I refuse to be my
mother. Three strikes, and you’re out. I
won’t just leave you, I will do everything to
ruin you publicly and any other way I can. I
will hurt you one hundred times more than
you hurt me. I don’t care if it’s now or years
from now. Kids or no kids, I will ruin you,
then I will disappear, and you know I have
the means to do it. I refuse to be weak
anymore. You will not disrespect me, will
not cheat on me, not control me or my life,
you will be a part of it, understand?”

Calix smiled down at her. “Always
my tigress. Believe it or not, I don’t want a
simpering wife. I told you I want a real wife
in every way. One of the things I love most
about you is your strength. I will never hurt
you again, and, if I do, you can even call
Uncle Vito.” He smiled down at her then
lowered his head slowly, stopping just a
breath away from her lips, letting her
choose. She raised her hands, entangling
them in his hair while pulling him down to

He let out a long, mangled groan of
pleasure as he shifted his hips and entered
her slowly. His moves were slow and
steady, trying to put all the love he felt for
her into the movements, but he could tell
that right now that was not what she
wanted. In the time they’d been together,
he’d learned what she wanted by her
moves and gestures when she was in the
mood for slow and steady or hard and
rough. Right now, she was being
aggressive, biting his lips, neck, and
shoulder. One hand fisted in his hair,
pulling, and the other digging into his back.
God, how excited he got when she was like
this. He threw his head back and growled
at her.

“You want to play?” he asked
roughly as he looked to her face for his
answer. He saw that her mouth was slightly
open, her breathing heavy, her eyes
sparkled with seductiveness, and he had
his answer. Taking her by surprise, trying
not to break their connection, he dragged
her to the edge of the bed. He stood up,
pulled her legs up, putting one on each of
his shoulders and started to slam into her.
Her eyes rolled back and closed just the
way he liked to see, and her hands reached
above her, grasping for whatever she could
get a hold of as she started to cry out.

“Fuck! Calix. Ahh.”

Seeing what he could do to her,
what he could make her feel, made him
even harder, if that were even possible, and
more feral, like a lion mating with his
lioness on the savannah.

“This what you want?” he asked his
voice low and rough. Her resounding moan
wasn’t enough of an answer for him.
Suddenly, he pulled out and flipped her
over and crashed into her again. She threw
her head back and screamed. He had one
hand squeezing at the curve of her hip
while the other tangled in her hair, gently
pulling. He grunted out his question as he
continued to thrash at her.

“Or is this what you want? Tell me,
tell me now.”
When she didn’t answer, he pulled
tighter on her hair.
“Ah, yes,” she yelled in between
gasps of air.

He felt her starting to tighten, and
her legs shaking. She was going to come
and come hard. Within a minute, she was
biting and fisting the bed sheets, her eyes
closed as the most powerful orgasm she’d
ever had washed over her whole body. The
strength of this orgasm left her head fuzzy,
her nipples tingling, and her cunt sopping
wet. It’s a good thing she was bent over the
bed, or she would most likely have
collapsed onto the floor.

“You–did–this–to, me,” he
panted. “All–I–want–is, you–just–
are–mine–for–ever! Oh fuck!” he
choked out as he came, gloriously
filling her yet again with his warm
seed. His climax is so intense his
knees actually trembled, and he had
to keep hold of her hips to steady
himself. He dropped his head and let
it hang as he gathered himself.
When he opened his eyes two
minutes later, he was still standing
and buried inside her. He looked
down at Anya and chuckled. Anya
had actually passed out in sleep.

Chapter 30

Calix gathered Anya in to his arms
and crawled up the bed with her and laid
her down. He pulled the comforter back up,
lay down next to her, and covered them up.
He was happy. He was complete. With Anya
back in his arms, he fell into a blissful sleep.


Nicole had decided to wait to call
Anya, but she was too excited. She knew
Anya would want to know right away, and
Nicole knew it had been several hours
since she had landed. She was sure that
Anya and Calix must have talked and made
up by now. With the time difference, it was
a few hours earlier than it was where she
was so she could call and not be disturbing
her sleep. Nicole snickered
. Like she was
actually going to get any sleep
, she thought.
Her mind changed and made up, Nicole
went to a quiet corner in the ER to call


Anya woke up slowly to her
stomach grumbling. She really hadn’t eaten
all day. Calix was wrapped around her,
asleep. He had a total death grip on her
waist, like he was scared she would leave
as he slept. She gently tried to remove Calix
hand, so she could sneak out of bed and get
something to eat.

The moment she lifted his arm, he
woke instantly, gripping her tighter.
“Where are you going?” he asked.

“I’m hungry, I haven’t eaten all day. I
was going to make some dinner.”

He hesitated before he let her go.
“Okay, love, why don’t we shower, and then
I’ll make you your favorite dish.”

Anya smiled at him and kissed his
lips. “Sounds good to me.” She giggled.

God, how he had missed her. He
swore to himself there and then, he would
make sure to never screw up again. He
needed her too much. He was empty and
void of life without her. He knew that his
life before her had been shallow, and he
never wanted that again.

Anya and Calix were fresh from the
shower. She was wearing nothing but her
silk robe, and Calix wore boxer briefs. Even
though they had made love again in the
shower, Calix had asked her to only wear
her robe, so he could touch her skin freely.
He preferred her naked, but she didn’t
want to walk around that way. She was
straightening up the living room as Calix
began to cook their dinner. The delectable
smells and aromas coming from the kitchen
were making her already empty stomach
gurgle more in protest.

Calix raised his voice and asked
Anya if she would like a glass of wine
before dinner. She said yes and walked into
the kitchen to get the glass he had poured
her. Walking up into the kitchen, she stood
behind Calix and wrapped her arms around
him as he moved things around on the
stove. Then she kissed him on the center of
his bare back and went to get her glass
sitting on the counter.

“Keep that up and dinner will be late
or burnt, because I will take you on the
counter,” he said lasciviously while
wiggling his eyebrows at her.

Anya couldn’t help but laugh at his
playfulness. As she leaned against the
counter, she sipped her wine and watched
as Calix cooked. Her phone began to ring,
breaking the companionable silence. She
stood up straight, setting her glass down
about to go and answer it. Calix reached
out for her and stopped her.

“Don’t answer it, I want it to be just
us tonight.”

“I have to get it only my mother and
Nicole have that number. If they’re calling,
it must be important.”

He relented and let her go to answer
her phone. Now where exactly was her
phone? She forgot where she had placed
her purse when she came in. So she just
followed the sound of the ringing. She
walked into their bedroom and saw that
she had placed her purse on their dresser.
As she opened her purse the phone
stopped ringing.
she thought as she
missed the call, but it started to ring again.

“Anya, you didn’t call me when you
“Oh God, I’m sorry, Nicole, I was so
distracted I forgot.”

“I figured. Look, I didn’t want to
interrupt you and Calix, but I’m too excited,
and this is big news.”

“What is it?” Anya’s gut tightened as
she asked Nicole. Something in the back of
her mind already knew what Nicole was
calling about.

“Okay, you ready?”
“Yes,” Anya replied breathlessly.
“Your test results came back. You,
my darling girl, are, in fact, pregnant.”

Anya gasped and nearly dropped
the phone. She stuttered as she asked her
next question, “Are they positive?”

“Anya, it’s a blood test, there’s no
refuting a blood test.”
“How far along am I?”

“The blood test doesn’t show that.
You’ll have to go to an OBGYN they’ll
estimate by the date of your last menstrual
cycle. You may be able to pay to get an
ultrasound to get a more accurate

“Oh my God.” Anya started to get
“I know,” Nicole replied giddily.
“Oh my God!” Anya shouted in her

“I know, Anya, honey.
Congratulations! I know you want this
baby. Now, I’m going to leave you to tell
Calix, but when you find out how far along
you are, you better call me. Do you hear

“Yes,” Anya agreed buoyantly. They
said their goodbyes and hung up.

Calix heard Anya yell when she was
on the phone. Panic struck him, and he
dropped the spatula and ran to their
bedroom. Anya was standing there, her
eyes glassy, staring blankly at her phone.

“Anya, love, what’s wrong? Tell me,
tell me now,” he begged as he clutched her
by her shoulders.

“It’s not what’s wrong, it’s what’s
right,” she answered as she looked up at

Calix was thoroughly confused, how
could something be right if she was yelling?
“What? I don’t understand.”

With a God awful toothy grin
plastered on her face she told him, “I’m

Calix stilled.
How was
that possible? She took a test, and he saw
the test it was negative. He didn’t
understand. He gently pulled her to the bed
with him as he sat down.

“How? I saw the test; it was
“It was a false negative.”

“Yes, if you take a test too soon after
your missed period or late in the day when
your urine is less potent, you can get a false

He pulled her close and nestled his
face in her belly. His voice muffled. “God,
Anya, I can’t believe it, how far along are

“I don’t know, the blood test doesn’t
tell you that. I’ll need to go to an OBGYN
and possibly get an ultrasound to find out.”

“Blood test?”

“When I was talking to my friend, I
told her everything. She’s a nurse and said
that I may still be pregnant. That I took the
test wrong and too soon, so she arranged
for me to have a blood test. They’re
basically like one hundred percent

He pulled back, placed his hand
gently on her stomach, and looked up at
her with awe. “My child.”

“Yes.” She nodded.
“My child.”
“Yes,” she repeated and smiled at

He jumped up, taking her with him
and spun her around. When he put her
back down, he kissed her with such
emotion, such sincerity, Anya couldn’t help
but respond to him. They tumbled onto the
bed together, hands roaming, caressing,
and kisses placed on every possible body
surface they could reach.

“You’re mine now completely. I am a
part of you, and you a part of me joined in
our child,” he crooned as he caressed and
kissed her.

“Yes.” Being the only reply that she
could voice.
“I love you, Anya.”

Across the street from the entrance
of their penthouse a man sat watching from
his darkly tinted car. He reached for his
phone and placed the call.

“Hello,” answered the angry voice.
“She’s here. I just saw her walk into
the building.”

“That little bitch. No doubt she
knew, as well as her mother. Fucking cunt
probably asked him to do it all. Well, I’m
not going down by myself. You know what
to do, take care of it. And leave no fucking
trace, I want this to fall on him.”

“Yes, sir.”
And the line went dead.

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