A Family Guide To Keeping Chickens (13 page)

BOOK: A Family Guide To Keeping Chickens
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Although there is little for the chickens to damage in the garden, we have recently reclaimed some space while trying to build a new terrace. Every time my husband swung the pickaxe, he would find a chicken underneath, waiting for the worms to appear. Green plastic netting has proved ideal for keeping chickens out – cheaper than wire and easier to move.

Having chickens around is fun and their eggs are fantastic – deep gold and richly flavoured from their varied diet. We keep around twenty pure-breed and cross-breed chickens, so eggs are plentiful in spring and summer but tend to disappear over winter.

Pure-breed chickens are an exotic addition to the garden. Letting them free-range keeps work to a minimum, although we have to be around to shut them in and let them out, so our lives tend to revolve around their schedules.

. . . on a farm

Anne has kept chickens for many years but when she and her husband Charles moved to their farm, she was able to expand.

Their previous henhouse (from the Domestic Fowl Trust) had given years of loyal service and was passed on to a daughter. Anne chose a larger model from the same company, capable of taking up to fifty birds. The hens were to free-range around a wooded area on the farm.

The first hybrid hens were purchased from the local poultry auction and egg production was soon in full swing. Unfortunately, the local fox population became interested and hens began to disappear. Eventually there was no option but to invest in electric poultry netting.

The hens now live safely behind 100 m of fence, where they forage for grubs amongst the bushes and trees. When they need fresh ground, it takes Anne and Charles about three hours to move the netting.

With security taken care of, Charles presented Anne with twenty Warren hybrids one Christmas, and she now has around thirty hens in all. These include a few pure-breeds – Wyandottes, Welsummers and Marans. ‘The dark brown eggs are popular,’ Anne says, ‘but it’s a nuisance when the pure-breeds go broody. They stop laying, take up the nest-boxes and require extra attention.’

Eggs are sold from the farm gate and Anne has no shortage of customers. She makes a small profit after paying for feed and has plenty of eggs for her own use too. Although she has considered going into egg-production more seriously, she feels the extra work involved is too much for a busy farmer’s wife.

Key Points

Give chickens as much space as possible – don’t overstock

A small fixed run requires ground cover that can be cleaned and replaced

Two smaller runs used in rotation are better than one large run

Good-quality materials and careful maintenance are essential for a secure chicken run

If the run isn’t roofed, the fence should be at least 2 m high and angled outwards 50 cm

The bottom of the fence should be dug in 50 cm and turned outwards 50 cm – remember the area under the door

Movable housing has many advantages

Unlimited free-range may not be practical in an average garden

Free-range hens might need protection from daytime predators

Electric poultry netting allows chickens to be moved around and keeps predators out

Mains power is more reliable, otherwise 12-volt batteries will be required

Make sure the energizer is powerful enough to run an efficient fence

The correct earth and proper connectors are essential

Keep electrified wires away from any material not insulated from the ground

It’s important to keep vegetation trimmed and to test the fence regularly

Correctly installed electric fencing is safe – but netting may be hazardous to some animals

The house should be large enough for all the chickens to roost comfortably, but not so big they can’t keep themselves warm

Position the chicken house in a well-drained spot with shade and shelter

Check poultry arks for ease of access and headroom for the birds

A house raised above ground makes good use of space and avoids creating a home for vermin

Cheap housing can be poor economy

Look for solid construction and pressure-treated timber in a wooden henhouse

In plastic housing check especially for stability, insulation and ventilation

The house must be watertight with a roof angled to shed water easily

Roofing felt is a haven for red mite

Second-hand housing may harbour disease and parasites

Both house and run must be secure and strong enough to keep out predators

Check for weak spots, especially around doors and nest-boxes

Look for sturdy fixings and bolts

Chicken wire isn’t strong enough to keep out predators

Good ventilation is essential

There should be at least one pop-hole as well as a large door

The house should have separate nest-boxes with outside access

Nest-boxes should be lower than the perches

Check manoeuvrability if the house will be moved regularly

Make sure the house is easy to clean thoroughly


There are lots of different ways of keeping chickens – how will you keep yours?

Question One

If your garden is small, should you:

(a) Keep as many chickens as you can squeeze in?

(b) Have just a few chickens and give them as much room as possible?

(c) You can’t keep chickens unless you have a very large garden

Question Two

What happens to the grass in a chicken run?

(a) The chickens scratch it up and eat it

(b) It grows very long and has to be cut regularly

(c) The chickens keep it short by nibbling the tips

Question Three

What would be the best place for a henhouse?

(a) A wet area where there are plenty of puddles

(b) In the middle of a sunny lawn

(c) In the shade of a hedge or fence

Question Four

Why is it important for a chicken house to be strong and secure?

(a) To stop the chickens from escaping

(b) To keep the chickens safe from foxes

(c) To keep out the cold night air

Question Five

What is a pop-hole?

(a) The little door the chickens use

(b) An opening for ventilation

(c) The door to the nest-box


One (b); Two (a); Three (c); Four (b); Five (a)

Did you know all the answers – or do you need another peek at
Chapter 3

Chicken Chat

‘Cooped up’: A chicken house is often called a coop. We talk about someone being cooped up if they are shut in a confined space. For example: ‘I wish we didn’t have to be cooped up in this stuffy classroom on such a lovely day!’

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