Read A Family Man Online

Authors: Sarah Osborne

A Family Man (9 page)

BOOK: A Family Man
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Dear Joe

Thank you for your letter and the drawing of the unicorn. I put it on my bedroom wall mom says you was always a good artist. I hope you are ok and don't get mad again so you can call me. I don't like it if you can't call. I went with mom to the hospital to see pictures of her baby its going to be a boy. Rob says if I am good and don't get put on repot this term he will by me a pony. That is cool. I am being good at school now. I am going now cuz I want to play with my friends. I have drawn a picture of the pony for you to put on your wall. I miss you. Love you lots. Amy xxxxxxxxx


Hi Amy,

Thank you for your letter and the picture of the pony, you're a pretty good artist too. I'm sorry I got mad and wasn't allowed to call you, I'm an idiot sometimes. I will call you next week, I promise.

A baby brother, wow. That's pretty cool, huh? I hope you're going to help your mom take care of him.

I'm glad to hear things are going ok at school now, keep it up. I always knew you were a smart kid. I reckon that getting a pony should stop you getting into trouble. It sounds like things are going ok for you now. I'm really pleased for you Amy, I really want you to be happy.

I miss you too sugar. More that you'll ever know.

I'll speak to you soon, give your mom a kiss from me.

Love you lots, Joe xxxxx


Joe lay back on his bunk and closed his eyes. He really hated himself right now. All he had to do was keep his head down and stay out of trouble and he couldn't even manage that. Not only did he get solitary for a week, but he dragged Samson down with him. It wasn't like him to lose his cool, and smashing some jerk's head into the floor for bumping into him was inexcusable. He looked up as the door swung open and a warden stood waiting to escort him back onto his block. "On your feet, Taylor." Joe dragged himself to his feet with a grunt of pain. He guessed he deserved the beat-down he got. His ribs hurt like a bitch, though. Once shackled, he stood waiting as his president was brought out. Samson grinned at the expression on his brother's face as he shuffled through the door. "It's all good, Tiny. I'll be back to my normal handsome self in no time."

"Silence!" The guard pushed him hard in the back, causing Samson to growl. Joe clenched his fists.
One day that nasty little shit would get his.


Once back in their cell, Joe eased himself carefully onto his bunk. "I'm sorry, man."

Samson chuckled. "It's cool. Would appreciate it if you could refrain from any more shit kicking between now and the next parole hearing, though. I really would like to get out of here."

"I'll do my best." Joe gave a rueful grin. "Pretty keen on getting out of here, myself."


Samson sat on his own bunk and watched his cell mate. This wasn't the first time they'd done a bid together, and it was unlike Joe to lose his cool. He figured that it had something to do the mother of the kid he was writing to. Since finding out she was knocked up, he had been walking on a knife edge, and it was only a matter of time until he really lost his shit. He sighed. Tiny wouldn't be the first to be brought to his knees by some gash, and he doubted he'd be the last. He glanced at the bunch of kid's drawings stuck to the bulletin board. "Kid doing okay?"

"Yeah." He gave a small smile. "She's a tough kid. Ain’t much keeps her down."

Samson nodded but said nothing. He couldn't imagine loving a kid that wasn't his own, the way Joe did. There could be no denying, though, Joe did love that little girl, as much as if she was his own.


Finally, they had a release date. In two weeks' time, after serving two years of a four year sentence, they would be going home. Joe walked back from the payphone with a huge grin on his face. His mom had cried at the news, and Amy had screamed with delight, especially when he had promised to fly out to see her as soon as he could.

He knew that until his parole was up, he was going to have to
act smart. The Feds had only been able to make the bribery charge stick. Both Joe and Samson had denied knowing what was in in the container, where it had come from, or where it was headed. They both stuck to their story about being approached by a stranger in a bar. And despite the fact it was obviously bullshit, without any physical evidence to tie either of them to the stolen car parts, the smuggling charges were dropped. It did mean, however, that the Feds would be watching them like hawks. One little slip-up and they would be back in the slammer before their feet touched the ground. Luckily the little fat port official who had double-crossed them had been taken care of while they were inside, giving them an airtight alibi.

Joe had already decided that as there were no travel restrictions tied to his parole agreement, he would spend the next two years traveling as much as possible. Maybe spend some time on the east coast and the midwest. But as soon as he'd visited his ma, he would head out to Miami. He needed to see with his own eyes that Amy really was okay.


He stood on the parking lot of the Harley dealership, gazing at the gleaming Dyna. It was perfect, pure outlaw. He grinned as he approached the sales office. He would never be able to thank Beth enough for lending him the shortfall. His credit rating was nonexistent, and there was no way he'd be able to get financing. Although he knew she earned good money as a legal secretary, it must have been a stretch for her to find six grand, just like that. He'd pay her back, every damn penny, with interest. She'd laughed when he told her that. Just kissing him on the cheek and saying he'd earned it by looking out for Maria and Amy all those years.

They'd always been close, ever since they were kids. He'd always looked on her like his baby sister. But during his latest bid they'd grown even closer. She was a lovely girl, open and honest, with a generous nature. He really hoped one day she would find a man deserving of her.

Now he had a decent bike, he decided against flying out to Miami. Instead he would travel east from chapter to chapter, picking up jobs here and there. He wouldn't rush. Amy was doing okay, full of talk about her new pony and baby brother, and he needed to earn. Even if he took his time, he could be with her by the end of the month.


Amy pulled the saddle from her pony's back and hung it over the fence, before removing his bridle and turning him loose in the paddock. She waved to her mom, who was leaning on the hood of the jeep with baby Jack in her arms.

Life in Miami hadn't turned out to be so bad—although, despite his generous gift of Sparky, the little dapple gray pony, she still didn't like Rob. Most of the time she managed to stay out of his way. His job was quite important and he was often busy, and she always found ways to avoid being alone with him. Although recently he was becoming more insistent that they spent time together. Amy really wasn't happy about this. He always made her feel uncomfortable.

Maybe when Joe came, she would talk to him. Even though he wasn't as perfect as she first thought he was, and despite their long separation, she still trusted him more than anyone. He might not always be able to be with her. But he was always honest, and she knew he would do whatever he could to keep her safe. She sighed. She missed him so much.

It was only a short drive from the livery yard back to their house. Amy sat in the back seat and played with Jack. She loved her little brother very much, even though he seemed to take all her mom's time. Her mom had never had much time for her anyway. As they turned into their street her mom turned. "Looks like you have a visitor, sweetheart."

Amy looked out of the window. There, sitting astride a big black Harley, was the person she was so desperate to see. "Joe!"

She jumped from the car and ran towards him as fast as her legs could carry her. He dismounted and she launched herself at him, laughing with delight as he spun her round and kissed her hard on her cheek. "Hey, sugar. You smell like a horse."

"Hey, Joe." She buried her face in his neck. "You smell like you."

He set her on the ground and examined her closely. "Shit, sugar, whatever they been feeding you? If you grow any more, you gonna be taller than me."


He grinned and stroked her hair. Apart from shooting up like a weed, she hadn't changed that much. Her hair was still white blonde and she still had that cute lopsided grin. "Still as beautiful as ever." He kissed her forehead and looked up as Maria approached holding a tousle haired toddler on her hip. "Hey."

She smiled. "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah. Can I take Amy on the bike? I've bought her a helmet and I swear I'll be careful."

"Sure. I know you'll take good care of her." She reached out and touched his cheek. "I'm glad you're out."

She turned to Amy, who was already climbing onto the back of his bike. "You hold on tight and do whatever Joe says."

Amy rolled her eyes and took the helmet from Joe. "Yes, Mom."


It was just a short ride to the nearest beach. Joe didn't want to ride with her for too long. Her feet only just reached the pegs, and he hated riding slowly. They dismounted and headed for a stand selling candy and soda. He bought them each a Coke and led her to a quiet spot on the beach, where they sat down and looked out over the sea. Amy rested her head against his arm. "I really missed you."

"I missed you too, sugar. I'm sorry I let you down."

"I'm okay. I don't mind living here now. I miss you and Nana Sophie, and Beth. But I've made friends and I start junior high next year."

"I'm glad it's turned out okay for you ,sugar."

They both fell silent for a while, just enjoying being in each other's presence. Amy shifted. "Joe?"

"Yes, sugar."

"Can I come stay with you?"

"I thought you said you were okay here now."

"I am. But in the summer break, I'd really like to go back home, just for a little while."

"I'll talk to your mom. See if we can't arrange something."

"Really?" She threw her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. "You really are the best, Joe."

"I know, sugar."


The rest of the day was spent goofing around on the beach and hanging round the beach side shops buying stupid stuff. They didn't talk much. Joe was planning on sticking around for a few days, and they needed time to reacquaint themselves. Two years apart was a long time, especially for a kid. Although she was obviously much happier now, Joe still couldn't help but get the feeling that she was holding out on him. Hopefully by the end of his stay she would trust him enough to open up and talk to him. Till then, though, he planned on keeping things light and just having fun. She was growing up fast and wouldn't be a little girl for much longer.


Amy really wanted to tell Joe how she felt about Rob, just not today. She watched him try and win her a sparkly unicorn, all she wanted to do was goof around and have fun like they used to when she was a little kid. She laughed as he got more and more pissed with the stall holder until the poor man gave in and gave her the prize anyway. Slipping her hand into his she dragged him towards the hotdog stand. "Joe?"

"Yes, sugar."

"It really is good to have you back."

"Good to be back."



"Try not to get locked up again."

"I'll do my best, sugar. I'll do my best."


~ oOo ~


For three days, Joe and Amy spent every available minute together. Despite Rob's disapproval, Maria had agreed that she could blow off school. She really didn't want to piss off Joe after their last encounter, and she could see that he and her daughter needed time to reconnect after such a long period apart.


They had revisited the aquarium, and she had taken him to the livery yard to meet her pony. She had hoped he would rent one of the bigger horses from the yard and go with her for a ride, but he had told her in no uncertain terms that wasn't going to happen. Most of the time though, had been spent on the beach, just walking along in the surf and talking. Amy slipped her hand into his as they walked to their favorite café.


"Yes, sugar?"

"If I tell you something, will you promise not to get mad?"

"I'll promise to try." Joe smiled. "I will promise not to get mad at you. How about that?"

Amy nodded,

Joe frowned. "Amy?"

"I don't like Rob."

"You gonna tell me why?"

She shrugged. "I don't know."

"C'mon sugar, you can do better than that."

"He…I…I really don't know."


Joe stopped walking and sat on the sand dune. "Sit." Amy sat next to him. Joe took her hand and gave it a tiny squeeze. He really didn't want to put words into her mouth. "How about you just tell me how you feel when you're with him."

"I don't like being with him."


"He's creepy."

Joe could feel the anger rising in his chest. "He touch you?"

BOOK: A Family Man
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