A Girl Like That (14 page)

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Authors: Frances Devine

BOOK: A Girl Like That
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Dedicated with love to my son Rod Devine and my granddaughter Robyn, who took care of everything and put up with me while I was writing this book.

To Tracey, who stayed with me at the hospital for several days, polished this up for me, and sent it to Barbour so I wouldn’t miss my deadline. Love you, sweetheart. Many thanks.

Also to Steve, Sandy, Linda, Jack, and Bill, who helped in other ways. I love you more than I can say.

And you, too, Angie.

To my precious grandchildren and great-grandchildren. You are my angels.

To the Hughes Center Gang and the prayer warriors at Lebanon Family Church. Thanks for your prayers.

Special thanks to Carol Maniaci for praying me through it all.

A note from the Author:

I love to hear from my readers! You may correspond with me by writing:

Frances Devine

Author Relations

PO Box 721

Uhrichsville, OH 44683

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