A Harem of One [The Moreland Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) (11 page)

BOOK: A Harem of One [The Moreland Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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He spent four and a half grueling, sweating, panting hours inside her that afternoon teasing her into squirming on his cock while screaming for more. The only reason they stopped was someone knocked on the door until he stopped fucking her and she stopped squealing, followed with him shrugging on underwear to answer the summons. When he opened the door, a small woman stood with her eyes and mouth gaped open. He didn’t even say anything, merely looked the nosy neighbor dead in the face as the flushed, olive-skinned woman ogled him from toes to head twice before she stammered a quick apology and made her way back across the hall. He shut the door and, without removing the unwanted boxers, re-impaled the waiting hot pussy in bed. When he finished with her, they had to go to his place. He was through with restrictions, and he wanted the comfort of his bed. The king-sized frame was much larger than hers, and he required more legroom.

It was bright and early Tuesday morning of their second week together Marques woke Jamison with a contract for permission to record their sexual encounters. When he saw her sleeping, he didn’t want to wake her. Not for this. But he had the itch and, before he could sacrifice Jamison to the desires burning his veins, had to get the green light. When she opened her eyes, she smiled sleepily, the flutter of eyelashes nearly his undoing as the thick hairs beckoned him to fuck. But he tamped down the lust and thrust the now-slightly-crumpled papers before her. She didn’t seem surprised by the fistful of contracts and slid on the waiting glasses on the nightstand. Sitting patiently in one of the wingback chairs next to his bed, he watched Jamison read the entirety of the document from beginning to end and let his mind wander. It was enough to amaze him. He hadn’t fucked any woman without one since Renee. The thought sobered him slightly. He had relegated the episode to the deepest recesses of his mind and had nearly banished the painful memory until now. It was bittersweet to remember the youthful indulgences that nearly cost him everything.

He had just really gotten into the concept of taping sexual encounters just the year prior to the incident. One night he and his friends were playing around with the video camera, and he unintentionally left it running after being distracted. Just an hour later he was having some decent sex with a sophomore sorority girl. When he decided to watch and edit the film the next day, he saw himself having sex and was hooked. It almost looked better than the fuck actually felt at the time. After that he had to do it again and again. He had never asked a woman if she would agree to being taped and childishly hid the cameras during a few choice encounters with some extra friendly ladies, not realizing what an invasion of privacy it was on his part by hiding his fetish for film. In either event, one night he had met a fellow student at a party on campus his fraternity was having. A girl there caught his eye. He’d seen her around school, and she was a lovely young woman.

Renee had beautiful hazel eyes and golden hair the color of wheat twitching past her waist. She had the potential to be stunning as she aged, but at this moment she hadn’t lived in her skin long enough to reflect the confidence of a truly beautiful woman. In those days the fresh beauty she portrayed was all it took for him to hoist his cock to rampant. She threw out signals that she was interested in him, rubbed against his cock during a handful of dances, and he quickly swallowed the scantily clad bait. One of his brothers was more than happy to toss a box of condoms at him before they ascended the stairs to his room. He caught the pack, laughed as they would be too small, and tossed them back. Three minutes later he pulled his own box of Magnums from the dresser drawer before activating the camera hidden under a stray towel in the dresser and followed up by fucking the living daylights out of her. When they finished, the mystery of the flaxen beauty was gone. She fucked terribly, stiffer than a wooden board, and it was more work than it was worth to put on the rubber and do her.

Marq had never been a die-hard slut, and now the wasted fuck meant he wouldn’t be doing anyone else until tomorrow night. He’d never liked the idea of bouncing from one woman to the next in a single evening, so if he came tonight, it would be by his own hand. He didn’t even finish, instead letting her think his soft cock was due to coming. She was so naive that she fell for the ruse hook, line, and sinker. But she somehow mistakenly thought that he was going to be her boyfriend and that they would begin dating because of the fact she gave him some. She was dead wrong, and when he advised her there was no way they would date or even fuck again, she slapped the taste out of his mouth and left. On the way out she threw a temper tantrum and tossed various items at him and his drunken frat brothers as he escorted her out. His line brother, Quinn, was hit with one of the missiles she lobbed, and as he wasn’t known to be the nicest drunk, tossed her out of the house on her ass in a pair of panties and nothing else. Of course that left her holding what was left of her dress in her hands in the way out.

It had to be horribly embarrassing as the party was still going strong and half the campus was milling drunkenly on the frat house lawn. But when he looked at the burning hatred in her eyes as she walked away, he knew she was going to be trouble as he anticipated months of pathetic tricks by her and her sorors from the Gamma house.

It was the following day he found out what she had up her sleeve. He awoke to the police at his front door at six a.m. and was taken from his room in handcuffs. On the way to the precinct, he was reviled by the officers, who were happy to treat him as if he were guilty of the crimes they accused him of. When they arrived at the station, he used his one call to find Deven, who in turn sent the family attorney to get him. They browbeat him for three hours while Attorney Cohen was in route. Marq chose not to speak even though the words that proved his innocence burned to leave his lips. The police were attempting to charge him with rape and aggravated assault as well as the delinquency of a minor, as Renee had a beer that evening and she was nineteen. The moment was the worst in his life, and to make matters worse, even Attorney Cohen seemed to believe him guilty when he arrived at noon. He’d never forget what the family friend and legal counsel had to say.

“Marques, I’m going to speak to you as a friend of your father first. I know that you’ve been indulged your whole life, but this is reprehensible. Just because you come from a background of means doesn’t give you the right to take what you will. Now I’m going to speak to you as your counsel. The DA is willing to reduce the charges if you accept a deal. Now I’m going to recommend we don’t take it. If you do, you’re going to end up with something on your record no matter if I am able to seal it or not. We can take it to trial, but I will have to dig some dirt up on this girl to keep your ass out of jail.” The older man’s face revealed how he felt, a mixture of disgust and disappointment making the forty-odd-year-old man appear much older. At this point he knew he didn’t have any choices left. He had been carefully cultivating tapes for over a year, risking being caught several times by his momentary paramours and hoarding footage like a miser. He’d never shared the sex tapes with anyone, not even his own brothers.

Marques remembered how bitterly angry he felt that it had come to this. He was going to have to divulge his secret. “Mr. Cohen, I can prove that I didn’t rape her.”

The attorney looked stunned. “And how is that, may I ask?”

Marques wouldn’t say anything further until he was home. “Just take me to my dorm.”

When they arrived, his frat brothers were in a frenzy. Most were nursing hangovers combined with fury at his dawn arrest. He sent all of them away with a joviality he certainly didn’t feel. But he was good at keeping up appearances. It was the way of the upper crust, the crème de la crème of society, those with money so old that the funds could be traced back in centuries. When the attorney walked into the trashed room, he snubbed his nose up, but at this point Marq could give a fuck what the asshole thought. He just wanted this over with, now. When he plugged the video camera into the TV, the tape showed what happened with him and Renee the night before. It was clear she was willing and nowhere near drunk when he screwed her the night before, along with her petulant behavior afterward.

Attorney Cohen called the DA, and once the footage was shared with the investigators, the charges were dropped. His lawyer told him he could press charges against Renee, but Marq saw no point. He was free and one hundred percent clear. After the truth came out, Renee disappeared. As far as he knew, she transferred to another college, and he decided he would finish his education in the law. No one would ever strip his rights from him again. He knew the law wasn’t his passion. He was an IT guy and worked better with networks than he did with the loopholes the law provided. Computers were black and white. The law had too many shades of gray to make sense to a man of logic and clear convictions. He received a few strange looks around campus, but he ignored those and kept moving. Two days after the matter was fully settled, Attorney Cohen came back to him with a single thin manila envelope and an offer for lunch. Marq accepted even though he didn’t want to talk to the man but did so out of respect to his parents, who considered him an informal member of the family. Their lunch was silent until after the meal was half eaten.

“I want to offer an apology, Marques. I should have never assumed the worst of you. It’s just as someone that loves and helped raise you, I felt furious at the thought that you would do something reprehensible to a woman. The whole way here, I kept trying to tell myself that you would never do that. That you would never treat a female that way. But as an attorney, I have a hard time not posing arguments on both sides of the debate, being the devil’s advocate if you will. But I am truly sorry. If nothing else, I should have given you the rights I fight for others to have. The right to be innocent until you were proven guilty, along with the right to have an impartial defense. When I saw you sitting in the interrogation room, there was something in your face, your voice. It was as if the young man I watched grow up became a man overnight. The child I used to carry on my shoulders on the Fourth of July holidays was now a harsh man. The strength you showed in those moments is beyond your years. Even I could not imagine being stoic under the circumstance, so I judged you guilty, refusing to believe that a youth of twenty-one could be stronger than me and that made me foolishly believe in your guilt. Now I’m not saying anything is wrong with your preferences, but you need to protect yourself. This is something that I think you’ll find handy for your preferred habit.” The manila envelope passed over the table. When Marq opened it, it was a contract. As he scanned over it, some of it made no sense, but the older man filled him in quickly.

“Basically this form will let you have your cake and eat it with the video tapes.” He smiled, and then his face took a sober cast, and Marq knew the gentleman before him weighed each word carefully before he committed them to speech. “Marq, you were extremely lucky this time. If one of the women you taped without permission found out, she could damn near bankrupt your trust fund to gag her. If it was more than one? Your parents would have to take the fall and pay your debt. I’m not judging you, but I do think you should consider having any women you are…engaged with sexually sign it. At least then you have full consent.”

Marq was silent for a long time, weighing the merits of taking advice from the man who lambasted him for something that he didn’t do. But logic won over, and he accepted the packet and used it faithfully. If he met a woman and she wanted to go to bed with him, the form was the true test. The strange thing was there was no problem for most women, and only one woman ever flat out said no. Even she still wanted to fuck him, but her father was a well-known politician and ambassador and she couldn’t trust anyone with something of that nature about her.

Marq let the fog of memory lane fade away, bringing him back to the silent, spectacled woman before him. In the last week she had taken to decadence like a duck to water. Even now she looked freshly fucked, deliciously tousled, and sheepish from her night’s rest. Her warm eyes were puffy with her former repose, face bisected with sheet marks, wild hair, and butter soft nude flesh. She learned quickly not to bother with the niceties of clothing in bed with him. He was only going to divest her of the garments in short order anyway. She had gotten so used to him that she ignored their mutually bare skin and was moving through the contract quickly, marking in the margins as she went.

When she was done, she spoke for the first time since he woke her. “I found a few areas that are weak in the document. I’ll sign it if you will agree to make an addendum here.” She pointed to the notations on the back of the second page. “To make it binding, we have to make sure that we both initial and sign here.” He quickly scanned over the notations she made in a perfectly uniform cursive script, the markings reflective of her personality with the starched primary education style perfection. The letters were evenly margined on the page and contained, the same way she corralled herself with a firm hand on her life and passions, bottling her needs tightly until she couldn’t recognize them herself. When the legalese she deciphered sunk in, he silently applauded her. The clause she added would force him to store the media separate from a hackable device. The concept wasn’t foreign to him as he didn’t store or watch the flicks on his phone or Internet-capable PCs, preferring flash drives to hard drives for his sensitive-storage media. But she had no way of knowing that, and with the addition, it would make him legally responsible if the footage were made public. Even if his system was hacked, she would be able to file a grievance and receive restitution for the error as he was the party assuming responsibility for the data along with her right for privacy. No other woman had ever even thought that far ahead. Hell, even he hadn’t.

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