A Heart For Business draft 2 (7 page)

BOOK: A Heart For Business draft 2
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“No she won’t. Something’s very wrong. She’s in some kind of trouble!” Carter leapt off the couch, his heart pounding with fear for the woman he loved.  He turned to Norman and said “Call building security!  I’m going after her!  Vanessa’s in danger.  I know she is!”



Chapter Ten


“Why are you doing this?” Vanessa asked Trevor as they walked down the sidewalk and he tried to hail a cab. He wasn’t willing to release his hold around Vanessa’s shoulders and he wasn’t willing to take his hand off the gun in his pocket so the Taxi cabs just kept rushing past.

“You’re my girl and we’re going to be together forever.” Trevor said, through gritted teeth as another cab passed him by.  He hadn’t thought his plan out very well and he was beginning to panic. He’d just gotten so excited when he finally found her that he didn’t think, he just acted. Now he was trouble. That weird little man in her apartment building looked awfully suspicious. He was bound to call security and when he did the security guards would view of tape of him holding a gun on Vanessa. It wouldn’t be long before the cops were here and Trevor had already decided that he’d kill them both before he let himself be arrested.

“What about all the arguments you and I used to have?  What about all those other girls you were with when we were together?  Wouldn’t you be happier with someone else? I might not be the right girl for you.” Vanessa tried to reason with him, but Trevor was blinded by his own obsession for her.

“We only fought because you worked all those long hours at your stupid job. That’s the only reason I ever slept around.  When we get to where we’re going, you won’t have a job. You’ll be home taking care of me like a good wife should. That will be end of all our arguments and we’ll be happy together the way we’re supposed to be. Maybe even have a baby.”

“Raising a baby in Chicago can be expensive.  Are you sure we can afford it if I don’t work?” Vanessa asked, feeling desperate with fear.  She wasn’t going to marry Trevor and she certainly wasn’t going to raise a baby with him. He was crazy! If she didn’t, however, he might kill her.

“Oh, we’re not going to Chicago. I just told that guy that so he wouldn’t follow us. I’m taking you someplace where no one will ever find us.”

A cab pulled up in front of them to let someone out on the curb, and it was the moment Trevor had been waiting for. He grabbed the open door and tried to push Vanessa inside the vehicle.  “Get in the damn car, now!”

Vanessa realized that if she let him take her away, she’d be sealing her own death. She had to make her stand now if she were going to survive. She pushed hard against him and cried out, “No, I’m staying here!”

Trevor and Vanessa grappled in a terrifying struggle as he attempted to force her into the back seat of the taxi. Somehow Vanessa managed to slam the car door closed and the driver took off, abandoning her to her struggle.

“You stupid bitch!  You’ve lost our ride and now you’re going to pay for it!” Trevor raised back his fist preparing to hit her, and instead was stunned by strike to his face by a fist that seemed to come from nowhere.

“Carter!” Vanessa cried out happily. “Be careful! He has a gun!”

Carter punched Trevor repeatedly, but somehow Trevor managed to pull his gun out of his pocket and aimed it straight at Carter. “Stay back or I’ll shoot you right in the face!” Trevor yelled, with blood running out of his nose.

“No!  Don’t hurt him!” Vanessa screamed in fear.  “Please just leave him alone and I’ll go with you anywhere you want.”  Her entire body was trembling, but she took a step towards Trevor and held out her hand to him, prepared to go with him.

“No, I can’t let you do that!” Carter said to Vanessa, but she didn’t care what happened to her, as long as Carter was okay.

Vanessa turned to Carter and said softly “I love you. Promise me you’ll make a good life for yourself doing what you love. Be happy in life, Carter Davis and follow your dreams. That can be your gift to me.”

“I wasn’t fired.” Carter said, looking deep into the glistening liquid pools of her eyes with his sparkling blue ones. “I’m still a CEO at Gainscorp; Norman Fields told me so. You and I are going to be able to work side-by-side together. That’s my dream, only now it’s a reality. We can work and live together, making love whenever we want and running Gainscorp together. Your dream and my dream happening together.”

“Really?” Vanessa said with the gentle smile he loved so much.

“Really.” Carter said. “I wouldn’t mess with you.  I know what you’re capable of.” He gave her nod and she suddenly performed the same defensive martial arts move she’d used on Carter not so very long ago.  Before Trevor knew what was happening, Vanessa stepped back into his instep and perform a foot sweep that knocking him flat onto the ground, moaning.

As he was falling, Carter leapt forward and grabbed his wrist, wrestling the gun out of his hand and tearing it from his grip.

“Don’t move!” Carter yelled forcefully at Trevor just as a squadron of security agents came streaming out of the building. They took the gun from Carter and proceeded to frisk and handcuff Trevor with his hands behind his back.

“You did it!” Vanessa cried out happily as she threw herself into Carter’s open arms.

did it.” Carter said, kissing her lovingly on the lips as he held her tight.  “We’re going to do a lot of things together, side-by-side, as partners for as long as you’ll have me.”

“Well then that’s a very long time.” Vanessa smiled and they kissed again.

Just then three police cars pulled up in front of the building with their lights and sirens blazing and Mr. Norman Fields came running out of the building, calling out to them “I called security and the police! Is everyone all right?”

“Yes, we’re both fine Norman.” Carter smiled and smacked him gratefully on the back. 

“Thank goodness! I’d be fired for sure if I lost not one, but two of the companies most valued employees!”




Chapter Eleven


“Mr. Davis, can you please come to my office.  I want your opinion on a matter of some importance.” Vanessa said into the phone from her lavish corner office on the top floor of the Gainscorp headquarters located in Manhattan, New York. 

It had been a long, hard trek to get here, but she’d finally done it!  All the years of education, working her way up the corporate ladder, the month she spent with Carter that ended with that whole mess with Trevor.  Afterward, she’d gone home to Chicago to pack up all her things, sell her car, and train her replacement at her old job. 

It had been bittersweet saying goodbye to all her friends and colleagues in Chicago, but she was far too excited to begin this new chapter of her life to be sad about it for long.  Carter had met her at the airport when she arrived back and took her home to their apartment in Manhattan. 

The moving van arrived two days later, but somehow it took over a week for her to unpack all her things.

“How does one single woman manage to acquire this much stuff?” Carter had joked.

“I’m warning you; don’t mess with me!” Vanessa teased back and they had ended up making love on a pile of her newly unpacked throw pillows. 

Meanwhile, she’d begun working in her new position as CEO of Gainscorp.  It was a big change from her last job and there was a lot to learn, but she was up to the challenge and loved every minute of it.  Best of all, she got to work side-by-side with Carter.  He was a different man at the office; all business and no nonsense, but at home he was full of romance and fun.  They were always laughing together and he loved to surprise her with romantic dinners or dates in the city.  Sometimes they just enjoyed lazy Sunday afternoons together holding hands and walking through Central Park, which was still her favorite thing to do with him.  She’d come to appreciate the simple joys in life and so had Carter.

At least a dozen people had commented to her that he was a changed man since the accident; calmer, happier, more fulfilled.  Most thought it was the near death experience that had caused the change, but a rare few suspected it was because of his involvement with Vanessa. 

Not too many people, with the exception of Norman Fields and the members of the Board, knew that they were a couple.  They were always very discrete and kept their workdays purely professional, except today was there six month anniversary and Vanessa had a little surprise in store for Carter.

“Sure, I’ll be to your office right away.” Carter said into the phone in response to her call.  He walked casually through her door, not expecting anything unusual and was shocked to find her sitting behind her carved oak desk wearing nothing but lingerie.

Quickly, he locked the door behind him so no one could come in as she got up and walked slowly towards him.  Carter stood in shocked surprise and took in the beauty of her outfit, soaking it all in with wide eyes.  It consisted of a pink lace corset that accentuated her narrow waist, but left her full round breasts exposed for him to admire.  She had on matching pink lace panties and a pair of thigh-high stockings, which attached to the corset by garter straps.  Black high heels completed the outfit. Her dark, luscious hair hung loose to her shoulders. She was the most beautiful image Carter had ever seen and he crossed the room quickly to take her into his arms.

“This is quite the different look for work,” he teased, giving her an admiring whistle.

“Happy anniversary. It’s officially been six months since the day we met,” she smiled and they kissed each other passionately.

“So what did you want to consult me about?” Carter said playfully.

Vanessa picked up a thick folder and said with mock annoyance “This report. It’s unsatisfactory and not up to my standards. As the employee who turned in this report, I think you need to be disciplined.”

“Ooooh, I like the sound of that.” Carter’s eyes danced with excitement. 

“Take off your clothes.” Vanessa commanded playfully and Carter performed a striptease for her, removing each garment as taunting and arousing as possible. When at last he was completely naked, his cock was already hard and standing at attention.

“What’s this?” Vanessa purred, and took his shaft into her hands and massaged him there, while he nibbled on her neck and earlobes.  He let his hands slide up the silky bodice of her corset to her delicious tits and gently caressed them, sending thrills of sexual pleasure through her body and making her nipples grow hard. When he moved his mouth down to suckle them however, she stopped him.

“Not so fast,” she said. “You’re trying to distract me from your punishment. Bend over my desk.”

Carter obeyed her playful command and thrilled as she spanked him lightly with the folded up folder from her desk.  The light smacks across his butt cheeks was far more erotic than he ever would have dreamed and he found himself becoming even more aroused than before. 

“Now, you will write a new report that is up to the proper standards.” Vanessa said, when the spanking was complete. “Lay on my desk.”

Enjoying the game immensely, Carter did as he’d been told and lay in the middle of her massive oak desk. Removing her panties, but leaving the stockings, garters, and corset on, Vanessa knelt on the desk, straddling his face so that his mouth had easy access to her most sensitive folds.

“Write a new report with your mouth and tongue and make sure that this time it meets my satisfaction” she commanded playfully. 

Carter happily dedicated himself to the task, using his tongue to lap over her labia and flick at her clitoris. Vanessa panted and squirmed with delight as he pleasured her with his lips, mouth, and tongue until she was near orgasm.  Then she ordered him to change positions and she lay with her back flat on the desk while he stood on the edge of it.  He pulled her across the desk until her ass was hanging off the edge and she could wrap her legs around his waist.  Then he plunged into her, sliding full up to the hilt with one thrust.  She was so wet and ready that she came quickly, and had to shove her fist into her mouth to stifle her screams of pleasure as she orgasmed against his cock. 

It happened so quickly, that Carter was not yet ready and continued to thrust slowly and deeply within her, with long solid strokes even after she was done.  To keep things pleasurable for her, he reached down with his hand and began to stimulate her clitoris with his finger, rubbing her there in just the right way while he continued to fuck her.

The action quickly brought her to a second orgasm, only this time Carter was ready and he climaxed along with her. Carter let himself go, thrusting wildly and quickly within her, as her legs remained wrapped around his waist and she gripped the sides of her desk, thrashing with pleasure beneath him.  Somehow, they both managed to keep from screaming out their pleasure, holding in their voices despite the fact it was the most incredibly powerful orgasms either of them had ever had. 

When at last the waves of pleasure subsided, they both lay gasping for air on the desk. Finally, they regained their composure and cleaned themselves up with towels Vanessa had brought from home and kept hidden in a drawer.

“Happy anniversary,” Vanessa said with a smile and gave Carter a gentle kiss when at last they were both fully dressed again in their business suits and looked like respectable executives once more. 

“Happy anniversary,” Carter said back. He kissed her one last time, then smiled and said, “This has been a terrific meeting.  Very productive. Oh, and just so you know, I didn’t forget our anniversary either.  This is for you.”

He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small black velvet box from
Harry Winston
jewelers.  Vanessa gasped when he opened the box to present the most magnificent diamond ring she had ever seen. Dropping to one knee, Carter looked up at her with adoring eyes and said, “Vanessa Imenerse, you’ve made me happier than I ever thought I could be.  If you marry me, I promise to spend the rest of my life trying to make you just as happy.  Will you be my wife?”

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