A Higher Form of Killing (62 page)

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Authors: Diana Preston

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Wells, H. G.
Anticipations of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress upon
Human Life and Thought.
London: Chapman and Hall, 1902.
Werner, M. R.
New York: Harcourt Brace, 1929.
White, A. D.
Vols. 1 and 2. New York: The Century Company, 1914.
Whittle, T.
The Last Kaiser.
London: Heinemann, 1977.
Williams, J. G.
Colonel House and Sir Edward Grey
. London: University Press of America, 1984
Willis, J. F.
Prologue to Nuremberg
. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1982.
Winton, J.
The Submariners—Life in British Submarines, 1901–1999.
London: Constable,1999.
With the First Canadian Contingent.
Toronto: Hodder and Stoughton, 1915.
Wynne, R. V.
Evidence Taken Before Commissioner R. V. Wynne in London.
Zedlitz-Trützschler, R.
Twelve Years in the Imperial Court
. London: Nisbet, 1924.
Zwehl, H. V.
Erich von Falkenhayn, General der Infanterie
. Berlin: Mittler und Sohn, 1926.



Where no specific dates are given, the issues are contemporaneous with the events they describe.

American Historical Review
(October 1985–July 1986 and June 1997 [N. F. Gullace, “Sexual Violence and Family Honor: British Propaganda and International Law during the First World War”])
American Mercury
(May 1985)
American Neptune
(March 1950)
Current Events
Current Opinion
(July 1907 and March 1918) and
Supplement (August 1907)
International Affairs
(July 1999 [G. Best, “Peace Conferences and the Century of Total War, The 1899 Hague Conference and What Came After”])
Journal of American History
(September 1990 [H. R. Slotten, “Humane Chemistry or Scientific Barbarism? American Responses to World War I Posion Gas, 1915–1930”])
Journal of Modern History
Journal of Military History
(July 2006 [T. Cook, “The Politics of Surrender: Canadian Prisoners and the Killing of Prisoners in the Great War”])
Journal of Social History
([N. F. Gullace, “Aliens and Enemies: Fictive Communities and the Lusitania Riots of 1915”])
Journal of the History of Ideas
(April–June 1970 [W. D. Miles, “The Idea of Chemical Warfare in Modern Times”])
(June 2, 1928 [W. J. Flynn, “Tapped Wires”])
Literary Digest
Living Age
(1928 and 1955)
Marine Rundschaue
Marine Technology
(October 1996 [W. H. Garzke Jr., D. K. Brown, A. D. Sandiford, J. Woodward, and P. K. Hsu, “The ‘Titanic’ and ‘Lusitania’—a Final Forensic Analysis”])
National Geographic Magazine
(April 1994)
New Statesman
New York Magazine
New York Shipping Illustrated
Politics and Life Sciences
(September 1998 [L. A. Cole, “The Poison Weapons Taboo: Biology, Culture and Policy”])
Review of Reviews
La Revue des Vivants
(Paris, Juillet, 1930)
Royal Society
[W. Van Der Kloot, “April 1915: Five Future Nobel Prize Winners Inaugurate Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Academic-Industrial-Military Complex”])
Scientific American
(May 29, 1915)
Sports Illustrated
Strand Magazine
(July 1914)




United Kingdom

Daily Chronicle
Daily Despatch
Daily Express
Daily Mail
Daily Mirror
Daily Telegraph
Evening News
(January–April 1935)
Evening Standard
Journal of Commerce
Liverpool Daily Post and Mercury
Liverpool Echo
News of the World


United States

Baltimore Sun
Boston Globe
Boston Herald
Chicago Tribune
Minneapolis Journal
New York American
New York Evening Sun
New York Herald
New York Sun
New York Telegraph
New York Times
New York Times Book Review
(September 1999)
New York Tribune
New York World
Philadelphia Record
Providence Journal
Richmond Times-Dispatch
Sausalito Times
Washington Post



Bassano Mail
Empress Express



Berliner Tagesblatt
(February 1985)
Frankfurter Zeitung
Kölnische Volkszeitung
Neue Preussiche Zeitung
NorddeutscherAllgemeine Zeitung
Der Spiegel
Völkischer Beobachter
(May 1935)
Die Welt



Cork Examiner
Sunday Press



Chatillonais et Auxois
La Croix
Le Matin
Le Monde
(November 3, 1972)



Archive zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Dahlem, Berlin—the Fritz Haber collection. Main documents consulted: Va5 –260, –522, –856, –860, –1084,  –1449, –1479, –1453, –1480, –1484, –1511, –1678.
Bailey, Thomas A., and Paul B. Ryan. Archive. Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
Beesley, Patrick. Collection. Churchill College Archives, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK.
Bundesarchiv-Militararchiv, Freiburg, Germany. Collection of key German naval files for the period (in particular RM2/127,157,1962,1982,1992; RM5/2981, 2982, 2988; RM8/525; RM97/578; and the Press Bureau files in the RM3 series [9771/10312]).
Bryan, William Jennings. Correspondence. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Churchill, Winston. Collection. Churchill College Archives, Cambridge University, UK.
Cunard archives, Liverpool University, UK.
Fisher, Admiral John. Collection. Churchill College Archives, Cambridge University, UK.
Garrison, Lindley. Papers. Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University Library, Princeton, NJ.
Hall, Reginald. Papers. Churchill College Archives, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK.
Hoehling, A. A., and Mary. Archive. Mariners’ Museum, Newport News, VA.
Hobson, Richard. Papers. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

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