A Kiss for Lady Mary (25 page)

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Authors: Ella Quinn

BOOK: A Kiss for Lady Mary
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They were ushered in, and the quiet of the place stunned him. Other than the church they’d stopped at on their way up, he’d never been in one that was so empty. Even the day they’d visited, there were people around. Their steps echoed, adding to the gravity of the union they were about to enter into.
“Good morning to you.” A young, rosy-cheeked man greeted them. “I’m one of the vicars. I hear you wish to wed.”
The juxtaposition of the old church and the young rector struck Kit. What he and Mary were about to do was new to them, yet as old as time. “We do.”
“If you’re ready, I’ll begin.”
“Do you not need our names first?” Kit asked.
The man seemed taken aback. “You’re Mr. Christopher Adolphus James Frederick Featherton, are you not?”
“I am.”
The rector turned to Mary. “And you are Mary Elizabeth Constance Gertrude Isabel Tolliver. Is that correct?”
“It is.”
“Gertrude?” Kit whispered.
“Don’t remind me. She was an aunt.”
“I have nothing against the name at all. In fact, that was the name of the aunt who left me Rose Hill.”
Mary’s eyes widened. “Truly?”
“On my honor,” Kit replied. He wondered briefly if she were one and the same. Odder things had been known to happen. He’d have to ask his grandmother, if he ever decided to speak to her again.
“Shall we begin?” the vicar asked.
Mary and Kit faced one another. Her fingers trembled a bit, but he pressed on them, comforting her. Although the vicar was right next to them, she had trouble hearing him over her pounding heart. Then Kit smiled, and promised to love, honor, and cherish her all the days of their lives, and she believed he meant every word. He held her gaze with his as she said her vows to him.
She’d forgotten all about the ring until he slipped it on her finger, and whispered, “My mother sent more. You can choose another if you’d like.”
Mary didn’t want another one. It was perfect. Rubies and diamonds set into a wide gold band, and Kit had selected it for her.
“Sir, could you please repeat, ‘with this ring I thee wed’?”
“Sorry.” He grinned. “With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship.”
That was the part she wondered about. She must have missed the rest, because a few moments later, they were pronounced man and wife.
Mary, Kit, Caro, and Huntley signed the register.
The vicar shook Kit’s hand. “I wish you a long and happy life.”
“Thank you.”
As they left the church through the same small side door, he wrapped his arm around Mary’s waist.
She had no idea what to say. Fortunately, Caro came to her rescue. “I realize it is early, but I think champagne is in order. Shall we repair to the hotel?”
“Excellent idea, my love.” Huntley placed her hand on his arm.
Kit held Mary’s hand as they walked the two blocks to the King’s Arms.
They entered the massive lobby. Marble columns and a carved ceiling added to the feeling of space. The carpet was thick, cushioning their steps.
A tall, slender man dressed in black greeted them. “Mr. Featherton and Lady Mary, I presume?” Kit gave a curt nod. “I am Mr. Maitland. If you will please follow me.”
He led them up one set of stairs to a room with a large parlor. Although it was not that chilly, a fire blazed in the hearth. On a round table, champagne, fruit, cheese, and bread had been laid out. He handed Kit the key. “There will be a runner stationed in the hall if you are in need of anything. He will call your servants, who have rooms at the end of the corridor.”
“I had no idea hotels were so opulent,” Mary said as she took in the furnishings.
“This rivals the Putney,” Kit responded. “I’ll pour the champagne.”
He pulled out a chair for her, as did Huntley for Caro.
Mary took a plate, placing cheese, bread, and strawberries on it. “I’m famished.”
“As am I,” Caro responded, taking some of the food. “It’s too bad they do not have chocolate.”
The cork popped. Kit handed her a glass. Once the others had theirs as well, Huntley raised his flute. “To Kit and Lady Mary Featherton, may your married life be as happy as mine.”
Caro punched him playfully in the side. “We wish you much happiness. The more I saw you together, the more confident I was that you belonged with each other.”
“Here, here.” Huntley raised his glass. “As one more of us falls to the parson’s mousetrap.”
“Indeed?” Caro arched a brow, and probably would have clobbered him if he hadn’t been looking at her with so much love.
Kit slid his chair closer, putting an arm round Mary’s shoulders. “I, for one, am glad to be caught. I cannot imagine a lovelier bride.”
“Nor I a more handsome husband.”
They toasted again, and ate. Once they’d finished the wine, Caro and Huntley took their leave.
Kit leaned over and kissed Mary. “Are you happy?”
“Never more so.”
“Come, my lady.”
ising, he lifted her into his arms, carrying her into the bedchamber. Her body slid against his when he lowered her to the floor. Mary swallowed, and her nerves flared. This, them going to the bedroom, was all going so fast. Though she hadn’t been worried last night, she was now. She prayed he didn’t expect her to know what to do.
Kit cupped her cheek, spreading his fingers so that his thumb could graze her lips. “I love you.”
She could do this. Everything would be fine. “And I love you.”
His lips teased and cajoled as they had last night. She opened her mouth, and his tongue met hers. Mary slid her hands over his broad shoulders and around his neck as his arms pulled her against him. He tilted his head, delving deeper into her mouth, possessing her as if he could not get enough.
She gasped as her bodice loosened. “I’m a little afraid.”
Nuzzling her neck, he said, “I understand. I’ll be as gentle as I can.” He gazed down at her. “Has anyone spoken with you about what goes on between a man and a woman?”
Mary fought the blush rising in her cheeks. “No.”
Although she’d been raised in the country, Mama had forbade her from being around the pastures during breeding season, and her father and brothers had continued to enforce the rule.
Concern and consternation showed in his face. “Let’s take this a bit slower.”
Unable to speak, she nodded, grateful she didn’t have to say more.
All Kit wanted to do was sink into Mary and make her his. Part of him wanted to forge ahead without explaining what would happen, and just ensure her first experience was good enough that she’d forgive him for any pain. Yet it was her body, and she deserved to know what he’d do to her. What they’d do together.
Clothing off first.
Kit bent his head to Mary’s, taking her lips again. Without breaking the kiss, he removed his cravat, then started to shrug out of his jacket.
“I want to help.” She pushed the sides apart, shoving and pulling his jacket off, then unbuttoned his waistcoat. He hadn’t planned on her wanting to be involved, but it might give her more confidence if he allowed her to remove his garments and set a precedent for him to remove hers.
Soon his chest was bare, and Mary slid her palms over his stomach and torso, seemingly mesmerized. Her curiosity was good. He carefully removed her hair pins, placing them one by one on the night table. Running his fingers through the fine silky strands, he’d never felt anything so soft and fine. He almost groaned. It shimmered gold, curling and reaching to her waist. He took her lips again, untying her stays and the ribbons holding the shoulders of her chemise, then pushed them slowly down, uncovering her breasts.
“Am I?” Her voice was higher than usual. Reminding him she’d need reassurance.
“Never doubt you are the most exquisite woman in the world. From the first moment I saw you, I wanted you.”
“What are you doing?” she asked in more of a squeek.
“Worshipping you.”
He nibbled his way down to her nipple, taking the furled nub into his mouth. Mary moaned. God, she tasted so sweet, so good. He had to remind himself this was for her. Cupping the other breast, he rolled the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. She pressed into his hand. How easy it would be to lose himself in her and forget she was an innocent. As quickly as possible, he divested them of the rest of their garments, all the while distracting her with his mouth and hands. Her light mews were a symphony to his ears. He lifted her, laying her on the bed.
His hands trembled a bit, knowing he was the only man who would ever touch her. He kissed and licked her body until her fingers speared through his hair, gripping his head. He had to tell her now, before they went any farther.
Mary writhed against him. “Why are you stopping?”
Kit took her hand, placing it on his shaft. “This is my member.”
She touched it gently, running her fingers down it. “It’s soft and smooth, almost like a baby’s bottom.” He clenched his teeth as she caressed him. “What does it do?”
Unable to take any more of her ministrations, he removed her fingers. “It has a couple of functions. The one that concerns us now is mating. I will enter you, using my member. That is how babies are made.”
Her forehead pleated. “Where does it go?”
Nothing like having to give one’s bride a lesson on anatomy before making love to her. “Have you ever seen a male dog on top of a bitch?”
“Once, but my governess took me away immediately.”
Now, how to explain it? “When you have your courses—” She nodded. “It fits in that same passage.” Or it would. “It will be tight at first, and there is usually pain associated with the first time.”
She sucked in a breath.
Damn, he’d scared her. There should be a book or something to explain this to a lady. “Don’t be afraid. I’m told the discomfort does not last long.”
Her eyes grew wider. “Do you mean you’ve never done this before either?”
God help him. “I have, but not with a virgin.” He kissed her. “If I could do this without hurting you in any way, my love, I would. As it is, I’ll do my utmost to make it as pleasant for you as possible. Trust me, please.”
What choice did Mary have but to trust Kit? Why hadn’t her mother told her? If only she’d asked her friends. They all seemed to enjoy their husband’s attentions. “I do.”
“Relax and allow me to pleasure you.”
His hands roamed her body as he plundered her mouth. When he sucked her breast she arched up against him and thought nothing could feel better, then he kissed her all over, heating her skin, lighting fires in her veins. He moved inexorably lower, and when she pushed against him, his mouth took hers again.
Mary grew hot and achy, tension thrummed within her, and she wanted him and wished she knew what to do. Then he stroked her mons, and the growing tension in her body coalesced there. When he inserted his fingers, she arched against him. Soon it grew until she couldn’t stand it any longer.
Oh God, what was he doing to her?
“Let it go,” he murmured. “Trust me.”
His hand gently squeezed her breast, and she spun out like fine glass in a fire. Just as she thought she’d die, an inferno swept through her, and Kit was over her, bracing on his arms, kissing her again.
Suddenly he was buried inside her. She cried out at the sharp pain, and he stilled. “What happened?”
His fingers brushed her hair from her face. Kit’s face was tense as he touched his forehead to hers. “I entered you. It will only hurt for a little while.”
But why did it have to hurt at all? “I don’t understand.”
“Your maidenhead tore. I’m sorry, my love, I didn’t want to cause you pain. Sadly there is no way around it.”
She’d heard of a maidenhead, but never knew what it was. “Does it always feel like this?”
“God no. As I said, only the first time. How are you feeling?”
The twinges receded, and all she felt was him. This must be what was meant by becoming one. “It’s better. What do we do now?”
“We’re not finished yet.” He kissed her hair. “I’ll make it good for you. I promise.”
His lips roamed over her face and neck. She grabbed his head and kissed him, trying to forget the pain and possess him as he had her. She caressed his tongue with hers, and he groaned. Then he moved inside her again, and gradually the sting was replaced by the fire she’d had before.
“Wrap your legs round me.”
Mary did as he asked, then clung to him as he thrust harder and deeper. Their bodies were slick, and her hips reached up to meet him, as if she already knew the strange, intimate dance. From deep within, she began to tremble again and forgot the pain, only concentrating on reaching the peak as she had before.
Just as the flames took her, she called out for Kit, and he shouted her name.
For a few moments, their hearts beat a tattoo, then he rolled off to her side, but brought her with him, slipping one arm under her, holding her as if she would break.
Kit felt like the worst scoundrel in the world. He wouldn’t blame Mary if it took her a long time before she wanted to try it again. He waited for her recriminations; instead she was so quiet. Still, she’d come for him twice. Perhaps she wouldn’t think it was so bad. He stroked her back, waiting for her to do something, anything. If only she’d forgive him. “I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t be. It wasn’t all dreadful. In fact, at the end it was quite nice.” Mary rolled slightly, placing her palm on his chest. “What is what we did called?”
“Lovemaking.” Kit settled her more firmly against him. “It is pleasurable, or will be the next time.”
He glanced at her, and was not surprised to find her unconvinced.
Mary drew her brows together. “You are positive it only hurts the first time?”
“Yes.” He’d make damn sure she never experienced pain again. “You may be sore for a day or so, possibly less.” If only he knew what else to tell her. “I’m sure Phoebe or Caro could elucidate it more fully than I am able to.”
He wished to God someone had had the foresight to explain matters to Mary. It would have made this so much easier, for both of them.
“What shall we do now?”
Not engage in more lovemaking. He was glad Lady Theo had thought of the hotel, but it was a bit awkward now. “We’ll order baths. The warm water should help you feel more the thing. Give me a moment.” He rose from the bed, looked at her and . . . blood. How could he have forgotten? Taking a linen cloth from the wash stand, he knelt next to Mary.
She rose up on her arms, and stared at him. “What are you doing?”
“Cleaning you.” He carefully wiped between her legs, and she winced.
“For what reason? I thought we were bathing.”
“There is blood, from when your maidenhead tore.”
Her face turned scarlet. She held out her hand. “I can do it.”
“No, please. Let me take care of you.”
She huffed, but lay back down, her cheeks still aflame.
After rinsing the cloth, he continued. “I am, after all, your husband.”
If he didn’t do something, he was going to lose her. Tossing the linen aside, Kit climbed onto the bed.
Mary slid across the bed, as if she’d flee. “What are you doing?”
“I’m going to cuddle you.” He flopped down, pulled her close, and wrapped his arms around her. For several moments she lay rigid against him. Eventually, her body began to soften. “This isn’t too bad, is it?”
She nuzzled her head on his chest. “No, not at all.”
While Mary dozed, Kit tried to come up with what to do next. She wasn’t the only one who required more information about their first time. He should have asked some questions as well. Such as, how long would he have to wait before they could make love again? She was still skittish, and he must ensure she enjoyed herself before she’d want to engage in marital congress on a regular basis.
Other than bathing and eating again, what were they to do for the rest of the day and night? Play chess or cards? He heaved a sigh. It was time for reinforcements.
Theo smiled into her tea-cup as she waited for Titus to come break his fast. He’d been sleeping soundly when she’d left their bedchamber early this morning, ready to step in if the course of true love between Mr. Featherton and Lady Mary looked to be deviating from the proper course.
As soon as she’d arrived home last night, she’d written to the rector and hotel, ordering her footmen to await answers.
Lord and Lady Huntley had returned not long ago, and Theo encouraged them to return to bed, promising a full breakfast would be delivered when they wished it. The other ladies ate with their children. She didn’t expect to see Simon, Morna, and the children for another hour or so. Theo was so pleased all was turning out well, she almost couldn’t contain herself. All in all, this was turning into an extremely good day.
Her butler entered and bowed. “Here is the package you requested, my lady.”
She did not even try to keep the smile from her countenance. “Thank you, Reed.” The sound of Titus’s boots sounded in the hall as he turned down the corridor to the breakfast room. “You may bring his lordship’s coffee, and another pot of tea.”
She glanced at the door, and her husband filled it with his broad shoulders, the same ones that, as a younger woman, had made her want to swoon. Truth be told, she wasn’t unaffected now. A jaunty grin split his face.
Coming forward, he kissed her cheek. “Good morning, my dear.”
“Good morning, my love.”
The coffeepot arrived as he took the seat across from her. She poured and handed him his morning libation.
“Ah, thank you.” Titus reached for his newssheet, and stopped, staring at the velvet box atop the paper. “What is this?”
“The diamond necklace. I thought you’d want to give it to me yourself.”
His eyes narrowed. “Are you not being a bit precipitant?”
Theo took a sip of tea. “Not at all. Mr. Featherton and Lady Mary were wed this morning, and are now enjoying a room at the King’s Arms.”
Ignoring his coffee, Titus sat back and crossed his arms over his chest. “How the devil did you manage that?”
“You failed to account for young love.”
He shook his head, grinning again. “Apparently. What did happen to Munro?”
“Mr. Featherton knocked him over the rail into the holly bushes, just as I suspected. Did I fail to mention that he spars with Jackson?”
Titus handed her the box. “Congratulations, my love. Well played. When do we leave for England?”
“Thank you, my dear.” She took a bannock. “Simon is waiting for a ship he expects any day to dock. I sent a message to the port this morning. Now that Lady Mary and Mr. Featherton are married, I believe the rest of our guests will depart in the next day or two. Isn’t your paper due this week?”

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