A Kiss To Remember..1(A Billionaire Romance) (6 page)

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“I’m sorry,” he offered.

“No, those were good times actually. Mom and I were closer to each other. Then Dad’s insurance money flooded in. It was huge for both of us. We were happy and knew at least we wouldn’t have to sleep starving.” I paused. The next part was hard to say. “That time, I was too young to understand anything. A man started coming to our place very frequently. He used to buy lots of gifts for me and Mom. He was the manager where Mom used to work before the insurance money. Gifts mean literally gifts, lots of gifts. Mom fell for him slowly and then he cheated her for money. He ran off with all the money we had and Mom got addicted to drugs.” I exhaled. It was hard to tell this to anyone.

“Sorry, but now I feel if a man is giving me anything, he is going to take it back in some other ways.” Sometime sharing became so hard.

Eyan pulled me in his arms and embraced. “I’m so sorry, Trisha. I didn’t know you were holding this much inside you.” He kissed my forehead.

“Those days taught me to save nickels. And from then on, I hated the people who give too much. I don’t want you to turn into one like the one who cheated my mom. So please…” I pleaded with him, sobbing in his arms.

“I’m so sorry, but all men are not jerks. You have to trust some.” He held me in his arms for what seemed like an eternity. 

“Can we go now? I’m hungry,” I asked him, wiping away my tears. As I’d opened up to him, I felt good. I was ready for dinner.

“Change of plans. Why don’t we get some take-out and enjoy it in the car?” He asked, wiping my face with his thumbs.

“Why don’t we eat at my house? But only if you leave after the dinner.” I giggled. I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to stay after dinner.

“As you wish, lady. I expect nothing but a kiss from you. A kiss to remember our first date.” His eyes darted to my lips. “Has anyone told you that you have most beautiful lips in the world?”

“Stop flirting and let’s go. I’m dying of hunger.”

“I bet you eat a lot. There is enough perfect padding on the essential body parts.” His eyes traced my figure.

“You jerk.” I slapped his chest. “They are called curves, and I worked hard to put them that this past year.”

“Sorry. You are perfect, woman.” He hugged me gently.

“Can we go now please?” I made a puppy face; I was really hungry. I didn’t know where it was going as we were not in a relationship, but I liked the way he cared for me, hugged me when I needed one.

We grabbed burgers on the way home. I didn’t have much to do at my place so we put on a romantic movie.

I relaxed my head on his shoulder while his arm was curled around me, his hand second playing with my fingertips. We were so close to each other that I could hear his heartbeat. His breath was intoxicating. Looking in his eyes, I lifted my chin up a little and he bent down in anticipation. Our lips met for the first time, gently, his lips tasting like rum. His lips were moving very gently on mine first, then I could feel his body stiffen and he pulled me closer to him. I was the first to break the kiss to inhale some air. I reminded myself to stop.

Eyan smiled at me like he could read my mind and grabbed his jacket. “I think it’s time to say goodbye for the night.” His face was covered with a mysterious smile. “Are you sure? You want me to go? And not stay here?”

“Yes, this is not the time.” I pushed down my craving for him. I wanted it to go slow, I wanted to know if he really meant what he was saying and I wasn’t a fling in his diary. I’d shared extraordinary details of my life with him, and I would have been devastated if I would end up a notch on his headboard.

“Okay, sunshine. I’m going, but you are missing something.”

“What?” I looked around my home. I thought he missed something there, but I saw nothing.

Then a hand pulled me in his arms. He grabbed my lower back, just above my hips with his right hand and pulled me even closer. His other hand was moving through my hair seamlessly and his eyes were fixed on mine.

“Did I tell you that you are the most beautiful woman I’ve met in my whole life?” he said in an angelic voice.

I knew it was a lie, but it sounded so true and genuine from him. I couldn’t resist, but closed my eyes. My lips parted, waiting for his to touch mine for the second time. The wait was over in a second, his lush lips touching my own. It was like fire meeting ice. Our lips melted in a blink and before I knew it, he was sucking my lips in his. The touch was so exotic that I got turned on in a second. My hands vanished in his hair and pulled his head toward mine. It was the most divine kiss I’d ever had.

His hand on my back pulled me more into him. My breasts were crushed on his chest; I liked that feeling, too. I wished that kiss would never end. But all of a sudden, he stopped. He withdrew his head and went back a step, but his hand was still holding my back.

I looked at him with wounded eyes; it was the most beautiful kiss of my life and he ended it just like that.

“I know, I’m sorry. I wouldn’t be able to stop if I continue. But believe me, this was not what I thought. It was most…” He sighed. “Never mind, I can’t describe it.”

“Why, was it bad?” I asked, my heart pumping faster. I was afraid that he didn’t like me.

“No, it was the best kiss I’ve ever had. It was more than awesome. I just can’t describe it. I might have gone further if I hadn’t stopped there.”

Even I don’t want to stop, dear.

“I’m so sorry.” He came forward, pulled me in his arms and kissed me on my forehead. “I wanted this date to be perfect, I just couldn’t ruin it.”

“Thanks Eyan. It was a perfect.” I brushed my lips on his cheek. “Good night. We will meet tomorrow.” If I’d stayed there in his presence, I might not been able to stop myself from pulling him closer and doing things with him that neither of us was ready for.

I turned back and the dress Eyan gifted me was still there, laying on the table. I smiled at it. May be I'll wear this to surprise him in wedding.



Chapter 10


I looked at Eyan; he was busy talking with his sister. I smiled as I remembered what had happened half an hour ago.

I’d finished looking at the flowers arrangements over the whole mansion. It was a fascinating scene, and I was sure it would make it onto the front pages of many magazines world-wide.

I was walking near the room made available for the bride and I felt a strong pull by my shoulder. I was shocked at first, but then I saw the green-eyed demon seeking my lips. He pushed his lips on mine, hard and fast like time would run out. He had been doing this for the last twelve days, grabbing every chance to kiss me and then leave me there, longing for more. They were fun and igniting, but he didn’t know how those kisses had left me devastated at night. He always left me hanging, craving more. But we both were too busy in arrangements to spare any moment after that. But those kisses always left me in a whirlwind. They made my nights sleepless.
Oh, God, am I falling for him?

Eyan was attractive as hell, and he knew very well how I felt when he was around. Whenever I was in the Swan mansion, my eyes kept looking for him. He had occupied my mind, my body, my every thought for last twelve days. I could even recognize him by his body aroma. And the kisses—goddamn, they were going hotter and bolder. Eyan knew the art of kissing pretty well. His tongue knew how to turn me on in a second. I sometimes wondered what would happen when he went to the next base.

I wanted to think about something else, but his kisses occupied my mind. His kiss had a different effect on me every time; sometimes it was warm as winter fire, and sometimes it was icy cold—breathtaking, Sometimes it was intoxicating, sometime comforting. I could never guess exactly how the next one would feel like.

The last one we had in the room was harder than anyone before. He pushed me hard on the wall behind me and started kissing my neck, and then my chin. His lips rolled over every inch of my face until he got to my lips. His teeth bore their presence on my lips first, a slight gasp spurred out of my mouth, but it vanished in his groan. His tongue had already started playing inside my mouth, sending tingles across my whole body. Goddamn, that was turning me on rapidly. He was pushing me over the cliff, leaving me alone on the top. My body was begging for his touch, wanting to explore the depth of my sexuality with him, but he never went further than the kiss.

“Goddamn, Trisha, I don’t want to wait anymore,” he whispered in my ears before leaving me in the room, wanting, throbbing for him.

“Neither do I, Eyan,” I said, but he was already out of the room. I touched my neck, my hair prickled as I thought about what would happen next that I had been avoiding for too long.

I was startled as someone touched my hand and my mind came out of my thoughts. My eyes darted up to look at the person—it was Tyler smiling at me.

“Hi, Tyler, what happened? Why are you smiling?” I asked.

“I see my brother left you thinking about him.” A mischievous smile occupied his face.

“No, it’s just…” My face turned red. He was right, I was thinking about Eyan. But how could he guess that.

“Hey, Tyler, what are you doing with my friend?” Eyan tapped on his shoulder.

“You are looking gorgeous, sunshine.” Eyan’s eyes held naughtiness; his eyes flicked over me, tracing my features.

“Thanks, Eyan. You look great, too,” I replied.

“Come on, guys, I’m here. Can someone praise me for my looks as well?” Tyler chuckled.

“Dude, you look too beautiful…” Eyan pulled his cheeks.

“Actually, Eyan, you are looking great today. He is looking handsome,” I chipped in.

Now it was Tyler’s turn to laugh. Eyan smirked at me and walked away. “Catch you later, sunshine. I have lots of people to take care of.”

By his sentence, I remembered I had to pick up Sarah from Melissa. “Shit, I totally forgot that.” Sarah was the flower girl, and the wedding was only three hours away. She should have been here by now.

“What happened? Is everything okay?” Tyler asked.

Sweat beads moved over my forehead, and a big know emerged in my stomach. I needed a faster car, maybe Eyan’s Ferrari to bring Sarah here. Yes, only Eyan could save me now.

“Nothing. I remember I forgot something that I need to bring here. Do you know where Eyan has gone?” I asked. I had to get Eyan come with me.

“Well, he must be busy. Evy is his real sister, after all. Do you mind if I come with you to grab that thing?” He sounded genuine.

I studied him for a moment. He looked genuine, and he was correct, Eyan must be busy with some work. And how could I take him away from his sister’s wedding? “Okay, I‘ll ask Melissa to come halfway and we can go halfway. Anyways, do you have a faster car?” I hoped he had something fast.

“You bet ya.” He grinned ear to ear. “After you.” He bowed in front of me.

I started walking out. I had to take care of my yellow gown as well. It was a gift from Eyan and I would die before tearing it in a bad car door.

I looked at the house parking lot—yes, the mansion had different parking for residents, then guests and then a separate one for the mansion limo and golf carts. I saw a normal,black Chevrolet parked near a yello
. I was sure that black Chevrolet was Tyler’s, so I started walking towards it. He suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him holding my lower back.

“Sweetheart, why would you think that I drive that junk?” Tyler chuckled. I didn’t like his touch. But I was the one in need then.

“Is this yours?” I looked at the yellow beauty, trying to get rid of his embrace. I couldn’t believe how rich they all were. First a Ferrari and then this yello

“Yes, babe,” His hand moved a bit lower, almost lingering above my ass.

“Get in.” He opened the door for me.

“Awesome.” I was thrilled to see the interior of the car. It was out of the world. My hands traced over the metal body.

“Isn’t it.” Tyler swiftly jumped in.

“Yes, it’s awesome.”

Tyler pushed a button and that cold metal came to life without a single sound. The car was amazing.

“Let me call Melissa, to meet us in halfway.” I pulled my mobile out.


“I didn’t know you would have a cute package like this.” He looked at Sarah, as she came out of Melissa’s car.

“She is looking so cute, isn’t she?” I asked. Sarah was wearing a light blue and white flower girl dress, which Eyan and I had bought few days before. It was a nice fit for her and she was looking like an angel. A little pale, but the smile on her face was covering all the pain she hid below her surface.

“Auntie Trisha.” She came and hugged me tightly. “How do I look?” She went a step back, twirling.

“So cute, my sweetheart.” I brushed my lips on her cheek.

“Please don’t, you will ruin my makeup,” the little brat scolded me.

“Oh, my little babe.” I pulled her cheeks.

My eyes darted to Melissa. She was looking at us curiously, but a hint of tension was visible on her face.

“Don’t worry, Melissa, I’ll bring her back safely,” I promised her.

Her face softened. “Thanks, Trisha. It meant a lot for her.” She smiled and went back to her car.

“Look, Sarah, we are going through a …”

“Wow, yellow big car, same as the movies.” She was already near the car, touching it and peeking inside through the glass.

“Let’s go.” Tyler put his hand on my ass. Yes, this time on my ass. I felt weird. But I ignored it, thinking that it was unintentional.

I had no other choice but to take Sarah on my lap, as the car only had two seats. I was afraid that I would ruin her dress. But fortunately it was intact when we walked out of the car. We walked inside the mansion with the flower girl. The wedding was coming closer. We went straight to Evelyn’s room. She was ready in her dress, and a makeup artist was applying the final touch up on her face.

“Evelyn, look, the flower girl is here.” I called her.

“Wow, she looks gorgeous.” She looked at her from the corner of the eyes. She was pre-occupied by the makeup artist.

“Sarah, say hi to Evelyn. You are going to be flower girl for her. Tell her thanks for the opportunity.”

“Thank you, Evelyn,” Sarah said in her cute voice.

“Okay, we will wait for you in the garden,” I said.

“Trisha, wait a second.” She rolled her eyes to the makeup artist. The artist went away for a bit. She came to me and held my hand.

“I wanted to say thank you. I appreciate your help. As now we are friends, why don’t you come to New York sometime and we can hang out,” she asked.

“New York?” Bittersweet memories of my time there flooded my mind. Actually, I found it was an irony that I totally forgot about New York after I met Eyan. Like Tristan was a distant dream. I still remembered his words.
You will find someone who deserves you, Trisha.
Maybe I’d found the one.

“Yes, I’m moving there with Mark,” she said.

“Sure, Evelyn, I’ll try.”

“Come with Eyan some weekend, we will have fun.” She sent a cute smile my way.

“And I asked him to buy you something precious, and you are not saying ‘no’ this time.”

“How did you know…”

“Don’t forget we are twins. We share a lot more than you think.” She winked at me.

I didn’t know that, nor had Eyan told me that. Now I could see the resemblance in both of them—the way they talked, the smile and the honey-colored hair of both.

“Of course, Evelyn. I will.” We had come closer in the last fifteen days. I knew her better as a person now. I even knew her quirks and I really started liking her. “See you at the aisle. Everything is ready for you, my friend,” I said and walked back out. This wedding had given me a lot.
For starters, Eyan Swan
, I thought.

I took Sarah with me to the garden and I met Eyan.

“Hey, sunshine, where were you?” His voice trailed off.

“I went to pick up Sarah.”

“Why didn’t you call me, babe? I would have sent a driver with you.” His hands brushed my cheeks.

“Tyler came with me. He took me in his Lamborghini. It’s so awesome.”

“Tyler?” His face turned darker. “Okay, but if you want to go anywhere, call me. I’ll be around.” He brushed his lips on my cheek softly and walked away from there.

“Auntie Trisha, is he your boyfriend?” Sarah asked, touching my elbow.

“Boyfriend?” Was he my boyfriend? That was a question to me, too, what relationship we really had there. It was the last day and I had no reason to come back to the mansion. I didn’t even know if he would be staying here or joining some company of his Dad’s somewhere around the globe.
Goddamn, I really don’t know him much.
We fooled around, kissed plenty of times, but I’d never asked such questions. Now when I thought back, he did asked me plenty of questions about my work, but he never told me much about him. I better ask him in detail about his plans. Actually, I better ask myself where this relationship was going.



The moment was near; any time, Evelyn would come. Sarah was ready in front of the aisle with a flower basket in her hand. She was looking so cute that many people were clicking her pic with their smart phones.

The music started, and the beautiful bride with her father walked to the aisle. Evy was looking so cute in her wedding dress.

Sarah was standing at the aisle, and when I signaled her, she started walking forward, dropping the flowers on the path of the bride and her father.

Mr. Swan, Evy’s father, didn’t look like he was in his sixties. If anyone had asked me his age, I would have told them fifty or fifty-two. He was wearing a black suit and he was well-maintained for his age—a flat tummy, pumped up chest and a white beard suited his appearance. Evy’s mom, who was standing near the podium, also looked young for her age.

Evy and her father followed Sarah slowly. Mr. Swan held his daughter’s hand to his heart. His eyes were watery. I could feel the love of that man for his daughter.

Actual ceremony was quite simple. The bride and groom took their vows and then kissed each other. I liked the way the wedding took place. There were hundreds of guests invited, but there wasn’t any rush. The arrangements were perfect. The French person who’d done that did it perfectly. It was an irony that I came here to assist him, but I ended up in assisting the bride herself and never met the actual French planner who’d arranged everything.

The married couple was traveling to Hawaii for their honeymoon. And I was going back home with Sarah. I’d already started missing Eyan; we’d become very much closer in the last fifteen days. The few kisses we shared were more than anything I’d gained in those fifteen days.

“Sunshine, what are you doing tonight? Are you sure you have to miss the reception? It will be fun.” The hot breath of Eyan touched my neck.
              "I'm sorry, Eyan. But I have to take Sara back and I also have a presentation to prepare." I wanted to attend, but the Sara part was important. I’d promised Melissa that I would bring her home before it got too late.
              He sighed. "What are you doing tomorrow night?"
              “Nothing much, what about you?” I asked. I knew he be free at last tomorrow.
              “Why don’t we spend some relaxing time with each other? I’ll be there by eight. Let me take care of the few remaining guests and then I’ll be there for you.” His lips brushed my neck gently.
              My muscles clenched inside, a wetness covered my lower lips. Goddamn, I’ll be waiting for you, Eyan.

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