A Lesson in Passion (25 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Connors

Tags: #scottish romance, #historcal romance

BOOK: A Lesson in Passion
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Broderick walked up to the abbey gate and rang
the bell. The bell, large and rusty looking, clanged loudly in the
peace of the early evening. While waiting for the summons to be
fulfilled, Ian took Ginny aside and whispered, “I must marry her,
Ginny. Ya do understand that.”

“Ian, have you asked Elspeth what
she wants?”

“It doesnae matter what she wants.
Her father and I agreed to join our clans. She must marry a

“Fine. But does that McKenna have
to be you?” She saw him begin to object and she quickly added,
“She's in love with Broderick. She all but told me flat out when
you were butchering Sinclairs. Wouldn't her father be alright with
her marrying him instead?”

“Why dinna ya tell me this

Ginny looked as if she was thinking about what
he said. She even put her hand on her chin and looked back
thoughtfully at him. “I don't know. I guess torturing you for a
couple of hours was in payback for you not telling me you were
betrothed when we were fooling around with each other.” With that,
she gave him a dazzling smile.

“Och, Ginny. Ya made me watch ya
with Ewan for hours so ya could get some revenge?”

“Aye, I did. You really must learn
not to mess with me, Ian. I can be really mean when I want to be!”
Her smile was devious, but dazzling. Things were definitely
starting to look up.

He put his head in his hands and starting
shaking. Ginny wondered how much trouble she would be in for this,
until she saw the smile on his face. He shook his head and walked
quickly away. She watched Ian approach Broderick and Elspeth, who
had naturally stood by him while waiting for the monks to arrive at
the gate.

Ian spoke to both of them. Ginny saw Elspeth's
face light up and Broderick, as usual, remained implacable. Elspeth
began to shake her head up and down vigorously. Ginny watched
Broderick as he agreed slowly to the arrangement. Ian slapped his
first in command on the back and walked back to Ginny.

“Well, it is done. Broderick will
marry Elspeth. And ya will marry me.”

Ginny was so happy to hear about Broderick and
Elspeth that she didn't fully comprehend his other statement.
“We're getting married... today?”

“Aye, Ginny.” Ian lowered his voice
to a whisper and said, “And ya will be mine tonight.”

A flutter started in Ginny's stomach. This was
it, finally. Ginny was going to get what she'd been waiting for
since day one of coming here. Would it be done after that? Would
she get to go home? Her face dropped at the thought. As much as she
wanted to go home, she really did like Ian. It was too late to
consider it, since a monk finally appeared at the gate.

Broderick spoke quickly to the monk, who then
opened the gate and allowed only the couples and two witnesses
inside. Ian quickly gave orders to the others to be on the lookout.
One of the MacDonalds, a man named Liam, had been sent to the
MacDonald laird to tell them the marriage would take place and war
would be declared on the Sinclairs. Liam was to meet them here,
hopefully with some MacDonald soldiers at his side.

Another man was sent to the McKenna keep. He
would rally Alec and the other McKenna soldiers here as well. It
seemed that after the festive marriage of the McKenna Laird and his
first in command, there was to be a battle. Probably in the field
outside a small village, where an abbey stood watch over the


  • * Chapter 23 *




Before Ginny knew what was happening, she was
herded into a chapel inside the old keep of the abbey. She and
Elspeth were taken aside, far enough away from Ian and Broderick
that they wouldn't be able to hear, and asked some very pointed
questions by a monk named Douglas.

“Do ya both come here of ya own
free will? I willnae marry ya otherwise,” he said. Ginny looked at
his old face. Brother Douglas probably wasn't that old, but the
years had not been kind. The monk was shorter than Ginny and
rounder as well. He had an easy smile and kind voice, so both girls
were instantly put at ease.

Elspeth was the first to answer and quite
eagerly at that, “Oh yes, Brother. I am more than willing to marry
Broderick.” She was smiling from ear to ear. She had thanked Ginny
a thousand times for her help as they entered the abbey.

Brother Douglas turned to Ginny. “And ya,
child. Are ya certain ya wish to marry Laird McKenna?”

Both Ginny and the monk turned to look at Ian
at the same time. Ian, who had been staring at them already, lifted
an eyebrow at her in challenge. He obviously knew what the monk was
trying to ascertain and knew that Ginny would probably be difficult
about it. Ginny smiled a dazzling smile and turned back to the
monk. “Yes, I think I would like to marry the Laird McKenna

Impatience got the better of him and Ian
yelled from across the room, “Brother, we havenae all

Brother Douglas' easy smile disappeared. “I
willnae be rushed, young man. I will take what time I need to make
sure the two of ya didnae steal these girls from their homes.”
Ginny watched Ian roll his eyes at the announcement.

Ginny smiled at the monk. She'd rarely seen
anyone willing to stand up to Ian, other than herself. It was
refreshing to see that the monk was not so easily intimidated. Ian
could probably snap him in half, but Brother Douglas had a duty to
do and wouldn't be put off from it.

“Now, as I was saying, were either
of ya taken against yar will? It is a sad practice in the
Highlands. But a tradition at that. So, were ya?”

Elspeth, again in her enthusiasm, said, “No. I
was to marry the laird, but I fell in love with Broderick. I wasnae
forced in any way.”

At her announcement, the monk looked curious.
“Lady Chatham, did ya know that Elspeth was intended for the

“Aye,” was the only reply she gave,
still smiling in Ian's direction.

“Ya havenae an issue with marrying
him instead?”

“Nay,” again, still

“Verra well, then. I will marry ya
both right now.”

The ceremony, if you could call it that, was
very brief and informal. Questions of whether you take so and so,
and do you promise to honor, cherish and obey. Truthfully, Ginny
wasn't too jazzed about the obey part, didn't feel it was necessary
since she had no intention of obeying anyone. Alas, if she was
going to get her wedding night, she would have to lie a

At the end of the ceremony, Brother Douglas
took a piece of both men's kilt and wrapped it around their joined
hands. Ginny smiled again at the symbolism and was in a kind of awe
over what she'd done. She'd just married a man. Never did that
before. Of course, she wouldn't have married someone just to have
sex either. She would have just had sex with him.

After the final blessing, the group walked
back to the great room of the keep. Brother Douglas offered
everyone some wine in celebration. Not wanting to be rude, everyone
accepted a glass and toasted the newly married couples. Even the
two McKenna soldiers, enlisted as witnesses enjoyed a glass.
Finally, the monk offered the married couples lodging for the

“We have some special chambers for
overnight guests. They are simple, but warm and comfortable. Would
ya care to stay?” he asked the men. Ginny thought it was a no
brainer, of course they would stay, but apparently it wasn't that
simple for the men.

“We should prepare the troops,
Laird,” Broderick stated.

“Aye, but we need to consummate the
marriage to ensure the alliance,” Ian retorted.

“I think Elspeth and I would be far
more comfortable in these lodgings than out in the field in front
of the abbey,” Ginny was getting slightly perturbed by the casual
banter, interfering with her best sex ever.

Ian called to the two soldiers and gave them
quick instructions. Then he turned to the monk and said, “Thank ya,
Brother Douglas. We will accept yar hospitality.”

“Verra well. I will show ya the

The monk walked them down a dark corridor that
was damp and musty. Ginny decided that you shouldn't build a stone
house in a humid place. How she hadn't caught a nasty cold yet was
beyond her. Although it probably had something to do with Ian
keeping her warm every night.

Each man carried one candle to light the way.
Brother Douglas opened a door toward the end of the corridor. He
motioned to Broderick and Elspeth. Elspeth practically ran into the
room, without the use of the candle that Broderick held. Broderick
raised an eyebrow in response and promptly followed his new wife
into the room.

Ginny had a slew of rude things to say, but
held her tongue. Wouldn't do her any good to irritate her new
husband. They continued to the next and last door in the corridor.
The monk opened the door and bid them goodnight. He left in quite a
hurry, probably not wanting to think about what was going to happen
next, let alone listen to it. Ian eyed her intently. “After ya,
wife,” he said with a smile on his beautiful face.

Ginny entered the small cell and looked
around. There was a bowl and pitcher of water on a small table in
the corner. On the floor, was a straw mattress, covered with what
appeared to be clean linens and a heavy blanket. In the corner by
the door, was a small brazier, which Ian began to build a fire
using the wood provided.

The water in the pitcher was cold, but Ginny
knew better than to ask for hot water. She poured some water into
the bowl, found a small towel under the table and began to wash her
face. The only sound was the clanging of Ian building the fire. She
went about taking off her tunic and placing it on the bed. Standing
near the wash basin in only her chemise, Ian stared hungrily.
Finally, he would get what he'd wanted for so long.

Ginny continued to clean as much as she could
reach. She truly wished she could have taken a bath first.
Suddenly, Ian was right behind her. Ginny could feel his breath on
the back of her neck. His voice, raspy and rough, said, “Can I help
ya with that, wife?”

Ginny swallowed hard. Her own voice was just
as thick with passion, “Yes, of course. Please do.”

Ian reached down for the bottom of her chemise
and lifted it over her head. He discarded it next to her tunic.
Although not shy, Ginny could feel herself blush from standing
before Ian naked. He then knelt down to remove Ginny's shoes and
hose. When completed, Ginny stood before him completely naked, but
surprisingly not cold. The fire that Ian had built had warmed up
the small room. Ian began his ministrations, taking the washcloth
and washing her body. He started up top, on her shoulders and arms.
Then delicately working his way down, paying close attention to her
breasts and stomach.

He finished rather abruptly with her legs,
having bypassed her hips and bottom. Ginny wondered if he was
afraid of scaring her, so he neglected those areas for the time
being. When completed, he stood before her and smiled. Ginny smiled
back, to let him know that she was quite looking forward to their
time together.

Ginny took the washcloth and put it down in
the basin. Then she turned to him and began to undress him. Ian
couldn't believe how bold she was. She started by taking off his
boots, then undoing his kilt. When she unlatched the belt, the
fabric fell away and Ian was left standing in his long shirt.
Motioning him to bend over, she promptly removed that as well. Ian
immediately grabbed her, but Ginny pushed him away. She picked up
the washcloth and began to wash him from head to toe as

Unlike Ian, Ginny paid special attention to
Ian's groin, making sure to thoroughly wash his erect penis. It was
enormous and Ginny wondered if he would tear her apart. Once
complete, she put down the washcloth and turned to him. “I'm done.
What would you like to do now?” she said with her eyebrow raised
and a smile on her face.

Ian picked Ginny up as if she weighed nothing.
He turned and gently placed her on the mattress, then covered her
body with his. Ian began to kiss her face, eyes, nose and finally
her mouth. With no encouragement, Ginny opened her mouth to him and
Ian used his tongue to dominate her mouth and body. His one hand
was caught in her hair while the other hand began to gently caress
her breasts. When he took one nipple between his fingers and
squeezed, Ginny let out an involuntary moan of pleasure.

Ian leaned down and began to suck gently on
her nipple. Ginny wound her hands through his long, auburn hair and
let him have his way with her. His tongue was like magic, bringing
each nipple to stand erect at his touch. Even in bed, Ian expected
total submission, from all his subjects. He began to kiss the
valley between her breasts as his hand went to explore her soft
mound. Parting her slowly, he found her clit and began to play
gently with it, first circling it, then softly pulling at

Ginny could feel the orgasm building in her
middle. She knew that Ian had to do very little to give her
tremendous satisfaction. His finger began to circle the outer edge
of her opening, stroking gently, but purposefully. When finally he
entered her with his finger, Ginny came off the bed and moaned
loudly. Ian laughed softly. “Aaah, Ginny, yar so wet for me. I can
feel yar warmth.” His own painful erection was pressing against
her, looking for its own satisfaction.

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