A Little Harmless Fantasy (19 page)

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Authors: Melissa Schroeder

BOOK: A Little Harmless Fantasy
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“And speaking of your brother here he is.”

Before she could tell Jillian she didn’t want to talk to her
brother—mainly because she was afraid that he would figure out
what was going on with Zeke and Rory—his voice filtered over
the phone.

“Hey, Maura. I was wondering if you had time for lunch

She frowned. Again, he wasn’t acting like himself. Conner
didn’t plan lunch dates unless it was official work.

“Did we have some work to do? I was planning on goofing off all

“No. Is there anything wrong with me wanting to have lunch with
my sister?”

She shook her head, and then realized she was on the phone.
Brilliant, Maura
. “Nope. You don’t normally do
things like this.”

There was a pause. “Good lord, all I wanted to do was have
lunch and show you the new offices. Why does everyone think I have
ulterior motives for everything?”

He sounded so exasperated that she had to bite back the giggle
tickling her throat. “I’m sorry. I will be happy to have
lunch with you.”

“I will pick you up at ten.”

Then he was gone. She sighed. Conner was changing but he still needed
to learn how not to order her to a social type of thing.

Jillian came back on the phone. “And, now you know sort of what
went on. I have a feeling that Zeke told Conner he needed to spend
time with you as a brother.”

She frowned. “Why would he do that? Does he hate me?”

Jillian chuckled. “Stop. You know both of them love you.”

“Please tell me you’re coming.”

“Nope. It’s all Dillon blood tomorrow. I’m going to
work in silence for the first time in over a week.”

“Okay. We do need to get out together though.”

“Will do. We’ll hit the town in a day or two. Be nice to
your brother tomorrow and don’t be too bad.”

Maura was smiling when she clicked off the phone. She should go right
downstairs, but she needed a second to herself. They guys were so
damned overwhelming at times. She watched the people on the beach in
the distance as she thought about both of them. Zeke was always going
to have a special place in her heart. Maura had realized long ago
that Zeke was probably the love of her life. It was a shame that
there were so many things in their way.

Now though, Rory was worming his way into her heart. Sadly, he wasn’t
even trying. Only one day and she was getting tangled up with him.
The way he acted sometimes…she had thought he was a prick.
Now, though, she had a feeling that he did it as self-preservation.
She was sure there was an ooey gooey center to him.

She shook her head and decided to get back to emptying her bags.
Wishing for more than this week would be a huge mistake.

* * * *

Zeke talked about everything but the conversation with Conner. He
really didn’t want to talk about it, especially with Rory. Zeke
knew part of the reason Rory pushed the threesome was because he felt
threatened by Maura. It hadn’t been hard to figure out. Rory
had a “keep your enemies closer” mentality.

“Are you going to tell me what happened or are you going to
keep talking about this bullshit?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean what was going on between you and Conner?”


Rory crossed his arms over his chest and glared at him.
When Rory got suspicious it usually ended in a fight.

“Yeah, oh. Did he object to us staying here together?”

Zee shook his head. “He hasn’t picked up on that. Jillian


“Don’t worry about her. She knew the moment we showed up.
She did say to put the kibosh on the idea of public submission at
Rough ‘n Ready.”

His frown darkened. “Why?”

“It’ll get back to Conner.”

“What the fuck does that matter?”

“It would upset Maura.”

Zeke expected Rory to say he didn’t care about that. Rory had
tunnel vision. Once he had his mind set on something he couldn’t
see anything but reaching that goal. It was one of the reasons he was
such a damned good security specialist. It was hell being his lover
though. The messes that resulted in that kind of thing were never

Now, though, he seemed to be thinking of something other than that
one goal...and it was about Maura. Zeke felt his stomach dip just a
tad. Not in a bad way, not really. But if Rory was getting feelings
about Maura, there was a good chance that he would want more than
just a week.

Zeke mentally shook himself. Rory wasn’t into long
relationships—except for the one they had. Zeke knew he was
about the only person Rory kept in contact with outside of Zeke’s

But, if he was…

“Okay, so no biggie. We’ll do it when we get back to

Zeke’s heart stopped for a second. “What the hell are you
thinking? You said one week.”

Rory glanced at the stairs and then moved toward Zeke. The crooked
smile that always made him hot curved Rory’s full, sensuous
mouth. His cock twitched.


“Come on, Zee, you know that it’s more than that now.”

He did, but he was worried there was something else going on. Rory
had been rushing toward this threesome. It was as if Rory was trying
to burn them out on it and that wasn’t going to work for Zeke.
He needed Rory to think he was resistant to the idea or Rory would
get bored.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Zeke said.

It was a delicious idea, but Zeke bit his tongue from adding that.
Thinking of having the two people he loved in his life that way...it
was more than he could hope for. He wanted it, prayed for it, but if
Rory was pushing for it, he saw it as a temporary fix to his problems
with Maura. Zeke knew he needed to slow him down or Rory would ruin

But as always, Rory saw another way of solving their problems…if
only temporary. He stepped behind Zeke and slipped his hands to his
waist. He leaned closer, pressing against him. Zeke felt Rory’s
hardened cock between their clothes.

“You want it as much as I do, don’t you? I thought just a
week, but the truth is I’m not sure that’s going to be
enough. Not for me, or you...and I’m pretty sure Maura. I don’t
think we’ve ever had a sub like that.”

Zeke shuttered and shook his head. Rory kissed his neck as he slid
one hand down to Zeke’s crotch.

“Ah, that’s a nice present you have there for me, Zee,”
he said, the edges of his voice roughened.

Why did that always get to him?

Rory continued kissing his neck, nipping at the skin. Turning him
around, he shoved him against the counter. He took Zeke’s mouth
in a rough, possessive kiss. Zeke felt the scrape of Rory’s
teeth against his bottom lip. He shuddered in reaction. He couldn’t
help it. Rory pressed his groin against Zeke’s.

Bloody hell

Rory paused and looked behind Zeke, who followed his line of vision
and saw Maura watching them from the stairs. Damn, she was wearing
that tiny yellow string bikini that barely covered all her naughty
bits. Whenever she wore it, he wanted to either cover her up so
people couldn’t see her—or tear the fucking thing off

“Don’t stop on my account, boys,” she said. He
would have never known she would be so turned on watching them, but
she was.

“Boys?” Rory asked. “I think we’ve proven
more than once that we are a little bit more than boys.”

She walked down the stairs, taking her time as she watched them. “No,
really, you shouldn’t stop.”

Zeke knew that most women who came to their bed did it as some kind
of challenge and they often became jealous if Rory and he spent too
much time together. For Maura it was different. He knew that part of
it was her love for him. But, now, there was something else he hadn’t
expected. She was turned on by his interaction with Rory. Zeke was
pretty sure that hadn’t happened before now.

“I’m fairly certain you don’t call the shots around
here,” Rory growled.

She stopped a few feet from the two of them and cocked her head to
the side. “Yeah?”

He heard the challenge in her voice and he looked at Rory. Their
gazes locked.

“I think she’s questioning my authority here, Zee.”

“I think she is too,” Zeke said and they both looked at

Her lips curved and his heartbeat kicked up a notch. “So,
whatcha going to do about it, guys?”

Chapter Eleven

Zeke almost laughed at Maura’s challenge.

“I think girlie here thinks we are supposed to listen to her.
Be at her beck and call,” Rory said.

Zeke almost wanted to tell him they were already there. One day and
he knew that Rory was falling for her, for this thing the three of
them shared together. But for some reason, he wanted to hold back.
Rory would freak as soon as he told him, or made him face what was

“I think you’re right,” Zeke said. “She sort
of needs to be punished.”

She tried to look angry with them. He knew she was having a hard time
of it though. Especially since he could see her nipples were already
poking against the thin fabric of her bikini.

“I told you I don’t like when you talk about me like I’m
not here.”

Rory growled again, the sexy sound urging on Zeke’s arousal.
Lord, there wasn’t a man who could make him lose it like Rory
and now, dammit, he was caught between the two of them.

“I don’t think I asked your opinion.”

The cocky smile she gave both of them was full of teeth. “Well,
I gave it.”

Again there was the challenge. The fact that she felt comfortable
enough to do this told Zeke that she was already at ease with Rory as
her Dom. He just wondered how long it would take her to figure it

“Hmm,” Rory said, as he turned and opened up the
refrigerator and took out the whipped cream he’d bought the day
before. He set it on the counter. Zeke knew what he was doing. He was
acting casual as if nothing big was going on. But in the next second,
he turned with lightening speed and went after Maura. She let out a
sound that was half laugh and half scream and ran. Zeke was laughing
himself when Rory cornered her in the dining room. They were standing
on opposite sides of the table in a standoff.

Zeke had never seen Rory act so free with anyone with well.

“You’re cornered, Maura. Come out now.”

He knew there were rules to the D/s relationship that he didn’t
always understand, but this; he would think Rory would be pissed.
Instead, there was an unholy gleam in his eyes and Zeke’s heart
melted just a bit. The man didn’t laugh enough and for some
reason, Maura had been able to get him to loosen up.

Rory stalked around the table, but Maura took off with another
scream. Unfortunately for her, she didn’t understand that Zeke
was on Rory’s side. He grabbed her up.

“I have her, love,” Zeke said laughing.

“Zeke, you’re supposed to be on my side.”

He shook his head and looked down at her. “I’m on the
side that gets you naked faster.”

Before she could respond, Rory stepped up behind her. “Now,
you’re going to learn how to behave. No back talking, no
running away.”

Rory grabbed her up and threw her over his shoulder. He gave her ass
a hard smack.

“Some little sub is going to learn not to be such a pain in the
ass. Grab a chair will ya’, Zee. I think our lover needs a
little lesson.”

His body already responding, he grabbed a chair and followed Rory
into the kitchen. When Rory was in a playful mood like this, there
was no telling what would happen.

* * * *

Maura found herself stripped of her bathing suit and bent over Rory’s
lap. She was laughing when he smacked her with his hand.

The sting caused her to gasp, but he didn’t stop. If there was
one thing Rory knew how to do well, it was covering her ass with a
lot of smacks. By the time he finished, he’d covered her entire
bottom and it felt like it was on fire. He smoothed his hand over her
rear end. His palm was cool against her hot skin.

“You do have a pretty ass. It gets so damned pink when I spank

She heard Zeke’s footsteps and tried to look but Rory pressed
his hand against her back.

“You stay there.”

“I got everything you asked for,” Zeke said, his voice a
little breathless. He must have run upstairs to get whatever Rory had
asked him to retrieve. They had kept it secret from her. She tried to
twist again to see what he had brought, but the smack that landed on
her rear this time brought tears to her eyes.

“I told you not to look. I’m not kidding here, Maura.”

His voice had lost some of the humor, although she knew he wasn’t
truly mad. There was part of her that wanted to give him more
trouble, but the bigger part, the one that wanted to submit, had her

“Hand me that,” Rory said. “Put the rest on the
counter over there.”

Zeke did as instructed then squatted down in front of her. She looked
at him and frowned. “You should have helped me.”

He smiled and brushed her hair out of her face. “Where’s
the fun in that?”

She opened her mouth but moaned the moment Rory pressed a vibrator
against her pussy and turned it up to a high speed.

“Like that, do ya’, love?” Zeke asked. His voice
had deepened. She nodded and threaded her lower lip between her

Fuck, she went from mildly aroused to fucking ready to come in just a
matter of seconds. Rory must have sensed it because he turned the
vibe down to a low hum.

“Not yet, Maura. You were bad, and while you might have been
playing, you need to learn that when I tell you to do something, you
do it.”

He changed the speeds a few times, going from low to high over and

“Hey, Zee, bring me that and the lube.”

Zeke gave him what he asked for, then joined her back on the floor.
“You know how pretty you look there?”

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