Read A Little Harmless Lie 4 Online

Authors: Melissa Schroeder

A Little Harmless Lie 4 (13 page)

BOOK: A Little Harmless Lie 4
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She nodded.

He slipped the fabric over her head, tying it in back. He brushed his mouth over hers. “Good girl.”

He moved from the bed, pulled off his jacket and his shirt. He knew that she could hear his movements, hear the fabric being removed. Her breath sped up, and when he turned around to face her, he noticed her pulse was throbbing in her neck. As in most Hawaiian houses, he had removed his shoes when he’d entered, so all he wore now was a pair of pants. He wanted nothing more than to pull them off, but he knew better. He needed some kind of barrier to keep from jumping her.

He approached her, reminding himself to take it slowly. It wasn’t something he usually had a problem with. It was one of the things he was proud of. But thinking about her for the last six months, wanting her, dreaming of her, had shredded a lot of his control.

Normally, he would make a sub strip. It was one of his favorite ways to exert power over the situation. But right now, he knew this was all she could take. Hell, she wasn’t just a virgin sub, but a virgin, with all the nerves that went along with it. He didn’t think she was scared, but even knowing about sex, knowing what went on, didn’t really let her know how it felt to connect to another human being in such a way.

“I’m going to remove your dress.”

She opened her mouth, but he pressed his index finger against her lips.

“Unless you are going to say Hawaii, don’t say anything. I don’t want a peep out of you unless you’re moaning my name.”

She shivered, her breasts swaying with the action. As he reached behind her, his fingers skimmed her soft flesh and he sighed. Just that simple contact had his libido in overdrive. He wanted nothing more than to shred her clothes and devour her.

His fingers were shaking by the time he undid the knot behind her neck. The halter fell away, baring her breasts to his view. God, she was gorgeous. Pale skin with just the smallest hint of a tan line. Her breasts weren’t huge, but just the right size. He couldn’t stop his hand from sliding down to tease first one, then the other nipple. She sucked in a breath and he felt it as if she had touched him.

“You can show your pleasure, as I said before. That I have no problem with. If you have a question, you need to ask permission, but I prefer to be addressed as Sir.”

She frowned at that, and he chuckled. She would not go easily. It would take a while, he knew that, but he also knew she would fight him all the way. He actually preferred a spunky sub. He wanted a woman who could stand up for herself. Not someone weak- willed.

When she said nothing, he leaned forward and pressed the flat of his tongue over her nipple. She moaned then, the sound long, drawn out and filled with such need he almost lost his control. Over a tiny moan.

He grazed his teeth over her nipple then pulled away. He took a little time as he slipped the dress off her body and placed it on a chair beside the bed. When he turned around, his breath stopped short in his lungs. Seeing her here, against his red sheets, filtered through his blood, warming it to boiling. She was gorgeous. He knew that. Her body was trim and muscled, but not too tough. She had nicely curved hips, shapely legs. The nest of dark curls between her legs drew him. The urge to bury his face there, to take in her scent, taste her cream, almost had him scrambling on top of the bed.

Instead, for her, he counted backwards from ten. Twice.

“Lay back, Dee.”

She did as he asked and he smiled. She might think she was independent, but the woman was made for being a sub, at least in bed. He sat beside her and again noticed his hand shaking when he placed his palm on her stomach. He smiled when the muscles beneath his fingers jumped.

“Your pleasure will be heightened by losing your sight. Of course, all your pleasure is for me to give. You do not take.”

He skimmed his hand down to her pussy and laid it there. The heat of her sex warmed his hand. Her curls were damp, dripping with her arousal. He could imagine just how she would feel against his cock as he slid in.

“Do you understand?” he asked.


“Yes, Sir,” he insisted.

She hesitated and he raised his hand and smacked her pussy. Her gasp was filled with arousal and irritation. She swallowed.

“Yes, Sir.”

He rewarded her compliance with a caress, slipping his finger along her slit.

“I don’t ask for much tonight. I understand that this isn’t just your first submission. But I do expect some respect. And if you want to come, you will obey me.”

She bit her lower lip as he continued to slip his finger up and down her slit. Since she said nothing, did not defy him, he allowed the tip of his index finger to slide against her clit.

Fuck, it was already hard.

He lay down beside her, slipped his hands to her arms and pulled them above her head. “I do not want to use restraints tonight.”

That was a big fat lie, but he wanted to ease her worries. He couldn’t wait to tie her up as he fucked her senseless, but he knew that would be a bit too hardcore for their first time.

“But I do want you to hold on to the rungs in my headboard.”

He watched as she complied, her agile fingers slipping over the wood. She had dainty hands, slim fingers. He didn’t know why he’d never noticed it before. Before he could stop it, the image of her hands slipping down his stomach and wrapping around his cock solidified in his mind.

“Ah,” he said as he allowed his gaze to slip down her body. “I like that. You should see your breasts. That position offers them up to me so nicely.”

He bent his head and took a nipple into his mouth as he plucked and teased the other. They were perfect. Her flesh was sweet, as were the little moans she tried to keep at the back of her throat. The idea that she was still trying to control her reactions made him think he needed to take it up a notch. The woman would not give an inch.

He kissed his way down her stomach, dipping his tongue into her belly button as he continued down to her pussy. He came up to his knees between her legs. She spread them enough to allow him room, but that wasn’t enough for him. Placing a hand on each thigh, he urged them apart farther, until he could see her pussy.

“Damn, that’s pretty.” And it was. Her clit was hard, her pink lips glistening with her arousal. He slipped a finger along her slit and she shuddered.

“We will be shaving this.” She stiffened. “Not tonight, but we will. It’s my right.”

He knew she wasn’t happy about it, but he didn’t give a fuck. Really, at the moment, he had to use every bit of his control not to rip his pants off and fuck her until they both forgot their own names. Dee needed to understand just where they stood and who would be in charge.

Needing a taste, wanting it more than his next breath, he leaned down and set his mouth on her wet sex. He delved inside, the delectable taste of her crashing through him, over his taste buds.

Her legs moved restlessly against the sheets. Even tasting her wasn’t enough. He wanted her with such a force it bordered on primitive. As he slipped his tongue to her clit and pulled the tiny bundle of nerves into his mouth, he fought with that inner warrior. He was screaming to take her, to slip inside her, to make her come over and over. But he knew if he didn’t establish their D/s relationship from the start, it would confuse her. He continued to suck on her clit as he added a finger. Her inner muscles clamped down hard on his digit and he shuddered himself. Damn, she was tight.

It didn’t take him long to push her up to the edge. He could sense that her orgasm was just out of reach, but he wasn’t ready to let her fall. She needed to know that any pleasure she had she would get from him. He forced himself to pull his mouth from her as he continued moving his finger.

She moaned in frustration and he chuckled. It was about time she knew what he had been feeling for the last six months.

“You do not come unless I give you the right.”

Her brow furrowed, showing her displeasure, but she didn’t say anything. She had learned something at least. He rewarded her by pressing his thumb against her clit before pulling away completely.

He slipped off the bed, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. She turned her head toward him and it was the one time he hated that she had that mask on. He knew that in today’s world, even a virgin had an opportunity to see men naked. He was pretty sure she had seen a lot of men at Rough ’n Ready in various states of undress. There was a little part of him that wanted her gaze on him. It was a turn- on to see her excitement in her eyes, the way her pulse beat in her neck. It would have to wait.

Her tongue came out over her plump pink lips. Micah had always loved oral sex, giving and getting. But he knew tonight he could not ask for that, at least not this time. He pushed his slacks away and stepped out of them. Her tongue moved over her bottom lip again. He could only imagine how it would feel to drive his shaft between those lips, into the wet recesses of her mouth.

He shoved that thought aside, mostly, and joined her back on the bed. He touched his hands to her feet and then skimmed them up her legs. She was petite, athletic and he loved her body. Loved watching the muscles tense and relax. All that hard muscle encased beneath the softest skin.

He skimmed his hand over her pussy, happy to see her jerk at the touch. He wanted her off- center. He continued moving his hand up her body, lightly skimming over her breasts. She sighed, a dose of arousal and frustration in the sound. He smiled and slid his hand to her sex again. This time, he pressed against the clit with his thumb and slipped two fingers into her pussy as he slid down between her legs. Her body quickened, he could feel the way her muscles contracted on his fingers. He added his tongue, licking and sucking as he continued to move his hand. It didn’t take long before he felt her orgasm take her.

“Come for me, Dee. Now.”

He pulled back, keeping his hand on her, but watching as the pleasure consumed her. She bowed off the bed, her body shivering, convulsing as she came. Her fingers were still wrapped around the slats on his headboard.

“Micah.” She didn’t yell his name, didn’t shout. Instead, she sighed it as she was coming down from her orgasm. It was such a sweet sound that squeezed his heart. He moved then, needed to continue the connection, knowing that he could take her up and over again.

He grabbed a condom off his nightstand, ripped it open and rolled it on in record time. He pulled her hips up as he rose to his knees. She drew her bottom lip between her teeth. Apprehension and arousal filled her expression, but without seeing her eyes, he wasn’t sure just exactly what she was feeling. He took his cock in one hand and slowly started easing into her.

She was tight, very tight, and by the time he’d reached her maidenhead and pushed all the way inside of her, he was sweating. He paused for only a moment. Then with one quick thrust, he broke through. She drew in a quick, short breath and then released it.

He kissed her. “Are you okay?”

She nodded, and it was the only consent he needed. He began moving again, thrusting quick, short pumps, until he worked his way into her. Damn if he wasn’t about to come. He could feel his orgasm there, shimmering, ready to take him over, but he didn’t want to give in to it just yet. He did have some control left. Not much, but a little bit.

He moved in a slow rhythm. With each thrust in, he pushed himself closer, but he wanted her there with him. He moved his hand to her clit as he thrust into her. It only took a few flicks before she came again, her body pulling him in, her muscles grabbing hold of his cock. That one act had him losing control. He pulled her legs up around his hips and started to thrust into her, hard, fast, until he came. He couldn’t stop the moan of satisfaction as he pumped himself into her. Nothing had ever felt so good, so wonderful.

He released her legs, pulled out of her and collapsed on the bed next to her. She had let go of the rungs on his headboard, but she still had the blindfold on. He used what little strength he had left to slowly raise it. Her eyes were closed, a smile curved her lips. He leaned closer and brushed his mouth over hers. Slowly, she opened her eyes. The luminous blue was deeper. Satisfaction filled him at the sight of it.

“Thank you,” he said, as he brushed his mouth over hers.

“For what?”

She had no idea what she did to him. He hadn’t been that fast in bed with a woman in years. He’d always been able to hold on to his control, but with her he couldn’t seem to hold back. And he knew it was more than lust.

“For letting me be part of that.”

She said nothing for a moment or two. She opened her mouth but not a sound came out. She swallowed.

“Get some rest,” he ordered, his voice rough with emotion.

He pulled her into his arms and she came without protest. He gave a satisfied grunt as he settled back against the pillows and dozed.

Chapter Nine

Dee woke to soft sunlight dancing over her face. For a moment she was confused. She kept her room darker than a dungeon, so the fact the sun was shining in confused her. Then she remembered.


She opened her eyes and sat up, wincing when she felt the pull of muscles. It wasn’t painful. Any more than losing her virginity had been. But it was uncomfortable.

It was morning. From the sunlight, she would say it was at least midmorning. She looked around the massive room and of course didn’t find Micah. For a moment she sat there, bare- ass naked and smiled. She should feel bad, really bad. He had gotten in a position that she hadn’t allowed any man. Closing her eyes, the memories from the night before flitted through her brain. She had made a lot of mistakes in her life, but this was definitely not one of them. She couldn’t regret it. He had made sure it was wonderful. Most men would have rushed through it, as long as she had made him wait. Maybe that was why she felt so safe with him. She knew he would take care of her.


Panic rose out of nowhere, almost closing her throat and tightening her belly. No way. She didn’t depend on any man. Her first thought was to run, get out, away from a man that was making her think stupid things.

BOOK: A Little Harmless Lie 4
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