A Long Goodbye (10 page)

Read A Long Goodbye Online

Authors: Kelly Mooney

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: A Long Goodbye
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“Here it is,” he whispered, just before letting go of my hand. And when the warmth of his hand went, I immediately felt the loss. Glancing all around me, I took in all the tall pine trees and the big old pond sure to be warm this time of year. A few ducks swimming in a perfectly straight line started to cause a ruckus as we approached.

Woody slowly made his way to the water’s edge. He looked scared, or nervous and I wasn’t sure why but it bothered me, seeing he was usually not put off so easily. Different thoughts clouded inside of me of how maybe, just maybe, Woody didn’t want to be here with me. Thinking it through for several minutes watching him stare out to the water, I decided it was now or never. I was Grace Winslow on this trip, not Chicken-shit Ashton who normally wouldn’t do such a thing. Mentally I prepared myself the entire fifteen steps it took until I was so close I could read the label on his cotton briefs sticking out from his jeans. He stiffened and stuffed his hands in his pockets, but looked over his shoulder with a shy smile.

“It’s beautiful out here, isn’t it?” he asked.

Taking one more step, I closed the gap tucking my arm through his, happily finding his hand waiting to take mine. “It is,” I agreed. He didn’t say anything or even glance in my direction until I leaned my head on his shoulder.

“Grace,” he murmured my name like it was causing him pain.


A heartbeat barely registered before his lips crashed onto my mouth with such force it took me a whole minute to appreciate it. One of his hands was tugging me closer as he pressed it into the small of my back, while his other slipped softly under my hair, tugging my hair tie out. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his tongue begged for entrance as he desperately parted them with his. I moaned into his mouth finally tasting him, finally kissing someone I wanted to kiss. That small noise did something to him because the feel of his hand slipping up my shirt so warm, so intense as he deepened his kiss burned right through me. I ran my hand through his hair, dying to feel the softness of each strand, and damn if it didn’t turn me on. My insides were shaking for relief, or maybe the better word was release. It had been so long since I’d let a man bring me pleasure, or made me want it. Sure I had indecent thoughts about some of the boys in town, or maybe even a celebrity or two, but my Lord, Woody had my knees quaking, wanting to let him get familiar with every inch of me with just a kiss. Hell, I was to the point that I didn’t care if I had only this one night with him, as long as I had it. If being with Woody meant feeling this good-I was going to take him up on any offer he put out there.

“Shit, Grace I want to take you right here, but I can’t.” As each word poured out of his mouth, a little piece of me shuttered with defeat. But I persevered. “Its okay, Woody. I want to.”

His eyes were staring into mine, and I swear I could see the want and desire he had for me, but I couldn’t understand why he was fighting it. Gently his lips caressed my mouth as he softly panted into mine. “Fuck, I want you so bad.”

His hand slipped out of my shirt, running down the curve of my waist until it stopped at the top of my thigh. He was kissing each and every part of my face like he couldn’t get enough until his lips hovered over mine once more. “Wrap your legs around me, Grace.” Both of his hands glided down to my backside waiting for me to take him up on his offer.

I started to raise my right leg and I felt the support of his hand under my knee, guiding it higher, but suddenly my nerves kicked in full force. I was so out of breath, I felt like I’d run a damn marathon and I barely made it pass the first mile. We were outside and even though we were alone, I heard a noise and I became afraid someone might stumble upon us. His mouth grazed my ear, the feel of his five o’clock shadow scratching the side of my cheek. “Grace, Darlin’-now.”

I pulled back and away from his kisses. “Woody… I…”

He grunted, his hands cupping my ass, hoisting me up so I didn’t have a choice in the matter. “We’re outside, Woody,” I told him, hoping he’d see reason, but I was pretty sure Woody wasn’t the type of guy who gave one iota if someone walked in on him or not.

“I know it’s perfect,” he whispered into my ear. His lips muzzled my neck slowly, making their way lower driving me to almost not care that someone might stroll up. Each time his mouth touched my skin, I felt like I was about to break into a million pieces. Woody stopped making me crazy for a split second to look at me as he lowered my feet until they were planted back on the ground. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I think so,” I said, but even I could hear the tremble in my voice as I spoke. His hands moved upward until they were around my waist, tugging me closer to him. “Grace I’m not gonna lie to you about this. I want you, but I’ll understand if you want me,” he pecked my lips softly with his like he was reminding me of what I was saying no to, “to stop.”

I reached out cupping both sides of his chiseled face, stroking the five o’clock shadow on his jaw, causing a soft raspy sound between my fingers. Slowly, I moved my hand to trace his scar. I saw him flinch like he was afraid I might find it ugly, so I leaned in kissing the exact spot it started and ran my lips down until I’d kissed the length of it. “Woody, I want you too, just not here. I don’t feel comfortable.”

His eyes studied mine and it was all I could do not to toss my morals aside and jump in with both feet.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure. Anything, Woody.”

“I saw your list in the car. This was one of them and I want to be the one to help you check it off, so I’m going to only ask you once.”

I swallowed. “Okay.”

He looked over to the water, but trained his eyes back on me. “Do you really want me, or am I just a convenience?”

I smiled thinking about my bucket list before I kissed the corner of his mouth. “It says sex on the beach at night, and trust me when I say this; it’s you that I want to do that with.”

Woody lips curled up, his hands dangling behind my waist holding me to him. He peered over my shoulder, before spinning me around. He points to the pond and the few inches of sand and cattails growing all around. “This is kind of a beach.”

“Uh, uh.” I shook my head. “Not even close. I can barely wedge my toes in that sand.”

His fingers slipped under my shirt, grazing my skin, his thumb rubbing circles at the little spot over my hips, making me feel like I could melt right there on the spot.

“All right, Grace,” he whispered in my ear and I could feel the heat of his breath move lower as he kissed his way down until his lips reach my throat. “We’ll play it your way.” Slowly his mouth inches back up until his forehead is pressed against mine. “For now, anyway.”

Once back at my car Woody headed straight for the drivers’ side. He held out his hand, wiggling is finger. “I’m driving.”


I tossed him my keys, which he caught with his one hand like it was no problem. Just as I was sliding in, Woody leapt inside versus using the door again. “You got something against doors?”

He pulled his sunglasses out of the vee of his shirt, turned to me just before he placed them on. “Nope.” He smiled. With the one word and that cute as hell boy-from-next-door smile, I knew the next couple of days were never going to be enough for me.

At the hotel, Woody insisted on parking the car instead of using the valet, I relented. Once inside, he walked me to the elevator holding my hand in his, but said he wasn’t going up to his room quite yet. I wanted to ask why, but I held back being nosey.

“What are you doing later?” He asked after pushing the button down for the fifth floor.

“Going out. Why?”

Woody leaned in and kissed the tip of my nose. “Where y’all going?”

“I don’t know yet, but I promised Lu a girl’s night out.”

His smile faded, but he didn’t look too disappointed.

“All right, Darlin’. Maybe I’ll catch up with you later then.” The ping of the elevator came a second later. Woody stuck his foot inside; not letting it close on us.

“Stay safe tonight, Grace.” His lips pressed against mine sending me to my happy place. When I opened my eyes, I noticed he was watching me closely. He pulled away, slowly, but his mouth lingered for one beat more. “Most importantly, Grace. Have fun tonight.” Before I could answer his foot moved away from inside the elevator and the doors immediately closed on us. I was left wondering what the hell I was thinking not including him in nightly adventures.



I’ve only felt this weak once before in my life. And I tried my damnedest not to remember that time during my waking hours. I truly thought I was going to be able to hold off Ashton with a few cold showers and a quick reminder that her father, and quite possibly Jason was going to kill me if I pushed this friendship any further. But hell, those eyes and smile did me in every time she looked my way. And when she kissed my scar like it was no big deal, I was damn sure it wasn’t just her body I was in love with anymore. That girl had gotten under my skin and I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to get her out anytime soon.

If ever.

It took every ounce of restraint in me to not only take her when I wanted to at the pond, but to let her get in that elevator without me. I knew by the little shiver that passed through Ashton when my hands touched her bare skin I could’ve easily talked her into it, but I wanted her to be with me without any fears or regrets. So, I pushed aside my own damn needs that I’ve held back on for way too long.

Trying to remember the way Ashton’s soft lips tasted, or the feel of her smooth skin against my calloused hands was something I hadn’t had in so long, I almost forgot what it was like to touch a woman. The feeling of that first kiss, how I could have easily told her ever single lie I was holding inside of me for just one more kiss, one more touch. Part of my brain acknowledged that fact that I would have to walk away from her soon, the other side pretended that little fact was nonexistent.

It was to the point just looking into her eyes that I knew it was quite possible that I was going to break this girl’s heart, or most likely mine, but I was feeling greedy. And after all that’s happened to me over the last few years, I finally wanted to give myself something special. Maybe I didn’t deserve her, but I wanted her. I’d figured one or two nights with her would be better than none.

Once back in my room, I could hear the music coming from their hotel room. As I pushed opened my balcony door to let some fresh air in, I heard the pair of them cackling away. Ashton had the laugh of an angel, whereas Lu had one so raspy, it sounded like she smoked a pack a day.

The feel of my phone vibrating in my back pocket caused me to step away, unable to listen to that sweet sound any longer.

“Yeah, Jay?” I answered.

“Hey, man. Just giving you a heads up Winslow called in before I could reach out. He’s waiting on a call from you. He’s says Ashton sounds happy, so that makes him happy. Meaning that sweet little bonus will come your way if everyone stays happy. You get my drift?”

“I got it, but I need to tell you something before this goes any farther.”

Silence on his end made me not want to fess up, but this was Jason and his business. I had to tell him. “I’m in to Ashton.”

A long sigh on the other end of the phone comes through, and I could just picture him sitting back in his chair with a pissed off ‘I’m-going-to-kill-my-brother look on his face.

“Winslow is a client, brother. Part of me wants to tell you that I’m excited for you, that you’re finally into someone other than Uncle Sam, but the other part wants to kick your ass. Ashton is a job, Dane. You need to let her go when this is over, or Winslow will shut me down with all his connections. You know this.”

With a trembling hand, I poured a shot of whiskey into the small glass sitting on the minibar. “I don’t even know what to say to you. I would walk away tonight and have you come take over if I could…but Jason, I need this. I need her until this is all over.”

“And what about her?”

Just the idea of hurting Ashton made my stomach and heart feel like shit. Instead of answering, I downed the glass of Jack.


“I’ll make sure she’s not hurt in the end.”

“Before you hang up, I have one very important question you seem to have forgotten to address.”

“What’s that?”

“You live in the same town, asshole. Don’t you think she’s gonna bump into you somewhere? What are you gonna do then?”

“I don’t know. I never ran into her before. Maybe I’ll head up and visit Kara and the baby for a little while. I want to make sure AJ’s baby girl gets that bonus money put away.”

“Yeah, I know you do. I’ll see to it.”

Before he could hang up, I said, “Jay, thanks, bro.”

With that, he hung up and I knew I had one call to make before I checked in on the girls.

After calling Winslow and assuring him his so-called “little girl” was doing just fine, I headed down to the lobby bar to wait on Ashton and Lu to head out for the night. It was not until almost ten at night when I finally got a glimpse of Lu and Ashton leaving the hotel.

I didn’t head out straightaway to avoid being spotted. After finishing off my club soda, I realized I made a rookie mistake and I never made a rookie mistake. Well, this whole operation had been one gargantuan mistake if I thought too long about it. The tail was gone. Both tracking devices were no good to me seeing their car was still parked in the garage and apparently, Ashton decided not to bring her phone out with her this evening.

Hurriedly, I jogged back into the hotel and to the concierge desk, pacing in front until he got off the phone.

“Can I help…?” I cut him off before he could finish.

“I need a list of every bar, every honky-tonk, you name it, and I need it. And I need it now.”

He rifled through a few things before producing a brochure of Nashville Nightlife. I grabbed hold of it ready to head out, but stopped. “Did you see two girls leave here about a half hour ago? One all curves, big green eyes, and a blond who’s tall and skinny.”

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