A Love for all Ages (Crockett County Trilogy Book 1) (38 page)

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“I have just one more question, why do you think the gold
belongs to you?”
Not moving Chase gives the impression he is
unruffled by the gun as he leans against the door frame.
for Stephanie has him attempting to distract Steven with questions.
Grunting Steven sneers, “The Union bastard ran from battle;
he was a coward.
Granddad William killed him; therefore, the gold
belongs to the Millers.”
Rolling his eyes as if Chase was too simple
to understand he scoffs, “The treasure goes to the victor of the
“That brings up another question, how did you get here
without a car and with Brett hurt?”
Knowing the situation is
escalating Chase tries to change the direction of the questions.
Giving Brett a dirty look Steven grimaces as he turns back to
Chase, he takes a deep breath then releases it as if he is dealing with
a simpleton, “I drove until about half a mile away, then I stabbed
the asshole.
I think I did good and nicked an artery because blood
squirted when I pulled the knife out.
I made him walk here with
I was hoping the walk would make him lose blood quicker,
and as you can see I was right.
But I needed him I figured you
wouldn’t be concerned when you saw Brett at the door, so I hid out
of sight until you opened the door.”
Smiling superiorly, “The old
Seeing Chase glance at him Archie
Motioning to Chase he
man here is already dead to me that just leave you and the bitch to
kill.” Waving the gun he yells, “Bitch I am going to shoot the
Sheriff if you don’t come out here. I am going to count to ten; if
you’re not in here I am going to pull the trigger.”
Stephanie believes Archie can distract Steven, knowing he
will help Chase; she steps away from the door, afraid with the gun
being waved around it will go off.
Unable to bear putting the life
of their child in danger Stephanie knows she has to stay hidden.
Praying Archie does something soon she steps further from the
door, moving slowly she walks to the pantry slipping inside she
closes the door and waits.
Archie realizes he can’t keep delaying; he floats to the vase,
picking it up high over his head he moves to the far side of the
Holding it there he sees Chase nod once.
Releasing the
vase he watches as it crashes to the floor.
Jumping at the sound of glass breaking Steven spins around
firing his gun as he turns. Seeing no one behind him, he screams.
Giving the nod of approval to Archie Chase watches Steven
for his chance to get his gun.
As Steven turns his gun goes off, that
is the chance Chase has waited for, however instead of reaching for
his own gun, Chase quickly jumps on top of Steven, knocking him to
the floor.
As they wrestle Archie grabs the gun from Steven’s
hand; with him disarmed Chase gets the advantage; while sitting on
Steven’s chest Chase begins punching him on his face.
Andy and Maria burst through the door, both with their
weapons drawn.
Establishing Chase has everything under control,
Andy moves to Brett.
After checking his vitals Andy uses his
fingers to close the dead man’s eyes.
Looking up he sees Maria
hand Chase a pair of handcuffs.
Chase has to stop beating Steven to take the cuffs offered to
Chase adjusts his weight slightly to roll Steven onto his
stomach wrenching his arms back Chase snaps the handcuffs on
Rising to his feet Chase instructs Archie to go get Stephanie.
When Archie fades Chase turns his attention to Brett.
shake of Andy’s head has Chase feeling a deep loss in his chest.
Brett had just wanted to do his job as attorney for Della.
He did
not know his son and his father had become crazy with greed.
man had died by the hands of his only son.
Shaking his head at the
shameful madness of this situation Chase strides towards the
kitchen needing to check on Stephanie.
As Chase walks away he pulls his phone from his pocket.
Dialing the number to the Sheriff office he briefly relates to Karen
the situation, advising her to contact the coroner and to call the FBI.
As he finishes speaking Stephanie runs from the kitchen then jumps
in his arms.
Burying her face in his neck Chase rubs her back as
Stephanie wraps her legs around his waist.
Holding Stephanie
tightly Chase changes direction to sit on the bottom step of the
Shifting back a little in his embrace Stephanie gazes into
Chase’s eyes.
Seeing his strength Stephanie smiles as she leans
forward kissing Chase on his lips; loving the instant he takes control
deepening the embrace.
After several seconds they hear Andy
clear his throat, looking up they see him and Maria staring.
grins as Stephanie slips from his arms.
Rising to stand beside her,
Chase extends his hand to Maria as Andy makes the introductions.
Stephanie smiles at Maria then turns her attention to Brett;
with him lying motionless she knows he is now deceased.
Overwhelmed with sorrow Stephanie twists to glare at Steven, he is
seated on the floor with his back resting on the far wall gawking at
the broken vase.
Maria brings Stephanie attention back to them, “We were
concerned when we heard the gun shot.
Without thinking we
busted in here with no regard to our training.”
Shaking her head,
“We behaved like rookies.”
Giving a nervous laugh she glances at
Andy coughs into his hand as he tries hiding his
“Chase, I am glad you and Stephanie are safe, but
Maria is right, we reacted inappropriately.” Not liking the scenario
that could have unfolded Andy’s eyes softens as he considers
Chase knows the feelings both Andy and Maria are
experiencing, having done the same thing before; sometimes the
adrenaline overrides the training.
Shrugging his shoulders,
“Sometimes a surprise attack works just as well as any careful
Don’t stress over this, in fact it was a distraction that
allowed me to get the jump on him.” Smiling he confesses, “And I
did a rookie mistake today too, I opened the door to Brett without
checking to see if it was a trap.
In this case it was and I fell right
into it.”
Hearing murmuring from Steven they turn to stare at him.
“Who did this?
How did the vase fall with no one there?
vacant eyes to them he keeps asking the same questions.
Andy laughs out loud when Archie appears beside Steven
then nudges him in the leg.
Steven screams as he jumps to the
Looking around but not seeing anyone he screams again as
Archie again push his leg.
“What is he screaming about?
Good grief he is acting like a
scared child.” Confused Maria turns to Andy.
Unable to explain his disappointment over Maria’s inability
to see Archie, Andy replies, “I think he is just working on his insanity
Glancing over at Steven then back at Maria he smiles thinly.
Observing Andy’s regret Stephanie asks Maria, “Do you
believe in ghost or in haunted houses?”
Before Maria can answer they hear several vehicles pulling
into the driveway. As Chase walks to the door Stephanie tells
them she is going to go make a pot of coffee, turning to leave she
asks if Maria would like to join her in the kitchen.
Shrugging her
shoulders Maria follows behind Stephanie.
Since Stephanie is busy preparing the coffee Maria checks
out the room.
Noticing the giant dry erase board on the easel she
moves to stand in front of it.
Looking at the pictures Maria spots
the resemblances to Stephanie in her brother and the person
labeled Della.
Glancing at the picture of the damaged car Maria
leans closer to the board studying the wreckage.
Turning from the
board Maria observes Stephanie talking quietly to herself;
understanding some individuals do this to work through problems
Maria doesn’t judge.
Hooking her foot on a chair she pulls it out
sitting down.
Resting her chin on her hand Maria reflects on Andy.
had been advised this assignment would take about two weeks.
That would have given her time to persuade him to notice her as a
Stephanie whispers to Archie, keeping her eyes on her task,
“I am telling you the truth; Andy was disappointed Maria couldn’t
see you.
I saw his reaction when you were kicking that mad man.”
Finished with the preparations Stephanie keeps her attention on the
counter as she continued, “I wish I could understand what it takes to
see you, is it a deep subconscious belief or what?”
Laughing Archie lays his hand over hers on the counter this
time not allowing his hand to pass through hers, “I truly don’t know
Andy swears he didn’t believe in ghost but he could see
Even with Maria unable to hear him Archie speaks in
whispers following Stephanie’s lead.
“I think Andy really likes her and wanted her to be able too.
When he left this morning he was excited about her being here.
Like man to woman excited.” Smiling she looks over at Maria
noticing she is staring off in space lost in her thoughts.
“Do you
think if you picked up a cup or a chair she would believe and then be
able to see you?”
Floating back a step Archie shakes his head no, “I will not
chance scaring her.
I will only try doing that if Andy tells me too.”
Sadness shines in his eyes, “I don’t want to ever be considered a bad
It may just be my pride but I don’t want to lose my honor.”
Turning to face Archie, “Oh I know that, I would never ask
you to do something you didn’t want to do.
I was just trying to
help Andy and Maria.
Call it my hormones but I want everyone to
be as happy as Chase makes me.”
Laying her hand over her flat
stomach, “Just over look me and my silly thoughts.”
Chase sticks his head around the kitchen door, “Stephanie
it’s time for you to give your statement.”
Waiting by the door
Chase takes Stephanie’s hand as she moves level to him.
her hand to his lips Chase kisses her palm.
Chase releases her
hand as he moves out of her way to proceed to the living room.
Left alone in the kitchen Maria rises from her chair; since the
coffee is done she begins checking cabinets to find a mug and the
Stirring her coffee she jumps when Andy comes into
the room.
“Would you like a cup of coffee?”
Having asked the
question she immediately feels foolish as this isn’t her home.
Smiling, “I would love a cup, thanks.” Andy stands at the
counter beside Maria as she prepares his coffee; he notices she put
the exact sugar and creamer he uses.
“The FBI wants our
statements in a few minutes; I tried to tell them we showed up after
the action.
But they still want to ask a few questions.”
his shoulders Andy picks up his mug after he takes a small sip he
smiles his thanks over the rim of the cup.
“Has….” Clearing her throat Maria begins again, “Has the
body been removed from the foyer?”
Wishing Andy didn’t make
her so nervous she waits for his nod before continuing, “What about
the perp?”
Andy nods in agreement again.
Lifting her own mug
Maria takes a drink, not sure what else to say she remains quiet.
“Maria, I know your part of this mess is no longer required.
However do you think the Captain will allow you to stay to help with
all the paperwork?
That is if you wouldn’t mind helping.”
finds he is actually holding his breath as he waits for her to answer.
Half expecting her to tell him he could do his own reports, Andy
stares at Maria’s mouth remembering the feel of her lips.
Nodding her head, “I can call the Captain after we are
With the onset of the sensation of butterflies in her
stomach, Maria advises herself not to get her hopes up, knowing the
Captain he will need her to come back to start another assignment.
Tired of all the undercover work and tired of maintaining all her
personas Maria is tempted to confide to Andy she has considered
quitting the department.
Her fear of Andy’s judgmental comments
prevents her from voicing her thoughts.
Peering into her eyes Andy glimpses fear and uncertainty,
not understanding Maria’s emotions he raises his hand to lay it on
her cheek.
The smoothness of her skin against his callus palm has
him longing to kiss her again.
Deciding to give in to his need Andy
bends closer to her, “I want to kiss you; if you don’t want me to just
take a step back.”
Giving her only a second to make her decision
Andy leans the rest of way to her placing his lips over hers.
both hands he cups Maria’s face as he deepens their kiss.
moans softly as she brings her hands up around his neck at the same
time pressing her body close to his.
Having Maria’s supple curves pressed against him, Andy feels
his lower body responding.
Ending the kiss Andy steps back, with
his hands still cupping her face he gazes into her eyes, “This is not
the time or the place, but don’t think this is over.”
Nodding her head Maria recognizes the desire in Andy’s eyes
and is aware he sees the same in hers. As Andy drops his hands to
his sides Maria endures the loss of his warm.
Not sure she can
settle for just a sexual relationship with Andy she picks up her mug
walking to the table.
Sitting down on the chair she had vacated
earlier Maria puts her hands around the mug, hoping to hide the
fact she is shaking.
Maria admits the excitement from the kiss has
her craving more; maybe starting with a sexual relationship
wouldn’t be so bad, she lifts her mug then smiles as she takes a sip
of her coffee.
Andy closes his eyes briefly when he opens them he sees
Archie staring at him.
Jumping at the sight of Archie, Andy frowns
as he looks over at Maria.
Checking if she is looking in his direction
Andy observes Maria staring at her coffee Andy whispers, “What is
happening in the living room?”
Bowing slightly at the waist Archie grins mischievously as he
stands up straight, “Deputy Johnny and Deputy Nick showed up,
they have been helping with the evidence and then helped the
coroner’s assistance clean the area surrounding Brett.
But if you
ask me the living room is boring compared to what is happening in

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