A Love of My Own (14 page)

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Authors: E. Lynn Harris

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: A Love of My Own
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It was late and I thought I was the only one at the office until I heard a door shut. I got up from my desk and walked toward the outer office and saw Raymond reviewing some messages. What was he doing here so late? There was only one way to find out.

“Raymond, I thought you were gone for the day,” I said.

Raymond seemed a little surprised to see me, but he looked up and said, “Oh, hi, Zola. Just thought I'd get a head start on tomorrow.”

“Trying to impress the boss?” I asked.

“Not really. What are you doing here?” Raymond asked.

“Oh, an editor's work is never done,” I said.

“Oh,” Raymond said.

“Are you all right?” It was obvious his mind was on something besides me and my magazine.

“I've had better days,” Raymond said.

“Is there anything I can do?”

“Do you have a magic wand that can get rid of all the world's seriously deranged people?” Raymond said. The wry smile on his face let me know he wasn't really serious.

“It's a good thing I don't have something like that, because I would have to zap some people I really love on most days,” I said. I walked over toward the receptionist station where Raymond was standing and pressed my backside against the desk. Sounded like Raymond needed to talk.

“So who's been bothering you?” I asked as I playfully put my arms around Raymond's shoulders.

“How have you women put up with us men for so long?” Raymond asked.

“If I could answer that, I wouldn't have to look at another magazine layout or model comp card in my life. The one thing I know for sure about you men is that eventually you'll fuck up. You guys are consistent about that,” I said, laughing.

Raymond shook his head and said, “You know, Zola, you're right.”

“I wish it weren't true,” I said. Raymond smiled at me and said, “I think I'm going to get my work and take it home. How long are you going to be here?”

“Maybe an hour or so,” I said.

“Be careful. I don't like the idea of you being here by yourself,” Raymond said.

“Trust me, I have been up here way past midnight.”

“Thanks for listening,” Raymond said.

“I wish I had that wand,” I said.

“So do I,” Raymond said as he walked down the hallway toward his office.

I went back to my office, still in search of the perfect man at least on the outside.

After hours of reviewing guys for the Sexiest Brothaman Alive contest, my eyes grew tired of good-looking half-dressed men with confident and sexy smiles and I decided to call it a night. I put on my white knee-length coat, grabbed my purse and briefcase, and headed toward the door. I turned off the lights and was walking toward the door when I heard the buzzer. It scared me. Who was buzzing so late? I looked down the hallway to see if any light was coming from Raymond's office, but I could see the lights were out from the clear glass panels on the side of the wood door.

I went over, pressed the intercom, and said, “Can I help you?”

“I'm looking for Raymond Tyler,” a deep male voice said.

“I think he left,” I said.

“Hey, you think I can use the phone?”

“Who are you?”

“I'm a good friend of Raymond's. My celly is dead. I promise you, I'm totally harmless.”

“What's your name?” I asked.

“Basil Henderson,” he said.

“Let me call Raymond and see if he knows you,” I said.

“Cool,” he said.

I waited a few minutes, pretending I was calling Raymond. The truth was I didn't have his home number, but I figured if this man was legit, then he would wait. I then pushed the intercom and asked, “Are you still there?”

“Yep. Did you talk with Raymond?”

“Sure did, said he never heard of you,” I said, trying very hard to keep myself from laughing.

“Come on now, Miss Lady with the Beautiful Voice. I know my good friend didn't . . .”

I opened the door, and I don't know if my eyes bucked or my mouth dropped, but I know one of them happened as I stood face-to-face with one of the best-looking men I had seen in a long time. When he smiled I know my knees began to wiggle like a bowl of yogurt.

“. . . say anything like that,” Basil said.

“I was just kidding. I couldn't reach him,” I said.

“Now, I hope you don't open the door like this for everybody,” he said.

“I'm not worried. It takes a lot to scare me,” I said.

“Please tell me the name that belongs to such a lovely lady,” Basil said as his beautiful eyes scanned me from my own eyes to the toes of my black mules.

“Zola Norwood,” I said.

“Nice meeting you, Zola. I wonder why Raymond hasn't told me about you.”

“Does Raymond handle your social life?” I asked.

“Not at all, but he knows how much I appreciate a beautiful woman.”

“Do you still need to use the phone? I really need to get home. It's been a long day,” I said.

“Yeah, I do. But after I make my call, what would I have to do to convince you to have a drink with me?”

“Do it some other time. I'm going home.”

“You're tough. Where's the phone?”

I pointed to the phone on the receptionist's desk and Basil walked over slowly to the area, turning his head every few seconds to see if I was looking at him. I was, but he couldn't tell. He was a handsome man, and I was wondering why Raymond hadn't introduced us.

Basil made his call and hung up after a few minutes. He turned toward me and smiled.

“You get in touch with Raymond?”

“Yeah, he's at home. He said he was tired too. You people must work hard here,” Basil said.

“What do you do for a living?”

“What would you like me to do?”

“I would say model.”

“Not hardly,” Basil said.

“Now, I know someone has told you you could model if you wanted to,” I said.

“People have told me I do a lot of things well.”

“Would you be interested in doing some shots for me?”

“Are you a photographer?”

“No, but I have this issue I think you might be great for,” I said.

“What's in it for me?”

“I would have that drink with you and you would have a whole lot of female fans all across the country,” I said.

“Let me think about it,” Basil said.

“I don't have much time,” I said. I looked in my bag and pulled out one of my cards. I printed my cell number on the back and then handed it to Basil.

“So will I be naked in these pictures? You want to see me butt-ass naked?”

“That will be between you and the photographer,” I said.

“Are you going to be at the shoot?”

“So you'll do it?”

“Not so fast. I still need to think about it,” Basil said.

“That's fair. But I hope you'll call me soon,” I said as I noticed it was almost ten o'clock.

“Damn, what am I thinking, the women of the world needs to see this jammin' body I got. I'll do it. Naked, half naked, whatever the pretty lady wants,” Basil said.

“Thank you. I know you'll be great,” I said.

“Can I offer you a ride home? Maybe I could give you a little preview of what your readers are going to feast on,” Basil said.

“Thanks, but I have a car service,” I said. “And I'll wait with my readers on that look.”

“Oh, you're big-time. I guess they don't call the magazine
Bling Bling
for nothing. When you take a look at my pictures, you'll wish you'd taken me up on my offer,” Basil said, smiling and licking his beautiful full lips.

“I don't mean to be rude, but I'm going to have to let you out. I need to go over a few things,” I said.

“You want me to wait for you?”

“Thanks, but I do have something I need to do. It was nice meeting you, and I'll look forward to your call so we can set up your photo shoot,” I said as I extended my hand toward Basil.

He took my hand and looked at my ring finger and said, “No wedding ring. That's what's up.” He then very gently kissed my hand, nodded, opened the door, and vanished.

Bling Bling

Davis often offered Zola unsolicited advice when it came to her life. He once told Zola she should get on as many charity boards as possible, with the exception of the ones Veronica was already on. When Zola told him how she served as principal for a day in one of Harlem's elementary schools and gave generously to the NAACP and United Negro College Fund, Davis told her no one of importance would notice.


When I walked into my apartment, the phone was ringing. It was Basil saying he needed to stop by and talk with me, so I told him to give me thirty minutes so that I could take a shower, and he agreed.

I finished my tension-relieving shower and decided to give Kirby a call. I wanted to tell him I had met Sebastian and let him know what a knucklehead I was beginning to think Sebastian was.

I dialed Kirby's number and he picked up the phone and said, “'Sup, big brotha.”

“How's it going, Kirby?”

“Little tired from practice, and I promised this honey I would take her for something to eat. Man, you got to wine and dine these San Diego ladies before they ready to roll,” Kirby said.

I ignored Kirby's last statement and said, “I met Sebastian.”

“You did. He's a cool dude,” Kirby said.

“If you say so. This evening I had set up a meeting to introduce him to Basil. They seemed to hit it off,” I said.

“Thanks, Ray. Good looking out. I appreciate you doing this. Is Basil going to help him get a gig?”

“I don't know. Since they were getting along so well, I decided to leave the two of them alone,” I said. I didn't know how to tell Kirby what happened. I didn't want to assume that he always told his friends that his big brother was gay. Maybe he was embarrassed by it.

“Are you all right?” Kirby asked.

“I'm cool. I'm a little concerned that Sebastian uses the word
with ease,” I said.

“Dude, tell me he didn't come out of the box like that. I mean, he's my boy and all, but if he did that, then I'm going to be on a plane and jack a niggah up,” Kirby said.

I started laughing at the thought of Kirby flying all the way to New York to defend my honor and said, “Naw, he wasn't crazy enough to do that. I just wondered if you had told him about me and whether it would make a difference. We've talked about him training me, and I don't want to be in a situation where I've got to watch what I say and talk about women, using terms like
just to seem cool around some youngblood. You know I don't roll like that.”

“I didn't tell him 'cause I didn't think it mattered. Sebastian is just frontin' for your boy Basil. You know that's locker room talk. You know when dudes are just one-on-one shootin' the breeze with each other they don't talk like that. But if you want me to say something to him, I will. I'll make sure the niggah will come correct around my peeps,” Kirby said.

“Naw, I'll handle it,” I said.

“You sure?”

“Yeah. So you think he's a good kid?”

“Trust me, Ray. Give Sebastian a chance and you'll see what I'm talking about,” Kirby said.

“Okay, I'll give him another shot,” I said.


“Well, you better get your tired bones up and get ready for your date,” I said.

“That's what's up. I need to take a shower, put on some smell-good, and see if I can find some new pussy,” Kirby said, laughing.

“Don't forget your raincoats,” I said.

“Never leave home without them,” Kirby said.

“I love you, Kirby.”

“And I love you back,” Kirby said.

After I hung up the phone, I went to the refrigerator and poured me a glass of grapefruit juice. I wasn't wearing anything but a robe, and I remembered Basil was coming, so I went into the bedroom and put on some light blue pajama bottoms and a Northwestern football jersey Kirby had given me from his final season playing there.

I was walking back toward the kitchen to select one of the takeout menus I kept in the drawer above the dishwasher when the doorman's phone rang. I picked it up and he told me Basil was on his way up.

“Thanks,” I said.

I decided I wasn't going to spend a lot of time rehashing the evening with Basil and I would wait until he left to order something. I was also thinking maybe I would just eat some microwave popcorn since it was so late. I was looking in the cabinet to see if I had any popcorn when the doorbell rang.

I opened the door and there was Basil with a huge smile on his face and he asked, “You in bed, dude?”

“I will be soon,” I said as I walked back toward the kitchen. I heard Basil holler, “You got any brew in this place?”

“Yep, but there's a one-beer limit in this place after eight,” I said.


I grabbed two beers from the vegetable crisper, flipped off the caps, and walked back into the living room, where Basil was sitting on the sofa with his legs spread suggestively open and his large hands covering his crotch.

“Ray, why haven't you introduced me to that honey in your office?”

“Are you talking about Zola?”

“Yeah . . . yeah, Zola, that's her name. Man, she is a fox. She has that pretty brown skin and those lips look like jimmie-sucking lips if I ever saw them,” Basil said.

“I'm not trying to have you sleep with the women I work with. Zola is off-limits,” I said.

“I don't think Zola is going to go for that. She is already dreaming of seeing me naked,” Basil said.

“What are you talking about?”

“Dude, she wants me to do a photo shoot for her magazine, and I'm going to be in those panties before the week's out,” Basil said confidently as he took a swig of his beer.

“What did you come over here for?”

“Dude, I want to tell you how sorry I am for what happened earlier this evening.”

“You already did that.”

“But you're still mad at me.”

“Basil, trust me, I've forgotten about your dumb ass,” I said.

“Come on, Ray. Don't be so cruel. You know how the young playas talk. You got to speak their language,” Basil said.

“Are you going to give him a job?”

“I need to talk with Brison, but he could help us out with some of the younger players we're trying to sign. He's from Florida, and there are three division-one schools down there. He could be a big asset.”

“Cool, then you deal with Sebastian. Leave Zola alone.”

“I can't promise that.”

“Then we don't have nothing else to talk about,” I said as I got up from the sofa.

“Raymond, why are you always trippin' like this? I can't get in the panties unless Zola wants me to. She seems like a lady who knows what she wants.”

“You're just in it for the hunt. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you don't bring your playa-playa shit to my workplace,” I said.

“What are you going to do if I just have to hit it?”

“I'll tell her you're a switch-hitter,” I said boldly.

“You wouldn't do that,” Basil said.

“Try me.”

“Man, I come over trying to show you some love and you trippin' out on me. I'm outta here,” Basil said.

“So you're going to leave because I want you to face the truth?” I asked.

“That's your truth, Raymond, as much you think you know me, you don't know jack,” Basil said.

“You might be right, but I'm not going to let you bring your madness in my workplace,” I said.

“Why not?”

“How would you like if I came into your office and tried to seduce your business partner, or better yet one of the players you were trying to sign?” I asked.

“You wouldn't do that.”

“No, I wouldn't. Why don't you give me the same respect?”

Basil didn't answer. He finished the rest of his beer and then handed me the bottle and asked if I had another one.

“Sure,” I said. I went into the kitchen and dropped the empty bottle into the wastebasket and then went to the bathroom. I came back to the kitchen and pulled two more beers out and walked back into the living room.

Basil was standing near the television with his face lit with a dazzling smile and his steel-gray eyes blazing with amusement. He had removed his clothing with the exception of black nylon underwear that left little to wonder about. I could even see a portion of the plump head of his sex between his powerfully built legs.

Basil had an awesome physique. About 215 pounds of ripping chest, ass, and abs layered to perfection on a lofty six-foot-two frame.

“I figured out what you need,” Basil said as I moved toward him and gave him the beer. I remained silent as I gazed at his body like he was a nude model in an art class. Basil took a swallow of his beer and then set it on the coffee table.

“I still look damn good, don't I?” Basil asked.

“You don't need me to tell you that,” I said.

“So you like what you see?”

“You know I'm not hatin'. You look good,” I said.

“Don't you think this will make you feel better,” Basil said as he gently touched his nipple, rubbed his abs and then his bulging sex.

“So you think you're what I need?”

“And you know that,” Basil said confidently.

“What will we do in the morning?”

“What do you mean?”

“After you give me what I need, then what?”

“I don't understand,” Basil said.

“That's the problem. You can give me what I need physically all night long, but I want the mental as well,” I said.

“Raymond, why don't you just take what I'm offering? You do remember how good it is. Look what all that emotional shit got you with that nigga in Seattle. We're boyz. I'll always be here for you,” Basil said.

“For sex only?”

“Whatever, whatever. You know I ain't gonna hook up with a dude 24-7,” Basil said.

“Then I think I better pass. Besides, I don't know if I'm ready for the physical or the mental,” I said.

Basil didn't say anything. He just put his clothes back on in silence. When he was dressed he took another swig of his beer and then headed toward the door.

I stood and watched him walk out. I felt disappointed, sad and alone.

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