A Love to Cherish (38 page)

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Authors: Connie Mason

BOOK: A Love to Cherish
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“You sure as hell weren’t lying when you said you had no jewelry,” Jones muttered as he rummaged through Belle’s bureau drawers. In Casey’s bureau he had found a pair of gold cufflinks, which he promptly pocketed, but for the most part the pickings were slim.

“You’ll find little of value here. Take what you have and leave before my family returns.”

“I saw them leave with a picnic basket. As for your man, he joined the posse on a wild goose chase.” He laughed raucously. “He won’t be back for days. That leaves you and me, lady.” He leered at her. “You owe me for these slim pickings.”

Belle retreated, her mind numb with fear. She had to say something, anything to divert his thoughts. “There’s silver downstairs in the pantry. Take the silver, take the paintings, take anything you want, just leave me alone.”

“I want
, bitch. I’m gonna finish what we started back at the cabin.” He grasped the neckline of her bodice and ripped downward. The material gave easily, revealing a generous portion of skin and the rounded tops of her breasts.

Suddenly Belle recalled the loaded gun Casey kept in the drawer of the nightstand. She’d never shot a man before, but she would if it meant saving her life and that of her child. She edged toward the table, but before she reached it Jones grabbed her and threw her onto the bed.

“That’s where all women belong,” Jones sneered, “on their backs.”

Belle’s fear turned to anger as Jones removed his belt and snapped it several times between his huge hands.

“Bastard! Don’t you dare touch me.”

“That whore from Naomi’s squealed like a pig when I beat her with my belt. I want to see how loud you can holler. Beating a woman gives me pleasure. Nearly as much pleasure as bedding her.”

“Despicable pervert,” Belle hissed, rolling to the opposite side of the bed then leaping up. “Do you think I’d lie there meekly and let you beat me? Or rape me?”

Her defiance seemed to amuse Jones. He laughed mirthlessly. “You got spunk, lady, but I’ll beat it out of you.” He stalked her around the bed, snarling viciously as he reached for her. Belle anticipated his move and threw herself across the bed, rolling to the opposite side.

Elated, she saw that Jones no longer stood between her and the door. Lunging forward, she reached the door and flung it open, groaning in frustration when her lame leg gave way beneath her. She sprawled through the door, landing on her back in the hallway.

With a cry of triumph, Jones was on her in an instant, pinning her to the floor with his body. “Got ya now, bitch.” He shoved up her skirts, cursing when he became entangled in her petticoats. His curses cut through the silence of the empty house. What else could go wrong? He was about to find out.

Casey arrived home and let himself in the front door with his key. Finding it locked somewhat eased his fears. His imagination must be working
overtime, he thought as he paused in the foyer. Surely Jones wouldn’t make his move this soon, would he? The house was secure and all was quiet. Too quiet, he decided as he made his way toward the kitchen to ask the cook where everyone had gone. He passed the study, saw that it was empty, and continued on. He took two steps and stopped abruptly. Something was wrong, terribly wrong.

Retracing his steps to the study, he realized immediately what had bothered him. The safe was gaping open and the floor beneath littered with papers. Alarm bells went off in his head. Then he heard a noise and moved stealthily toward it. He paused at the foot of the steps to listen. He heard the noise again, and this time there was no mistaking the sound. The voice he heard was male and harsh and vaguely familiar, and did not belong to a member of his household.

Fear lanced through Casey. His heart was pounding so hard it sounded like thunder in his ears. His hunch had been right. Jones hadn’t left town, but Casey hadn’t expected him to make his move so soon. He palmed his gun and started up the stairs.

Suddenly the bedroom door flew open and Belle spilled out onto the floor. A man followed, flinging himself on top of her. Casey’s blood froze when he recognized Hank Jones.

Jones was untangling himself from Belle’s skirts when he became aware of Casey pounding up the staircase. Spitting out an oath, he fumbled for his gun, rose to his feet, and pulled Belle up with him, encircling her neck in a stranglehold.

“What are you doing here. Walker? You’re supposed to be with the sheriff’s posse.”

“That’s what I wanted you to think. And you were supposed to be in jail awaiting execution.”

“Yeah, but I ain’t.”

“And I’m not with the posse. Let go of my wife.”

“I don’t think so. She’s coming with me and you’re not going to do a damn thing about it. If you make one move, I’ll plug her.”

“Let her go, Jones. She’s breeding.”

“That’s your problem. Mine is getting out of town with my skin intact. Your wife is my safe passage. Back up, we’re coming down the stairs.”

Suddenly the front door opened then slammed shut. “Mama, I’m home! It looked like rain so we came back early.”

Belle cried out in anguish when she saw Tommy bounding up the stairs. She felt Jones’ grip tighten around her neck. “Tommy, go back! Run!”

Tommy recognized Casey standing on the stairs, saw no reason to turn back, and kept coming. “I beat the others home, Mama. I ran all the way.” He sounded proud of his accomplishment Then he saw Belle in Jones’ grip and skidded to a halt beside Casey. “Who is that man? Why is he holding Mama? Is he going to hurt her?”

“Go back downstairs, son,” Casey said evenly, so as not to frighten the boy.

“Do as Casey says,” Belle urged. “I’ll be all right.”

Astute for his age, Tommy knew exactly what was going on. “You’re a bad man,” he told Jones. “I won’t let you hurt Mama.”

Tiring of the game, Jones shoved Belle forward, wringing a cry of pain out of her when her leg twisted beneath her.

“You’re hurting Mama,” Tommy accused furiously. His little face reddened with anger.

Fearing for both Tommy and Belle, Casey tried to find a vulnerable spot on Jones that wasn’t being shielded by Belle. He couldn’t risk hurting Belle, so he was forced to wait until he could get a clear shot.

Tommy’s thoughts were less complicated. He knew a bad man was hurting his mother, and it was up to him and Casey to save her. His mouth clamped tightly, his hands clenched into fists, and he darted past Casey before Casey could stop him. Small and fleet of foot, he scooted behind Jones before Jones realized what was happening, and plowed into his legs from behind. Jones’s arm went flying upward, and with it his gun. His knees buckled beneath him. His hold on Belle slackened and Belle struggled free, stumbling forward into Casey’s arms. Casey caught her handily, shoved her behind him, and turned to confront Jones.

Casey nearly panicked when he saw that Tommy was on the move again. Before Casey could shout a warning, Tommy shoved Jones hard from behind. Already off balance, Jones crashed to the floor. His hand landed scant inches from his gun. Scooping it into his hand, Jones squeezed off a shot at Casey. The bullet went wild, slamming into the wall.

“Get back, Tommy,” Casey called as he took aim at Jones. Tommy obeyed without question, darting into an open doorway. Casey’s aim was straight and true. The bullet lodged between Jones’ eyes, killing him instantly.

Tommy peeked around the bedroom door, his eyes bulging, his face pale. Belle darted around Casey and gathered his shaking body into her arms. “That was a very brave thing you did, darling,” she told him. Her voice trembled with emotion. “But also very foolish.”

“The bad man was hurting you, Mama.”

“You should have let Casey take care of it,” Belle contended. “You know he wouldn’t let anyone hurt me.”

Casey listened to the exchange, nearly moved to tears by the trust Belle had placed in him. After a rather inauspicious beginning, Belle had come to love and trust him without reservation. His heart was full to overflowing.

Greta, Wan Yo, and Harry stood at the foot of the stairs, having returned while the drama was unfolding. All three bounded up the stairs now, full of questions and concern. They had not interfered earlier for fear Belle or Tommy would be hurt. They had heard some of what happened and Casey explained the rest.

“Tommy is the hero,” Casey said, smiling fondly at the boy. “But I may still tan his hide for endangering his life. When I saw him darting toward Jones, I lost ten years off my life.”

“I feared you wouldn’t return in time,” Belle said, grimacing with distaste at the dead body.

“I almost didn’t. I’m sorry, Belle. I didn’t think Jones would act so soon. Gut instinct told me it was time to return home, that you needed me. Take Tommy downstairs, love. Wan Yo, Harry, and I will get rid of the body.” He gave her a quick kiss then turned her toward the staircase.

Belle was waiting alone for Casey in the parlor. She ran into his arms the moment he stepped into the room.

“It’s all over now, sweetheart,” Casey soothed. “Jones is dead. He won’t ever hurt anyone again.” He held her at arm’s length, his hands curling
protectively around her shoulders. “He didn’t … you aren’t …”

“No, you arrived in time. Jones wanted money. When he didn’t find enough in the safe, he wanted jewelry. When he found none, he became angry and abusive.”

He pulled her against him and kissed her hard. “It’s all behind us now, love. We have our whole lives ahead of us.”

“What about your job?” Belle asked. “Are you going back to work for the Pinkertons?”

“Those days are over. My job is here, taking care of my family and protecting Tommy’s assets. Mark wants to stay, too. He and Greta are becoming close and he’s happy at the winery. It wouldn’t surprise me to see Mark and Greta wed before long.”

“Greta is crazy about Mark. Even Harry appears to be holding his own.” Belle sighed happily. “I’m hoping the doctor’s diagnosis was wrong. Did you notice how taken he is with Naomi? I learned today that she’s equally enamored of him.”

“Are you playing matchmaker, love?”

“Perhaps. I’m suddenly blessed with a large family. It’s the most wonderful feeling. When our baby is born our life will be complete. Do you want a boy or girl?”

“I want a baby,” Casey said. “But since you asked, I already have a son, a girl would be nice.”

“I love you, Casey Walker.”

“I love you, Belle Walker. Let’s make a vow right now. Let’s promise one another to repeat those words before we go to sleep each night. For the rest of our lives.”

They did. For the rest of their lives.

About the Author

Connie is the bestselling author of 60 books and novellas and counting. Her tales of passion and adventure are set in exotic as well as in American locales. Connie has won awards from Romantic Times and has been listed in Who’s Who of American Women for several years. Connie makes her home in Tarpon Springs, Florida.

Connie is a world traveler. She has visited every country in Western and Eastern Europe, Greece, Asia and Northern Africa. Also, countless islands in the Mediterranean and Caribbean Seas. Connie enjoys spending time with her three children, nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Visit her Website and

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